Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,116 The European Emperor is tanned

All the clues that Karasawa listed ultimately pointed to the blond woman who delivered the goods on the motorcycle.

After determining that the other party was the most suspicious, Takagi and Chiba immediately asked the other party to return to the police station to cooperate.

When the blond woman heard this, she immediately became unwilling: "Hey, don't just arrest people without evidence, okay? Besides, I still have a lot of work to do!

If I lose my job because of you, who will compensate me for the loss? "

"Actually, we have all kinds of evidence to confirm that you are the prisoner."

Tangze explained his previous reasoning and took out the backpack sent by the other party from above the other party's pale face: "If my guess is correct, the underwear and women's shoes for home use should be here."

The blond woman subconsciously wanted to reach out to grab it, but Miwako Sato locked her arm and took it down with an anti-joint.

"I lost my hammer, so I used a wrench instead, right?"

Tangze raised his eyebrows when he saw that in addition to the clothes he mentioned, there was also a murder weapon in the backpack.

"No wonder everyone regards her as the "hammer man" in the rumors. It turns out that she disguised her height to look like 180 centimeters."

Looking at the thick-soled boots, Sato Miwako suddenly said: "This also explains why she can't even run away from a drunk man. It is naturally inconvenient to move in such shoes."

At this point in the case, the context is basically clear.

The most difficult part of this case was that the prisoner called three takeaways, knocked one out like a cicada, and then escaped among them.

But after being exposed by Tangze, it was only a matter of time before the suspicion was confirmed, not to mention that Tangze had found so many clues.

No matter how loud the woman screamed, the "hammer man" lady was eventually arrested and brought to justice when the other two people were willing to take criminals to the company to prove their identities without hesitation.

After interrogation, it was learned that the reason why she committed crimes indiscriminately was out of revenge for the man who abandoned her.

The reason why women with long hair are specifically chosen to attack is because when a man dumps him, he is followed by a woman with long hair.

Hearing this, Tang Ze was really speechless about this bizarre criminal motive.

Why do you say you want to attack innocent women indiscriminately, just because they have long hair?

You are so angry, why don't you give that bitch a blow to vent your anger? What the hell are you doing by indiscriminately hurting innocent people?

Anyway, Tang Ze was speechless for this strange girl.

But in any case, the rumors of the "hammer man", which had been increasingly developed into urban ghost stories, finally disappeared with the arrest of the other party.

After settling the case, Tang Ze stopped caring about the follow-up finishing work. In fact, the case reports and the like were the most troublesome things.

However, because it was still early after solving the case, he chose to finish lunch first and rest until he went to work in the afternoon. Then he went to the skills training center to get bullets and went to the shooting range to practice shooting.

Although he has skills, the skills you master after teaching can only maintain your lowest level of performance. The feel and condition are the things that determine the upper limit of your marksmanship.

And these are not something that skills can bring, they need to be maintained continuously.

For example, hand-to-hand combat is pretty good, but firearms are too sensitive and there are bullet restrictions, so if you want to practice, you can only come to the shooting range.

The hand holding the gun should not be too loose or too tight. The shoulder holding the gun sharply should be pulled back, and the leg holding the gun should take a small step back.

When raising the gun, lean your upper body forward, slightly bend your elbow joints, and push the gun forward with the hand holding the gun.

After assuming a standard pose, Karasawa, wearing noise-canceling headphones, fired.

"Bang bang bang!!"

As if he was shooting randomly without any aim at all, Karasawa quickly tilted the bullets in the magazine.

Putting the gun away to load and unload bullets, Tang Ze glanced at the bullseye that hit all ten rings and began to continue designing.

However, with his shooting speed, the few bullets he received were not enough to squander, and they were all used up in a matter of seconds.

After returning the pistol, Tang Ze looked at the huge amount of time he had to "fish" and thought about it for a while before deciding to go to the dojo first.

Training in kendo and hand-to-hand combat is required four times a month, and one class lasts half a day.

Although it is once a week, there is no fixed time because everyone is busy with work. You can spend two days to complete the contact, or you can spend four and a half days to complete it, it all depends on your personal schedule.

Of course, if you are really busy, you can write a leave request to avoid training.

However, everyone is still very positive about the training. After all, they inevitably deal with dangerous elements in their daily life, and maintaining daily training is also for their own safety.

Especially the team department where Naoki Kamei works. Because they often deal with the Yakuza, they are always

When they arrived at the dojo, they found that the initial training had ended and now they had entered the actual combat stage.

This was Tangze's favorite part. After changing into his training clothes, he started "warm-up training".

There are many people who can fight in criminals, but it all depends on who you are competing with. After five or six exchanges of experience, Tang Ze took a shower and left.

When not fishing, this is basically how criminals spend their time after handling the cases and reports at hand.

Occasionally taking a break to hang out with colleagues and then having a drink together is a rare leisure time.

After stretching, Karasawa drove to the downstairs of the company. Ayako hasn't been so busy recently. As the boss and no one cares about her, she naturally left work early if she wanted to.

"Why do you feel like you've taken a shower?" As soon as she got in the car and smelled the fragrance of shampoo in the car, Ayako said in surprise.

"Well, I practiced at the dojo today."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "In addition, the "hammer man" you are worried about has been arrested, so you don't have to worry about it tonight."

"Huh? So fast."

Ayako was shocked at first when she heard this, and then she asked with curiosity in her eyes: "Then what does he look like? Is he 1.8 meters tall and can sprint 100 meters for 10 seconds?"

"These are random rumors." Tang Ze said dumbfounded: "And it's not "him", it's "she"."

"Female?" Ayako covered her mouth and said in surprise.

"Well, the woman is disguised as a man. I almost let her run away today."

While driving to Chinatown, Karasawa briefly talked to Ayako about the case that happened today.

While chatting along the way, Tangze also drove to his destination.

The two parked their car in the underground garage of China Street and walked inside.

Recently, Tang Ze discovered that an open-air barbecue stall opened here. It was very authentic, so Tang Ze came to try it.

Although he also has a mild taste, it doesn't mean that he doesn't like to eat delicious food. The taste of Neon's so-called raw food ingredients is tasteless in his opinion.

Although due to his influence, the taste at home has tended towards the hometown, but overall it is still relatively light.

Especially barbecue, which is very rare, so after discovering this restaurant, he immediately wanted to try it.

As mentioned before, Neon rarely eats mutton, so when she ate Mongolian barbecue before, Ayako only tried it at most.

However, Ayako can accept the taste of mutton. The fake version of "Mongolian BBQ" before was not to her liking, but this time the mutton skewers made her eyes light up.

In addition, signature barbecue dishes such as pork belly and honey-glazed grilled wings are also relatively acceptable to the public.

I have to say that the regional environment still has some influence. Although barbecue is basically catered to people in Chinatown, due to the regional taste, chili peppers are rarely eaten here and all are honey-flavored, such as grilled honey-glazed chicken wings. and ribs.

The outdoor stalls full of fireworks, paired with hot skewers and beer, can be said to be a great enjoyment in summer.

After eating and drinking, the two did not go home directly but went shopping nearby.

"Without the intimidation of the "hammer man" before, there are more and more women at night." Ayako said with a smile as she looked at the women coming and going around her.

"It's not as exaggerated as you said." Tang Ze said with a smile when he heard this.

"Of course. The translator in my company lives nearby. She often complained about these things to her colleagues a few days ago."

Ayako smiled and said: "She said that this neighborhood used to be very lively. A few nights ago, everyone went home in a hurry, for fear that the "hammer man" would come to their door.

The excitement now is due to your contribution~"

"An exaggeration again." Karasawa held Ayako's hand and smiled: "It's almost time, let's go back."

"Then take me to the company first. My car is still over there." Ayako said after hearing this.

"Go back directly. I'll see you off tomorrow." Karasawa pulled Ayako towards the underground garage.

When they got home, it was almost nine o'clock. After the two of them rested for a while, Ayako sat on the sofa and touched her belly, beginning to regret that she had eaten too much today.

In this regard, Tangze was naturally happy to help his sweetheart solve the problem. The two of them did some difficult warm-up exercises, and then took a bath before getting ready to sleep.

However, after lying on the bed, Tangze did not go to sleep first but opened the system panel, planning to have a long-awaited ten-game gambling game.

However, as soon as the panel was opened, several messages popped up in the next moment, which were obviously reward settlements for the cases solved today.

[Urban Legend "The Hammer Man\

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