Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 991: Solving the case at the speed of light

"Haha...that's why I say I miss you."

The inner psychological activities are just a fleeting thing, but on the surface, Tangze continues to chat with the other party with a smile:

"Your grandfather and I are mystery book buddies. When we first met, he also liked to greet me like this, but I countered it. Later, I moved from Osaka to England to develop, and most of the time we communicated by phone. .”

"Is that so?" The young man suddenly smiled and said, "I asked you why I haven't seen you, grandpa, and I haven't heard grandpa talk about it. It seems that I have suffered under your hands and don't want to mention it."

"Just call me Onosaka."

Tangze chuckled and said, "Don't be too harsh. I only learned about your grandfather's situation from other friends when I came back this time. I remembered what he asked me to do before, so I contacted you."

"So that's it. My name is Nishigun Soubei. Mr. Onosaka, you can just call me Soubei." After introducing himself, Nishigun Soubei looked at Conan and said with a smile, "Is this child your grandson?"

"Well, he insisted on coming back for a visit, so I brought him along." Tang Ze smiled and stroked Conan's dog's head and said, "Don't worry, he is very well-behaved and won't cause trouble."

"It's okay, it's okay, my room is quite messy."

When Xijun Zongbing said this, he patted his forehead and said, "I was just chatting, and then I remembered that we were downstairs. You two, please come upstairs with me."

"Yeah, that's fine." Tang Ze nodded, and then casually chatted: "I heard that you open a model shop, and you seem to be an arms fan.

I just don’t know if you have inherited your grandfather’s hobby of suspense reasoning. "

"This, although I can also read it, I don't particularly like it." Xijun Zongbing smiled and said: "Compared to these, I still like making models."

"Models, your hobby is better than your own." Tang Ze joked with a smile: "You have turned your hobby into a job."

"Haha, I like this business and can make money, which is the life I want." Xijun Zongbing said with a smile: "When my grandfather knew about it before he was alive, he also supported me very much."

"He does have his own style." Tang Ze agreed with a smile.

When he mentioned the deceased Xijun store manager, Xijun Zongbing seemed to have opened up a chat box and started talking about his grandfather.

And Tang Ze just echoed, repeating the other person's words from time to time, and then Xijun Zongbing started talking endlessly as if he had met a close friend.

‘It’s really useful! Where did he learn so much strange knowledge! ’

Looking at the two people chatting passionately, Conan felt his face was swollen while he was complaining madly: 'Is this really science? It doesn’t feel scientific at all...’

Before, he thought that Karasawa's method was unreliable, but looking at the reality in front of him, Conan only felt that it was really the unfolding of "magic reality".

Although Xijun Zongbing did not notice anything, Conan, who was an onlooker, saw everything clearly.

Just like what Karasawa said before, after learning about the former store manager's hobbies, he made the first move, and then used the method mentioned before to create a pleasant atmosphere.

He now suspects that if Tang Ze becomes a liar, he will definitely be among the top ones, and his ability to adapt to changes is too strong.

He is obviously a person with whom he has no connection at all, but he actually manages to have a good conversation with the person based on just a few words of conversation he just met. He no longer doubts his identity, and he constantly obtains and supplements information about the "intersection point person"...

This trick is really amazing.

But what did Conan expect? In later generations, these are actually social skills that are prevalent on the Internet, and they are nothing at all.

If you don't know what to say to someone you meet for the first time, you can try this method.

Of course, don't be too deliberate and frequent. When looking for topics, you should also be concise and refine the topics that can be extended in the other party's speech, so that the other party can talk endlessly.


If you're on a blind date with a girl who doesn't take the initiative to speak at all without asking, and only responds with "hmm" after finding the topic, then enjoy the short and long embarrassment.

The group of people walked all the way to the apartment. When Xijun Zongbing turned on the light in the room, the sight that caught their eyes made Conan's mouth twitch involuntarily.

It wasn't until this moment that he understood what the other person meant when he said "the house is very messy".

All I can say is that this is really a bachelor's room.

At the entrance, pink and blue slippers were placed in a mess, and there were even two garbage bags next to them.

The kitchen sink was also filled with pots, pans, and beer bottles. Not to mention the trash can next to it, some paper balls were even scattered on the floor.

But they just came to see the photos, so they just complained secretly.

"It's really hot..."

Xijun Zongbing found the remote control and turned on the air conditioner, then walked to the bookcase aside: "I'll look for a photo album for you... I remember it was placed on the top shelf of the bookshelf..."

But after a search, Xijun Zongbing looked confused: "It's strange, why can't I find it...

I clearly remember putting it here..."

After hearing Xijun Zongbing's words, Tang Ze and Conan looked at each other.

Then Conan's eyes fell on a pool of water drops on the floor, and then he found another piece of soaked toilet paper in the trash can.

"Stop looking for it, there's a thief in the house." Tang Ze patted Conan and signaled to hand it over to him, and then spoke directly to stop Xijun Zongbing from continuing to look for the photo.

"Eh? There's been a thief?" Xijun Zongbing lied in shock after hearing Tang Ze's words: "How, how could it be...and Mr. Onosaka, how did you figure it out?"

"I am also a well-known detective at Scotland Yard, and we have worked together to solve some cases."

Karasawa pressed his hat and smiled: "If you opened a model shop as a hobby, then I became a detective because I like reasoning.

It is said that interest is the best teacher, perhaps it refers to people like us. "

"D-Detective!? Scotland Yard?"

After hearing what Tang Ze said, Xijun Zongbing said in shock: "So, old man, are you so powerful?"

"It was just a bit of a struggle, but I have long since stopped working. My son is doing a job he likes and has no intention of taking over from me."

Tangze smiled and reminded: "Let's get back to the topic."

"Ah, yes!" Xijun Zongbing reacted after hearing Tang Ze's words and quickly asked: "Mr. Onosaka, how did you determine that there was a thief in your home?"

"Look at the ground, there is a pool of water on the floor."

Tang Ze pointed to a puddle of water not far in front of the other party: "You probably haven't been back today.

Since we have just entered the house, and the three of us are not sweating to that extent, and your ceiling is not leaking, the only possibility is external intrusion. "

"But just based on a little water trace..." Xijun Zongbing hesitated: "To be honest, this shouldn't be determined..."

"That's true, but there's evidence in the trash can over there. I've seen it."

Tangze smiled and pointed to the trash can at his feet and said, "It's such a hot environment in the house, and these water stains are most likely sweat.

Your room is so untidy. It is normal for prisoners to use paper towels when they dare not turn on the air conditioner. "

" room is indeed a bit messy..."

Xijun Zongbing scratched his head in embarrassment, then squatted next to the trash can, found the soaked tissue, and exclaimed, "It's true. So, does that mean the house was really robbed?"

Speaking of this, Xijun Zongbing's face was full of panic. He stood up and planned to check the belongings in the house, but Tang Ze grabbed him and said, "Don't worry, your belongings should not be lost."

"Eh? Why?"

Because of his previous reasoning, Xijun Zongbing had obvious trust in the reasoning of the old man in front of him. Although he continued to ask questions after hearing his words, his expression could be seen to be obviously relaxed.

"You just said you lost your photo album, right?"

Seeing the Xijun Zongbing nod, Tang Ze said calmly: "That can only mean that his purpose is not for money.

Because ordinary thieves will not steal things like photo albums unless there is something valuable in your photo album. "

"That's impossible." Xijun Zongbing waved his hands after hearing this: "That's just an ordinary commemorative photo album."

"Then there is only one possibility. The most likely person to steal your photo album is an acquaintance of yours."

Tang Ze said this and walked to his computer desk and touched the computer host: "The case is hot. It seems that the other party sneaked into your home for some kind of information. All the information on your computer may have been stolen. deleted."

"How is it possible..." Xijun Zongbing heard this and quickly touched the host. After turning on the host, he had to believe the facts in front of him.

Because all the data on the computer had been deleted, he couldn't help but believe it in the face of this irrefutable evidence.

"An acquaintance...but I don't have anything for them to worry about..." Xijun Zongbing was puzzled when he heard this: "Why did you steal the photo album..."

"That's not something we can know."

Tang Ze smiled and said something that shocked Xijun Zongbing: "But we can directly ask the person involved to see what his purpose was in stealing your photo album."

"What...what..." After hearing Tang Ze's words, Xijun Zongbing screamed out in surprise, and his whole body felt like the hairs on his body were rising: "You, you mean...people are still in the room..."

Because Tang Ze found out several clues that someone had invaded the room in just a short period of time, Xijun Zongbing had no doubts about Tang Ze's suspicions.

It was precisely because of this that he was so frightened after hearing Tang Ze's words.

Think about it, this is normal. No matter who you are, if you realize that there is a stranger in your home as soon as you get home, your reaction will not be much better.

"Well, although there is no place to hide people inside the house, it doesn't mean there is no space to hide outside the house."

Tangze pointed to the balcony: "If my guess is correct, he was actually panicked by our arrival, and he hid on the balcony as a last resort."

Xijun Zongbing heard this and rushed directly to the balcony, but found that there was no one on the balcony: "No, no one? Master, is your reasoning wrong?"

"There's just no one where you can't see it."

Tang Ze followed him to the balcony and opened the lid of the washing machine, revealing the panic-stricken face of a man.

"Duohu! Why you!?"

Seeing the raised face of the man in the washing machine, Xijun Zongbing looked shocked.


Seeing that he was discovered, Duohu panicked: "You...listen to my explanation..."

"You guy, you deleted all the information on my computer and stole the photo album. What are you planning to do!"

Xijun Zongbing was confused and angry: "Thank you for trusting you so much and giving you the spare key to your home. Is this how you treat me?!"

"I'm sorry, Zong Bing!" Duo Hu knelt on the ground and said sincerely: "But I really don't mean any harm!

I haven’t touched anything in the room except the photo album! Please forgive me! ! "

"What about the photos deleted from the computer?" Xijun Zongbing asked angrily.

"Don't worry about those, I have already made a backup." Duohu explained: "After I deleted the photo in question, I originally planned to secretly restore the other photos.

As for the photos in the album, I just want to steal that one..."

"Let me ask you, which photo is it?"

Hearing Duohu's defensive words, Xijun Zongbing became even more angry: "I don't have any photos that are detrimental to you at all!!"

"It's a photo of the model..." Duohu took a deep breath and said with a slumped face: "The German Type IV tank H type I showed you before..."

"But isn't that tank well made?"

Xijun Zongbing looked at Duohu in confusion and said, "When other model enthusiasts saw the chariot you made, they all praised your work and asked if you suddenly had an enlightenment."

"That's not the case... I didn't make that chariot..." Duohu said with a dejected look, "That prop was a finished product I bought when I went on a business trip abroad...

I originally planned to buy that tank as a sample, but then I wanted to surprise you, so I stuck my name tag on it for you to see...

But I really didn’t expect that you actually believed it and even took photos...

You even said at the end that you would introduce it properly on your blog. "

"That's it, I want to secretly take back the photo here before you publish it on the Internet..."

Duohu explained: "Originally you were supposed to go to the gym today, but who knew you suddenly came back, so I hid in the washing machine without thinking..."

"Then how did you discover us?" Xijun Zongbing asked puzzled.

"It's a walkie-talkie."

Tangze pointed to the intercom with video call on the wall and said: "We pressed your home number in the lobby before, and then you came over to attack us.

It was probably at that time that he noticed that you had returned. "

"Okay, I understand the situation..." Xijun Zongbing said, feeling angry and helpless: "You idiot, that was just a joke. Did you actually take it seriously?"

Hearing Xijun Zongbing's words, Duohu was stunned for a moment.


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