Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,115 The real murderer

Karasawa was very fast. After realizing that the three colleagues responsible for monitoring the door might have fallen into the trap, Karasawa immediately arrived at the door of the third-floor apartment where the target was located at full speed.

Looking down at the ground, the note mentioned by the three people before was pasted on the ground.

After listening to the room and not hearing anything, Tangze knocked on the door and announced that he was home, then opened the door to the room.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw pizza placed on the table in the room, and there were several envelopes that were probably filled with delivery fees.

Karasawa walked over and opened the pizza box, only to find that the pizza was completely sitting there without eating a bite.

“I didn’t even take a bite of the pizza…”

Sato Miwako, who came after him, saw this change of expression: "Sure enough, the prisoner did these things just to escape, so I called the three of them.

Chiba and the others should have rotated the gaps when they went to call people, and they would not have made the mistake of having gaps that were too long apart.

In other words, the "hammer man" is still in the room! ? "

Speaking of this, Sato Miwako's body tensed up, and she scanned the surroundings with great vigilance. Whenever there was any trouble, she would immediately give a fierce counterattack.

"Don't be too vigilant. There should be no threats in the room."

Tang Ze looked towards the bedroom where the lights were not turned on, and squatted down to check the man who fell on the ground.


Miwako Sato naturally saw the man on the ground and ran over quickly.

"No, you're still breathing. Call an ambulance."

Hearing Karasawa's words, Sato Miwako quickly took out her mobile phone to contact the ambulance, informed the location and put away her mobile phone.

"W-what's going on?"

At this moment, Takagi, who was one step behind the two of them, also ran over and was shocked when he saw the man lying on the ground.

"He was like this when we came in."

Miwako Sato looked at the attire of the man who fainted on the ground and said: "He was wearing a coat and a hat, and he looked like he was preparing to escape.

Did he commit suicide out of despair after discovering the surrounding network? "

"So, when the prisoner committed suicide, he was lucky enough to cause the rope to fall off before he died, so he saved his life?"

Takagi looked at the rope that fell next to the man, followed Miwako Sato's words and continued to reason, then said with some uncertainty: "Is that so..."

"No, this man did not commit suicide. You have preconceived ideas."

After checking the man's condition, Tang Ze pointed at the man's neck and said, "Look here, there are basically no rope marks on the skin on his neck."

"Indeed not." After hearing this, Miwako Sato immediately lay down and looked at his neck carefully.

"And it's too weird to hang yourself and wear a hat." Tang Ze pointed out another unreasonable point: "After all, the hat will be in the way when hanging."

"Then you mean, this hat is..."

Miwako Sato came here and saw Karasawa taking off the hat on the man's head, and the next moment his blood-stained hair appeared in front of everyone.

"What's going on?!" Sato Miwako couldn't help being shocked when she saw this, "Why..."

"Perhaps the Hammer Man was beaten in return."

Tangze said: "Or it may be an identity swap. The "hammer man" attacked one of the three previous ones and then took on the identity of the other person."

"Anyway, those three people are very suspicious. I will ask Qianye to bring them over immediately!"

After hearing this, Miwako Sato immediately contacted Chiba and asked him to bring the three people from before.

Chiba, who was entangled with the three people outside the apartment, breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. He immediately explained the situation found inside the house, making the three people who had always wanted to leave reluctantly follow them to the apartment.

"If you call later, I won't be able to stop you."

With Takagi's support, Chiba led the three of them to the apartment. He wiped his sweat and said: "As soon as you left before, the three of them said that they still had a lot of delivery work and had to leave.

If you hadn't specifically told me not to let the three of them go, Tang Ze Criminal, then I might not have been able to stop them..."

"If you really let the three of them go, then you are really finished."

Sato Miwako breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "When the time comes, Officer Megure will scold you to death for letting the suspect go."

"'s true..." Qianye couldn't help but feel happy when he said this, "If Tang Ze hadn't specifically confessed, I might have let him go..."

"Anyway, keep an eye on them first. Although one of the three of them is a suspect, we haven't been able to lock it in yet, so more investigation is needed."

After Karasawa finished his explanation, he glanced at Conan, who had followed Miwako Sato but kept silent, picked it up and put it next to Xiaolan who was following him: "Just stop running and stay still. Bar."

"That's right, kid, don't come over and cause trouble." Sonoko rubbed Conan's dog's head and held it in place.

"I just followed and learned, and didn't do anything!" Conan said dissatisfied: "I didn't cause any trouble!"

"Anyway, let's just watch here." Xiaolan comforted with a smile, "Just watch how your master solves the case here, and you can also learn from it."

'I don't want to see him solve the case, I want to get involved myself...'

Even though Conan kept slandering, he could only nod obediently after hearing Xiaolan's words.

Although he was a little "happy" when he saw the case, he also understood the reason why Tang Ze did not let him get involved in the case this time.

After all, Xiaolan and Yuanzi were following him this time, so he couldn't be too conspicuous, otherwise he would easily be suspected by Yuanzi, a weirdo.

Of course, it doesn't matter what Conan thinks, it doesn't matter what happened to Karasawa. He is currently checking the situation of the room with Miwako Sato and others, trying to find items that can identify the characteristics of the owner of the room.

"In order to retaliate against the prisoners of "Hammer Man", or did "Hammer Man" attack the staff and seem to escape..."

Miwako Sato mused while checking various items in the room: "It would be simple if someone related to the previous four victims took revenge on the "hammer man."

As long as you investigate the interpersonal relationships of the four victims, you should be able to identify each other easily. "

"This is unlikely."

Tangze said: "Although I raised this possibility, I am still more inclined to think that the "hammer man" knocked out one of the staff members and blended in to escape."

"Eh? Why?" Takagi on the side asked puzzledly.

"Although the four victims previously attacked by the Hammer Man were seriously injured and fortunately survived, their confessions contained no clues that could lead to the Hammer Man."

Tangze explained: "The witness also followed the "hammer man" after the fourth victim was unconscious, and the clues were directly provided to our police.

We did not disclose the suspicion of targeting the "hammer man" to reporters, which means that this is internal information.

If it were the victim's family, they would not have the ability or information channels to find this place to take revenge on the "hammer man."

If you were a family member of the victim, would you sneak in and attack the "hammer man" under the police's nose when you learned that the police had surrounded the "hammer man" and were about to arrest him?

If any of the four suspects were killed, then the motive of hatred would be understandable, but all four are still alive. For the people around them, arresting the criminal would be more beneficial to them.

In this way, not only can you take revenge, but you can also ask for medical expenses from the prisoner. "

"Indeed, when I think about it, it is more likely that the person in the room is the staff member who was attacked by the "hammer man"."

Sato Miwako nodded in agreement: "And as someone who is close to the four victims, it was found out immediately after the investigation, and the risk is also very high."

"Now, as long as we find the clues that can identify the suspect in the room, we can determine who the "hammer man" is!"

Takagi looked excited when he said this: "Let me search the room quickly!"

Although Takagi said so, in fact, when the three of them were talking, the movements of their hands did not stop, and they kept looking for things in the room.

Just as the ambulance arrived to transport the victim away, Tang Ze also found a bloody glove mixed in the washing machine and dryer in the room.

The blood on it has dried and turned black. It is obviously not the blood of today's victim.

Although this evidence has no effect on identifying the suspect now, if the blood stains belonging to the fourth victim can be identified from it, then it can be determined that the owner of the room is the "hammer man".

"Look quickly and see if there are any other clues in the clothes."

Sato Miwako squatted down and rummaged through the ball of clothes on the ground: "At least if the gender can be determined, one more suspicion can be eliminated..."

"Stop looking for it, there's none." Karasawa said, signaling Miwako Sato that her efforts were in vain: "I just looked, and there are no underwear or socks in it."

"It's really about things like sports coats and towels." Sato Miwako said as she browsed through them without giving up.

"Could it be thrown away directly?" Takagi guessed.

"No, this was done intentionally by the prisoner."

Tangze checked the other daily necessities in the room and saw an electric razor that was not plugged in, and a toothbrush cup without a toothbrush.

After finally checking the shoe cabinet, Tang Ze showed a smile: "I already know who the prisoner is."

"Eh?!" Takagi was surprised when he heard this; "So fast!?"

"Then who is the "hammer man"?" Sato Miwako asked impatiently.

"There is no such thing as a "hammer man" at all." Tang Ze looked at the stunned two people and smiled: "There is, just a woman pretending to be a "hammer man"!"

"Woman!? Are you talking about the motorcycle delivery person?" Takagi exclaimed, "Why?"

"Think about it carefully, and then think about it seriously."

Tangze said: "The physical characteristics of the three people intercepted before, as well as what work they did and in what order they entered this room."

"I have records of this..."

Hearing Karasawa's question, Takagi quickly took out the criminal notes recording the case and said: "The first one is a burly man wearing a blue striped uniform, he is about 180 centimeters tall, and he is a home delivery courier.

As for the third person, she is a blond female motorcycle deliveryman who is less than 160 centimeters tall.

The third one is a somewhat skinny pizza delivery boy, only about 1.7 meters tall.

The reason why the three of them entered the room was naturally because a note posted on the door of the room said that they were resting because of a cold, and asked them to come in and take away their things. "

"If the current situation is as it is, only the big man who entered here first can put the note on the ground, but he can eliminate the suspicion."

"Eh? Why?" Takagi asked puzzled.

"Because there are no receipts for the home delivery courier and motorcycle deliveryman in the room."

Tangze smiled and said: "The only ones who can make these two disappear are the second and third motorcycle deliverymen and motorcycle deliverymen who come in. It is impossible for the first person to get the second person's receipt.

In addition, the only one who can do all this is the "hammer man" who was originally in the room. This is another important evidence that I suspect that he pretended to be the three people and used this golden cicada to escape.

At the same time, the two receipts were destroyed to prevent us from verifying their identities and identifying the replacement. "

"I see, this is indeed a good way to get out." Sato Miwako nodded: "I also understand why the first big man can be eliminated as a suspect.

After all, there was a huge physical difference between him and the unconscious man, and there was no way to get a receipt from the motorcycle deliveryman. "

"Then the 'hammer man' is among those two people!"

Hearing this, Takagi said excitedly: "As long as you go to the pizza shop and confirm your identity with the employees inside, you can identify the suspect!"

"No need to go to so much trouble." Tang Ze said directly: "The prisoner is the small woman, and her height is close to the size of the man who was knocked unconscious in the room.

In addition, there are no underwear or socks in the house to hide the fact that she is a woman. After all, there will be obvious differences in the style and size of the socks. "

"This, is actually a woman?" Sato Miwako said in disbelief.

"I only noticed it after reading the search file." Tangze explained: "You have always called "hammer man" before, and I thought you confirmed the gender of the victim from the mouth.

But after reading the confessions, I found that no one described the other person in the intended gender. "

"Because it's a violent weapon like a hammer, is that why reporters gave it such a hotly debated nickname..."

Takagi suddenly remembered something when he said this: "So, the neighbor also said that the other party brought his girlfriend here, and he never saw her appearance clearly..."

"But what really convinced me that the prisoner was a motorcycle deliveryman was the pair of shoes."

Having said this, Tang Ze took out a pair of blue shoes from the shoe cabinet: "These shoes have leather pads on the insteps, which are obviously the pads for motorcycle gear shifting.

But in the shoe cabinet, only this pair had obvious wear and tear, and the other shoes were completely missing.

This confirmed to me that these shoes belonged to the motorcycle deliveryman, not the owner of the room! "

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