Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,114 The prisoner’s golden cicada escapes from its shell

Carpet inspection.

This is a troublesome thing that no detective would do because it requires too much energy.

But for criminals, blanket investigation is the most commonly used method in their searches.

Now that they have received this news, they will naturally not give up this important clue easily.

After allocating work at the meeting, Officer Megure hurried out to hold a press conference to deal with the reporters who came after hearing the news. People in the conference were led by various groups to the target apartment.

"Tang Ze Criminal, I didn't expect you to come here too." After Takagi saw Tang Ze, he was delighted and then greeted him with a smile.

"Well, I just heard Ayako talk about this last night. She was so worried that she didn't dare to go out recently."

Tangze smiled and said, "So I'm thinking of settling this matter quickly so that we can go out for a walk at night.

It was originally such a leisurely activity, but the appearance of a "hammer man" turned the atmosphere into a gloomy one. "

"Tangze Criminal is really a good man."

Sato Miwako on the side heard this and smiled: "But Miss Ayako should not have to worry about this matter soon, after all, the apartment where the "hammer man" lives has been locked.

If things go well, the scope of the suspect can be extremely narrowed down. By then, our police will be tracking him 24 hours a day, and we will definitely not give him the chance to commit a crime! "

"It's naturally good to stop the Hammer Man's actions, but it would be more worry-free if he could be captured directly."

Tang Ze obviously said this with a smile, but the two people on the side could hear the coldness and "murderous intent" in his tone, and they were obviously very unhappy with the "hammer man".

‘This guy got into trouble with Karasawa...’ Takagi, who has been working with Karasawa for the longest time, muttered in his heart.

In fact, Tang Ze was indeed very angry.

You see, he just came back from the outskirts of Tokyo yesterday and facilitated a good relationship between the two young people. He got a rose and gave his sweetheart a bouquet of flowers when he came home.

After all the incidents were over, he stayed with his significant other, plus the 200 fate points gained from the case, which was enough for ten draws in a row.

With so many good things put together, it would be such a joyful thing.

Who knew that an inexplicable "hammer man" would appear, which made Ayako panic and ruined the time he had to clock out and enjoy his own life.

And he was used to drawing draws in a completely relaxed and comfortable environment, but when there was a case later, he couldn't always relax completely, so the draw was also ruined.

Tang Ze used the best ingredients to prepare a table of dishes, but a mouse came and ruined the whole table.

Therefore, this seamless silence made Tang Ze very unhappy. He didn't care whether the case was an ordinary case or a Ke Xue case, and directly got involved.

"If Karasawa Criminal Investigation is here, we will definitely be more confident in arresting that guy." Sato Miwako didn't think too much, and said with a smile after hearing Karasawa's words.

While the three of them were talking, they had already arrived at the underground parking lot and each drove towards the target's apartment.

The apartment where the suspect was located was pretty good and the floor was quite high. Naturally, there were many residents in it. However, the police paid great attention to this case and called in a lot of manpower.

The two of them were on the same floor and quickly conducted a preliminary inspection of the apartment.

Here I have to talk about Neon’s full-time wives, because this group is very large, so basically any family of three or four will have someone at home.

These wives usually have nothing to do. They usually go shopping with neighbors after seeing off their husbands and children, so most of them know each other.

Because of this, they have an alibi.

As for their family members, we can basically find confirmation from them or their neighbors.

So by the afternoon, we had basically locked down the house in the middle of the third floor that no one opened the door no matter how hard we rang the doorbell.

By the way, the researchers spent a long time detecting the blood stains of the first three victims from the hammer dropped by the "hammer man" yesterday, so they can basically confirm that they are the real owners.

"Has the tenant's information been checked?" From the car, Tang Ze looked at Takagi and asked.

"The original tenant was a backpacker who was traveling overseas. He temporarily lent the house to a male friend to live in."

Takagi said: "Because we couldn't contact the other party, we could only ask for information from the other party's parents, but we didn't know the details.

After we asked the neighbors, we learned from their descriptions that the male friend of the other party seemed to have brought his girlfriend over to live with him for a while, but recently his girlfriend has not appeared again.

As for him, he stays in his room all day long and doesn't go out. Even when he goes out, he doesn't go out until night.

And he always wore a hat and turban whenever he went out, so the neighbors didn't get a full look at his face. "

"It's stuck..." Tang Ze frowned when he heard this: "If you don't know your identity, you can't deduce the motive. Now you can only follow me..."

"Anyway, we have at least caught the Hammer Man, and he will definitely not commit a crime at this time."

Takagi saw that Karasawa frowned and seemed a little dissatisfied, so he couldn't help but expressed relief: "At least the situation is in our favor now."

"That's true."

Tang Ze nodded: "If we make such a big noise today, the other party will definitely be wary, and there is a high chance that they will not commit a crime.

Just keep an eye on him first, and notify me immediately if anything happens. Also, if anyone else comes in or out, don't let him go. "

"Don't worry, everything has been arranged." Takagi nodded.

When Tangze saw that the case was stuck here, he went back directly.

Judging from the current situation, there is no "choose one of the classic three" situation. Instead, the room where the suspect is located is directly locked.

So it is possible that this case is just an ordinary case?

Generally speaking, Tang Ze has paid attention to such cases, but he rarely appears. Many of them involve passion killings with a lot of clues. The only thing criminals have to do is to arrest them, so he doesn't appear.

This time he suspected that the case might be of the same nature.

However, this suspicion was shattered on the second day.

Because when Sato Miwako and Takagi were watching, they happened to be discovered by Xiaolan, Sonoko and Conan who came back from school.

Conan even took the initiative to say hello to the two of them when they were suspected by the suspect and help resolve the suspicion.

After all, the suspect would not have thought that the person he was stalking would bring elementary school students and high school girls to stalk him.

However, the suspicion was cleared, and a look of understanding appeared on Tangze's face when he spotted Conan at the side.

If Conan is there, it must be a Ke Xue case. The reason why no suspect was found yesterday is because the protagonist hasn't appeared yet...

'If nothing unexpected happens, maybe you will get something later...'

Looking at the people talking, Tangze had just finished his thoughts when he saw Chiba, who was responsible for monitoring the suspect's house, running over panting.

A moment later, he received a call from Takagi, saying that important information had been found in Chiba and asking him to avoid the direction of the suspect's room and join them.

‘Sure enough, in order to get the protagonist involved in the case, such coincidences are everywhere. ’

Although this was not the first time he had seen a similar situation, Tangze still had to lament the horror of the ending of the plot.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that changing an original fate line will allow him to gain those gains.

While his thoughts were diverging and thinking about various possibilities, Tangze kept walking around the view of the apartment where the suspect could see and joined the others.

"Brother-in-law? You are here too~"

After seeing Tangze, Yuanzi was so happy that she ran to him: "Are you here to catch the Hammer Man too?"

"Yes, your sister is not willing to go out for a walk with me at night because of this guy." Tang Ze said with a smile: "So don't you want to arrest this guy quickly?"

"As expected of a brother-in-law, I feel so safe." Yuanzi's eyes were full of admiration when he heard this, and Xiaolan on the side had almost the same expression.

Obviously, girls like this kind of sweetheart who is responsible and caring about their significant other.

In response to the two people's compliments, Karasawa just smiled, then glanced at the "drum washing machine" that turned back into Conan and said with a smile: "By the way, how was the previous date?"

"Dating! Who is going with whom!?"

Yuanzi's eyes lit up when he heard this, and soon he saw Xiaolan's blushing face and said in disbelief: "Xiaolan, you actually went on a date!? Where did this handsome guy come from!?"

"Where did the handsome guy come from? It's Shinichi!" Xiaolan looked at her best friend whose eyes were burning with the fire of gossip and said quickly: "And we just went to have a meal. After all, he rarely comes back once..."

"I understand, I understand~" Yuanzi nodded sharply with an ambiguous smile on her face, and her tone made her want Xiaolan to gag her.

As for Conan on the side, he vaguely rolled his eyes when Tang Ze glanced at him, obviously knowing that he mentioned this matter deliberately to arouse his sister-in-law's interest.

After all, everyone understands Yuanzi’s character~

Tang Ze watched the two high school students fighting for a while without stopping them. Instead, he looked at the three people who came with Chiba in the distance.

"Are these the people who came in and out of that room?" Miwako Sato asked as she looked at the three men and one woman wearing different uniforms.

"Well, I have been watching from a distance on the other side of the apartment door, and I only noticed these three people entering and exiting the room." Chiba said, "As for the time, it was about ten minutes apart."

"Okay, I think the criminal has just explained the situation to you. What are the three of you doing in that room?" Tang Ze looked at the three of them and asked.

"What to do... I just answered the phone and came here to collect emails."

The first person to speak was a sturdy man wearing a blue striped uniform. He was holding a box in his white-gloved right hand. He was obviously a courier.

"As for me, I deliver the goods on a motorcycle." A blond girl in a blue uniform and a motorcycle helmet followed closely and said, "I'm also here to collect the tenant's express delivery..."

"As for me, I deliver the pizza that the customer ordered for takeout." The middle-aged man in a red uniform said at the end.

The hat on his head also has the words "PIZZA-YA" printed on it, so he obviously wasn't lying.

"Then did you three see the owner of the house?" Officer Takagi asked while recording the three people's statements.

"No, I didn't see the homeowner."

The strong man shook his head and said: "The owner of the room posted a piece of paper on the ground in front of the door, saying that he had a cold and was resting.

Just let me go in directly after seeing the note and take away the cardboard box on the table and the money on it.

After this I wrote him a receipt and left. "

"What about you, young lady?" Tang Ze asked.

"Like him, I didn't see the owner of the room."

The blond woman said: "There is also an instruction on motorcycle delivery posted on the paper at the door. It says that the blue backpack that is to be delivered is placed on the table. All you have to do is take it away."

Speaking of which, she took out a backpack packed in a transparent plastic bag and said, "As for the delivery location, I was told in advance when I accepted the commission."

"That piece of paper also said something about pizza delivery."

The pizza delivery boy in red uniform heard what the two said and immediately echoed: "As for the pizza delivery, the cost has been put on the table.

All I did was put the pizza on the table, take the money and go. "

"I have a cold and am resting..." Miwako Sato frowned.

"Yes, when I accepted his commission, the guest's voice was really hoarse." The strong man nodded.

"Me too."

"me too!"

The other two people also agreed, saying that it was the same as what the other party described.

"But why does the owner of this room keep asking people to come into his room..." After recording the three people's testimonies, Takagi touched his chin and said in deep thought.

"By the way, besides Chiba, there should be two other people responsible for watching the door, right?"

At this moment, Sato Miwako on the side seemed to have thought of something and quickly looked at Chiba.

"Yes, I stopped the last pizza delivery guy, and the other two colleagues stopped me." Chiba nodded after hearing Sato Miwako's question.

"Wouldn't there be a gap at the door of the apartment where no one is watching?"

Tangze frowned, with an ominous premonition rising in his heart. He quickly ran towards the apartment and said at the same time: "Qianye, I'll leave those three to you!"

Miwako Sato's expression changed after hearing Karasawa's words, and she realized that they might have fallen into the prisoner's plan of "driving the tiger away from the mountain".

First, he called three different people to his room, so that in order to investigate their suspicions, the criminal who monitored the room had to ask them what they were doing here and stop them.

In this way, the watcher would have to step out from the dark to stop the visitor, and then stay outside the surveillance range to ask questions.

When the three people called came one after another, the prisoner was able to take advantage of this opportunity and escape directly!

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