Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,063 Transaction

In the cell, along with the interrogation, the things that Hattori Heiji had been worrying about before finally got the final answer.

It's basically the same reason Conan comforted Hattori Heiji.

The reason for not looking for Hattori Heiji was that apart from Monk Ryuen not wanting the official to know about the loss of his Buddha statue, Saijo Taiga also didn't want the son of a high-ranking Osaka police official to know.

The two sides coincided with each other, so they invited Mouri Kogoro.

After that, he, Ryuumao and others waited at the temple for the arrival of Mouri Kogoro, but unexpectedly they waited for Karasawa Genichi.

Because of this joint investigation in Osaka, Kyoto, and Tokyo, he paid special attention to famous local criminals.

Especially since Karasawa and Mouri Kogoro often appeared in the same reports, he naturally recognized him.

Although he didn't expect that Karasawa would come here, but when Karasawa went out to look for clues while he was thinking about solving puzzles in the Moori Kogoro temple, he naturally couldn't sit still and followed him.

But he didn't expect that when he arrived at Wuqiao Bridge, the other party actually met his target Hattori Heiji, and the two parties started acting together.

Thinking of the "white hair" in Hattori Heiji's hand and the hidden environment in the back of Kurama Temple at that time, he felt that this was the perfect opportunity for an assassination.

As the saying goes, "Hesitation leads to defeat," so Saijo Taiga chose "decisiveness in vain."

He never expected that he would occupy the right place at the right time and launch a sneak attack. Not only was he unsuccessful, but he was also shot down by the other party.

And his ambition came to an end.

"Do you have any remaining companions in your bandit group?" Criminal Otaki looked at Saijo Taiga and asked, "Since you have no friendship with them, how about telling us the information?"

"Haha... we may not have any friendship, but that doesn't mean I will tell you the truth without any value." Saijo Taiga sneered.

"You guys, you'd better recognize the reality." Ayanokouji said with a gloomy face after hearing this: "This is the Metropolitan Police Department, not a place for you to act wild."

"The ending is the same for me, so what do I have to be afraid of?" Saijo Taiga smiled disdainfully and said nonchalantly while leaning on his chair.

"Then what do you want to do to tell us about our companions?"

Officer Megure understood the meaning of the other party's words and looked at Saijo Ogado: "Don't say it's impossible to let us let you go."

"Oh, of course not. What I want to know is the location of the Buddha statue."

There was crazy obsession in Saijo Taiga's eyes: "Even if it's impossible to get it, you still have to let me know it!

Leader, where did he hide the Buddha statue?

As long as you tell me, I will tell you the information about the remaining companions of the thieves group! "

"This..." Officer Memu couldn't help but frown when he heard this, and the expressions of the other two people were also the same.

To be honest, the other party's request is not particularly excessive.

Especially when they knew that after the most important Medicine Buddha statue of Sanno Temple was lost, they would look for it regardless of whether he made this request or not.

In other words, they don't have to pay anything extra, they just need to tell the other party the information incidentally, in exchange for the other party letting go.

There is naturally no problem with this level of exchange.

But the only difficulty now is that they have just discovered the motive of Saijo Taiga's murder and the loss of the Medicine Buddha statue, and they have no idea where the Buddha statue was hidden by their leader.

And the leader is already dead, leaving only a secret code.

"We agree to your request, but the search will take some time."

Officer Megu said in a deep voice: "You also know that if the Buddha statue is lost, we will definitely look for it, so your request is not too much.

How about you tell us the information about our companions first, and if we find the Buddha statue, we will tell you the location immediately? "

Officer Megure's words were also sincere, but unfortunately Saijo Taiga did not accept this trick at all: "My companions in the bandit group and I have been looking for the Buddha statue for a long time, but we have not found its whereabouts at all.

Who knows how long it will take for the police to find it? If I die one day and you haven't found the information, then I won't die in peace.

So if you want to be a white wolf with nothing, don’t even think about me opening my mouth. "

These words made the faces of the three people present look ugly. The most troublesome situation still appeared. The other party obviously refused to let go of the rabbit.

It doesn’t mean that you don’t agree to the deal, but you just have to give what the other party wants.

Unfortunately, they can't get it now, so the interrogation is stuck here.

Not only that, they were even lucky that Saijo Taiga was willing to trade with them. Otherwise, with his confident attitude, it would be really difficult to pry information out of him.

After all, what's there to be afraid of if you know you're going to die?

"This guy..."

Hattori Heiji, who saw the scene inside through the single-sided glass of the interrogation room, couldn't help but frowned: "I'm still obsessed enough. Now it seems I can only seize the time to solve the mystery..."

"Yeah..." Conan nodded in agreement: "I thought that after the case was solved, I would have plenty of time to find the Buddha statue.

But now that Saijo Taiga is captured, his companions will eventually get the news, and they may flee overseas..."

As for the Metropolitan Police Department not announcing the news of Saijo Taiga's arrest, the two of them did not consider the possibility of not announcing it at all.

They all know how much pressure the Metropolitan Police Department has endured because of this case. Now that the criminal has been caught, there is no way they will give up announcing the news just because of a member of a thief group who escaped.

After all, the nature of the two is not the same. Saijo Taiga is a criminal with five lives in his hands, and his accomplices are just thieves who steal cultural relics.

The influence of both parties is not at the same level at all.

So if you want to solve this matter perfectly, you really need to solve the mystery quickly and capture his accomplices.

Just when Hattori Heiji turned to look at Karasawa, wanting to discuss the code with him again, he found that the other party had already walked towards the interrogation room.

He wanted to follow, but soon stopped.

Because of his different status, he was able to watch the interrogation here because he was the client, but the interrogation room was not a place he could enter.

Especially since this is Kyoto, Ayanokouji will definitely not give him a good look.

This will not change just because he is the son of the head of the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters.

"not enough."

The first words of Karasawa when he entered the interrogation room left everyone present confused. However, Karasawa just walked towards Saijo Daikado: "You don't have enough bargaining chips."

"Oh? Then what do you want?"

Regarding the man who caught him in front of him, Saijo Taiga gave a different attitude than others.

Facing the person who captured him, his attitude improved a lot. After all, he was also a warrior, so it was normal for him to obey people who were stronger than him.

Especially when the opponent did not directly defeat him with a gun in the end, but killed him with a knife, he was even more convinced.

What's more important is that what the other party said was obviously talking about the conditions they had negotiated before.

"What I want is very simple, all the information in your head."

Tang Ze nodded his head with his index finger: "I'm not surprised that you betrayed your companions so boldly. After all, in your eyes, he is a dying person, so naturally you won't take it too seriously..."

"Stop talking nonsense, what do you want?"

Saijo Taiga interrupted Karasawa: "As long as you unlock the code and find the Buddha statue, what if I tell you everything I know?"

"Come on, then I'll tell you the truth." Karasawa nodded, but what he said next made Saijo Taiga's expression change in vain: "I want information about your disciples."

" did you know..." Saijo Taiga's expression kept changing, and he finally asked in a hoarse voice.

After saying this, Saijo Taiga stared at Karasawa, as if he wanted to see something on his face.

"Don't be so nervous, this is just some very simple reasoning."

Karasawa smiled, walked up behind the other person and patted his shoulder: "After all, you also said that you are the heir of "Yoshitsune-ryu", and you found the Buddha statue to sell it to buy the dojo.

But if you are just one person, wouldn’t it be strange to have such an obsession?

Although the current dojo is about to be taken back, there is no pressure on me alone, so I can still think of other ways.

But you are very eager to continue the dojo, which shows that there is something you can't give up.

With this information, is it difficult to imagine that you have disciples under your banner?

I think you killed your companions not only to snatch the Buddha statue, but also to reorganize the band of thieves, right?

If you want to become "Yoshitsune", you must naturally become "Benkei", "Suruga Jiro", and "Ise Saburo".

Only in this way can it be a true "Yoshi Sutra".


After listening to Karasawa's words, Saijo Taiga couldn't help laughing, and the laughter became more intense: "I didn't expect! I didn't expect that the person who understands me best is actually a police officer!!"

Looking at Saijo Taiga who was laughing wantonly, the three officers Megure couldn't help but look solemn.

I originally thought that I only needed to capture the remaining members of the thieves group, but who would have thought that Saijo Taiga actually still has disciples.

And it sounds like there are quite a lot of them. If he is really allowed to form a band of thieves, judging from his behavior, it may be more than just stealing cultural relics.

Even if Saijo Taiga is arrested, as long as one of those guys steps forward to unify them, there will probably be trouble.

What's more important is that they have absolutely no information in this area. If it weren't for Tang Ze, they might have missed this group of dangerous elements.

"A guy who is a community guy naturally has no trading value."

Karasawa looked at Saijo Ogado: "Do you accept the conditions I mentioned?

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't accept it. We will just be in trouble in the future. "

"I believe this, so the answer is naturally yes." A ferocious smile appeared on Saijo Taiga's face: "But, you have to unlock the answer I want and tell me within two days."

"In less than two days, I can tell you the answer directly."

Tangze smiled and said: "The answer is Yulong Temple, which is where you serve as your dojo. Your leader hid the Buddha statue there."

"Impossible!" After hearing Karasawa's words, Saijo Taiga immediately retorted: "I searched all the temples and found no Buddha statues at all!"

"But this is the fact." Tang Ze said calmly: "In fact, the code finally showed the word "Jade", and the corresponding location of that point was Yulong Temple.

The patterns on that picture symbolize the road names in Kyoto.

There are five layers drawn in that painting, and the roads symbolized by these layers are east-west.

The top layer represents the "five roads", while the fourth layer represents the "four roads" in the same way.

As for the patterned layer between the third and second floors, it refers to the "Ochi Road" between the two streets "Sanlu" and "Second Road".

I don’t think I need to say much about what’s next, so you can probably figure it out.

For example, the tengu in the middle comes from "Karasusu Tengu", so it refers to "Karasuma Road".

Just by analogy, you can understand that the picture is a "jade" character, and the "," is naturally the place where the Buddha statue is stored. "

"In that case, where is the Buddha statue hidden?" Saijo Taiga collapsed: "It's actually... right under my nose..."

"I've shown my sincerity, now it's your turn."

Karasawa stopped halfway through the decryption and signaled Saijo Taiga to reveal the information in exchange for the more important remaining half.

After hearing Karasawa's decrypted reasoning and knowing that the other party was not just trying to get information, Saijo Taiga immediately began to betray his teammates.

The first is his former teammate Sakura Shozo, the pot-bellied antique art dealer they met at Sannoji Temple.

He is responsible for handling stolen goods in the team, and stayed until the end in order to successfully obtain the Buddha statue Saijo Taiga.

But when he found the buyer through the Internet, the other party had no use for it.

However, before he could take action, he was caught by Tang Ze. He was the only guy who saved his life after Tang Ze intervened in the case.

Of course, Saijo Taiga spitting out the opponent's information only made it easier for Karasawa to no longer have to think of reasonable reasons to arrest the opponent.

The highlight is still his apprentices who have no sense of existence.

In the theatrical version, they are just supporting characters without much exposure to their faces, but in reality the harm is not necessarily less than that of Saijo Taiga.

And because their identities are not known, if they cannot be contained in time and more crimes are committed, it will have a negative impact on fate.

Tang Ze didn't want to try what consequences this would cause, so it was better to kill it decisively in advance.

And this is also a good thing. Although they are Saijo Taiga's apprentices, they have not done any evil so far.

Although they will inevitably be educated and strictly watched by the police later on, at least this deterrent can prevent them from going to jail.

In this respect, although Karasawa failed to prevent Saijo Taiga from killing people, he also changed many tragic futures.

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