The serial rape case has entered the stage of comprehensive investigation.

The police have the suspect's DNA, so theoretically this case should not become an unsolved case. As long as the scope is large enough, people who can be successfully matched can always be found.

Of course, theory is theory after all, and this is a more pleasant way of saying it.

Lu Minghe led the team to conduct a comprehensive investigation of He Shan's college counselor Sun Jiaxin, including the girl who took He Shan's position as class monitor. At present, the motives of the two of them are relatively sufficient.

Did the forum exposure have a great impact on the two? Did it cause adverse consequences? This is Lu Minghe's entry point and the focus of the investigation.

Tian Heng led the team to investigate He Shan's husband Gong Liang. His wife was targeted and hurt. As a husband, he needs to be investigated to determine whether the couple had any unpleasant experiences or special episodes in their many years of relationship.

Even including whether Gong Liang could really go crazy and rape Jiang Lili and others in Jiangcheng.

Zhang Rong is responsible for a comprehensive investigation of the past of the four victims. Did anything strange happen? Was there anyone who was not in a good state for a period of time? This is the investigation direction that Chen Yi is most concerned about. The motive and suspect are likely to be hidden in it.

Many years have passed. Former teachers, counselors, classmates, roommates, etc., as long as there is an intersection, are all covered.

This is full coverage, this is a step-by-step visit and investigation.

Finally, there are Zhuge Cong and three people in the research team. Most criminal cases are like one hand tango, the victim becomes a victim because the suspect himself is also a victim.

There is a saying that goes like this: If you have no problems, why would others hurt you?

Are you arguing?

No, in some cases it makes sense. The victim is the suspect, and the suspect is also the victim. No one is noble, and no one is really innocent.

As for this case, leaving aside the low-probability events, He Shan and the other four may have done something.

Although Ding Yunjie looks the most harmless, that may be just a superficial phenomenon. The police need to peel off the surface to see through the essence when investigating the case.

What Chen Yi and others are investigating now is the low-probability events.

With so many approaches, there is basically no omission.

Zhongluo Mountain is located in the northernmost part of Yicheng, bordering the outer city. Half of it belongs to Yicheng and the other half belongs to another city. It is towering into the clouds and has peaks and ridges.

This is a masterpiece that nature has carefully crafted over thousands of years.

Before graduation, He Shan and her four friends went out to climb mountains for the last time, which was here in their senior year.

The last time they met after parting ended with climbing, which was a very romantic relationship between girlfriends.

When we came to the foot of the mountain and looked into the distance, the mountains were rolling and undulating, like a giant dragon winding and circling, which was particularly spectacular against the backdrop of blue sky and white clouds.

"It's a really good place, very suitable for climbing." Xia Lan took a breath of fresh air, felt refreshed, and gave her evaluation.

The body of Zhongluo Mountain is mainly composed of hard rocks, and the foot of the mountain is covered with dense vegetation. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, the vegetation gradually becomes sparse, and finally only exposed rocks and sparse shrubs are left.

You can vaguely see the gurgling stream on the mountainside, and the natural mineral water, but I don't know if it can be drunk.

There are eagles hovering above, indicating that the ecology of this forest mountain is very good.


The footsteps startled the rabbit in the bushes. A gray shadow could be seen scurrying out. Looking up at the sky again, the eagle seemed to be eager to try as it lowered its altitude.

It would be worth the trip if I could see the eagle catching a hare.

Xia Lan was about to say something when a wolf howl echoed from a far distance, causing the words she was about to say to get stuck in her throat.

She changed her mind and suddenly felt that it was not a good idea to climb a mountain in such a place.

The scenery was good, but there seemed to be dangerous wild animals. The geographical environment and temperature of Dongzhou were indeed very suitable for the survival of wild wolves, but the number had decreased due to human activities.

Hares, eagles, wolves...are there any snakes?

"They really know how to choose a place. Aren't they afraid of danger?" Xia Lan said.

There were three men, and Chen Yi was still a bug that could kill dozens of criminals, so there was no lack of security.

Chen Yi looked up at the eagle circling and said, "They are indeed very courageous. He Shan and the others are fine, but Ding Yunjie, that introverted and weak girl, is also brave. However, mountaineering is an adventure. Let's go to the mountain village."

Mountaineering is not the purpose, but to go to the nearby mountain village.

The name of the village is the same as the name of the mountain, Zhongluo. I searched it on the Internet before coming here. It is very ordinary and has not been affected by the tourism industry. Maybe the relevant departments want to protect the rare natural pure land, or maybe the actual conditions do not allow the development of tourism.

Following the mountain road formed by people's footsteps for many years, Chen Yi and the other four began to climb.

The first section of the road is a big gentle slope, which does not take much physical effort. After walking for more than ten minutes, I did not encounter other climbers or villagers. It is indeed sparsely populated.

Choosing Zhongluo Mountain as the last mountaineering team building before graduation, He Shan and the other four may want to leave themselves an unforgettable memory.

A small piece of ruins can be seen on the roadside ahead, which attracted the attention of the four people. As the distance gets closer, they can see clearly that it is a burned wooden house.

It is not far from the mountain village, so it is not surprising to see a house.

Judging from the remaining structure of the house, it should be quite old, a product of the last century.

"Fortunately there are no trees around, otherwise it would be troublesome." Qin Fei said, "Why is there a fire? Do you want to go and check it out, Captain Chen?"

Chen Yi didn't say anything. He answered Qin Fei with practical actions and walked over.

The fire was so intense that it consumed every inch of wood, leaving only piles of black charcoal and twisted wooden beams.

Debris was scattered around, and the window lattice was reduced to pieces. Judging from the growth of weeds around it, it was not a recent fire.

Chen Yi bent down and touched the ground and weeds. They were very damp.

This season is almost the hottest time of the year, and it hasn’t rained recently. Even today is so humid, let alone spring, autumn, and winter.

It's unlikely to be an act of God.

It could be started by villagers, accidentally started by a child in the village, or started by cheap hands from outside.

Chen Yi took a glance and found nothing similar to human bones out of professional habit.

"It shouldn't be He Shan and the others who ordered it, right?" Qin Fei went straight to the case.

The four people set the wooden house on fire and caused negative consequences, so they were retaliated against?

Chen Yi thought for a while and said, "Take a few photos."


Qin Fei and others stepped forward, took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures without missing any details.

Chen Yi stood there and thought.

What Qin Fei said was quite reasonable. The fire in the wooden house was most likely caused by man, and the four people from He Shan had been there and were suspected of arson.

You need to ask who owns the cabin, whether it has any special significance, whether anyone was burned when the fire spread, and whether there were any important items burned inside.

After taking pictures, the group continued walking towards the mountain village.

After one kilometer of mountain road, we arrived at Zhongluo Village, and we could finally see people.

The terrain of the mountain village is not gentle, but the steep mountains do not affect the construction of houses. Most of the well-proportioned houses are built of stone and wood, simple and solid, and some roofs are even covered with thick straw.

There is a stream flowing from the mountain into the mountain village, and the splash-ink painting makes you feel happy.

Mountain villages are built on streams, and water is the source of life.

Surprisingly, there were fish in it. The fisherman at the entrance of the village raised his withered arm and took off the small grouper on the hook.

Brook grouper has very high requirements for water quality. In addition to artificial breeding, it can be seen in nature in streams. It is very delicious braised in braised or spicy stir-fried dishes.

Chen Yi walked over lightly.

Unexpectedly, the old man's hearing was very good. Before he got close, he turned around and looked at Chen Yi, who was getting closer.

The old man is quite old. The wrinkles on his face are as winding as a stream, and a white beard hangs down on his weather-beaten face.

Chen Yi remembered a poem: A man in a boat with a coir raincoat fishing alone in the snow in the cold river.

It was a very unfavorable situation. There was no boat, no coir raincoat hat, no river, and no snow.

Only the old man.

But he couldn't think of any other poems. This one was the most familiar and deeply engraved in his memory.

"Come to climb the mountain, young man? We went to the wrong place, over there." The old man spoke first and pointed in the distance.

This is indeed not a hiking trail, otherwise the village would not be built here.

"It's not mountain climbing." Chen Yi squatted down and took out a cigarette out of habit, "Do you want to smoke, sir?"

The old man glanced at the cigarette in Chen Yi's hand and refused: "No, young man, don't smoke either. It's quite dangerous. If it catches fire, you'll be in trouble."

Chen Yi quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, uncle."


With that said, the old man threw the fishhook into the water again and waited quietly for the next lucky fish.

Chen Yi watched from the sidelines and said, "Do you often go fishing?"

The old man said: "Yes, I have been fishing for decades. I can still eat it for fun. Do you want some? It tastes pretty good."

Chen Yi: "No need, uncle."

Old man: "I don't want money. I'm afraid you're scared. Last time, a young man didn't want it either. He asked me how much it cost and whether it was expensive. It's just a few fish. How can I ask for your money?"

Chen Yi smiled and said: "It's normal. Now everyone doesn't believe in sudden kindness."

The old man complained: "You city people are too smart."

After a brief chat, Chen Yi asked: "Uncle, who owns that wooden house at the bottom of the mountain?"

"Wooden house?" The old man turned his head and asked curiously: "What wooden house?"

Chen Yi pointed to the direction he came from and said, "It's the wooden house on the roadside that has been burned down."

The old man remembered: "Oh, that house you mentioned belongs to Uncle Wang in the village."

"Uncle Wang?"

Even he has to be called uncle, so how old are you?

"What's wrong, young man?" the old man asked.

Chen Yi: "Is this Uncle Wang still there?"

Old man: "He died a long time ago. He died when I was young. It must have been... forty years."

Boy, so long.

Chen Yi: "Whose house belongs to me now?"

Old man: "His son's."

Chen Yi: "Are you still there?"

The old man shook his head: "The whole family has moved to the city. We haven't been back for many years. Who knows whether he is alive or dead."

Chen Yi snorted: "That's why the house has been abandoned and no one takes care of it."

Old man: "No one cares."

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