Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,112 The truth about the secret room

"After you find a body, you basically don't have any time alone."

Karasawa looked at Mizoba Riko and said calmly: "The reason why I have been taking you with me is because we discovered the case while it was "in progress" and quickly screened out three of you suspects.

I have not encountered this situation once or twice, and I happen to know that in this situation, the prisoner wants to destroy the evidence quickly.

Now it seems that the precautionary measures have come in handy. "

Karasawa looked at Mizoba Riko's pale face and said calmly: "There must be a murder weapon on your body or in the car, just the fishing line used to strangle Mr. Gunhira.

You rushed to Mr. Gunpei's body before us just to cut the fishing line and recover the murder weapon. Am I right? "

Following Karasawa's words, Mizoba Riko, who had glared at Karasawa before, didn't even dare to look at the man in front of her. She could only turn her head and look down to avoid those sharp eyes.

"Actually, I suspect that you can also find chloroform in your car to make him sleep more deeply and ammonia to wake him up." Hattori Heiji looked at Mizoba Riko who looked evasive and then added.

And this seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel's back. Mizuta Riko frowned and looked at her dead lover with a look full of hatred.

"The fishing line, chloroform, and ammonia you mentioned are indeed all in my car."

Mizoba Riko laughed at herself when she heard this: "Although I also thought that I would be interrogated by criminals, I didn't expect that these handsome guys would discover my methods at a rapid speed.

The method I thought was perfect probably broke down the moment I was forced to stop by Karasawa's criminal driver. "

Mizoba Riko no longer avoided everyone's gaze. She raised her head as if she had been relieved of a heavy burden, and her expression was full of calmness: "You are right, I killed Gunpei and let him die holding the steering wheel of the car..."

When she said this, Mizoda Riko's face was full of malice and ferociousness: "Yes, it's like dying while holding the steering wheel!"

"A Zhang!? You mean A Zhang?"

Hearing Mizoda Riko mention his son, Taishi Shimojima's expression immediately changed and he asked repeatedly: "Are you talking about my son A Zhang?"

"Yes, I was indeed in love with Junping before, but then I fell in love with Azhang, not long after Junping lost to Azhang in the battle on the mountain road."

Mizoba Riko admitted: "After all, I have always liked fast men."

"I see. No wonder the disgraced Gunpei set up that trap during the car race on a rainy day." Tadada Atsuo looked astonished when he heard this.

"It was not a simple rainy day! The game that day was completely stormy!" Mizoba Riko said sternly: "The weather was so bad that there was no way to play the game.

But Jun Ping deliberately provoked A Zhang to compete with him. In the end, A Zhang fell directly to the bottom because of the rain on the road causing his tires to slip. "

"But I think these two people are just each other." Mouri Kogoro said calmly: "As the party being provoked, we clearly know that there will be huge risks in the rainy day competition, so we must be mentally prepared to take risks. .

And the provocative party also changed its ways because it had to take responsibility, right? "

"Don't be ridiculous, will he change his ways?" Mizoba Riko said dissatisfiedly towards Mouri Kogoro: "If that were the case, he wouldn't have refused when I tried to stop him.

He is a cold-blooded red mountain demon! "

"Yes, I think so too!"

Taishi Shimojima was also dissatisfied with Kogoro Mori's remarks: "I think this man is just putting on airs!"

"Once you become a racing fan, you won't give up until you die." Atsao Tadada held his arms in his arms, obviously holding the same attitude as the other two.

"I think this man really regretted what he did after the accident." At this moment, Kudo Arata looked at Gunpei in the car with a serious look on his face.

"Why do you say that!" Riko Mizoba asked dissatisfiedly: "How can you be so sure that he regrets it!?"

"Because there are cigarettes and lighters on the dashboard of the driver's seat."

Kudo Shinichi said calmly: "Judging from the ashtray in the other party's car, which was filled with cigarette butts, I think he smoked a lot of cigarettes before being strangled to death."


Hearing Kudo Shinichi's words, Mizota Riko's pupils couldn't help but shrink: "You mean..."

"Your mechanism is too easy to discover." Tang Ze said: "If he wants to get a cigarette, he naturally has to lean forward, so he will naturally find the fishing line around his neck."

"And if there is a lighter, he can easily burn the fishing line, right?" Hattori Heiji said: "Now you understand."

"Understood? Understand what?" Mizota Riko was completely at a loss when she heard Hattori Heiji's words.

Or maybe she had already guessed the meaning of Hattori Heiji's words, but she subconsciously chose to ask the question because she couldn't believe it.

"Because he may have resigned himself to his fate."

Kudo Shinichi said with a heavy tone: "Admit your crime and you must use your own life to atone for it.

However, I still can't sympathize with his experience, because just like your choice to kill him, his choice also turned you into a murderer.

You and he both made the worst choice of all.

No matter what the reasons are, you cannot make this wrong choice. "

Along with Kudo Shinichi's words of reprimand and admonishment, Mizoba Riko may have made the wrong choice because she misunderstood Gunpei, or she was afraid of killing someone.

At this moment, she fell to her knees and burst into tears.

This tragedy has happened, so the ending is destined to end in tragedy.

After the case was solved, forensic personnel from the headquarters also arrived.

However, what they are facing is just simple finishing work, and there is no need to check and photograph all the evidence.

All you need to do is take photos based on the key evidence in Karasawa's reasoning and call it a day.

As for Sato Miwako and Takagi, they escorted Mizoba Riko back to the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Then let's go too."

Seeing Karasawa get into the car, Mouri Kogoro stretched out, looked at Hattori and the two of them and said, "It's time for you two to go back. Why don't you let Karasawa take you to the station later, and we'll say goodbye here." …”

Seeing the police car leaving, Mouri Kogoro calmly began to arrange for everyone to allocate parking spaces.

But everyone at the scene didn't think twice, and instantly saw through Mouri Kogoro's "insidious" plan.

Even the two girls' IQs were instantly online when it came to matters of love, and their "Palace Fighting" skills were fully equipped.

"No, uncle, let's go back to Tokyo to have a meal first, and then go back!" He Ye took the lead and helped his best friend to refuse.

"Yes, yes, there is a store in Tokyo that I really want to try. Let's go quickly!" Hattori Heiji said and pushed Mouri Kogoro's back, urging him to walk towards the car.

"Hmph, let Tangze Criminal take you there! I'm going to take my daughter home!"

When Mouri Kogoro saw this, he stopped covering up and roared directly: "There happens to be room available, you two and that bastard boy are going to Karasawa Criminal's car, you can go wherever you want, it has nothing to do with us!"

Having said this, Mouri Kogoro asked Hattori Heiji's hand, turned around and walked towards Xiaolan aggressively, obviously intending to pull his daughter out of the clutches of that bastard boar.

Not far away, Kudo Shinichi was also in a panic. When he looked at his prospective father-in-law who wanted to eat him alive, his usually calm mind lost its sense of proportion.

Now, he feels that facing the elders who have watched him grow up here, he is more panicked than confronting a murderer. How can he still have the calmness before.

He has always been able to calmly think about countermeasures when faced with various problems, but now his mind is blank and he can't think of any good way to deal with it.

Seeing Mouri Kogoro getting closer and closer, Kudo Shin suddenly stood in front of Xiaolan, trying to stop Mouri Kogoro from taking Xiaolan.

But facing the menacing Mouri Kogoro, Kudo Shinichi had already begun to feel a phantom pain in his head.

That was the shadow of a punch when he transformed into Conan, and he was already prepared to be punched again.

But the next moment, he only felt his arm being grabbed, and a force pulled his body to run to the side and behind.

"Eh? Lan..." Kudo Shinichi was at a loss as he passively followed Xiaolan's footsteps.

"Hurry up, let's just run to Tangze Criminal's car!"

The girl took the boy's hand and made the bravest move while being shy.

Kudo Shinichi was startled when he heard the sound. The next moment he clenched the catkin in his hand and took the initiative to run forward with Xiaolan.

"What a youth~"

Tangze, who was eating melon in the car, naturally saw the farce and the decision the girl made.

With his foot on the accelerator, Tang Ze turned the front of the car and easily stopped the rear seat door in front of the two of them.

"Lan, come back here!!"

Seeing his "little cabbage" take the initiative to pull the "pig" away, Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but became furious. He started running in a few steps, planning to rush over and beat the boy up, and then take his daughter away.

But at this time, Hattori Heiji and Kazuha, as their good friends and best friends, stopped Mouri Kogoro firmly, holding his waist to prevent him from taking another step forward.

"Dad, Shinichi and I are going to have a meal and then go back. Please send Heye and the copies to the station."

After opening the rear door and signaling Kudo Shinichi to go in first, Xiaolan waved her hands and explained to her father.

But this move obviously added fuel to the fire. Kogoro Mouri resisted the pull of the two people and approached Karasawa's car step by step.

"'s really scary..." Kudo Shinichi couldn't help but shrink his neck as he watched the ferocious-looking father-in-law rushing toward them with red eyes from the car window.

Feeling the murderous aura rushing towards him, he felt that if he fell into the opponent's hands today, his life or death would be uncertain.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel lucky that he would be able to return to Conan's identity after the effects of the medicine were over.

In this way, Kogoro Mouri can calm down if he can't find himself. If Ichichi maintains the identity of Kudo Shinichi, it will be really doomed.

I'm afraid I won't chase him to his house and beat him on the head...

As for Xiaolan, she didn't think too much. After making up her mind and getting a firm response from her sweetheart, Xiaolan seemed to have been relieved of a heavy burden.

It's like a good girl no longer suppresses herself and starts to become rebellious. There is no pressure or shyness at all, but only joy and calmness about her own mood.

Perhaps this was the only time the girl mustered up the courage to be rebellious and willful, but it would be an unforgettable memory for both her and him in their lifetime.

After the girl handed over the task to her father, she closed the car door with a smile and waved goodbye to her father from the car window.

Under Mouri Kogoro's ecstatic gaze, his daughter happily waved goodbye to him.

"Boy Karasawa, stop the car for me!!" Mouri Kogoro roared: "Don't drive. If you dare to drive, I will never stop you!!"

"You said, if I don't drive, then you are screwed."

Karasawa touched his chin and looked at Kudo Shinichi from the rearview mirror with a mischievous smile, and said with a malicious smile: "Oh, no, I shouldn't have added "we". Someone should be finished."

"Karasawa Criminal..."

When Kudo Shinichi heard this, he couldn't care less about putting on airs and quickly flattered him: "Stop joking and leave quickly!"

Although he also knew that Tang Ze was joking, he really didn't dare to gamble.

It wasn't the first time that he had been tricked by him. If he was so stubborn now, and if Tang Ze really asked him to get off the bus in a fit of anger, then he would really be screwed.

He will be beaten to death by his old father-in-law!

"Yeah, my dad will really beat him to death now, and I won't be much better by then."

Xiaolan also looked at Tang Ze nervously, fearing that if he really didn't drive the car to put the two of them down, she would be too shameless to face her father and would like to crawl into the ground.

"I'm just kidding you." Tang Ze chuckled, "Sit tight and get ready to set off!"

The engine roared and roared, rushing out like an arrow from the string, but in the blink of an eye, Mouri Kogoro was left behind, and even the roar became blurred.

The two people sitting in the back seat of Karasawa couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw Mouri Kogoro, who had escaped from their confinement and ran wildly but couldn't catch up. Then they looked at each other and smiled.

The two of them intertwined their fingers, their hearts filled with sweetness.

"That's great, I must be happy~"

Seeing the two of them getting into the car, Heye let go and looked at the car going away. The girl's heart suddenly burst into tears, and she sent her best wishes to her best friend with eyes full of envy.

Hattori Heiji who was standing aside looked at her cautiously, turned his head and did not dare to look at her: "If you want to, wait until you get back...I can also take you for a ride..."

As soon as the words fell, Kazuya's cheeks turned red.

The girl murmured in a low voice, her heart full of joy, and said softly like a mosquito: "Well... okay..."

Seeing the bravery of his companions, the young man finally plucked up the courage to invite his sweetheart.

An invisible ambiguity quietly arises between the two.

. Lewen

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