In the original plot, the reason why Suzuki Jiroyoshi made such a big fuss and sent out fake notice letters to attract Kaitou Kidd was because he could not contact Kaitou Kidd, so he could only create a fuss.

Because only in this way can you attract the other person's attention and let him help you.

In order to save his pet dog, Suzuki Jirokichi also surrendered to his old enemy (self-confessed) regardless of his face.

If left alone, Suzuki Jirokichi will eventually take Ayako's advice and ask Kaitou Kid for help if there is no other way.

But I know Kaitou Kidd, so why not contact him directly and ask him to unlock the door?

There is absolutely no need to make a big fanfare. If this case is solved quietly, does it mean that it has changed the course of this case and can get more rewards?

Thinking of this, Tang Ze touched his chin and said in a deep voice: "I do know someone who may have a way to open the warehouse door.

It's just that he has some quirks and social fears, and he doesn't want to show his face in front of strangers...

I can’t say whether I can convince him to help..."

"It's okay. If he has any requests, just ask him. In the worst case, I will evacuate everyone. As long as I can rescue Lupine!"

Suzuki Jirokichi heard this and said repeatedly: "And if he needs payment, he can also say that I will definitely satisfy him!"

"I'll do my best." Tang Ze nodded.

"But can your friend really open this vault?" Ayako asked curiously.

"He is also a genius, so he should still be confident."

Tangze smiled and said: "We can't go back today at noon. I will visit him in the afternoon after dinner. Ayako, you can buy some ingredients by yourself then.

We'll make a big meal in the evening. "

"How can this be done? Leave the purchasing to me!"

As Suzuki Jirokichi said, he looked at the butler next to him and said, "Akitsu, go buy a batch of ingredients for me. Remember, all of them must be the best and top-notch, you hear me!"

"Yes...but how much do I need to buy..." the middle-aged man wearing glasses said in a panic.

"Idiot, of course I have to ask my niece about this kind of thing!" Suzuki Jirokichi said impatiently.

"Yes!" After being scolded by Suzuki Jiro Kichiichi, Akitsu Masuhiko next to him quickly looked at Ayako: "Miss Ayako, please tell me the ingredients you want to purchase..."

"Okay, please." Ayako was not in a hurry when she saw the other party hurriedly taking out paper and pen. After the other party was ready, she began to slowly talk about the purchased ingredients.

"Really, this newly hired guy is really useless." Suzuki Jirokichi said dissatisfied: "This frizzy guy is really annoying..."

"Well, I think he might just be too nervous." Tangze smiled and said: "It will be fine now. I will rest first. I drank a lot with Officer Megure and the others yesterday, and I am not thinking right now." Sober."

It took him a while to realize that there were other solutions, but he was already in a crisis, so it was better to rest enough and stay awake before going.

"There is a guest room upstairs. Just ask the maid to take you up." Suzuki Jirokichi called a maid and asked her to take Karasawa to the guest room.

The hangover was really uncomfortable. Karasawa lay on the bed and quickly fell asleep. He didn't get up until lunch time, and he happened to meet Suzuki Jiroyoshi who was delivering food to Lupine.

The chef of Suzuki Jiro Yoshi's family is good at Italian cuisine, and he had a good time at lunch.

However, Suzuki Jirokichi on the side sighed and couldn't eat.

This made Tangze a little embarrassed, but after all, the person he was looking for was a high school student, and there were usually no club activities until school ended around four o'clock, so he couldn't rush.

But at three o'clock, after Suzuki Jirokichi asked again and again, Karasawa had to borrow the other party's car and went to Ekoda High School where Kuroba Kaito was to wait for the other party to finish school.

After finally getting through to the end of school at the other party's high school, Tang Ze got out of the car and waited at the gate of the campus.

As groups of students walked out, Tang Ze naturally attracted the attention of young girls. There were even a few bold girls who came over to strike up a conversation, but Tang Ze rejected them with a smile.

And soon, Tangze relied on his extraordinary eyesight to locate the target walking from the teaching building to the school gate.

At this time, Kuroba Kaito had no idea who was waiting for him, and was staying with his childhood sweetheart as usual.

"It's all because of that abominable Kaitou Kidd. Dad has been depressed lately."

As Nakamori Aoko walked towards the school gate, she thought about Kuroba Kaito and complained: "That bastard thief, I hate him the most!"

"Oh, don't get angry because of this matter. Anyway, it won't happen once or twice."

Kuroba Kaito said heart-wrenching words, causing Nakamori Aoko to glare and roar: "Humph, do you know how to comfort people, you idiot?"

"Of course I will~" Kuroba Kaito casually conjured a rose and handed it to Nakamori Aoko affectionately, making the girl feel shy.

"Hmph, boring!"

After all, they were at the school gate, and the girl was shy. Even though she had been made happy by Kuroba Kaito's little magic, she still walked out of the school arrogantly.

"Hey, don't be angry, let's go eat burgers." Kuroba Kaito said, "How about I treat you?"

"Hmph, then I want to eat the cod burger." Nakamori Aoko showed a devilish smile.

"Fish... fish..." Kuroba Kaito trembled as he fired the condition, and said harshly: "You can eat it if you want. Anyway, I will pay you, just don't take it over!!"

"Hey, let's go quickly!" Nakamori Aoko hugged Kuroba Kaito's arm and hurriedly ran out of the school gate.

"Don't run so fast..." Before Kuroba Kaito could finish the rest of his words, he saw Karasawa Criminal smiling and waving to him at the door, and he suddenly became smart.

He never expected that that troublesome guy would actually come to his door!

For a moment, Kuroba Kaito's expression kept changing. He didn't know how to respond, and he didn't know why the other party suddenly came to him.

However, after seeing the other party wave to him and get into the car immediately, Kuroba Kaito felt relieved.

Obviously, facing Tang Ze, a criminal, even if the two parties have reached cooperation, the sudden visit of the other party puts him under great pressure, fearing that he will be arrested directly.

This comes from the criminal's natural suppression of thieves, just like a mouse meets a cat.

However, he also keenly noticed that Tang Ze's car followed him without disturbing him. Seeing this, he felt confident.

With their worries in mind, Kuroba Kaito and Nakamori Aoko walked into a burger restaurant near the school.

Kuroba Kaito ordered a hamburger and fried chicken for Aoko, while he ordered a cup of Coke and French fries.

"You sit down first. I'll go to the convenience store next door to buy something. Don't finish the fries for me."

After choosing a seat, Kuroba Kaito made an excuse and walked out the door without taking a seat. Nakamori Aoko didn't doubt it, but just urged him to come back quickly.

After walking out of the burger restaurant, Kuroba Kaito saw Karasawa's car parked on the opposite side of the road. He walked over, opened the door and got in.

"looking for me?"

After getting in the car, Kuroba Kaito asked with an unhappy look on his face: "Also, why don't you just call me by phone? Why did you suddenly touch me? Is this a warning?"

"No, this is sincerity." Tang Ze smiled and said, "Don't be so nervous. I'm here to ask for your help with something."

"Hey, what do you think of me?" Kuroba Kaito said with dissatisfied eyes, "I'm not a tool holding a handle in your hand."

"Well, I just think it's better to resolve it privately. There's no need to mobilize troops."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "Otherwise, you will have to work hard and we will have to create a big scene here, so why bother."

"What do you mean by that?" Kuroba Kaito said, scratching his head after hearing Karasawa's words.

"This is what happened..."

Karasawa organized his language and briefly talked about Suzuki Jirokichi's accidental confinement of his pet dog Lupine into the "Iron Tanuki", a large vault built by Sansui Kichiemon.

"So, you want to ask me to help you unlock the door?" Kaitou Kidd said proudly after hearing this: "Then you have found the right person, I am a professional."

"How about it? How about going privately?"

Tang Ze smiled and said: "I can clear out the people in the villa without worrying about anyone seeing you and suspecting your identity.

And in this way, Uncle Jiroji won't have to go to great lengths to issue a fake invitation letter to lure you there under the guard of Nakamori Criminal Justice. "

"So I have to thank you?" Kuroba Kaito said angrily: "No matter how you calculate it, it's all my fault."

"In terms of remuneration, feel free to mention it. Uncle Jiroji has said that he will try his best to meet your requirements."

Karasawa smiled and said: "The Suzuki family's financial resources are obvious to all, but I think money is the least cost-effective thing among them.

You can then make a request this time, such as using the relationship to confirm at a close distance whether some gems that are difficult to get close to are the ones you want. "

"Well, although this would be very convenient, I don't need such a reward." Kuroba Kaito smiled and chose to refuse when he heard this.

"Then make it more of a daily routine?" Tang Ze suggested: "For example, to please your little girlfriend, book the playground for a day as a surprise or something?"

"Who is my little girlfriend... We are just ordinary..."

Kuroba Kaito immediately retorted shyly upon hearing this, but his stammering look was not very convincing no matter how he looked at it.

"I understand, I understand, I'm just an ordinary childhood sweetheart and part-time classmate, right?" Tang Ze said seriously: "Then do you need it?"

"That's a good can save me a lot of trouble. At least I don't have to think about what to give as a birthday gift." Kuroba Kaibi said firmly, "Of course, this is not enough!"

"If you need anything else, you can continue to ask." Tang Ze said.

"I want you to do me a favor when necessary." Kuroba Kaito said seriously: "Do me a favor outside the scope of the previous transaction."

"What do you want me to do?" Seeing Kuroba Kaito's serious look, Tang Ze raised his eyebrows and began to wonder what the other party was asking him to help with so seriously.

Obviously, this is not something that Suzuki Jiroji's ordinary "money ability" can handle.

Although according to the original trajectory, Kaitou Kidd would definitely help, but the other party's request did not make Karasawa feel "lost" in any way.

After all, you can't take a choice that hasn't happened and regard it as the only outcome and become dissatisfied.

Although the words are a bit convoluted, the meaning is basically not to use known information, thinking that the other party will definitely do so.

After all, people change, not to mention the current situation is different.

"It's like this. A high school detective has been transferred to our class. He's a troublesome guy."

Speaking of this, Kuroba Kaito seemed to have thought of something and added: "It sounds like he is the son of your top chief of the Metropolitan Police Department..."

"Is it Detective White Horse?" Tang Ze nodded and said, "I know him. Does the matter you want me to help have to do with him?"

"That's right." Kuroba Kaito nodded and said, "I have to admit, that guy has two tricks up his sleeve, and he has even begun to doubt me.

Although I have been deceived by the previous temptations, I still have to make preparations in advance. "

"Then how do you want me to help?" Tang Ze asked.

"Pretend to be me just once when I think I'm about to be discovered!"

Kuroba Kaito said solemnly: "I know you can also disguise yourself, and your skills are much better than mine. If you cooperate with the magic designed by me, pretending to be me is enough!"

"Be your stand-in for once?"

Tang Ze touched his chin, with a look of interest on his face: "Okay, I agree. Of course, after I take the gem away, you have to find an opportunity to return it."

"So you agreed."

Kuroba Kaito looked happy when he heard this, and nodded quickly: "You can rest assured about the gem. I have done this before. I only want the gem I need."

"I agreed. After all, if you are caught, the transaction between you and me will be over." Tang Ze smiled and said: "In order to ensure that subsequent transactions can proceed normally, I will also help you clear your suspicion."

"In that case, when are we going to unlock the door?" Kuroba Kaito didn't expect that Tang Ze would agree so smoothly. He couldn't help but smile on his face and began to ask for help.

"You should finish your date with your little girlfriend first." Tang Ze teased: "Otherwise it's time to make people angry again. Come out when you get home and I will pick you up.

By the way, do you need me to clear the place? "

"It's better to do it if you can."

Kuroba Kaito nodded and said while opening the car door: "I don't want the news that I can open the big vault "Iron Fox" to be spread.

If that guy from White Horse hears it, he will definitely doubt my identity even more. "

"Okay." Karasawa nodded, took out his mobile phone and started to contact Suzuki Jirokichi, asking him to evacuate everyone in the mansion and not to stay himself.

Kaito Kuroba went to a convenience store and bought a magazine and basic pen, and then walked into a burger restaurant.


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