Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,120 The prisoner sent to the door

Deep, gloomy, and lonely.

As Tangze continued to move up the floor, a faint and eerie whistle could be heard from above his head.

Although the sound was very weak and felt far away, due to the echo nature of the corridor, the whistle reached the lowest floors and was keenly detected by Tang Ze.

The whistle blown by the other party was not out of tune at all, but its melody made people shudder, as if they had entered a quiet and terrifying horror story.

Coupled with his preconception of the identity of the serial murderer, most people would be frightened and tremble just by hearing this whistle, without even the slightest thought of resistance.

It's a pity that Tang Ze is not an ordinary person. He couldn't help but smile on his face after hearing this whistle.

Although he didn't know the meaning of the other party's whistle, at this sensitive and critical moment, someone whistled in the stairs of the safe passage.

That means that the other party is most likely the culprit!

But this time, Tangze didn't rush upwards aggressively, but immediately turned around and chose to go downstairs.

When he went down to the third floor, Tangze bumped into Chiba and others who were a step behind him.

"What's going on here?"

Seeing that Tangze Criminal immediately put his index finger in front of his mouth to silence him as soon as they met, the words Chiba and others subconsciously wanted to ask were stuck in their mouths.

Tangze walked to the door leading to the floor, opened it, and motioned for everyone to enter.

"What's the situation Karaze Criminal?"

After entering and closing the door, Chiba and the following criminals asked with puzzled faces.

"We have done a good job this time. The prisoner is upstairs and I heard his whistle!"

Tang Ze's words made everyone around him look up, and the next moment their faces showed joy.

"Attention to the team responsible for the door of the apartment, the suspect has been found!"

"We are currently moving down the safe passage in the apartment. Immediately go to the door of the safe passage to ambush!"

"After we waited for the prisoner to come downstairs on the third floor, we followed my order and attacked the prisoner from both front and back! The team that had been sealed off immediately shrank."

As the order from Tangze's intercom came out, all the criminal expressions perked up and they immediately started to act nervously.

With the deployment completed, a group of criminals began to wait patiently for the prey to enter the fence production.

"Great! I didn't expect Brother Tang Ze to really target the prisoner!!"

While Karasawa and the others were patiently waiting for their prey to come to their door, Officer Megure, who got the news from the walkie-talkie, spoke excitedly.

"Calm down, we can't confirm that the other party is the prisoner yet."

Police Chief Matsumoto touched the scar on his face that had a dull pain, but the words he spoke revealed that his heart was not as calm as it seemed: "But if it's really that guy, I owe him a debt." That's a big favor.

"Yeah, I really hope I can owe this favor soon." Officer Megure said and looked at Chief Inspector Matsumoto and immediately burst into laughter.

It's not words like meritorious service, but a personal favor.

After all, this prisoner has special meaning to Officer Megure and Chief Inspector Matsumoto.

As their partner and senior, Officer Morimura was killed by the murderer of this serial murder case, but they were always able to arrest him, which is their regret.

And now, this guy with public and private grudges is about to be arrested, how can they not be excited.

While the days were passing like years and each minute was excruciating, Tang Ze also heard the whistle getting closer.

When the man's footsteps were accompanied by the sound of whistles, they passed by the door and even slowly descended. After hearing Tangze's "action", the criminals who were holding their breath rushed out reflexively.

With roars, the criminals who had been lying in wait for a long time rushed forward, roaring like wild beasts.

The man in the coat did not expect this step at all, but the prisoner reacted quickly. He subconsciously took out the stun gun and turned around, waving it in an attempt to resist.

But it was precisely this that established the absolute fact that he was a prisoner, and also doomed his tragic ending.

The person leading the team on the third floor was Tang Ze. After giving the order, he rushed to the front, and the first target of the enemy's escape attack was naturally Tang Ze.

But now that the prisoner's identity has been confirmed, Tang Ze naturally has no worries about holding back.

After all, the identity of the other party has not been fully confirmed before, and I am afraid that if I catch the wrong person, I will cause trouble.

But since the other party dared to resist, Tangze didn't need to have any scruples.

Before the stun gun in the prisoner's hand could get closer, Tang Ze used the gauntlet beside him to kick him in the face.

Tang Ze had no intention of holding back against such a vicious guy.

In fact, whether he kicked him or not, it could not hide the fact that the murderer would eventually be "ravaged" by the group of muscular men in front of him, but Tang Ze always wanted to teach him a lesson personally.

It can be regarded as a "private vendetta" with Police Chief Matsumoto on behalf of Officer Megure, who was not at the scene, and he vented his anger.

This kick from Tang Ze was so hard and accurate that it hit the opponent's face directly. This kick was so accurate and hard that the murderer's nose instantly broke and he fell directly to the bottom of the stairs, bleeding profusely.

Because the criminal downstairs was waiting at the door on the first floor, and the prisoner escaped on the second floor, there was no human mat to catch him when he was kicked down the stairs by Karasawa.

So I watched the prisoner roll all the way up the stairs to the end, and finally stopped at the feet of the prisoner who had just rushed up.

"I have brought so many people with me, which is enough to give you face." Tang Ze clapped his hands and said with a smile, "It's done, brothers, we have made a great contribution this time."


Hearing Karasawa's words, all the criminals showed joy, and the good news reached the ears of Inspector Matsumoto through the intercom, and the two men also showed expressions of relief on their faces.

"Bring him back immediately!" Police Chief Matsumoto said excitedly: "I want to interrogate him personally!"


After replying, Karasawa looked at Chiba and said, "You lead the team to take the prisoner back first. I'll take a few people up to the crime scene to join Takagi and the others, and wait for the people from the forensics department to come and finish."

"Understood." Qianye nodded and led a large force to escort the prisoner away.

Tangze took the two of them and took the elevator to the deceased's room on the 24th floor.

But just as he stepped out of the elevator, Tang Ze saw another elevator door open next to him, and Conan looked hurriedly and planned to run forward.

"Hey, where are you running?"

Looking at Conan who didn't notice them at all, Karasawa pulled him back.

"Karasawa Criminal?!"

Conan's expression was overjoyed when he saw the person in front of him, and he said urgently: "Haihara and Ayumi saw a man in a coat coming up whistling. I suspect that the prisoner wanted to harm Mr. Tairaudou Doji. !”

"Oh, I see."

Tangze nodded clearly, finally knowing how Conan got involved in the case.

Apparently Haibara met the prisoner when he and Ayumi went down, and came back and told Conan. After that, he realized that the prisoner had committed the crime and came to the scene and found that the deceased had died.

According to the prisoner's route of action, he would have already fled by the time Conan called the police, let alone waiting for the criminals to arrive.

"Time is running out now!" Conan said anxiously, seeing that Tang Ze didn't care at all: "The prisoner may attack Mr. Pingdong at any time..."

"You were too hasty. Didn't you realize the problem when you saw us showing up?" Tang Ze smiled and said, "Or do you think our reaction is no better than a child like you?"

Conan is not a stupid person. He was just concerned and confused before. Now he was stunned for a moment after hearing Tangze's words and reacted instantly.

The fact that Tang Ze and others came here can actually explain the problem. They did not look anxious before, but had a relaxed look on their faces.

Could it be...

Conan already had some speculations in his mind and asked with some uncertainty: "Could it be that Mr. Pingdong has been protected by you?"

"Unfortunately, Pingdong Tangji had already been killed by the criminal when we arrived." Tangze's words made Conan's heart sink. He asked in surprise: "How could it be so fast?"

"I suspect that the prisoner had a premeditated plan, rather than simply taking revenge after seeing the news."

Tang Ze shook his head and said: "The news about Pingdong provoking prisoners was just a matter of time. After seeing the news, we basically drove through the red light and rushed here, but we could only block the prisoners who were about to escape.

Takagi Criminal and Sato Miwako came earlier than us, but when they arrived, the deceased had already been killed at home.

Calculating the time, Heping Dongtang almost died before and after the news broadcast.

Although it is not ruled out that the information about the prisoner was obtained by the radio station staff, this is too coincidental, and the address of Heitong Doji cannot be known in a short time. "

"Indeed, the prisoner's actions even seemed a bit unpredictable."

Conan nodded and said thoughtfully: "In that case, the prisoner's original target was Heitong Doji, but the previous news happened to make us preconceptions."

"I think so too."

Tang Ze nodded and said: "I speculate that the prisoner may have known Heping Dongdangji from the beginning. As for whether he knew that the prisoner was the murderer of the serial murder case, it is not clear."

"Mr. Pingdong dared to provoke prisoners so arrogantly on TV, which shows that he has the confidence to believe that he will not be in danger. After all, no one dares to take their own lives seriously."

Conan speculated: "Perhaps he was sure that the prisoner would not dare to kill him, so he was so bold..."

"Forget it, it's better not to guess. We have captured everyone anyway. We can just ask the prisoner later."

Speaking of which, Karasawa walked to room 2403, opened the door, and said hello to Takagi and the other two people inside.

"Conan, why are you here?" Although it was a bit strange to exchange greetings at the murder scene, for them, it was just daily work and it would not affect their mood.

When he saw Conan following a few people, Takagi couldn't help but wonder.

"Ayumi's house is here. Haiyuan and the others passed by the suspect, so Conan suspected that Mr. Pingdong was in danger, so he ran down to take a look."

Karasawa explained clearly the reason why Conan was here in one sentence.

"What a decisive move. Tang Zejing, your disciple is really incredible."

Sato Miwako sighed, then leaned over to look at Conan and warned: "But no matter how critical the situation is, you must ensure your own safety, you know?"

‘Who is that guy’s apprentice? ’

Hearing Miwako Sato's words, Conan yelled crazily in his heart, but suddenly he thought that when he hurried over, Karasawa had already caught the prisoner...

At this time, Conan thought of Karasawa's rhetorical question, "Do you think our reaction is no better than that of a child like you?"

Although this sentence seemed to be said on behalf of the police, Conan felt that it was obvious that the "we" could be removed.

Damn it, I got crushed again this time! How can it be repaired!

Realizing that he had made a mistake in this case, just like the police who usually came after he solved the case, Conan seemed to feel the emotions of those criminals back then.

But soon his attention was attracted by the conversation between Tang Ze and others.

"The last deceased person is actually a "z"? I thought it would be the "n" representing north." Tang Ze was also surprised when he saw the letters of the corpse's junior.

After all, in the previous three cases, no matter how you look at it, the criminal's criminal thinking was "east, west, north and south".

But the first part was correct, but in the end it turned into an incoherent "z" letter?

Tang Ze thought for a while and felt something was wrong. He stared at the back of the deceased and said, "Do you think this is an 'n' but the angle is different?"

"Angle?" Everyone was startled when they heard this and found that it was indeed the case.

"But what's the prisoner's reason for doing this?" Takagi was a little confused.

"I always feel that this case is complicated and confusing, and the more I look at it, the more problems there are."

Seeing the forensic personnel entering the scene and starting to collect evidence, Tang Ze called to everyone immediately: "Let's go, don't worry about it here, all questions can be answered from the "reference answers"."

"Too. "

Takagi's expression perked up when he said this, and for some reason he couldn't hide the smile on his face:

" sounds like a was thought that the case with a statute of limitations of only three days would be ended so quickly."

"Did something good happen to you when you smiled so happily?" Karasawa looked at Takagi, who was smiling brightly, and Miwako Sato, who was unconsciously squirming next to him, and felt that there was something wrong in this.

"Hot spring...ah, no..." Takagi reflexively uttered two words when Karasawa asked, and then hurriedly retorted, but he looked guilty.

Miwako Sato snorted next to her, seeming to be dissatisfied with Takagi's performance at the moment, but she was afraid that the little secret between the two would be discovered, so she could only keep silent.

Although it was just a simple word, Karasawa and Conan were both mature characters, and they could instantly understand the little secret between them by combining each other's words.

Those subtle and narrow eyes made Takagi and the two almost run away~

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