"Do you know who poisoned me?"

In the ward, facing Chen Yi's inquiry, Song Lishun shook his head gently. A simple movement seemed to take a lot of effort from him, and his breathing rate increased significantly.

old age.

I just had a kidney transplant.

Highly poisonous.

Putting these three things together, Song Lishun is already alive and well at this moment.

After giving a negative answer, Song Lishun immediately asked: "I... Where are my son and the others?"

Chen Yi: "We are still rescuing him. Don't worry. Can you answer my questions first?"

Song Lishun sighed and agreed.

Chen Yidao: "You don't know who poisoned him, so do you have anyone to suspect?"

Today, he came to see Song Lishun just because of the poisoning incident. He would not mention Wang Baogui, and he could not say that his whole family was dead for the time being. Besides, the doctor also mentioned that Song Lishun could not be stimulated. If these two words were to finish the conversation with him, , that would cause trouble.

Hearing the second question, Song Lishun did not nod or shake his head, but his expression changed significantly. His pale face had countless wrinkles, and it was impossible to tell what his mood was.

To put it more generally, it’s complicated, a very complicated expression.

"Mr. Song." Chen Yi urged.

Song Lishun then opened his mouth and said in a very weak voice: "If I really have to doubt anyone, it would be my wife."

Chen Yi: "You are referring to Fu Rongrong, right?"

Song Lishun nodded.

Chen Yi: "Why do you doubt her?"

Song Lishun: "Because she married me just for money. My health was already very bad twenty years ago. To be honest, even I didn't expect to be alive until now."

Chen Yi followed Song Lishun's logic: "Because you are in poor health, Fu Rongrong married you because she wanted to wait for you to die and then successfully inherit your family property. Unexpectedly, the reality was completely different from what she thought. You are alive and well."

"She thought she would see you die this time due to uremia, but you survived again. This incident directly caused Fu Rongrong to lose patience and decided to take action herself."

"Is that what you think?"

After hearing what Chen Yi said, Song Lishun glanced at him in surprise and said, "Young man, you think very quickly. What is your position in the Yangcheng City Bureau?"

Just now, Chen Yi only introduced his name, not his position.

Chen Yi said: "Captain."

Song Lishun was surprised: "Are you the captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Yangcheng City Bureau??"

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes."

Song Lishun's breathing became more rapid, probably because he was emotionally affected: "The younger generation is scary, it's really not easy."

Chen Yi didn't come here to listen to his compliments, so he immediately brought the topic back: "Besides money, are there any other reasons?"

After learning Chen Yi's true identity, Song Lishun answered the question a little faster and said, "Yes! I have heard some rumors in the past few years, saying that Fu Rongrong and an employee of the breeding farm were not clear about it. At that time, I don’t believe it, but now that I think about it, maybe it’s true.”

This sentence indirectly confirmed several people's previous speculations.

Chen Yi asked: "Which employee? What is his name?"

Song Lishun: "Tian Changyi."

On the other side, Xu Wenbing quickly wrote the words Tian Changyi.

He, the captain of the criminal investigation team, should not be responsible for recording, but he had his own thoughts and wanted to leave a good impression in front of Chen Yi.

Chen Yi: "What is Tian Changyi's position in the breeding farm?"

Song Lishun: "Responsible for the purchase and storage of breeding feed."

Breeding feed?


The rodenticide was found in the feed warehouse, and the clues can be matched. At present, the person named Tian Changyi is also suspected of committing the crime and needs to be investigated.

Chen Yi: "Did Tian Changyi show up when you were having lunch today?"

Song Lishun shook his head: "No."

The surveillance did not capture either Tian Changyi or Fu Rongrong. If there was a conspiracy, there were only two possibilities, either they did not appear at all, or they deliberately avoided surveillance.

Whenever similar issues are involved, motivation must be mentioned. Why?

Why should I avoid surveillance and why should I disappear? Isn’t this a clear indication to the police that I am the suspect?

"Where is Fu Rongrong? Is she there?" Chen Yi asked.

Song Lishun: "She is here."

Chen Yi: "But during the monitoring of the breeding farm, we did not find Fu Rongrong."

Song Lishun was stunned for a moment: "Huh? That's impossible, that table of dishes was all cooked by them."

Chen Yi: "Who are they referring to?"

Song Lishun: "Fu Rongrong and my two younger siblings, their names are...Gong Yujuan and Tan Xin."

Chen Yi: "You mean, these three people were busy in the kitchen before the meal, and they didn't serve it until they finished cooking, right?"

Song Lishun: "Yes."

Chen Yi's eyes turned cold: "Lie!"

Song Lishun didn't know why: "Why did I lie?"

Chen Yi said: "There are only bowls and chopsticks for eight people on the dining table. Apart from you, there are also your second brother and third brother's family members. How can there be a ninth person? Fu Rongrong didn't eat at all!"

Hearing this, Song Lishun smiled bitterly: "Captain Chen, you are a bit too sensitive...well, maybe this is your advantage. Fu Rongrong did not eat. After finishing the meal, she said she was not feeling well and went to rest first. "

Chen Yi's expression softened slightly. He just wanted to indirectly judge whether what Song Lishun said was true or false. The lack of information did not mean that there was something wrong with Song Lishun, it was just that he did not tell the whole story.

If Fu Rongrong didn't eat, it just meant that she was suspicious. She knew the table was full of poison and didn't dare to go to the table and use her chopsticks.

So, with three people in the kitchen, how did Fu Rongrong poison them?

"Who prepared the wine?" Chen Yi asked.

Song Lishun: "My wife Fu Rongrong prepared it."

When asked, Chen Yichong waved to Xu Wenbing and Shixin, and they immediately stepped forward and bent closer.

"Captain Xu, have the kitchen ingredients been tested?" Chen Yi whispered.

Xu Wenbing: "Not yet. I called the city bureau just after the case happened."

Chen Yi: "Lao He, tell Brother Qiang to take all the salt, vinegar, soy sauce, peanut oil and other cooking necessities in the kitchen and send them for testing."

When is new: "Okay."

If the poisoner was Fu Rongrong, then she did have a lot of room for maneuver. She had prepared the poisoned wine in advance and mixed all the kitchen condiments into the rodenticide in advance. It would be impossible for others to know what happened.

After finishing the meal, he lied that he was not feeling well, avoided lunch, and then sneaked away quietly after everyone was poisoned.

Judging from the clues currently available, this is the most likely, but the question remains: why did he disappear? The best choice is to get involved personally.

Chen Yi always felt that there was something wrong here, but he couldn't explain it for the time being.

There were only nine people attending the dinner, and the food was cooked by oneself. Now eight of them were poisoned, seven were dead, and one was missing. No matter how you infer, it is not particularly reasonable.

When Shi Xin left the ward, Chen Yi asked why Song Lishun wanted to have a dinner together after being discharged from the hospital.

Song Lishun said: "The doctor said that I recovered very well, and I didn't want to stay in the hospital all day. I went back to the farm on the fifth day after the operation, and I came back soon."

"I was thinking of having a meal with my family this time, but who knows... ugh."

Chen Yi: "Have you been drinking?"

Song Lishun: "No, the doctor won't let me drink it."

Chen Yi: "You don't have much to eat?"

Song Lishun: "Not much. I just lost my appetite shortly after the operation."

Chen Yi: "Who initiated this dinner party?"

Song Lishun: "No one initiated it. We all talked about it while chatting in the hospital and decided together."

Chen Yi: "Someone must mention it first, right?"

Song Lishun thought for a while and said: "It seems that the third child mentioned it. He said that he wanted to celebrate and eat it at home. The farm is our designated place to eat. Chickens, ducks and fish are caught and killed on the spot, and they are also planted. Some dishes are very fresh.”

This kind of life is indeed very beautiful. It has its own farm, its own vegetable garden, and the family can get together and drink some wine. It is not too comfortable.

Unfortunately, something happened this time.

It is precisely because of the incident that it shows that the Song family is not as harmonious as it seems, and some people have evil intentions.

As for whether this person is Fu Rongrong, it's hard to say now. It's unclear why Fu Rongrong disappeared. Chen Yi will not identify her as the only suspect.

"You are referring to Song Linan." Chen Yi said.

Song Lishun: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "Where's Fu Rongrong? Did she try her best to facilitate it?"

Song Lishun frowned: "I can't remember clearly. How can I think so much about family chats."

Chen Yi: "Did you give your employees a day off today?"

Song Lishun: "Yes, we have a holiday for three days. Today is the third day."

Chen Yi: "Why the holiday?"

Song Lishun hesitated for a moment and said: "I'm cured. It's a celebration. Anyway, there's nothing going on in the factory. It's all automated. Not only did I give them a holiday, but I also gave them red envelopes."

Chen Yi frowned slightly.

Song Lishun is celebrating here, and Wang Baobao is still lying in Yangcheng.

"Only a holiday for the breeding farm?"

Song Lishun: "Yes, this factory can also be considered my second home."

Chen Yi: "If Fu Rongrong is really the poisoner, besides money, does she have other motives? For example, she has a grudge against someone, or against your entire Song family."

Song Lishun: "Of course not."

Chen Yi: "Are you sure?"

Song Lishun: "Absolutely sure. We have been married for more than 20 years. Can I not know if something happens?"

Chen Yi stared at him for a while. Seeing that the other party was in good condition, he couldn't help but said: "What if she wanted to avenge Wang Guobao? Let your whole family be buried with that kidney. Also, who stole Wang Guobao back then?" Yes, what if he is an insider of the Song family?"

These words made Song Lishun's cloudy eyes widen in vain, his breathing suddenly became rapid, and Chen Yi was so frightened that he almost shouted for a doctor.

Fortunately, Song Lishun calmed down quickly and everything was normal. After being silent, he said, "No, she doesn't know Wang Guogui at all."

Chen Yi: "Then who knows?"

Song Lishun: "I don't even know."

Chen Yi did not discuss this topic in depth, otherwise he would inevitably mention the doctor who fled abroad and the behavior of a father who took away his son's kidney.

The murder case comes first. Compared with the seven lives, the previous case seems much smaller.

"Do you have any grandchildren?" Chen Yi asked.

Song Lishun: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "Do your second and third brothers have grandchildren?"

Song Lishun: "Of course."

Chen Yi: "Aren't you even in Ping County?"

Song Lishun: "Not even here. Fortunately, he's not here."

He was terrified.

After asking about the Song family, Chen Yi began to understand the Song family's enemies in Ping County.

It is easy to attract hatred when you are rich. You need to know what is the history of Song Lishun's fortune and what bad things he did after he became rich.

When mentioning this incident, Song Lishun opened up his chatterbox and recounted it while recalling it.

Chen Yi listened carefully. There must be contradictions, but the deep hatred that would destroy a whole family was far from it.

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