Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,113 Hammer Man




Just when the ambiguous atmosphere between the two seemed to be filled with pink bubbles, Mouri Kogoro, who did not know when he had returned, sneaked up from behind and hit Hattori Heiji on the head with a set of "Three Punches".

"What are you doing, uncle!"

Hattori Heiji yelled in displeasure as he covered his head with the "triple bag" of big bags inside small bags.

After all, when the atmosphere is good, if someone comes up to give you three hammers, you will be very angry.

"Hmph! When you stopped me just now, weren't you very active!" Mouri Kogoro said unhappily: "Then what's wrong with me beating you now!"

"a ha ha ha…."

Yuanshan and Ye smiled awkwardly when they heard this, and quickly stopped in front of Maori Kogoro and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, Uncle Maori, but that is also Xiaolan's own wish..."

"Humph, what's her own wish?" Mouri Kogoro was furious when he said this: "I don't know if she was bewitched by that bastard boy's sweet words!"

"But Xiaolan is indeed very happy..."

He smiled at Ye Sansan: "And Uncle Maoli, you are too nervous. The two of them just haven't seen each other for a long time and just went to have a meal in the evening. It's normal."

"Huh, that's the best!"

Mouri Kogoro snorted coldly: "If I find out that he dares to do something outrageous, don't blame me for breaking his legs regardless of kindness!"

These words were said with such murderous intent that the two people on the side shrank their necks and did not dare to talk back and provoke each other.

After all, this is a highway. If the other party gets upset and throws you off, it will be really hard.

In addition, the other party's daughter was indeed abducted. If the two of them were accomplices, they should just follow him.

Seeing that Kogoro Mouri's eyes were filled with blood and he was about to eat someone, the two of them wisely looked at their noses with their eyes and their hearts with their noses.

Fortunately, Mouri Kogoro still remembered that he was an elder. Although he was unhappy after venting enough, the service usually intercepted his actions, but he still sent the two people to the station.

After that, he went home angrily, drinking beer while waiting for his daughter to come back.

Of course, this was destined to be an anxious wait. After all, Karasawa brought the two of them to Erina's restaurant, where they were happily tasting delicious food in the private room.

Even when Xiaolan and Kudo came home from their date, Mouri Kogoro was already drunk and had long forgotten what he wanted to say.

As for Tangze, after he brought the two of them to the restaurant, he naturally didn't want to be a light bulb, so he drove back home.

Because he was dealing with this case yesterday, he just made a phone call and didn't go home. Now that he's back, naturally he can't wander around anymore.

But before starting the car and going home, Tang Ze habitually checked the rewards.

The reward for the case this time is a bit strange. According to the past rules, the reward will start to be settled by pressing the button after the prisoner is caught in the police car.

But this time he checked several times before but there was no response.

This is a bit strange. After all, this kind of situation only happened when big cases happened in the past, so Tang Ze has always been more concerned about it.

Because this possibility indicates that you may receive more rewards, or that the "fate line" listed as a reward by the system has not yet completely ended, the settlement of the rewards will be delayed.

After thinking about it, this time Conan became Kudo Shinichi. This variable was different from before, so Karasawa suspected that it had something to do with the date between the two.

The moment the virtual panel popped up and several pieces of information were refreshed from the retina, Tangze knew that his guess was good.

【Mobile secret room】

[Congratulations to the host for getting 200 destiny points]

Evaluation: A murder case, three top detectives, the only word "unlucky" can be used to describe the prisoner when he meets you.

Simple rewards and evaluations are no different from those after solving a case.

But what is different from the original is that this time there is actually a second reward settlement.

But this time, it's obviously not about the case.

【First date】

Completion: perfect

[Congratulations on getting the pink rose]

Evaluation: Under your constant changes, the two people who originally had no progress during this period and were only sad began a sweet love.

Little by little changes have shaken up the original trajectory of destiny, and the ripples stirred up by the butterfly are getting bigger and bigger, but no one knows what kind of storm it will eventually stir up.

Somehow you have been favored by fate!

Looking at the reward in front of him, Tang Ze couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Although he had facilitated several good deeds in advance before, both for protagonists and supporting actors, those rewards were more incidental, like additional small gifts.

This was the first time that he received an additional reward settlement for changing the relationship between the two.

But he never imagined that being a "matchmaker" would also lead to rewards for promoting good things.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems not impossible.

There is no doubt that if you change the original plot and make it develop in a good direction, you will be rewarded by the system.

And before, I had been more or less involved in it and received some rewards.

After all, this time the hero and heroine are officially dating, so it doesn't seem strange to give them a reward.

But this is a good reward for him. After all, he helped promote their good things before, and a small part of it was because of the unhappiness in his previous life, so he wanted to push them behind.

Most of the reason is that he has become friends with everyone now, and naturally hopes that they will get better and better.

But now that you can do CP and get better rewards, it is simply double happiness.

For example, the props he obtained this time are quite good.

[Pink rose: Giving it to a lover can give him/her the blessing of fate and reduce the probability of being implicated in a case. When the host and the recipient are together, it can reduce the interference of the murder case]

Although it looks like a simple bouquet of flowers on the surface, it is actually a precious prop of [Destiny Side]!

Moreover, it is also a prop that can ensure the safety of lovers. It can be said that this thing is absolutely precious.

Haven't you seen that after Tangze has experienced so many cases, the [asylum] items he received are still pitiful?

He even suspected that such props conflicted with the rules of this world with frequent murders, so they were difficult to obtain.

However, it is quite reasonable to obtain this kind of tool for shelter from beauty.

After thinking about it, Karasawa took out the pink rose, then started the car and turned a corner to the flower shop.

Since you want to send flowers, it is natural to send a bouquet, and sending a paragraph seems too monotonous.

Putting the wrapped rose bouquet on the passenger seat, Karasawa put the [pink rose] he got into it and drove back home with the flowers.

After entering the door, Ayako, whose attention was attracted by the sound of the door opening, looked at Karasawa who was carrying flowers home, and quickly walked forward to take the bouquet.

"Ah, why are you thinking of buying me flowers?"

Looking at Karasawa who came back with a bouquet of flowers, Ayako said calmly, but the raised corners of her mouth already showed her good mood at the moment.

"If you want to buy it, just buy it."

Tang Ze changed into his slippers and said with a smile: "Life has to be full of surprises. Besides, I suddenly couldn't talk about it yesterday, so naturally I have to express something."

"Then I'll accept this apology~" Ayako stroked the flowers, then turned around to find the vase and put the bouquet in it.

"By the way, I know you will be back later, so I made curry rice today." Ayako asked while arranging flowers: "Is there anything else you want to eat? I'll make it for you."

"No, that's enough."

Pouring the hot curry on top of the rice, Karasawa sat at the table and ate this simple curry with satisfaction, but it felt extremely delicious.

It's not as delicious as the ones made by Yukihira and the others that are so amazing that you can't wait to swallow them all on your tongue.

However, the curry made by Ayako has a plain and warm feeling. When I first tasted that "home-cooked" feeling, I thought it was pretty good, but it was not amazing.

But when being amazing becomes a habit, and even a little boring, you will never forget the ordinary taste.

Because, that is the taste of home.

"I've finished eating. Do you want to go out for a walk later?"

While washing the dishes, Tangze asked, "Should we watch a movie at home later?"

"Let's watch a movie." Ayako made the decision without much hesitation, with a somewhat uneasy expression on her face: "Actually, I only found out after watching the news yesterday that things don't seem to be very peaceful nearby recently."

"Huh? What's wrong?" Tang Ze frowned and said in a solemn tone: "What happened?"

"Don't be nervous, it's just news, nothing happened."

Seeing Karasawa's murderous look, Ayako warmly explained at the same time: "When I watched the news yesterday, it seemed that there was a criminal around who specializes in attacking women with long hair.

The first time I thought it was revenge or robbery, but now it seems that two women have been attacked by each other. "

"Well?" Tang Ze's eyes narrowed when he heard this, "Did it happen during my absence in the past two days?"

"Yeah." Ayako nodded and said, "So don't go out if you have nothing to do."

"That's fine." Seeing that Ayako looked a little insecure, Karasawa couldn't help but nodded.

Although he is indeed paying close attention to this case, there is no way to gain anything if he rushes out without any information.

After all, I heard from Ayako that those who commit crimes against women move randomly, and it is obviously difficult to encounter them in such a big Tokyo.

In addition, Ayako obviously wanted him to accompany her, so naturally he would not go out casually at this time.

After deciding to go to the Metropolitan Police Department tomorrow to inquire about the situation, Karasawa and Ayako turned on the projector and put on a science fiction movie to watch.

On this night, some people cuddled up and watched movies, and some young people walked through the lively streets with their fingers intertwined after dinner, unwilling to go back for a long time.

All these daily routines seem to form a beautiful picture scroll. Perhaps only when people lose these things they are accustomed to, and suddenly recall one day, will they realize that the peace is so worth remembering.

If there is a book, it will be long; if there is no book, it will be short.

The night life is naturally about sleeping peacefully, nothing worth writing about.

Early the next morning, Tangze got up early and prepared breakfast for the two of them.

As usual, the two turned on the TV and watched the morning news reports while eating breakfast.

To Karasawa's relief, the morning news did not report any more news about attacks on female prisoners.

However, after breakfast, he went directly to the Metropolitan Police Department, intending to learn about the case that specifically targeted women.

After all, this prisoner is already suspected of serial crimes. If he cannot be caught and brought to justice in time, there may be more victims.

Solving it as soon as possible can also put Ayako's mind at ease.

But what Tangze didn't expect was that as soon as he arrived at the Search Class 1, he found that the atmosphere today was different from usual.

Normally when there are no cases, everyone would get together in twos and threes, chatting or drinking coffee. The female colleagues working in the administrative department were chatting about the gossip that happened in the bureau recently.

But as soon as he walked in, Tang Ze felt the pressure and tension brought by the overall environment.

Even the people nearby seemed to be in a hurry when coming and going.

"Hey, what happened?"

Seeing Shiratori passing by, Tangze stopped him and asked, "Did another case happen?"

"No, the "hammer man" who attacked women repeatedly attacked another woman last night."

After hearing Tang Ze's question, Shiratiao had nothing to hide. Dang even told Tang Ze the latest news: "But unlike the previous cases, the criminal was discovered when he attacked yesterday!"

"So you are going to have a meeting now?" Tang Ze's face became serious after hearing this: "I will join you."

The two of them walked all the way to the large conference room, where most of the criminals were already seated.

Because of the seriousness of the situation, someone soon began to distribute the information of several victims, and then the officer in charge of the case, Megure, began to tell the summarized information one by one.

First of all, the fourth victim last night was also a woman, and because she was seen by witnesses, she dropped the hammer at the crime scene when she fled in a panic.

This is obviously the reason why Shiratori Criminal Called the prisoner the nickname "Hammer Man".

As we all know, nicknames contain characteristics, and "hammer" is the murder weapon of the other party, so naturally the gender "male" is not just called casually.

Maybe others don't think gender is unimportant, as long as the nickname is smooth, but criminal justice is a very rigorous job.

The reason why the police believed that the other party was a male also came from the middle-aged office worker who witnessed the criminal last night.

The other person had socialized with his colleagues last night and drank very late before going home. Then he saw a dark figure beside the grass, seemingly looking for something.

When he got closer out of curiosity, he found the female victim lying on the ground. He screamed and frightened the prisoner away. He also saw the physical characteristics of the other person.

The prisoner is a large man about 1.8 meters tall, obviously a man.

The reason for convening today's meeting is that the witness provided very useful information!

Although he screamed in panic after discovering the body, he also scared away the "hammer man". Perhaps because he drank some wine, he did not run away immediately, but followed him.

While following him all the way, he saw the "hammer man" entering an apartment in Miwa Town!

The meeting this morning was to go door to door to check for suspects!

. Lewen

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