Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,119 Seeking Death

At this moment, on the news on TV, a man and a woman were discussing the case that Tang Ze and others were investigating.

From the conversation between the two, it is not difficult to see that the woman is a news anchor, and the man is a criminal psychologist named Tairaudouji. He is obviously an expert invited by the TV party to express his opinion.

"Do you think the police can catch that heinous murderer?"

On the TV, the female anchor looked at Pingdong Tangji beside her and asked a question.

"Now that the statute of limitations is approaching, I think it will be difficult to arrest him."

On the TV, Pingdong Tangci held his hands together to support his body and talked: "In my opinion, I am afraid that this is the most critical period of time for the prisoner.

In my opinion, he might have closed the curtains and unplugged the phone cord by now, completely cutting off his contact with the outside world, and then hiding under the quilt shivering, looking forward to spending these three days smoothly.

And in order not to attract people's attention, I will continue to throw out back-ups that can keep me safe, ensuring that I can get through the situation unscathed. "

When he said this, the mediocre man showed a provocative expression, pointed at himself and said: "If that's not what I said, then I would welcome you to come to me.

Of course, the premise is that you must have the determination to let all the efforts of hiding XZ for 15 years be scrapped. "

"This guy is too bold."

"You actually publicly challenged the murderer of a serial murder case on TV to kill him?"

"He is sure that the murderer dare not come forward in order to be innocent, right?"

In the office of the First Search Section, watching the criminal psychologist provoking criminals on TV, all the criminals present started discussing.

But looking at the scene in front of him, Tang Ze's expression changed and he immediately shouted: "Xiaoshan, please check the basic information of this Pingdong Tangji for me.

Tahara, contact this news station immediately and ask them about Hiraudōji's situation and see if he is still at the station!

The rest of the people, if they have nothing urgent to do, be ready to go at any time! "

Tang Ze's sudden order made everyone in the office stunned, and they were unable to react for a while.

Only the two people who were named subconsciously carried out Tangze's orders and soon reported the findings to Tangze.

"Police alert, Taira Doji lives in a high-rise apartment with over 30 floors in the 3rd town of Yoneka Town. The specific floor is Room 03 on the 24th floor!"

Xiaoshan, who was responsible for searching the information, immediately told him the basic information he had found.

"Police, the radio station said that they recorded it one hour in advance. Pingdong Tangji has already gone home!"

After hearing the reports from the two men, Tang Ze's expression changed.

By this moment, he was basically sure that Pingdong Tangci was really targeted by the prisoner.

For no other reason, this Pingdongtang actually lived in the same apartment as Ayumi.

Karasawa can even deduce from this point the subsequent situation of Conan joining the case.

It was nothing more than that Conan and others went to Bumei's house to play, and then accidentally discovered or learned that the suspect might come, and then learned that the owner of Pingdongtang was here. When they hurried over, they found that the person was already there. died.

Ever since he learned that Heidou Doji and Ayumi lived in the same apartment, Karasawa had already seen the future and his own ending.

This guy is also a typical person who will not die if he doesn't seek death. If he doesn't provoke the prisoner, he may be fine, but you insist on provoking the prisoner.

No matter what reason you have that makes you feel confident, if you set this kind of death Falg, then wait for the coolness.

Especially if you live in the same building as an important supporting character, you are looking for death. After all, the "god of death" can visit you at any time.

But fortunately, the discovery is quite timely. If you are lucky, you can still preemptively set up a trap and arrest the prisoner.

Although this guy named Heitong Tangji caught Karasawa off guard and had to follow the opponent's rhythm.

However, crises also bring opportunities. If you can seize this opportunity, and with the free bait of Pingdong Tangji, you may be able to catch the murderer of the serial murder case who has been on the run for many years.

In any case, this is the closest they get to the serial murderer, and it's worth a gamble!

Soon Tang Ze issued an order and led a group of criminals to hitchhike without police markings towards the high-rise apartment where Ayumi's family was located.

In the police car, Chiba was in the driver's seat, while Karasawa was contacting Takagi.

"Where are you now?" Tang Ze asked directly without any greetings.

"Eh?" Hearing Tangze's direct words, Takagi was stunned for a moment and said: "Now on the street..."

"Have you seen the news about Pingdongtang?"

Before Takagi could finish speaking, Tangze interrupted him and said, "Now go in the direction I told you immediately. The prisoner will probably attack him!"

"What!" Takagi's expression perked up when he heard Karasawa's words, while Sato, who was listening to the conversation between the two, immediately ran towards his car next to him.

"We are now near the high-rise apartment you mentioned. Rush to the scene immediately!" Takagi reported the report as he got into the car.

"Don't act rashly after arriving at the scene. This prisoner is very dangerous. The apartment building has a complex population. If the arrest fails, it is easy for the prisoner to cause unnecessary casualties."

After hearing the location reported by Takagi, Tangze felt relieved that the criminals would arrive at the scene in time. On the other hand, he was worried that the two men were not strong enough to suppress the criminals, so he repeatedly warned them.

"I understand that Police Chief Matsumoto has suffered at the hands of the other party. We will not be careless." Takagi nodded.

"But Karasawa Criminal, where did you get this information? Is the information reliable?" Sato Miwako on the side asked Takagi to turn on the speakerphone.

"I can't guarantee that the prisoner will definitely come, but I can be sure that this is the closest we will ever get to the prisoner."

When Tang Ze said this, he took out the intercom and transmitted his words to every criminal in the car.

His order came too suddenly before, and many people carried out the order reflexively based on his order. Now that they have time on the road, they naturally have to explain his order to let the criminals know the reason for the action and the target.

"I think you all should know the situation. Heitong Tangji provoked the murderer of the serial murder case twenty years ago on the news."

Tang Ze paused to let the criminals have a basic understanding of the matter: "Based on my criminal profile, there is a high chance that this prisoner cannot stand this kind of provocation, and there is a high chance that he will commit a crime.

Of course, in addition to profiling his character and thinking, the other half of my judgment is also based on inferences based on existing intelligence.

In the prisoner's killing ritual, there were only E (east), S (south), and W (west) before, and there was also an "N" missing, which represented north.

Combined with the fact that he told a stranger in the bathhouse that his wounds were badges of courage to challenge criminals, it can be seen that this guy is extremely conceited and arrogant.

Such a person would definitely not tolerate provocation from others, so after profiling the prisoner's psychology, I speculated that the prisoner would most likely commit a crime and kill Heidong Tangji.

One is to shut up this arrogant guy completely and reveal his murderous reputation to the world, and the other is to complete the ritual.

So since it is possible to arrest the prisoner, then we should take action. It is better to rejoice in vain than to do nothing and let the prisoner escape.

You don’t want those journalists to say that we are “tax thieves” on the news, right? "

"of course not!"

Tang Ze's last words seemed to have touched the sore spot of all the criminals, and the next moment a series of angry roars came from the intercom.

Even through the intercom, Tangze could hear the anger of the criminals.

In fact, the adjective "tax thief" is definitely at the top of the list of words that criminals hate, even more serious than the insulting and contemptuous word "tiaozi".

Because most of the notes are used by extreme people behind their backs, but "tax thief" is the most common word they hear in their daily lives.

However, when the other party scolds you like this, you cannot retaliate, because this is the "provocation" of criminals from ordinary people, and it represents your own incompetence.

Generally speaking, when traffic police issue tickets, they often use words like "tax thief" to express their dissatisfaction.

Although other criminal departments are not as scolded as the traffic police, they will be scolded every three to five days, but every time something is not done well, or some things are handled to the dissatisfaction of the reporter, they will use words like "tax thief" to scold you. .

As for the origin of the word, it's actually pretty much what it sounds like. I thought they would only waste taxpayers' money, so I scolded them like this.

Later, after the word became widely circulated, reporters also began to use the word to satirize criminals when they were not successful in handling cases, in order to express the dissatisfaction of social groups. .

And every time the Metropolitan Police Department is insulted by reporters, a large group of criminals who do things poorly are scolded by their superiors, which is why everyone is so sensitive to this word.

In the car, listening to the criminals roaring on the intercom, Tang Ze nodded with satisfaction.

Although it is just a simple method of provoking generals, it is enough to boost morale.

Moreover, what Tang Ze explained was not just nonsense, it was indeed possible that he had deduced and profiled based on the available intelligence.

Although we are only 40% sure, if we add the "Ke Xue" law, we are not 100% sure, but at least 80% sure.

This chance is enough for Tang Ze to take a gamble.

And his actions were naturally known to Chief Inspector Matsumoto. After Karasawa finished speaking, the other party confirmed Karasawa's decision directly on the intercom and asked him to go ahead with it.

After the morale was improved, the affirmation from the top officer also convinced everyone in the operation, and morale became even higher.

On the road leading from the Metropolitan Police Department to the apartment where Doji Tairaudou lives, the sirens kept sounding in the first half of the way to hurry up. However, when they got nearby, in order to avoid alerting the enemy, Karasawa specifically ordered the sirens to be turned off.

Just as everyone silently arrived at the intersection two streets away from the apartment, Miwako Sato's urgent report suddenly came from Karasawa's intercom.

"The target person is dead, and the prisoner is coming faster than we thought!"

"Based on the victim's current physical characteristics, the prisoner should have just walked away not long ago. It is estimated that he walked up the stairs. Please support, please support!!"

The news brought by Sato Miwako's hurried words first made everyone's hearts sink, and the subsequent words immediately tightened their spirits.

But there was still silence on the intercom, and no one responded.

They are all waiting for instructions from Tang Ze Criminal.

"Speed ​​up and spread out after arriving at the street closest to the apartment. No one is allowed to go out!"

"Team A is responsible for blocking the east, group B is responsible for blocking the west, and the other two groups are responsible for blocking the intersection between the south and the north!"

"Pay attention to whether there are any suspicious people around, and you are allowed to shoot at critical moments!"


As the three instructions were issued, a crisp response came from the intercom.

Miwako Sato and Takagi who were in the deceased's room couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Karasawa's words.

Compared with the criminal police of the Metropolitan Police Department, they were relatively close to the apartment where the deceased was located, so they rushed to the scene immediately after receiving Karasawa's call.

After arriving at the crime scene, Takagi and Takagi saw that there was no one on the floor where the deceased's room was located, so they planned to visit the other party directly to identify themselves and enter the other party's home to protect him.

But after ringing the doorbell, there was no response in the house. With a bad feeling in their hearts, the two tried to open the door, only to find that the door was open.

After entering the room, they found that Heitong Tangji had died in front of the computer desk in the bedroom, and he was already hopeless.

A "Z" shape was revealed on his bleeding shirt.

Seeing this scene, Sato Miwako immediately checked the deceased and confirmed that his temperature was almost the same as the normal body temperature before death, and immediately called for help.

Just as the two reported, Tang Ze, who had completed the defense work on the other side, arrived at the door of the apartment with the remaining men.

"A team of people are guarding in front of the apartment. Chiba, please take me and walk up the stairs to check. Be careful not to make too much noise to alert the prisoner!

It would be dangerous to break into someone's home and evade a search if the inmates noticed us. "

Tangze immediately gave the order after getting out of the car, ignoring Chiba's pained face, and climbed straight up the stairs.

Miwako Sato's speculation on the previous walkie-talkie was quite reasonable. Since the prisoner was disguised, it was unlikely that he would take the elevator with surveillance cameras.

After all, if you are photographed, the police may know your footprints and physical characteristics such as height.

If you meet someone again in the elevator, the chance of this will be even greater.

As a cunning serial murderer, he would naturally not be so careless and would most likely use the ladder to cover his tracks.

Pingdongtang's home is on the 24th floor. Even if he goes downstairs, it still takes a lot of time to reach the first floor.

If he really had just committed a crime and left, there was a high chance that he would meet him on the stairs!

Tangze was very fast, crossing two steps at a time and reaching the third floor in a short while.

The next moment, his expression moved slightly, and he heard a faint whistle in the echoing corridor!

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