Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,117 Business trip

Life-saving artifact!

After seeing this prop, this idea emerged subconsciously in Tang Ze's mind.

The second reaction is that the previous losses don’t seem so distressing anymore.

When he came to his senses, he felt that the [Powerful First Aid Injection] he got at the end of this lottery was the biggest gain in this lottery.

As the saying goes, the simpler the explanation, the less simple the effect.

[Powerful First Aid Injection] Judging from the description, it is a life-saving thing.

Although the note above also states that you should be careful not to lose too much blood, don't forget that Karasawa has [Nano Medical Spray].

By stopping the bleeding and suspending the life, basically no matter what kind of accident happens, you can barely save a life, so Tang Ze can't help not paying attention to it.

After all, you can never have too many things to protect your life.

Although in this lottery, Tangze is generally a "non-chief", but from a big "strategic" perspective, being able to draw the [Powerful First Aid Injection] is already a profit.

Don’t forget, this is still a new item. Before, Karasawa couldn’t even buy it from the store.

And its price is not particularly expensive, only 500 destiny points.

Even if [Nano Medical Spray] is more expensive, isn't there an alternative [First Aid Hemostatic Bandage]?

These two props can achieve the same effect when combined, and the unit price is 500 destiny points, and the total is only 1,000 destiny points. It can be said to be a life-saving combination prop with high quality and low price.

Well, it's cheap compared to a small life. After all, the price is just for 10 consecutive draws before upgrading. With a little money, you can get the two props.

But being able to afford it does not mean being able to afford it. If he had to save others from serious injuries or save himself a few more times, Tang Ze would also go bankrupt.

After all, although this prop is not particularly expensive in terms of price, it is not permanent after all, but a consumable.

From this aspect, it feels like a luxury product...

However, since it is something that is stable and can be kept secret, it is worth it no matter how expensive it is. This is why Tangze thinks that just releasing the [Powerful First Aid Injection] is already a profit.

After drawing the prize, Tang Ze lay on the bed and began to receive skills and knowledge, but he became sleepy and fell asleep in the middle of the process.

A night of silence.

The next morning, after Karasawa sent Ayako to the company, he walked towards his office.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived in front of the door, Karasawa saw Koshimizu Nanatsuki waiting in front of the door.

"Hey~ Senior, I'm here to report to you!"

After seeing Karasawa, Koshimi Nanatsuki, who was wearing a professional suit, greeted him with a smile: "From today on, I will be transferred to you as your secretary to report!"

"So fast, I remember it seems that the criminal school has not yet reached the internship time..." Tang Ze's expression changed: "So this is the reward for the last case?"

"Well, it was the last time the skeletons were found."

Nanatsuki Koshizui smiled and said: "Because I am during the internship, I did not receive any substantial rewards, but it is good to be able to apply for early graduation.

I originally thought that even after applying, it would take a while, but unexpectedly it went smoothly.

I guess you have said hello to me, senior, right? "

"I don't have that much ability, but I can almost guess who did it."

Karasawa didn't mean to hide anything, so he told Koshizui Nanatsuki about the situation of Mr. Saitama, so that she could also know who was behind him.

After all, Koshimizu Nanatsuki is considered a talent he focuses on cultivating, so he naturally needs to know these things.

"I see, so I hugged you to your thigh?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile, touching his chin. .

"That's because of your ability."

Tang Ze rolled his eyes: "In addition, I asked you to come to my place because I am very busy here.

Don't think that I have no other job besides solving cases. "

"Eh? Isn't that the case?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki tilted his head strangely: "But how come I heard that Karasawa Criminal is an expert at solving cases, but you rarely write case reports."

"Where did you get the news?" Tang Ze had a dark line on his face and felt a little guilty: "Although it is true, it is not "well known"..."

"Maybe it's because you have solved so many types of cases in Karasawa Criminal Investigation, and you have a little bit of each subject, so everyone has formed a common understanding." Koshimizu Nanatsuki thought as he stretched out his index finger and placed it on his chin.

"Okay, okay, isn't it because we are too busy here, so we have to leave the closing of the case to others?"

Feeling that his "personality" was about to collapse on the first day of work for his subordinates, Tang Ze quickly changed the topic to maintain the "dignity" of his boss: "I will tell you about your work now."

"Okay then, what kind of work do you want to do for me, sir?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked around at the desk near the door and said, "This one over here should be mine."


As soon as Tang Ze handed over his work, there was a knock on the door of the office. The next moment Sihuayuan walked in swaggeringly carrying snacks: "I specially brought snacks today. Tang Ze, please hurry up and make some black tea..."

Sihuayuan, who rushed in on his own, looked at Karasawa, who was watching her silently at the desk, and then looked at Nanatsuki Koshimizu in the corner next to him, with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Hahaha... There is a new person in your office..." Looking at Tang Ze's dark face, Sihuayuan smiled coquettishly: "Did I bother you?"

"Senior, are you very busy just having morning tea with your beautiful colleagues during work hours?" Koshizui Nanatsuki said with a weird smile on his face: "If that's the case, then you are indeed quite busy~"

"She insisted on coming to my place just to be lazy, and she is my contemporary."

Tangze retorted angrily and explained at the same time, and then Zhengse introduced the two of them to each other as the intermediary.

And with this accident, Tangze gave up the little "face he had for his superiors" just now.

The three of them simply drank black tea and chatted in Karasawa's office.

"Do you have such a leisurely life every day?" Tang Ze drank black tea and ate red bean cakes, complaining about the owner of the snacks: "You almost treat me as a refreshment room."

"No, no, at least I have serious business today. Drinking tea is just a way to stop by." Sihuayuan waved his hand and explained quickly after hearing this.

"Huh? It's rare that you can't refuse. What are you talking about?" Tang Ze asked in surprise.

"It's not that I can't refuse, but I think it's better for you to accept."

Sihuayuan said sternly: "The Hokkaido government wants to shoot a promotional video for their hometown and wants celebrities from Hokkaido to participate, so they thought of you.

By the way, in order for you to participate, the Hokkaido Police Office has also submitted an application and wants you to give a three-day lecture. "

"In order for me to participate in this publicity event, there is really no room left. It is really difficult to refuse." Tang Ze nodded when he heard this and said: "Since that is the case, then I agreed, and I can go home and have a look by the way."

If it was just a promotional event, Karasawa might still be able to refuse, but if it was an invitation from the Hokkaido Police Department, Karasawa couldn't refuse.

After all, from the above point of view, this is a good opportunity to expand the headquarters' influence, and in theory, it is indeed possible for various places to apply for the headquarters to send people to teach.

And since I'm here to teach, isn't it just a matter of convenience to make a quick trip to participate in a promotional shoot?

It can be said that the local government has worked hard to get Tang Ze to participate in this promotion.

"I agreed so readily, then my work is done." Sihuayuan sipped the black tea happily: "Don't worry, I will apply for a few more days of leave for you when the time comes. It's not easy for you to go home. Stay a few more days."

"Then I really want to thank you." Tang Ze smiled and asked, "Are you planning to set off with an extra number?"

"We will start on Friday, but we will only shoot the promotional video on Monday. If we go to the Hokkaido Police Station, we can start on Wednesday." Sihuayuan said: "This is the plan I initially contacted there. If you are not satisfied, you can change it. "

"It's a break from the busy schedule, and we can combine work and rest." Tang Ze nodded with satisfaction when he heard the arrangement of Sihuayuan: "Then let's make it this way."

"Okay, I'll go back first." Sihuayuan stuffed the last cake into his mouth, stood up and left.

"She seems to be sure that you won't refuse." Watching the door close, Koshimizu Nanatsuki put down the tea cup and said.

"This kind of activity is not easy to refuse. This is something we all know." Tang Ze shrugged and said: "And the arrangement is so reasonable, it is almost the same as going home on vacation."

"Ask a question!"

Koshimi Nanatsuki raised his hands like a student and said, "Then what should I do, with you or in the office?"

"Just stay here and get familiar with the work." Tang Ze chuckled and said, "I'll let the administrative people take care of you then."

"You damn hands-off shopkeeper, you don't even do the job of teaching newcomers yourself." Koshimizu Nanatsuki complained.

"I believe in your ability." Karasawa smiled and looked at Koshizu Nanatsuki and said, "Now I will give you your first job after taking up the job."

"Go ahead." Hearing that there was a job coming, Koshimizu Nanatsuki also stood up from the soft sofa.

But her serious look didn't last long. The next moment she heard Tang Ze's words, her face darkened.

Because the first task Tang Ze assigned to her was...

"Clean the dishes on the table."

Big Dipper train.

This is a luxury train departing from Tokyo to Hokkaido. Karasawa has taken this train more than once.

Of course, the memories above are mixed. After all, the case happened when I boarded this train for the first time.

But this time, perhaps because the two cases had just been solved, or because he had left the "Death Schoolboy", the train arrived in Hokkaido smoothly.

When he walked out of the station, Tang Ze's father was already driving and waiting for him at the door.

“Are you tired from the long journey?”

After getting in the car, Tang Ze's father looked at his son and said, "Why do you feel like you have lost weight again?"

"That's your illusion." Regarding his father's speech, Tang Ze reluctantly said that it was all psychological effects.

After all, I still don’t know what my current physical condition is and what I ate in Tokyo. I’m not afraid that it’s just the result of my persistence in exercising. How could I lose weight?

But parents will always be like this. Unless you are really fat and have a "pig-headed round face and double chin", otherwise in the eyes of your parents you will always be the one who endures hardship and is thin.

After arriving home, Tangze was greeted in the same way by his mother-in-law again, so Tangze had to respond with the same words.

As we all know, the first meal on the day a wanderer returns home is absolutely sumptuous, and the Tangze family is not surprised.

"By the way, why didn't Ayako come back with you this time?"

After holding the ribs for her son, the mother looked at Tangze with some scrutiny: "You didn't come back because of a quarrel, right?"

"How is that possible? It's really because of work."

Tang Ze couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Don't think too much, it's really work, that's why I didn't bring her back with me."

"Really? That's good." Tang Ze's mother nodded assuredly, and then said in a different tone: "By the way, when are you two going to get married?"


Tang Ze, who was drinking soup, almost choked and said helplessly: "Mom, we are already engaged, why are you in a hurry? We are still young and plan to wait a little longer."

"You can give me a grandchild after you get married." The mother-in-law glared at Tang Ze: "If you wait a few more years, I won't be able to coax your grandson!"

"It's okay, we have a nanny."

Tang Ze muttered in a low voice, trying to shirk the blame with his "money skills", but he directly attracted an angry look from the other party: "Did I mean that? I want a grandson!

You can hire a nanny if you need to, but I also want to see my grandchildren. I just want grandchildren! "

Good guy, this wave is really the truth. After the usual excuses were used, they even directly chose "mother pressure" to directly suppress them violently.

This forced Tang Ze to speed up the meal and then ran away.

Returning to the familiar room, Tangze couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. He lay on the bed and looked at the familiar ceiling. He couldn't help but think of his mother's urging before, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This may be an essential stage for young people. If you are single, you will find a partner. If you have a partner, you will get married. Once you are married, you will have children...

As elders, I always want to see you go through every stage of life quickly, as if this way I can stay in your life for a while longer.

But he was still young, and before getting married and having children, Tangze felt that it would take some time for his thoughts to transition.

Fortunately, after urging at the dinner table, Tang Ze's parents stopped talking about it, which made Tang Ze relieved.

He called Ayako and talked on the phone for a while, then went to take a dip in the open-air hot spring with the lowest temperature at home.

It is already the season of early autumn, and it is actually very comfortable to soak in a hot spring where the water temperature is not high after the temperature has cooled down at night.

By the way, I also digested the skills and knowledge that I had not received before.

The Saturday and Sunday after arriving home flew by in a flash. After two days of hard work, Tang Ze began to contact the government to shoot a promotional video as a representative figure.

After that, I visited friends who stayed in my hometown for another two days, completed a three-day teaching exchange meeting, and returned to Tokyo with a lot of specialties.

It was nice to have no cases in Hokkaido this week, but it also made Karasawa a little worried.

After all, he didn't know how many cases he would miss during his absence.

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