Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,122 The Crisis of

Facing Koshimi Nanatsuki's murderous gaze, Karasawa, who had just received a burst of criticism from the other party, had a shaky expression and felt a little guilty.

After all, Koshimi Nanatsuki was on the shelf on her first day at work because she was on a business trip, and she didn't make her career plans clear after that.

When he came back, he was directly and seamlessly involved in the serial murder case.

He was solving the case, while Nanatsuki Koshimizu was working hard like a social beast, so he was naturally filled with resentment.

Of course, after making it clear, Koshimi Nanatsuki's worries were actually unfounded.

Because Tang Ze knew what the other party wanted, he would naturally not arrange a different path for her.

As for whether he can still intervene in cases after taking over Kesouyan in the future?

If you look at Tang Ze now, don't you know that this is something obvious?

Moreover, after such a long period of development after its establishment, the scientific search and research system has actually become more and more integrated into criminal searches.

In fact, most formal investigation cases do not rely on Tangze's reasoning, but many actually rely on logistics.

Forensics, forensics, evidence appraisal, fingerprint comparison, etc., and even some high-tech methods of locking prisoners are all based on the directions or suggestions given by researchers from the Science Search and Research Institute, which allowed criminals to catch the prisoners.

Of course, criminal work is also indispensable. Front-line arrests should be investigated as much as possible to narrow the scope of suspicion and reduce the work of scientific investigators.

The two complement each other, and the collision between scientific researchers and criminal intuitive reasoning often brings a lot of inspiration to the detection of cases.

Tang Ze was the leader in proposing the establishment of a science search and research institute, so naturally he was also paying attention to the effects of this reform.

Judging from the data, the crime detection rate has shown an upward trend after the establishment of Kesouyan. More and more criminals have realized the convenience brought by Kesouyan or modern technology.

In many cases solved, some scientific research personnel also started to participate in the case with rigorous thinking.

He is no longer just a tool behind the scenes, but more like an additional professional in charge of a case investigation team.

Generally speaking, if Koshimi Nanatsuki takes over from him, there is no need to worry about it being completely contrary to her philosophy.

On the contrary, in this position, she can do more. After all, many cases that require the help of Kesouyan are difficult cases.

Although most of them will be detected by increasingly advanced technology, there are some very few cases that they cannot solve.

Some conspiracies may have been arranged by some people for more than ten years, and cannot be detected by ordinary criminals.

Although it is cruel, I have to say that this world has talents.

Those without talent can only struggle at the middle level, while those with talent can easily achieve what others have worked hard for many years to achieve.

And Koshimi Nanatsuki is a talented person. Only people like her can handle those difficult cases and conspiracies.

After she has been trained under Tang Ze, Tang Ze believes that she is qualified for this job. This is also an "insurance" prepared by Tang Ze to avoid the increasing number of difficult cases that cannot be solved.

This is his plan.

In short, after listening to Karasawa's explanation, Koshimizu Nanatsuki finally felt relieved.

She jumped up from the sofa and said with a smile as if nothing was wrong: "Then let's go to the celebration banquet!"

The place where we had the dinner was an izakaya that criminals often went to. It was opened by some retired criminal executives.

Of course, this does not include consumption of public funds. Coming here is purely for personal consumption, in order to avoid the dirty things.

But even so, the business here is still very good, even better than the business of several restaurants designated by the government.

Because the staff here are all direct family members of criminals who unfortunately died in the line of duty.

Although retired high-level criminals took the lead in establishing hotels here, most of them were in name only to avoid gangster or business troubles and would not get a penny.

This hotel was established to take care of families whose breadwinners died in the line of duty and their families were in difficulty.

A large part of the profits will be sent to the elderly who are unable to work and are in particular difficulty, so as not to ensure that they can survive their old age.

This is a very special store. Many criminals are regular customers here. They use their support to take care of the families of their deceased comrades.

During the lively celebration banquet, when Karasawa, who had been drunk a lot, went out to enjoy the breeze, he saw Officer Megure and Chief Inspector Matsumoto standing in the courtyard, with a young woman sobbing softly in front of them.

The wind vaguely blew their conversation into his ears. He looked at the two people comforting Mrs. Morimura, turned around and walked into the room without disturbing them.

Not long after, Karasawa saw Officer Megure and Chief Inspector Matsumoto approaching, insisting on dragging him to have a few drinks.

Tang Ze also accepted everyone who came, and soon the two bottles of wine were finished by the three of them.

Not long ago, Mrs. Morimura, whom Karasawa had seen before, came over with some wine in her eyes.

"I saw it when I went out to enjoy the air."

Just as Officer Megure was about to introduce him, Tang Ze stretched out his hand to stop him: "I know."

"Thank you..." Mrs. Morimura raised her wine glass, clinked it with Karasawa, and drank the wine in one gulp.

"It should."

Tang Ze also drank the wine. Seeing that the other party was about to pour more, he wanted to stop him, but when he saw the stubborn look in his eyes, he stopped again. He watched the other party fill up the wine with Tang Ze. clink.

After three drinks in a row, Mrs. Morimura thanked her in a low voice again, and then she said something rude and stood up to leave.

Tang Ze sighed, but ultimately said nothing.

He knew that Morimura was about to hold a formal wedding with his wife. It was precisely because of this that he wanted to make a great contribution, but he didn't expect that the ending would be forever separated.

"Mrs. Morimura is remarrying."

Police Chief Matsumoto poured wine for Karasawa and said: "We also tried to persuade her back then, but she said she hoped we could help Morimura take revenge and catch the criminal.

But as the time went on, we never caught the culprit. Later, she said that she would wait until the statute of limitations expired...

I don’t know what she is waiting for so stubbornly, but some time ago I heard my mother-in-law in the hotel say that she has been secretly wiping away tears at night recently.

I know that she is not willing to wait for so many years and finally get such an ending, but fortunately you solved this case. "

Chief Inspector Matsumoto talked a lot and drank one cup of wine at a time. Officer Megure on the side did the same. He didn't seem to care at all about whether he was drunk or whether he could go home.

Looking at the two of them, Tang Ze could only accompany them to drink one cup at a time, watching them seem to be drinking the regrets and the joy of making amends that had been suppressed in their hearts for many years, all with the wine.

Letting go is something worth celebrating, but the wine may also contain the reluctance and longing to say goodbye to friends.

The next day, Tang Ze got up late.

Even Karasawa couldn't bear the drink he drank yesterday. The last thing he remembered was that Nanatsuki Koshimizu drove him back.

Tang Ze shook his head, got up and got off the boat and walked towards the bedroom.

"woke up?"

After seeing Karasawa, Ayako handed over a glass of honey water that had been prepared earlier: "Come and have a drink first, you drank too much yesterday.

Although you are still conscious, this is the first time I have seen you drunk. "

"Sorry." Tang Ze took the cup and smiled apologetically: "I drank a little too much yesterday."

"I've heard what Yueshui said about the situation. I understand."

Ayako smiled and said: "I asked Yuesui to drive your car home. After all, it's not easy to take a taxi at that time.

Do you want to rest at home today, or should I send you to Kesouyan later? "

"A big case was solved yesterday, so I'm given a day off today."

Tangze felt that after just solving a case, the next one should not be so frequent, and there was also a special holiday for which he had made great achievements yesterday, so there was no need to be so diligent.

And he did drink too much yesterday, and he still felt like he was hungover today. He felt a little uncomfortable, had a headache, felt groggy, and was not as clear as before.

He was like this, and I guess the two of them were not much better. When he left yesterday, they couldn't stand still, and they all stayed in the tavern.

Fortunately, the store's specifications include accommodation, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

After deciding to fish, Tang Ze was too late. He first put down the water, brushed his teeth, and then drank the honey water in one gulp.

The warm water with the sweet floral fragrance flowed down the mouth and into the lungs, and Tangze's somewhat groggy brain was refreshed.

After drinking the honey water, Karasawa felt much better. After eating the breakfast made by Ayako, his stomach felt warm and comfortable.

Ayako originally planned to take care of Karasawa today, so she didn't go to the company, but she didn't expect that Karasawa woke up very early. After nine o'clock, the two of them had breakfast and had nothing to do.

After watching the news and discussing it, the two newlyweds decided to go out to buy ingredients and prepare a meal at home to host a late wedding banquet for Tang Ze.

However, while purchasing ingredients in the supermarket, Karasawa suddenly received a call from Suzuki Jirokichi, who asked if he had anything to do tonight and asked for his help.

After learning that Tang Ze did not go to work today, he anxiously invited Tang Ze to his mansion and hung up the phone without waiting for him to ask anything.

"Did Uncle Jiroji say what happened?"

Ayako on the side saw Tang Ze hanging up the phone and said worriedly: "This is the first time I have heard my uncle look so anxious. Let's go over and take a look."

"Okay." Tang Ze and the others had just arrived. After hurriedly checking out, they immediately drove to Jiroji's home.

"What? Lupine is imprisoned?"

After arriving at Suzuki Jirokichi's home and learning the details of the incident, Ayako was surprised and said: "In that big treasury "Iron Fox"?"

This Lupine is not the world-famous monster thief "Lupine III", but the dog with yellow hair, wearing goggles and a pilot's hat raised by Suzuki Jirokichi.

Lupine was carefully trained by Suzuki Jirokichi, and even helped Suzuki Sonoko recover her stolen bag. He was very smart and sensible, and everyone in the Suzuki family liked him better.

"Yeah, I was careless and didn't notice that it didn't come out."

Suzuki Jiroyoshi held his head in his hands and looked collapsed: "That is the strongest treasury built by Sanmizu Kichiemon, the master of the mechanism at the end of the shogunate, which is said to be the most powerful treasury that no one can contribute to!

I tried many times and couldn't open it at all! ! "

"But I remember Uncle Jiroji, don't you have a way to open the vault?" Ayako asked in confusion.

"That's where the problem arises." Suzuki Jirokichi looked annoyed: "I wrote the method of opening the vault on the scarf around Lupine's neck..."

"Doesn't that mean that the method of opening the vault has also been locked up by you?" Ayako asked in shock: "Then what should we do now?"

"It's not that I asked Karasawa for help because I didn't know." Suzuki Jirokichi looked at Karasawa expectantly and said, "Do you have any good ideas?"

"Um...lock-picking is not my specialty," Tang Ze said helplessly.

Although he did know how to open locks little by little because of the Kaitou's professional skills, but with the skills of his three-legged cat, Tang Ze was still a little bit overwhelmed by the fact that this kind of mechanism was specially created by the master.

"What should I do, my Lupine!!" After hearing Karasawa's words, Suzuki Jirokichi said with a sad and angry expression: "Is there no other way?"

"By the way, I have an idea!"

Ayako seemed to have thought of something and said excitedly, "It depends on whether you are willing, Uncle Jiroji."

"What can I do!!" Suzuki Jirokichi heard this and said overjoyed, "Say it quickly!"

"Ask Kaitou Kidd to open the lock." Ayako said the method she thought of.

After hearing Ayako's suggestion, Karasawa, who was slightly hungover and confused, almost recalled the plot of the case.

Ayako's proposal is exactly the method used by Suzuki Jirokichi to rescue Lupine in the original plot.

Thinking of this, Tang Ze felt that there seemed to be nothing that could be changed about this case. Being a bastard and earning 200 destiny points was almost the highest reward.

After all, Suzuki Jirokichi is asking for help from others, so he can't catch or punish the Phantom Thief himself. This is too much.

It would be even more troublesome if Kuroyu Douzi got away with it and no one opened the vault.

But what Karasawa didn't expect was that it seemed that because Lupine had just been imprisoned not long ago, Suzuki Jirokichi was far from completely desperate and directly rejected the proposal.

"Impossible! Let me ask that bastard thief for help or something! Doesn't this make me bow my head and admit defeat!"

After Suzuki Jirokichi rejected this proposal, he hesitated and said: "Let's include it as a final candidate, but Karasawa, do you have any other ideas?

You tell me first, and we'll try it. If it doesn't work, we'll follow Ayako's method...

But if possible, I really don’t want to bow to that thief..."

"Uh..." Karasawa originally thought that Ayako's proposal was foolproof according to the plot, but who knew that Suzuki Jirokichi directly chose to refuse.

But this did make Tangze, who was still a little hungover, think a little clearer.

He analyzed it and guessed that Suzuki Jirokichi had not given up completely, so he chose to refuse for the sake of face.

In the original work, Suzuki Jirokichi was probably forced to have no choice but to send out a fake notice letter, leaving key information in it and asking Kaitou Kid to help.

But after hearing Suzuki Jirokichi's request, he thought about it and found that...

Isn’t that impossible?

. Lewen

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