Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1062 Tangze’s big plan

As the son of the head of the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters, Hattori Heiji naturally understood how influential the policies promoted by Karasawa's understatement were.

If it is really implemented, this will have an impact on the social security of the entire country.

"However, it is a good idea to carry non-lethal firearms."

Hattori Heiji used Karasawa's handcuffs to restrain him with his backhand, and said: "It's best to keep silent about guns."

Obviously, he also understood the benefits of Tangze's approach.

"It can be regarded as a compromise. While ensuring that patrols have the power to respond to situations that trigger cases, casualties and accidents can be reduced as much as possible."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "But these are still in experiments, and they haven't even been promoted yet. It can't be done in a day or two with skills.

But it would indeed be a good thing if they were all replaced by these non-lethal firearms. "

Tangze said this sincerely. He was proposing to change the equipment not only because these equipments were developed by his own company, but more importantly, he thought it was a good thing.

To be honest, Karasawa didn't understand why the criminals at the Neon Police Station had to carry guns with them.

You must know that apart from the old people who cannot be promoted, the only ones left in the office are young inspectors who have internships or experience.

Many of them are very young, and those in the non-professional group or even high school can apply for employment.

Because he has not been tempered, he simply studied in criminal school and then started working.

It is not appropriate for immature young people to hold such powerful weapons as guns.

Some young people draw their guns when encountering emergencies and are unable to respond calmly, which may lead to tragedy.

Moreover, there are many people who throw away guns at the exchange. The power of these guns if they are obtained by criminals with malicious intentions is extremely huge.

Even throwing a gun can cause more harm than the life saved by this gun.

Some thugs even attack criminals just to get their hands on guns.

It is equivalent to saying that there is a channel to obtain guns, which will naturally be targeted by interested people.

But there are advantages to the disadvantages.

It has to be said that although guns do have various disadvantages, they are a safety guarantee and a deterrent for patrols who cannot obtain resources in time when encountering emergencies during night patrols.

This is also the reason why carrying guns on patrol has all kinds of disadvantages, but it is still not outlawed.

To be honest, there are not many people in the world who can do the kind of thing that is most dangerous when going out in the middle of the night like in Karasawa's hometown is barbecue and beer machine.

In neon, especially in the Kexue world where murders occur frequently, there are quite a few crimes committed at night.

In particular, neon is full of perverts and stalkers, and some will even follow women and invade their homes.

So at this time, inspection is very important.

However, if there is no absolute crushing power, the prisoner may be tempted to choose such extreme behavior as murder and silence.

So the necessary strength is still there.

But after Karasawa created rubber bullets, everything changed.

He can completely create a copy of the "Detective". Even if the functions are not as complete and less powerful, it may not be a bad thing.

After all, what they need is to stabilize the existing advantages while mitigating the disadvantages.

And it is precisely the equipment that Tangze is determined to reform that can do this perfectly, not only allowing the patrols to still maintain a deterrent effect, but also reducing the lethality and a series of negative effects caused by guns.

Although it is still dangerous for rubber bullets to hit vital organs such as the eyes, at least they will not be as deadly as real guns.

In other words, there is room for redemption.

In terms of big policy, this is definitely good, and it is also the purpose of Tang Ze's promotion.

This is not only a practical political achievement, but also affects the entire Metropolitan Police Department. Karasawa can also fundamentally prevent many cases from happening.

And how many people's fates can this be disturbed, and how much can their fate lines change?

Although this plan is a big project, Tangze can imagine that if it can be promoted, he will definitely be the one with the most benefits!

Of course, it is too early to say this now. After all, the equipment is still under research. Even if the most troublesome bullets have been cracked, it will still take a long time to complete the firearms.

After the three of them finished talking about firearms, they once again focused their attention on the prisoner in front of them who attempted to assassinate Hattori Heiji.

Judging from the bow, arrow and sword he carried with him, it was completely consistent with the real culprit who assassinated the five thieves of Genji Hotaru.

"Then, let me see your true face!"

After handcuffing him behind his back, Hattori Heiji pulled up the incapacitated prisoner who was lying on the ground, and cooperated with Conan to remove the prisoner's helmet and saw the prisoner's true appearance.

"It's actually him!?" After seeing the prisoner's face, Conan couldn't help but be surprised.

"What, you know him?" Hattori Heiji said in surprise when he heard this.

"I can't say that I know him, but I met him once in the Sannou Temple where I entrusted Uncle Maori to him."

Conan looked at Saijo Ogado: "The host introduced them as pilgrims to the temple and members of the association."

"But how could this guy assassinate me?" Hattori Heiji scratched his head.

"It should be that the location where we explored the treasure coincided with his." Tang Ze smiled and said: "And you are quite famous in Kansai, so the other party picked you first."

"That's great. It also proves that you are indeed famous in Kansai." Conan teased with a smile.

"I don't want this kind of fame at all!"

Hattori Heiji knew that Conan was teasing him about why Sannoji invited Mouri Kogoro instead of him. He rolled his eyes speechlessly: "If there is any difficult matter, it's okay to invite me."

"Okay, let's call the criminal justice department to take the person away. This case can be considered solved." Tang Ze interrupted the bickering between the two, smiled and took out his cell phone to contact Officer Megure.

Soon, Officer Megure, Criminal Otaki, and Ayanokouji, who looked ugly, drove over in a police car.

He couldn't help but look ugly, considering that they had met not long ago and had just said harsh words to the two of them.

As a result, before nightfall, these two people actually caught the prisoner directly.

I wouldn’t say it was a slap in the face on the spot, but it was close to it.

Afterwards, the group was taken to the Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department, where the whole story was recounted.

Hearing that Hattori Heiji had been assassinated, Otaki also broke into a cold sweat and quickly asked him if he was injured.

Of course, Karasawa's "detective" is the key to preventing the enemy from escaping, so he naturally tells the truth.

But since Tangze dared to take it out, he naturally didn't care about it, because he had already registered it, and Saitama boss also gave him permission. He was also the first experimenter in the policy.

With the endorsement of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, this was not a lethal firearm, and the prisoner was not injured, so it was naturally passed over like this.

Of course, some people might be worried about Gin and others tracking him down, after all, he had used this to attack them before.

But Tang Ze was not worried at all.

The last time he and Akai Shuichi fought, Gin and the others fled in embarrassment. At that time, they were only focused on retreating, and the rubber bullets were not embedded in their bodies, so they had no bullets in their hands.

Afterwards, Tangze took the time to take it back, so he naturally didn't have to worry about being investigated.

Of course, there are pros and cons to this.

The downside is of course that he will no longer be able to use the "detective's" rubber bullets against people from the black organization.

The advantage of course is that he can legitimately use this gun to deal with subsequent increasingly large-scale cases.

This is also the reason why he chose to make the "detective" public and legal, and it is also the result of his careful consideration.

As for the disadvantage... Anyway, since he has Night Crow, the worst thing he can do is not hit the fatal parts of his head in the future.

Moreover, other flash bombs and smoke bombs can still be used, with little impact.

If you really need a pistol, just use a real gun. Anyway, Shuichi Akai prepared a lot of weapons before he faked his death, which is enough for him to use.

In other words, "Detective" will become Karasawa's representative weapon from now on, and then he will continue to promote non-lethal weapons based on his fame.

Starting from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, it gradually spread to various police offices across the country to complete the upgrading of equipment.

It can be said that Tangze's plans are linked one link at a time, gradually advancing from point to point.

Even if there are difficulties in the process due to interests and other issues, as long as the project is beneficial, the general trend will naturally be unstoppable.

With the official endorsement, this little trouble was solved naturally, and the rest is a huge credit.

After all, this serial murder case spanning Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto has caused a storm in the city.

Although it was said that those killed were all members of the thieves group, it seemed that there was a conflict within the thieves group or that someone was specifically targeting this group of thieves for revenge, etc., but it had not yet reached the point where people were panicking.

But the Metropolitan Police Department is not so relaxed. The day the case is not solved, their pressure will become heavier day by day.

After all, this is a big case that spans three major circles. If it goes unsolved day by day, doesn’t that prove the incompetence of the criminal justice system?

By then, anyone who sees criminals enforcing the law on the streets will call them "tax thieves," and the most basic traffic policemen and patrol officers responsible for public security will become the first targets to be spurned by the public.

This is why the Metropolitan Police Department takes this case so seriously.

Of course, with Tang Ze arresting prisoners, these pressures have nothing to do with it now.

Even the superiors were waiting for the interrogation to be completed. After confirming that the other party was the prisoner, they immediately contacted the media to announce the good news that they had captured the prisoner.

Of course, some people are still unhappy about this.

For example, Karasawa and others are currently in the room outside the interrogation room, watching the Otaki Police Department interrogating Saijo Taiga and Ayanokouji, whose face is as dark as coal.

The Kyoto Prefectural policeman's face turned so dark when he saw Karasawa, but if someone slaps you with your grades in time, you can only suffer on your own.

Of course, Karasawa had no intention of targeting him, it was just that Ayanokouji would not be able to save face and meet Karasawa for a while.

Because Saijo Taiga was caught during the murder, there was no possibility of denial, so he felt happy when he confessed.

The whole story of his serial murders finally became clear through the other party's narration.

It turns out that Saijo Taiga and Ryuumao of Sannoji Temple practiced kendo in the same kendo field.

But one day, he heard about an ancient swordsmanship school called "Yoshitsune-ryu" in Kyoto.

After that, he began to study "Yoshitsune-ryu" alone, and then two years ago he proposed the previous sword dojo and became the successor of "Yoshitsune-ryu".

Among the thieves, he wanted to become Yoshitsune more than Benkei. Unfortunately, Yoshitsune's position was occupied by the leader, and he, the noblest among the thieves, became Benkei. This was something he couldn't bear. of.

And the reason why he keeps killing his companions is to monopolize the lost Medicine Buddha statue of Sannou Temple and obtain a large amount of money.

As for the reason why he attacked the copying noun, it was also to get the "white hair" on the Buddha statue from him.

The so-called "white hair" is the point between the Buddha's eyebrows, which is called "white hair light".

The meaning of "white hair" is one of the thirty-two characteristics stipulated in Buddhist statues, and it is a special symbol of the Buddha.

The point between the brows of Buddha statues is usually transparent or white.

The crystal bead that Hattori Heiji picked up was not actually something dropped by his first girlfriend, but the "peko" accidentally left behind when his band of thieves stole the Buddha statue.

If the most important "peko" symbol of the Buddha is lost, it will naturally be impossible to sell it. This is why he is still looking for the Buddha statue.

"So that's it. I didn't expect that the thing I thought you picked up would be such a precious thing." Hattori Heiji said, taking it out of the small bag and sighing: "Fortunately, I have kept it, otherwise the loss would have been huge. Big.”

"It's a pity that there is one less clue about the first love." Conan on the side laughed and teased, which made Hattori Heiji roll his eyes.

While the two were bickering, Saijo Taiga also revealed his purpose of getting the Buddha statue in exchange for money.

He wanted to get the old money not for his own personal gain, but to use the money to build a "Yoshitsune-ryu" sword dojo in Kyoto.

The abbot of Yulong Temple was actually the leader of their band of thieves. Even though the temple was later abandoned, he was still in charge.

Saijo Taiga once prayed for him to use the temple as the site of "Yoshitsune-ryu", but the leader unfortunately passed away three months ago, and the Gyokuryuji Temple that was not handed over was about to be demolished without an owner.

This temple can no longer be used as a dojo.

Just when he was at a loss what to do, Hattori Heiji was noticed by him holding the magazine published by "Hakuko".

After learning the location of the important "white hair", he set his sights on the Buddha statue hidden by the leader.

So he used Monk Long Yuan to send the letter to Shanneng Temple. As expected, the other party came to discuss it with him after seeing the content of the letter.

Then under his inducement, Monk Ryumen went to invite Mouri Kogoro.

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