Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 990 Black Photo

After having a simple meal, Karasawa called Ayako and told her that she had to go out for something urgent. He asked her to go home and eat by herself, and then went to Dr. Agasa with a disguise mask.

Tangze still agreed with Yi Rong's investigation into the matter with Conan, and he would even take the initiative to do so even if Conan didn't say anything.

Although there will be no risks in this investigation, and the investigators are also friendly forces, as he continues to intervene in the plot line, Tang Ze can no longer guarantee how the plot that is gradually going crazy will unfold.

The only thing he can be sure of now is that the black organization must be frantically looking for Reina Mizuna, and also frantically searching for any clues about the enemy.

At this time, he cannot appear in the black organization's sight, even if it is just possible.

In addition, there are other benefits to pretending to be an old man. After all, the previous store manager has passed away. As a friend, he is older and it is easier to gain the other party's trust.

As for clothing, Karasawa chose a relatively old-fashioned suit. The old man's philanthropic appearance paired with this mask made him look like he was easier to believe.

"You're quite fast."

Not long after the call, Conan ran out of Dr. Ali's house and got directly into the car: "I thought you would have to wait for a while, but I didn't expect that even the disguise was ready."

"After all, it's business." Tang Ze smiled and said, "You have to take it seriously."

"You, a person who came here after dinner, are still qualified to say this." Conan complained speechlessly.

"The time is just right now. It was meal time before. The person we came to visit might have been eating, which would be inappropriate."

Tangze explained and looked at Conan and said, "Then give me the phone number and I'll contact him."

"This is a phone." Conan showed the phone screen to Tang Ze and asked with some worry: "Is it okay?"

"What do you think is wrong?"

An old voice sounded in the car. Conan was stunned for a moment and then praised: "It's really amazing. This voice change is probably comparable to that of Kaitou Kidd, right?"

"It's not as good as him." Tang Ze shook his head and said: "Now I am most proficient in men. Old men only practice this fixed voice. As for the voices of children, it is only you and Haiyuan."

"Why are you imitating our voices?" Conan asked in surprise when he heard this.

"Just in case, I'll help you out."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "Especially for you, I can also help you deal with Xiaolan over the phone when needed.

After all, your personality likes to rush into danger too much. In order to avoid being unable to contact you and causing trouble, I practiced a little.

By the way, I can also do your original voice. "

"Then I really appreciate your thoughtfulness."

Although he knew Tang Ze was doing it for his own good, Conan couldn't help but droop his eyes when he heard his original voice coming from the other party's mouth.

After all, it made him unhappy because the other party imitated his own voice.

But...I can't refute it...

Although he was very unhappy, what Tang Ze said was true. At least he felt relieved knowing that he had such a backup method.

So even though Conan felt a little aggrieved, he still thanked Tang Ze.

Karasawa waved his hand to indicate that you were welcome, and then dialed the number provided by Conan.

Soon the call was connected and a young man's voice came out.

After introducing himself with the made-up name, Tang Ze began to talk about the purpose of this visit: "It's like this. I was entrusted by your grandfather before his death to pass on a very important thing to a person who used to frequent the store. guests inside.

I roughly know what that person looks like, but because the item is relatively precious, I still want to confirm it again. "

"Ah~ are you talking about the guest who often brings his son to take care of you?"

The young man's rhetorical question came over the phone.

"He must be right."

Hearing the words coming from the phone, Tang Ze and Conan looked at each other, and then asked with different expressions: "I remember that he is a person who doesn't like to talk much. I wonder if you have his name and address?"

"Ah, that should be him."

After hearing what Tangze said on the phone, the man seemed to trust what he said more, but unfortunately the other party said that he did not know the specific information about the other party and said that he had only met him two or three times.

"Don't you know what the characteristics of that man are?" Tang Ze continued to ask in an old voice: "Because there are only two or three people I can think of who meet the target."

"Even if you ask me this suddenly, I won't be able to recall it for a while..."

The man seemed a little troubled, but then he changed his voice and said, "If it's convenient, would you like to take a look at this person's photo?"

Tangze was not surprised when he heard the man's words, but when he looked at Conan, he saw a strong intention to explore in his eyes.

"Do you have a photo of him? But I heard that that person seems to be someone who doesn't like taking pictures very much."

Karasawa signaled Conan to calm down, smiled and pointed out another characteristic of the other party, continuing to increase his credibility.

"That's right, that's right."

As expected, after hearing Tang Ze's words, the other party's tone became more relaxed: "But this photo was taken by chance.

I think it was his son who accidentally pressed the shutter button while playing with my camera and took the photo. "

"Then I wonder if it's convenient for you now?" Tang Ze's tone remained calm: "I want to see that photo now."

"Eh? Now?"

After hearing what Tang Ze said, the man seemed very distressed: "After the store closes at 7 o'clock today, I plan to go to the gym to exercise.

By the time I get home, it will probably be past 11 o'clock. "

"That's okay, I can wait for you at your door." Tang Ze said with a smile: "Your grandfather has been dead for so long, and I miss him a little, and I want to find someone to talk to about him."

"Ah...forget it, I won't go."

The man was stunned for a moment after hearing Tang Ze's words, and then said: "I will go back after the store closes. To be honest, I haven't talked to you about grandpa in a long time.

We can be considered people with the same mood. "

"Thank you very much." Tang Ze smiled and said: "Please send the address to my mobile phone, and I will go back to visit you later."

"Well, we'll see you later."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Ze saw Conan's grinning expression: "You guys, aren't you afraid of cheating when we talk later?

You don’t know the former store manager who passed away at all, do you? "

"Of course I don't know him, but if I don't play the emotional card, I'm afraid I won't be able to get the photos today." Tang Ze put away his phone and said helplessly, "There is no other good way."

"If you do this, you will betray the gang." Conan said speechlessly: "We'll see what you do when we meet."

"Don't you know there is a social method in this world that can effectively avoid this situation?"

Tang Ze smiled when he heard this: "You only need to find the key points in the other person's topic, and then repeat it in a different tone, and the other person will continue talking with great interest.

I just need to find a common topic to start with, and the other party will talk about it later.

By then, I will know everything about his grandfather. "

"Hey, you have no plan at all!"

Conan was shocked when he heard this: "It's not your method to adapt to changes, is it? Are you planning to find out on the spot?"

"Just sit back and watch with peace of mind." Tang Ze rubbed the dog's head and said, "This can be considered one of the sciences. You still have to learn."

"Is there really such a scientific technique?"

Conan crossed his arms and expressed doubt: "Forget it, since you said so, then I will take a closer look at your performance.

Just hope you don't mess it up in the end. "

"Then just wait and see."

After talking, Karasawa started the car and took Conan to the apartment location provided by the other party.

Although it was still early before the scheduled time of eight o'clock, they were the ones asking for help after all, so naturally they couldn't be late. After arriving early, they waited in the car.

But when the agreed time was eight o'clock, there was still no call, and no one was seen downstairs in the apartment.

But the other party had the privilege of being late, so the two had no choice but to wait patiently.

"It's been so long. It's already half past eight. Normally you wouldn't be that late." After waiting for another half hour, Conan looked at his watch and frowned.

"Let's go down and check the situation." Karasawa opened the car door and walked towards the apartment with Conan.

The two came to the apartment lobby and pressed the paging phone at the front desk, but unfortunately there was still no response from room No. 305.

"Is something delayed?" Conan took out his cell phone and said hesitantly, "Would you like to call again and ask."

While Conan was struggling, the automatic door behind him sensed someone approaching and automatically opened the door.

Hearing movement at the automatic door behind him, Tang Ze turned around to look, only to see the man behind him suddenly raise his pistol.

Almost out of reflex, the gentleman's stick in Tangze's hand suddenly rose up, and when the gun was completely defenseless, he directly knocked the gun in the opponent's hand to the ground.

All this was done almost in a flash, and it wasn't until the moment the gun landed that Conan realized what had just happened, and cold sweat instantly climbed up his back.

But in fact, all this is under Tang Ze's control, and it is not as dangerous as Conan imagined.

With Tang Ze's dynamic vision and nerve reflexes, everything was under Tang Ze's control from the moment he discovered that the other party had a gun in his hand and that the other party was very close to them.

The distance between the two was no more than 2 meters. Tang Ze specially used a gentleman's stick to disguise himself as an old man. Anyone within this range who drew a gun would be countered by Tang Ze.

After all, in his eyes, the opponent's movements seemed to be slowed down. By accelerating the ritual to increase the distance, he could easily "intercept" the opponent's next move before the opponent fully raised the gun.

The attacker seemed to be caught off guard by the sudden counterattack. He did not expect such an unexpected development. Even when the gun was knocked out of his hand, he subconsciously wanted to pick it up.

But when the cold touch with pressure came from his throat, the man stopped unconsciously.

"Who are you?"

Conan looked at the man with medium-long hair and asked with a solemn expression.

"Etc., etc…."

The man didn't seem to have expected this scene to happen. Looking at the murderous old man in front of him, and then feeling the increasingly heavier force coming from the tip of the stick on his neck, he panicked and quickly raised his hands and explained quickly. road:

"You are my grandfather's friends, I'm just playing a prank!!"

"Prank?" Conan was stunned when he heard this.

"It's true! If you don't believe it, just look at that gun and you'll know."

The man quickly gestured: "That's not a real gun, but a model gun. I was really kidding!"

"Model gun?" Conan was stunned when he heard this, and then subconsciously looked at the pistol that fell aside.

"It's true. If you don't believe it, just take it over and see how it looks." The man raised his hands and explained with a smile: "I don't own a model shop, I brought this out from the shop."

Conan glanced at Karasawa, then walked over and picked up the pistol that fell on the ground.

After checking to make sure it was a model pistol, he nodded to Tang Ze: "Yes, this is indeed a model gun, and the muzzle is still plugged."

Tang Ze nodded as expected and put down the gentleman's stick in his hand: "So, this is a prank?"

"That's right, that's right."

The man nodded quickly and explained: "I originally thought that if you were grandpa's friends, you should be able to withstand such jokes, but I didn't expect that grandpa, your counterattack would be so fierce..."

Having said this, he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said: "I didn't even react just now. The pistol has already been knocked off. Old man, you are not a killer, are you..."

"Old man, my family owns a kendo gym, and I have been practicing kendo all my life." Tang Ze smiled and said, "So, I think you are getting stronger with age."

"Forget it, why don't you count it!" The man said with shame: "If this were true, I would be killed instantly... Old man, you are too powerful."

"It's just a surprise. I usually just exercise. It's okay to bully a layman like you, but it's not okay when you meet a professional."

Tang Ze pretended to smile: "But I really miss it. I haven't encountered such a joke in a long time."

"Isn't it possible that my grandfather also suffered defeat in your hands?"

The young man smiled and asked: "My grandfather is a person who loves all kinds of guns and suspense reasoning. When I went to his house in the past, I would often be entertained by him.

So when you guys came over, I also wanted to make a joke, but I didn't expect that I was killed instead. "

Speaking of this, the man looked at Tang Ze with a look of admiration on his face. It was obvious that the hand Tang Ze showed just now directly restrained him.

If it were a young person, the shock might not be that big, but Tang Ze disguised himself as an old man, which gave the other party a huge impact.

Looking at the other party's expression, Tang Ze nodded with satisfaction.

This is a good start, but it gets trickier later on.

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