Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 446 Entering the village, Xia Lan is the focus

"Hasn't anyone else in the village used it for so many years?"

By the stream, Chen Yi continued to ask.

A burned-down wooden house is a bit out of place, and it is the only way for He Shan and the four of them to climb the mountain, so no detail can be missed.

The old man picked up the fish in the pole, and it was still a stream grouper. After putting the fish into the barrel, he replied: "Probably not. Every household in the village has a house. If it is close, it can be used as a warehouse. It is so far away. What's the use?" Not big.”

Chen Yi: "Then how did it catch fire?"

The old man said: "I don't know. I also heard the young people in the village talk about it when they came back from an outing. They said that Lao Wang's house was on fire and burned down. I just listened and no one cared."

Chen Yi pondered for a moment and asked, "Has Zhongluo Village or even Zhongluo Mountain ever been on fire before?"

Old man: "No, the environment here is humid and it is difficult to catch fire."

Chen Yi: "In other words, someone else set Lao Wang's house on fire."

The old man was about to speak, but now he turned to look at Chen Yi and said strangely: "Young man, why do you care about that house? Just burn it down."

Chen Yi did not identify himself. The same question may get different answers when asked by people with different identities.

He explained with a smile: "Curious, just curious. The sudden appearance of ruins in the barren mountains is too eye-catching."

Hearing this, the old man continued fishing without doubting his presence, and said, "It's possible that someone else lit it, so just light it. Anyway, no one lives in it and no one wants it."

Chen Yi felt that there was something in the old man's words and asked tentatively: "Does the old Wang family have a grudge against someone?"

The old man threw the rod and the hook and bait entered the water.

not talking.

Chen Yiquan should acquiesce that there is no perfect harmonious group in the world, even a paradise in the mountains.

There will be estrangement and even hurt between relatives, let alone outsiders.

Anyway, Lao Wang's family has all moved out, and the house is standing there alone and no one cares about it. It is possible to burn it down to vent its anger.

If this is the case, then the burned wooden house has nothing to do with the case.

He changed the subject: "Uncle, are there many people who usually come to Zhongluo Mountain to climb mountains?"

The old man's attitude became perfunctory: "There are quite a few, there are wolves on the mountain."

Chen Yi: "Have you ever hurt anyone?"

Old man: "No, how could Jijun hurt someone?"

Chen Yi didn't hear clearly: "Who?"

The old man realized that he had made a mistake and denied it: "Did I say Jun? I said wolf."

Chen Yi looked at the old man's profile and was absolutely certain that the man he just spoke of was "Jun", but his voice was too soft and his words were unpopular, so he couldn't accurately restore it.

He did not ask further. In a village in the wilderness, there will always be private secrets that are inhumane to outsiders. It would be impolite to find out the root cause. Even if it is illegal or compliant, it will be difficult to control.

As long as it is not particularly exaggerated, the police or relevant departments will not intervene.

[burned house].

【What gentleman】.

Chen Yi took note of these two points and tried to verify them when he entered the village.

"Uncle, have outsiders been to the village before?" he asked.

Old man: "Yes, I will walk around for two times and then leave. Continue climbing the mountain and occasionally buy some specialties from the mountain."

Chen Yi: "What kind of specialty is it? I'll go in and buy some too."

Regarding the extra income of the villagers, the old man began to count in detail: "Mushrooms, berries, herbs, wood, game... there are many, you will know just by asking, it may not be available, it depends on your luck."

Chen Yi: "Oh... do the villagers usually go down the mountain to sell outside?"

The old man shook his head: "We basically don't go out. We grow our own vegetables and raise poultry, so we don't have to go out."

Chen Yi: "Then you also need daily necessities, including firewood, rice, oil and salt."

Old man: "There are people in the village who specialize in purchasing."

The word seclusion came to Chen Yi's mind, but it was not accurate. They did not reject outsiders, they just didn't go out and enjoyed a quiet life without hustle and bustle.

It's a bit isolated from society. The only connection with the outside world is the visible solar panels. They were probably built with the help of the local government and can ensure basic daily use.

There are many such villages across the country. When viewed from a high place, only a hint of human habitation can be seen, surrounded by natural landforms.

"That's good." Chen Yi stood up and was about to say goodbye when he remembered something, "Uncle, were there any girls who came to the village four years ago?"

The old man turned back: "Girl? I've never seen her before."

Chen Yi stopped lingering: "Master, you are fishing, I wish you a lot of fish."

Old man: "I'm just sending you some auspicious words."

Four people entered the village.

The village is not big, with about fifty or sixty households and hundreds of people reaching the sky. All the houses are built on slopes, and the hollow areas are raised with stones to support the foundation.

This kind of construction method is not strong, but as long as there is no earthquake, it should not be a big problem.

Anyway, it’s a slope so you don’t have to worry about rain, and you don’t have to worry about sewerage.

The roads in the village are no longer earth and stone roads. They are specially opened with thin stone slabs and wind to the end of the sight and to the highest point.

At the highest point is the forest, which is pitch black, like a beast with its mouth wide open. At first glance, it is heart-stopping.

Occasionally, villagers passing by were not surprised when they saw Chen Yi and the others, but they were just curious and looked up and down.

There were mostly men and few women. Xia Lan, a girl from the provincial capital, received special attention. Young and middle-aged men couldn't take their eyes away at all. It was the most primitive desire of male creatures.

Normally, even in urban areas, men will look twice at beautiful girls when they meet them, let alone in remote mountain villages.

Xia Lan was a little scared and moved closer to Chen Yi.

Fortunately, she was not alone. She was really worried that the villagers would not be able to help but pounce on her. Just thinking about that scene made her shudder. She could only imagine what He Shan and the other four had gone through.

After walking for a while, no villager took the initiative to talk to me, and no villager deliberately approached me. They all had their own things to do.

This is an ordinary village, no different from the villages on the edge of the city, it's normal.

"Brother." Chen Yi randomly called a man with a hammer and a hoe in his hand. He looked in the direction of walking up the mountain.

The man stopped and asked, "What's wrong, young man?"

After saying that, he looked directly at Xia Lan, with a hint of aggression in his eyes, without pretending to be serious.

This may be the difference between a "real villain" and a "hypocrite". In the city, people usually choose to secretly look at beautiful women. Villagers may not be so thoughtful and do whatever they want.

Chen Yi smiled: "Brother, let me ask you something, did any girls come here four years ago?"

"Four years? That's such a long time." The man thought for a while and shook his head, "I have no impression. Most of the people who come to us are young men like you, and we rarely see women."

Chen Yi: "Oh, thank you. There seem to be very few women in your village. I've been walking for a long time and I haven't seen many."

The man smiled and said, "There really aren't many, so there are a lot of bachelors. Watch this girl carefully. We won't be responsible if she is touched."

These words startled Xia Lan, who approached Chen Yi again and looked around cautiously.

Why... why are you still touching people?

Chen Yi's smile did not change: "Thanks for reminding me, someone touched me before, right?"

The man told the truth: "Yes, I touched her, and my partner was not happy at the time, and almost started a fight. You also is impossible for the village to help outsiders."

"I remember that girl was quite dark, far worse than her. This girl is so beautiful and fair. I want to touch her."

He is very honest about what he says, and all his thoughts, good or bad, are put out in the open, which is better than doing things secretly.

Upon hearing this, Qin Fei and Fu Guoyong immediately stepped sideways and formed a triangle to protect Xia Lan.

It doesn't seem like a good idea to bring Xia Lan here this time, as it can easily lead to unnecessary trouble.

Chen Yi smiled: "Thank you, thank you. We will pay attention. By the way...what does the mountain wolf call you?"

Upon hearing these two words, the smile on the man's face disappeared instantly, and he frowned and said, "Where did you hear that?"

Chen Yi did not betray Diaosou and replied: "I heard it from my friends who have been here before."

The man couldn't tell whether it was true or false. After staring at Chen Yi for a while, he said, "Did you hear it wrong? Who are you? I don't know. I still have to work in the mountains, so you should go ahead and do whatever you are supposed to do."

After saying that, without waiting for Chen Yi to respond, he turned around and left, his pace quickening a lot.

Chen Yi's curiosity was piqued. Although it might have nothing to do with the case, he would feel uncomfortable if he didn't figure it out.

"I feel like I'll get beaten if I keep asking." Fu Guoyong said. Instead of showing any fear, he geared up and even determined the location of the gun.

If you violently attack the police, you can use weapons if warning fails. The weapons mentioned here include guns, but generally few police will choose to use them. At most, they will use batons or tear gas sprays.

Unless the attacker is a major criminal suspect or someone armed with dangerous weapons.

Chen Yi: "See if there is signal on the mobile phone?"

Qin Fei quickly replied: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "Call Jiang Lili and ask them if they have been to Zhongluo Village and if they have hunted wolves."

Among the four, Ren Dan is afraid that others will find out, He Shan is injured and hospitalized, Ding Yunjie is decadent and never steps out of the door, and Jiang Lili is in the best condition, which is more appropriate.

Qin Fei: "Okay."

He unlocked his phone and dialed the number.

"What village? Zhongluo Village? I've never been there. We just climb mountains and never go to the village to hunt wolves? What, how dare we? What's your problem? It's inexplicable."

"Thank you." Qin Fei hung up the phone, "Team Chen, I have never been here or arrested before. Do you want to ask others?"

Chen Yi waved his hand: "Forget it, let's go and take a look around."

After walking for a while, Chen Yi stopped someone again: "Brother, did any of the girls come to the village together four years ago?"

Villager: "I'm not impressed."

Chen Yi: "Thank you. What did you get?"

Villager: "Do you want animal bones picked up from the mountains? I don't know what kind of animal they are. Two hundred yuan."

Chen Yi: "No, you can keep it."

The other party had no intention of lowering the price and asked for a deal, so he just left with the bones in hand. Before leaving, he didn't forget to look at Xia Lan. Anyway, there was no charge for a few more looks.

"Thankfully Lin Chen is not here."

Chen Yi thought to himself, that boy must like Xia Lan, Bao Buqi would shout: "Look at me, I'll dig out your eyes again."

Show your masculine temperament.

As we were approaching the end of the village, the house next to us suddenly opened its door, and a village woman in her thirties or forties took the initiative to wave.

This was the first villager who took the initiative to chat, and she was a woman.

"Young man, do you want antlers? They're cheap."

Chen Yi stopped.


The ecological environment of Zhongluoshan is so good, and there are also deer.

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