"Are these eight people the only ones who were captured on surveillance camera entering and exiting the breeding farm?"

After observing the dining table, Chen Yi looked up at Xu Wenbing.

Xu Wenbing nodded: "Yes, there are only these eight people. The other employees are not here. Whether it is vacation or other reasons, we need to wait for the results of the investigators' visit and inquiry."

The death has just occurred, and many questions have not been responded to yet.

Chen Yi hummed and continued to observe the positions where the seven deceased people fell to the ground. The older ones lost consciousness the fastest. Song Pingjun, Song Pinghui and Song Pingquan obviously struggled for a short time to save themselves, but the poison was very strong, and the three of them also followed. He fell unconscious and died from the poison.

Approaching the dining table, Chen Yi bent down and smelled a few dishes, and soon realized something was wrong.

If you add too much vinegar, it will be more sour.

It’s not surprising that vinegar-based dishes have a sour taste, but there is a problem in large quantities. It may be caused by poisons.

"Is there any poison that smells similar to vinegar?"

Chen Yi seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to be asking Xu Wenbing and the others.

Several people looked at each other, and Xu Wenbing said: "Chen Zhi, I also smelled these dishes when I came to the scene. It seems that vinegar is used in all of them. As for poisons that smell similar to vinegar... I'm sorry, I haven't heard of it."

Shi Xin also shook his head: "No impression."

Chen Yi no longer thought about it: "Let's go out and take a look."

Everyone left the boardroom, leaving enough space for the technicians to investigate. The murder was not a trivial matter. Lu Yongqiang and his police officers needed to conduct a blanket search of the room. This would take a very long time, possibly until midnight.

It’s not that we don’t trust the county bureau’s criminal investigation team, it’s the secondary investigation. In many cases, investigators will visit the crime scene multiple times. It’s normal to avoid oversights.

The group came to the chicken coop, then looked at the duck shed, and finally went to the pig pen and cattle pen. The price of cattle ranged from several thousand to tens of thousands. The total value of the cattle in the cattle pen alone could reach millions.

The profits of the entire breeding farm will not be low.

This is just one of the factories under Song Lishun's name. He has more than a dozen factories like this one. After years of operation, it is not too difficult to spend 20 million in one go.

In a county, he should be considered the richest man.

Chen Yi walked slowly and walked around the factory for more than half an hour, intuitively understanding the architectural layout of the farm in detail, and finally came to a warehouse.

Feed warehouse.

The door was unlocked, so Chen Yi opened it and walked in.

The rich aroma comes to the fore, a mixture of grassy, ​​earthy and fermented grain flavors.

These grains are well preserved, making people feel like they are in the autumn harvest season, seeing the waves of golden wheat rising one after another, and the vastness of the fields jumping on the tip of their noses.

It has to be said that Song Lishun managed the farm very well. Chen Yi did not see any room for improvement along the way. From a business perspective, Song Lishun was still very good. No wonder he could do such a big business.

Unfortunately, after years of hard work, he was eventually tortured by disease, which eventually turned into the need to take away his biological son's kidneys to survive.

The warehouse was very large. Chen Yi walked forward. He could see the back door in the distance. He was about to leave through the back door to see what was on the other side.

After walking for a while, he suddenly stopped where he was and sniffed hard.

A very familiar smell, I just smelled it at the death scene.

It has a slight sour taste.

"What's wrong, Chen Zhi?" Xu Wenbing asked.

Chen Yi said nothing, turned around in the direction of the smell, and walked quickly over.

In the dark and humid corner, the smell became stronger and stronger. Chen Yi lay on the ground and smelled it carefully. It was right here.

After standing up, he looked around and picked up a bottle on a nearby shelf that said rodenticide.

Rats are inevitable in places where grain is stored, and they need to be prevented and eliminated.

Chen Yi put the rodenticide to the tip of his nose and smelled it carefully. The smell in the dish was right.

"Captain Xu, the poison is confirmed." Chen Yi handed the bottle to Xu Wenbing.

Xu Wenbing was surprised and quickly took the bottle and smelled it.


"Is this rodenticide poured into the vegetables?!"

He didn't expect that he didn't have to wait for the results from the laboratory center and could just find something by just wandering around. Was it luck, or was the detachment leader Chen Yi searching for a purpose?

It's not important, the result is the most important, the poison is found.

Sure enough, it has to be a detachment from the city bureau, one level at a time. He has not found it in at least the past six or seven hours, so he must be convinced.

"It was poisoned by an insider." Ji Xin came over and gave his own judgment.

The possibility of poisoning by an outsider using the factory's rodenticide is very slim.

The suspicion of missing Fu Rongrong is getting bigger and bigger.

In addition to her, other employees in the factory also began to have certain suspicions. Both Shi Xin and Xu Wenbing were aware of this.

"It's either Fu Rongrong or an employee in the factory." The person who spoke was Xu Wenbing. "If it's an employee in the factory, is he dissatisfied with the Song family? Or is he conspiring with Fu Rongrong? Isn't this a case of murder and property robbery? Bar?"

He has a very open mind and can also be said to be a reasonable guess.

Chen Yi understood what he wanted to express.

Fu Rongrong cheated on an employee at the factory, and then the two conspired to kill Song Lishun's family. In this way, Fu Rongrong could inherit all Song Lishun's factories and become one of the richest women in Ping County overnight.

The plot is a bit bloody, but the possibility is still there. The relationship between an old husband and a young wife is not a normal relationship, and it is normal for problems to arise.

When Fu Rongrong, who was in her twenties, chose to marry Song Lishun, who was in his fifties, others would not believe it because of love.

This is not prejudice, but normal emotional logic. If Song Lishun had no money, would a girl in her prime marry a poor man in his fifties?

This kind of love may exist in the world, but when investigating a case, you must consider it from a realistic perspective.

Chen Yi said: "It's still the same question, why Fu Rongrong disappeared. This is very strange, and it's the only thing that doesn't make sense."

If this case was really about conspiring with her lover to seize the family property, there was absolutely no reason for Fu Rongrong to disappear. This would only make the police list herself as the first suspect, and anyone with a little intelligence would not be able to do such a thing.

Unless there is another reason.

For example: I'm not doing it for money, I just want to kill Song Lishun's family.

This is more reasonable.

Just as Xu Wenbing was about to speak, the phone rang, and he took out his cell phone to answer the call.

"Hello? I'm Xu Wenbing."

"Oh okay, I understand, it's troublesome."

After hanging up the phone after two sentences, Xu Wenbing looked at the rodenticide in his hand again, and then looked at Chen Yi: "Chen Zhi, the test results are out, the poison is fluoroacetic acid, the main ingredient of this bottle of rodenticide, Caili It’s in both the wine and the wine.”

Clues determined that the poison poisoned by the eight people in Song Lishun was this bottle of rodenticide.

Chen Yi searched on his mobile phone and learned about the properties of fluoroacetic acid.

This is an organic compound that is highly toxic and is mainly used in the manufacture of pesticides and rodenticides. It is a colorless or white crystalline powder that is easily soluble in water and ethanol.

Poisoning reaction: Damage to the central nervous system and heart. After taking it, vomiting, diarrhea, numbness, abdominal pain, confusion, muscle tremors, visual impairment, epilepsy, respiratory depression, heart rate disorder and cardiac arrest may occur.

Cause of death: cardiac arrest, or asphyxia during a convulsive attack, or respiratory failure.

If a large amount of fluoroacetic acid is taken, it will cause respiratory failure and death in a short period of time. There is no time to wait for rescue. Unless it is eaten in front of a doctor in the hospital, gastric lavage is performed immediately for related drug suppression.

It is completely consistent with the state of death and the cause of death of the seven people.

"It's a very painful way to die," Chen Yidao said.

He Xin: "The murderer came here for the lives of the eight members of the Song family. If Fu Rongrong can't be found, it will be difficult to carry out the subsequent investigation."

Chen Yi nodded slightly: "Song Lishun is not dead, will the murderer continue to attack?"

After the words fell, Xu Wenbing said quickly: "Don't worry, Chen Zhi, I have people guarding the hospital. It is very safe and no one is allowed to come near. If the murderer dares to come, he will be arrested on the spot."

Chen Yi: "Well, the investigation here will take a long time to be concluded. Let's go to the hospital now and wait for Song Lishun to wake up. We will immediately ask what happened to this woman Fu Rongrong."

Xu Wenbing: "Okay."

Eleven o'clock in the evening, Pingxian People's Hospital.

Song Lishun was out of danger and transferred to a general ward. The doctor said that Song Lishun's poisoning was not particularly serious. After gastric lavage and drug intervention, there were no hidden dangers.

However, he had just undergone a kidney transplant and was affected to some extent. He is very weak now, so try not to disturb him.

Try not to disturb him, which means you can disturb him. Chen Yi didn't like Song Lishun very much, so he asked directly: "Can I ask a few questions? It will be soon."

Doctor: "Don't let it last more than half an hour, and don't let him receive any stimulation, otherwise it may induce adverse consequences."

Chen Yi: "Okay, I know, thank you."

Doctor: "You're welcome."

Chen Yi and others opened the door and entered the single ward. Song Lishun was lying alone on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling above, wondering what he was thinking.

"Team Xu."

The two police officers in charge stood up.

Xu Wenbing nodded and introduced: "This is Chen Zhi from the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Yangcheng City Bureau. Nothing special happened, right?"

The police officer stood at attention: "Hello Chen Zhi, there is nothing unusual."

Chen Yi stepped forward and sat down. Song Lishun tilted his head slightly and looked at Chen Yi.

Song Lishun's face was engraved with traces of time, wrinkles spread like dead branches, and his skin was loose and pale, like tissue paper, and seemed likely to dissipate in the wind at any time.

Years of illness have made him emaciated, his fingers are like vines, and his weak breathing is cold and helpless.

Taking away his young son's kidney just to live a few more days is actually unlikely for a normal family to happen.

At such an old age, if there is really a family relationship, even if the son takes the initiative to donate organs, he should sternly refuse.

Song Lishun's fear of death is one of the reasons. His lack of fatherly love for Wang Guobao is probably also one of the reasons.

"Hello, Yangcheng City Bureau Criminal Investigation Detachment, Chen Yi."

"Mr. Song, time is tight and we will keep the story short. Do you know who poisoned you?"

Chen Yi got straight to the point.

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