Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,118 The dusty case

When he returned to Hokkaido from a business trip, Karasawa had actually anticipated the upcoming situation.

But Tang Ze's mentality has been very calm. After all, the earth will turn around no matter who it is. If he is stuck in a case, then he will be more like a tool of the system.

Therefore, although it will be a pity to miss the case, Tangze will not regret it too much.

There are so many cases in the world. As a person, when his power is exhausted and his energy is limited, he can only do the things in front of him.

Of course, I won’t care too much if I have no choice but to miss Karasawa, but I won’t let go of Karasawa who should be caught.

So on the morning of arriving in Tokyo, Karasawa went to the Metropolitan Police Department. After all, it was necessary to inquire about the "plot progress", which would make it easier for Karasawa to grasp the situation and progress.

However, as a handler, Karasawa's first stop was to go to Kesouyan to see Koshizui Nanatsuki's recent work progress, and then he continued to be a handler with satisfaction.

As a girl, Koshizu Nanatsuki is relatively attentive and has a clever detective mind. Although he has just taken up the post, he feels quite comfortable in handling government affairs.

Mainly because of her terrifying reasoning ability, she is basically a replica of Tang Ze, and no one dares to play tricks.

Of course, the other party's glare was naturally ignored by Tang Ze.

Leaving the special product to Koshimi Nanatsuki as a reward for his hard work during this period, Karasawa saw that it was almost noon, so he planned to go to the cafeteria of the Metropolitan Police Department for dinner. .

It is easy to meet acquaintances there, and it is also easy to find out the information you want.

He didn't see Takagi and Sato Miwako in the cafeteria, but he got an important piece of information from Chiba.

Officer Megure and Chief Inspector Matsumoto brought back a suspect yesterday and interrogated him personally early this morning!

This news immediately attracted Tangze's attention.

Generally speaking, cases are handled by Megure. If Chief Inspector Matsumoto can pay personal attention to it, it must be an important case.

After hearing what happened to bring the suspect back, Tangze finally determined that he seemed to have caught up with the beginning of an important case.

Because of this case, Conan and Mouri Kogoro are also involved!

It all started with a commission that Mouri Kogoro received.

A certain young lady from a well-known family accidentally bought a horse racing ticket during a horse racing competition and won 100 million yen.

The news that she won the lottery attracted huge attention from the society.

But then, this rich young lady made a decision that caused an uproar in society.

She decided to give her lottery winnings to the boy who saved her life when she was young!

When she was a child, she had a traffic accident during a trip.

A young man rescued him at that time, but he was also seriously injured, and she herself gradually became blind because of the accident.

Later, the boy left without leaving any contact information, so she wanted to take this opportunity to find him and thank him.

As for how to find the boy who had grown up and whose voice and appearance had changed in the vast crowd, the news announced by the other party was based on the scars left by the accident as proof.

According to the daughter, she saw a long "1"-shaped scar on the back of the boy's T-shirt.

The wound was very long, so it should have left scars even if it grew older.

This could be considered a good talk, but unfortunately there are too many greedy people in this world.

After the wealthy young lady told the news, two guys with injuries on their backs actually came, trying to claim the high bonus of 100 million yen as the young man's savior.

So the daughter took her housekeeper to find Kogoro Mori, hoping to help her find her real savior.

That afternoon, they went to the rich lady's villa, and then Conan keenly discovered that someone was monitoring the manor, and then met Officer Megure and others.

After some conversation, Mouri Kogoro learned that the police were tracking a suspect who was about to expire the retrospective period of murder.

And this suspect also left a hideous scar on Inspector Matsumoto's face, passing through his left eye.

Twenty years ago, Inspector Matsumoto single-handedly forced the suspect to the dock.

Although his eye was injured by the opponent's sneak attack, leaving a huge scar on his face, he then snatched the long knife that the prisoner slashed at him and stabbed the opponent back with his backhand.

And this knife "cuts in one word".

It was precisely because of the same stabbing that Chief Inspector Matsumoto mobilized his troops to monitor the villa after watching the news a few days ago.

Because he felt that there was a high chance that the suspect might use the scar on his body to defraud the huge sum of money.

Although the statute of limitations for the case 20 years ago has expired, the other party is a serial murderer. The case committed 15 years ago has not expired for the time being, but it is very close.

Therefore, they raced against time to solve the case.

But this prisoner is really troublesome. Basically, there are no other clues except the wound made by Inspector Matsumoto.

The prisoner wore gloves when he committed the crime, so his fingerprints were not found on the knife that Chief Inspector Matsumoto took from him.

And because the knife was a murder weapon used in serial killings and was constantly stained with the blood of many victims, there was no way to identify and compare the prisoner's blood individually.

Moreover, the other party was wearing a hat, with long hair and a full beard when he committed the crime. He was obviously disguised in time.

Even the "one-cut" blow made by Chief Inspector Matsumoto was due to his left eye being injured and his vision impaired, and it was so blurry that he couldn't confirm whether he hit the opponent's front or back.

If I have to say that the only clue is the whistle, because the prisoner always whistles a certain tune.

After that, after some reasoning by Conan, he found the boy that the rich lady met at the beach.

It turned out that the other party had long known that the boy from back then was his current butler. After Conan's reasoning, the two happily recognized each other.

Among the two impostors, the man with a thirty-centimeter scar on his back was brought back by Officer Memu and the others.

The reason why he was able to determine whether it was the chest or the back was the text message prompt sent to him by Kogoro Mori (Conan), which made him figure it out.

After a person is injured, he will instinctively hold his own wound. However, no blood stain reaction was detected on the steering wheel of the vehicle abandoned by the prisoner. This proves that what Chief Matsumoto cut was the back that was out of reach. .

Although the suspect tried his best to argue that it was not him, explaining that he thought it was cool that a man he met had a scar on his back, so he imitated the man and made a scar on his own.

And that man can also play popular songs from the 20s.

But Megure and the others couldn't believe the other party's words so easily and let him go. What's more, even if he wasn't, he still had contact with the suspected criminal, so they took him back to the Metropolitan Police Department.

After listening to Chiba's story, Karasawa automatically replaced what Mouri Kogoro did with Conan, basically restoring the entire incident.

And this morning, they determined that some of the suspect's ridiculous reasons were actually true.

Because when the case occurred when he was 15 years old, he had already gone abroad to live a boarding life, and he had a clear alibi.

After staying in the cell for a night, the man named Kusumoto Ryuhei recruited them all, even.

According to what he said, he and the man with the scar on his face met by chance in a "sauna" hot spring before leaving for a stay abroad.

At that time, the man covered his head with a towel, so Kusumoto Ryuhei did not see the other person's face.

The man seemed to see that Kusumoto Ryuhei had been paying attention to the wounds on his back, so he smiled and told him that the scars on his back were the medals of courage carved by a criminal five years ago, and asked him if he wanted to try it too.

And that Kusumoto Ryuhei really did this. I don’t know whether to say that he is stupid, or that men are still young until they die. The second grader thinks it’s cool to have a scar on his back...

The reason why this case attracted so much attention from Officer Megure and Chief Inspector Matsumoto, and even ended it personally, was because this case was of great significance to them.

The prisoner killed two people twenty years ago and one person fifteen years ago.

In addition, Inspector Matsumoto's partner at the time, Inspector Morimura, who led Officer Mure's introduction, died in the line of duty while pursuing this case.

After Karasawa learned about this case from Chiba, he knew that this serial murder case would expire in three days, and new incidents would definitely occur within these three days.

If Conan hadn't been involved, Karasawa believed that the prisoner might have waited until the statute of limitations had passed.

But now that Conan is involved, it might be a new murder case.

Unfortunately, he didn't have the plot to help him this time. He had no memory of the case at all, so now he could only rely on himself to investigate the case.

After confirming that he happened to encounter an ongoing case when he came back, Tangze immediately asked for a file and began to check the search data.

And here, the details of this serial murder case are introduced.

The first case occurred 20 years ago, and the victim was a 50-year-old doctor, Mr. Tsuiharu Bokawa.

As for the murder weapon, it was a machete collected by Bokawa Tsujiji himself.

Two days after the murder of the other party, 42-year-old Assistant Professor Maitian Atsunori of the Department of Science and Engineering of Dongdu University was killed by the murderer. The murder weapon was the same machete.

Because the murder weapons were consistent, the police at the time merged the two cases and began to search for this serial murder case.

That is to say, during the subsequent search process, Officer Morimura, who was in charge of the investigation, saw a suspicious person passing by and stepped forward to question him. He was hit by a fleeing vehicle that suddenly started and was seriously injured.

After that, Officer Matsumoto drove alone to chase the car and forced the criminal to the dock. He was attacked by the vicious criminal and injured his left eye.

The subsequent counterattack left a "cut mark" on the murderer's back, and then the prisoner escaped and took the car seat cover away to clean up the blood stains.

Officer Morimura also died on duty due to serious injuries, and was later promoted two levels to become police chief.

After the prisoner escaped from the hands of Police Chief Matsumoto, he remained silent for five years. Later, the 34-year-old lawyer Susumu Nabei was killed with his own kitchen knife.

The method of committing the crime is to first use electric shock rods to make the victim unconscious, and then use sharp weapons to cut the body. The method is very cruel.

Moreover, Tangze noticed something. Among the three murders, there were no signs that the door locks of the victims' homes had been broken.

This naturally attracted the attention of the police at the time, but unfortunately the investigation around the victim's acquaintances yielded no results.

The three people had nothing in common, so the search reached a deadlock.

The reason why it was determined that the first two serial murders and the subsequent case five years later were committed by the same person was because the prisoner left specific letters on the victim's body.

According to the order in which the victims were killed by the prisoners, the corpses were carved with the abbreviations of "e (east)", "s (south)", and "w (west)" by the prisoners. "

'Troublesome case...'

After all, it was a serial murder case file with a lot of investigative information. Even Tang Ze took a long time to read through the file.

The main thing is that he needs to organize and summarize all the circumstances of the entire case and remember all the details of the case as concisely as possible.

After understanding the whole situation, Karasawa called Takagi and Sato Miwako who visited the "Sauna" hot spring and asked them if they had gained anything.

"Unfortunately, nothing has been found so far."

Takagi said helplessly: "After all, fifteen years have passed. Even the hot spring building itself has been renovated, and the guests have completely changed."

This is the helplessness brought about by the passage of time, and it is also the reason why criminals are most afraid of investigating old cases.

Because time is ruthless, the changes in the world will not appear in a short time, but will change bit by bit in front of your eyes. When you look for it, you will find that it is completely different from the impression.

Getting up from his desk, Tangze planned to go to Didan Elementary School first to see Conan's actions.

From the perspective of "Ke Xue", the other party is definitely the guy who is most likely to interact with the prisoner.

If the murder hadn't happened around Conan, he wouldn't have been able to intervene in the case.

Even if that guy is just doing normal daily entertainment, he will unknowingly interact with criminals and get involved in the case.

But after seeing the time, Tang Ze couldn't help but frowned, feeling a little behind time.

When he returned from Hokkaido, he first went to Kesouyan, and then spent a lot of time learning the details of the case from Chiba.

Afterwards, in order to understand the case, I spent a lot of time "making up lessons". In addition, Neon's elementary school ended very early in the afternoon, so by calculation, the other party had probably already finished school.

Thinking of this, Tangze quickened his pace and hesitated whether to contact Conan and directly ask him about his original plan.

Although this behavior may change Conan's actions, knowing the other party's original destination still has a certain chance of encountering the prisoner.

But just as he hesitantly stood up and was about to leave the room, the news playing on the TV in the corner of the office suddenly attracted Tangze's attention.

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