Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,124 Kaitou Kidd’s Conditions

After making the phone call and arranging the follow-up clearance work, Karasawa watched Kuroba Kaito walk into the burger restaurant and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

To be honest, the condition proposed by Kuroba Kaito was beyond his expectation.

He did think that Kuroba Kaito would make various demands that Suzuki Jirokichi's "money ability" could not achieve.

Most of these requirements are personal to him, such as not being allowed to make him miserable when he takes action in the future, or he is not allowed to participate in any number of actions in the future.

He has even thought about leaking agency information to him.

But he hadn't really thought that the other party actually wanted him to pretend to be Kaitou Kidd to help him steal gems.

The key to being able to achieve this without any requirements is to allow him to be present at the same time as a substitute to testify for him that he is innocent.

This requirement is really...

very funny!

Yes, it was very interesting. Karasawa felt an interesting experiment from Kuroba Kaito's request.

In other words, it is a good opportunity to test the system mechanism.

After all, to a certain extent, this seems to be a bad thing, right?

He wanted to see if he would be rewarded or punished if he agreed to Kaitou Kidd's request.

Karasawa said it was worth a try.

If it is a reward, it is naturally the best result, proving that the system allows itself to help, and that it agrees with behavior that is beyond the limits of real laws.

No movement means neither support nor objection.

As for punishment, if you go to see it once, it is indeed a bad result.

But Tangze also wanted to see what the system's punishment mechanism was.

For Tangze, this is actually a restriction and concern. Tangze can accept this rule, but he doesn't want to lose his choice because of it.

Therefore, if this penalty loss is within his own loss range, then he will have greater choice and feel more confident about the punishment for failure.

Of course, as for why Tangze dared to try this punishment.

That is naturally because there is another biological son of the world who is the foundation.

After all, it was the request of the other party, and what he did was not a particularly bad thing. Even the punishment would definitely not be more severe than the bad outcome during the investigation.

That's why Tang Ze thought this was a good opportunity.

Of course, it all depends on Kaitou Kidd as to how the other party will perform the request for help. He just needs to wait patiently.

As for now, it’s better to rescue Suzuki Jirokichi’s pet dog “Lupine” as soon as possible.

On the other side, Kuroba Kaito went in and found that only a few of his French fries had been eaten, and Aoko was holding a Coke in his hand with the straw between his teeth.

"Why did you finish all mine?" Seeing the other person taking a bite of hamburger and a bite of Coke, Kuroba Kaito couldn't help but ask with a black line.

"Hmph, if you don't come back for a long time, I will eat your food first."

Nakamori Aoko stuck out her tongue and said proudly: "And I forgot to order a drink. The two you ordered are a perfect match~"

"In that case, the fried chicken is mine!"

Kuroba Kaito looked at the only intact fried chicken on the plate, and decisively used high hand speed to grab the fried chicken before Aoko.

“Give me back the fried chicken!”

Nakamori Aoko's eyes widened, and she reached out to grab it, but Kuroba Douko just leaned back slightly and dodged, and then took a bite directly on the chicken leg.

"Hmph, Miss, I have a lot of them, so I'll give them to you!"

Seeing this scene, Nakamori Aoko gave up the idea of ​​grabbing the chicken legs and started eating her own burger.

Although the two of them grabbed each other's food and hurt each other, it was just a fight between young lovers, and there was no anger at all.

Kuroba Douko was telling jokes while eating fried chicken, which soon made Aoko laugh.

Because he knew that he would have to help unlock the door immediately when he returned home, Kuroba Kaito ordered some food, and the two of them ate until they were full before returning home.

"Goodbye, see you tomorrow." Aoko waved towards Kuroba Kaito: "Thank you for your treat today~"

"Oh, see you tomorrow!"

Kuroba Kaito waved his hand and watched Aoko enter the home before entering the house.

Back in the bedroom, Kuroba Kaito prepared some props and changed into mature clothes before going out and walking towards Karasawa's car.

Opening the car door, Kuroba Kaito said in a relaxed tone: "Let's go, let's fight quickly."

"I've already had everyone evacuated."

Tangze smiled and said: "As for the one-day reservation rights for the amusement park, I sent the phone number to your mobile phone via text message. You just need to contact this person and say the code sentence on the text message.

This way he will know that you are here to fulfill your promise, but don't forget to make an appointment one day in advance at the latest. "

"You rich people are really jealous." Kuroba Kaito complained casually while lying in the back seat of the car.

When he came before, Kuroba Douzi was sitting upright with a serious expression.

But this time, because of the cooperation, the other party naturally felt less pressure, relaxed naturally, and his sitting posture became more casual.

"You kid has no right to say such things."

Tangze glanced at the other party: "Our money is earned through formal channels, but your family is a family of monster thieves. Although it is not as rich as ours, it is still rich."

"I didn't take it."

Kaitou Kidd also knew about his father and mother's record. Hearing this, he couldn't help but have a sly expression on his face: "I've returned all mine. I just made sure the gems are the ones I want."

Tangze just smiled at this and began to change the subject: "Do you have any props to disguise yourself?

Although I have cleared my manpower, there are still surveillance cameras in the mansion. It is better to do less than to do more and leave as few traces as possible. "

"I have already considered this, and this outfit is prepared for this." After Kuroba Kaito finished speaking, he wiped his hand on his face, and an ordinary middle-aged man appeared in the car.

Even Tang Ze couldn't help but be amazed when he saw how quickly the other party's face changed in an instant.

This speed is almost the same as the face-changing in the drama. Karasawa feels that this skill of Kuroba Kaito may have exceeded S level.

After the disguise was completed, the car fell into silence. Kuroba Kaito waited quietly for Karasawa to drive to Suzuki Jirokichi's mansion.

The car entered the house. After getting out of the car, Karasawa looked around and found that there was indeed no one. Then he waved to Kuroba Kaito to get out of the car.

"Let's go to the big treasury."

Karasawa led Kuroba Kaito into the huge mansion. The empty mansion was so quiet and even a little scary.

Arriving at the vault, Karasawa first took the machine placed by Suzuki Jirokichi and turned off the induction iron prison mechanism on the ground, and then motioned for Kuroba Kaito to enter.

The safety of the large vault is also a knob type, but it is much more complicated than an ordinary safe.

"Hey, you'd better be careful. If this mechanism fails, there will be a fatal mechanism." Standing outside the door of the big treasury, Tang Ze warned.

"Don't worry, I'm..." Just when Kuroba Kaito wanted to boast, he made a mistake and an arrow was spoken instantly.

Fortunately, Kuroba Kaito was very agile and managed to dodge at the last moment, but even so, he still had a look of horror on his face.

"Don't talk to me, I want an absolutely quiet environment to listen to the sound of the lock cylinder inside." Kuroba Kaito seemed to be distracted by talking to Karasawa before, and couldn't help but said angrily.

"Okay, I won't say anything, but in addition to arrows and axes, please be careful to avoid them."

After Karasawa reminded him, he stopped talking. Kuroba Kaito failed several times after that, but he easily avoided it because he was prepared in advance.

That ax mechanism is really dangerous. If it weren't for Karasawa's warning and Kuroba Kaito's agility, he might have been "split the watermelon".

However, Kuroba Kaito is a world-famous Kaito after all. He only failed a few times and finally opened the door to the vault and rescued "Lupin".

Suzuki Jirokichi's "pet dog" is still very humane. After being rescued, he was very friendly to Kuroba Douko, wagging his tail at him.

"Yoxi yoxi~good dog~" Kuroba Kaito touched the dog's head, stood up immediately and said with a smile: "It's done."

"Thank you." Tangze whistled, and "Lupine" on the side immediately gave up on Black Feather Douzi and ran towards Tangze.

"Thanks for your hard work, you have become a locksmith for once." Tang Ze said with a smile, "Then let's go?"

Kuroba Douko left with Karasawa. After the two got in the car, Karasawa called to tell Suzuki Jirokichi the good news this time.

"Really!! It's really opened!?"

Suzuki Jirokichi shouted in surprise on the phone: "Thank you so much! Are you sure your friend doesn't want other rewards!?"

"No, this is the gift he asked for for the junior. As for the other transactions, I have already taken care of it." Tang Ze said with a smile.

"Thank you very much."

After hearing what Karasawa said, Suzuki Jiroyoshi didn't know that he could persuade the master of unlocking the lock, all because of what Karasawa personally agreed to the other party's conditions.

And this, obviously this can not only be achieved by relying on "money ability", that's why Suzuki Jirokichi would express his gratitude to Karasawa so solemnly.

Karasawa didn't take this to heart. After all, Suzuki Jirokichi had also helped him a lot. Besides, he was the elder of his mother's family, so it was normal for him to help each other.

After hanging up the phone, Karasawa threw Kuroba Kaito home, and then returned to Suzuki Jirokichi's mansion.

At this moment, the former servants of the villa returned to the mansion and performed their duties, and Suzuki Jiroyoshi was holding his pet dog "Lupin" and laughing, full of joy at having lost it.

"Now that everything is settled, let's leave uncle." Ayako saw Karasawa get out of the car and said goodbye to him with a smile.

"Why are you leaving? You can eat at my place tonight!" Suzuki Jirokichi said with a big wave of his hand: "That's it. I really want to have a drink with Karasawa boy to celebrate!"

Saying that, Suzuki Jiroji grabbed one person with one hand and pulled them into the house.

The elders were so enthusiastic about staying, and the two of them couldn't deny each other's favor. They could only look at each other and smile helplessly, and gave up their original plan.

During dinner, Suzuki Jirokichi was in high spirits, dragging Karasawa along to get drunk.

However, Tang Ze had just finished his hangover and was not willing to drink anymore. In the end, the three of them drank a little red wine, and the housekeeper finally drove the two of them home, ending a day where plans had not changed.

After returning home, Tang Ze took a shower and lay down on the soft big bed to rest early.

In general, the hangover still had an impact. Even though he regained consciousness later, his energy was not fully restored.

Coupled with helping to rescue "Lupine" and drinking wine at night, which basically helped him sleep, Tangze was already very sleepy.

However, before going to bed, Tang Ze opened the system panel to check the rewards this time.

【Quiet rescue】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 400 destiny points]

Evaluation: Although the outcome was destined, your approach undoubtedly minimized the storm and solved this case quietly.

After seeing this reward, Tang Ze no longer suppressed his sleepiness and fell asleep.

When Ayako finished packing and entered the bedroom, she saw Karasawa who was already sleeping peacefully.

"Thanks for your hard work."

After caressing Karasawa's cheek tenderly, Ayako lay quietly next to Karasawa and turned off the bedside lamp.

A night of silence.

The next day, Tangze woke up refreshed, as if the previous hangover didn't exist at all.

Carefully going out without making any noise, Tang Ze planned to make breakfast after washing up.

For some reason, he wanted to eat chazuke rice this morning, so he didn't struggle as much as before and quickly made breakfast.

Ayako also woke up midway, and by the time Karasawa had finished cooking, Ayako had already finished washing up.

The aroma of tea and the sour taste of plums in the list opened up their appetites very well. Even if it was just a simple bowl of chazuke rice, they were still very satisfied.

After breakfast, Karasawa got into Ayako's car and set off towards Kesouyan.

After all, the car had been driven away by Nanatsuki Koshimizu before, so he still needed a driver this morning.

"By the way, do you have anything to do tonight?"

On the way to Kesouyan, Ayako said while driving: "My friend invited me to see the magic show yesterday afternoon, but I told her to postpone it because of something else.

If we are all fine today, we can go and kill some time.

I'm also looking forward to this magic. "

"Magic show?" Tang Ze smiled and nodded when he heard this, and asked curiously: "I wonder which magician it is?"

Although murders often occur in magic shows, because he just solved a case yesterday, it should be considered a "safe period" now, so he doesn't have a solemn attitude as if a murder is about to happen.

"It's a female magician named Lu Yayingzi."

Naturally, Ayako didn’t know what Karasawa was thinking. After hearing Karasawa’s inquiry, she introduced with a smile: “Her magic is very powerful, and because of her handsome appearance, she has the feeling of a beauty dressed in men’s clothes, so she is very popular among women. Woolen cloth.

Those friends of mine are her fans. "

"There shouldn't be any problems here. I'll contact you in the evening."

Tang Ze nodded when he heard this, and then said regretfully: "But unfortunately, the candlelight dinner we said we would have at home seems to be postponed again."

"We can do it at any time when we are free." Ayako smiled as she slowed down slowly and parked the car on the side of the road: "We have arrived at your work place."

"Then let's just say, I'll see you tonight."

Karasawa got out of the car and said goodbye to Ayako and walked towards his office.

. Lewen

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