Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,125 The Dead in the Magic Theater

The dark night, once a fearful environment engraved in human genes, has now become the most pleasant time of the day for people under the brilliant lights.

During the day, we operate as a tiny and inconspicuous gear in the machine called "society". Only at night can we truly have our own life.

This is also the reason why people go to bed later and later, because they want completely alone time to do what they want to do.

Rice Flower Auditorium.

Today, here is a performance show that belongs exclusively to the magician Lu Yayingzi, the "Prince of Magic".

Although it is a bit weird for a woman to be called the "Magic Prince", from another perspective, it is enough to show how handsome a woman is.

"It's about to start, it's about to start!"

“I’m really looking forward to it!”

"Lv Yayingzi is really so handsome. She is obviously a woman, but she always has the aura of a noble man."

In the VIP seats, several of Ayako's friends spoke excitedly, looking like little fangirls, and it was obvious that they were the richest ladies of major financial groups.

Amidst the whispers of all the young ladies, the stage suddenly dimmed, a beam of light came on, and a beauty with long hair slowly walked onto the stage.

Although he had seen the other party on the poster, after seeing him in person, Tang Ze found that the nickname of the other party was not for nothing.

She obviously has long hair, and the color of the magic dress she wears is also completely feminine pink, but it still makes people feel the heroic spirit in her.

Just like the handsome prince in a fairy tale, his appearance today instantly attracted screams from the audience.

Her appearance not only attracts women, but also has a fatal temptation for men.

So Tangze saw that many years ago, the man was also chasing stars, shouting her name loudly to support her.

Lu Yayingzi came on stage holding a red silk scarf in both hands. She stood in the middle of the stage and shook the red silk scarf. The next moment, the scarf turned into a magic cane.

"Good evening, everyone." Lu Yayingzi gracefully held her cane and bowed to the audience: "Welcome to the Magic Hour."

After the warm applause, Lu Yayingzi smiled gracefully at everyone: "Maybe you don't believe it, but there is a God of Magic in this world.

However, this god of magic has an unstable temper, and sometimes uses magic on humans to control their destiny. "

As Lu Yayingzi's words fell, wonderful magic began to appear one after another in the next moment.

The silk thread turned into a white scarf in the firelight, and was soon called a white dove.

Then the white dove was put into the cage, and the next moment when the cage was opened, the rabbit appeared above the cage again.

In addition, there are all kinds of magical magic. Some of the novel magic is the first time that Tang Ze has seen it. Needless to say, it is all studied carefully by Lu Yayingzi, which is enough to show that the other party has profound skills as a magician.

When the last magic show ended, Lu Yayingzi left the stage gracefully amid the cheers of everyone.

And this magic show was indeed exciting enough. Even when they were leaving the show, everyone was still discussing the previous magic tricks with great interest.

Looking at the comfortable environment around him, Tang Ze felt a subtle sense of novelty in his heart.

Mainly because before, every time I went to see a magic show, it would always be interrupted midway because a dangerous magic trick killed the performer.

Even when visiting a magician, there are always various magic tricks and murders.

This was the first time that he had watched a magic show from beginning to end without any problems. It naturally made him feel new and moved, and his heart completely dropped.

Finally, some rules should be followed, and the two cases will not be seamlessly connected.

Looking back at the previous magic show, he saw Ayako happily discussing with her friends when to watch the show again. He also smiled and listened quietly without interrupting.

Wonderful magic and peaceful daily life, the two brought a wonderful night.

And as if to give the busy Karasawa a break, the days with frequent cases suddenly turned into peaceful daily routines.

Karasawa and Ayako agreed to have a ceremonial "candlelight dinner" reception banquet at home, and finally got their wish.

Although, in terms of time, there is no need to hold this reception banquet.

But there still needs to be a sense of ritual in life.

After the two of them finished eating the food the other prepared for them, they cuddled up on the sofa and watched TV.

"Hey, there is actually a performance by Lu Yayingzi today?"

While changing the channel, Ayako suddenly saw a familiar figure on the TV and couldn't help but said in surprise: "But she is actually on TV?"

"It's true. Let me see what the program preview in the newspaper says."

These days, TV programs are still in the spotlight, and online broadcasting is still a new thing.

As a mainstream entertainment channel, newspapers will naturally publish programs broadcast by various TV stations.

And Tang Ze quickly found the program information of Lu Yayingzi's performance: "It is a magic show broadcast live."

"Really? It seems like we can see her perform more often in the future."

Ayako smiled and said: "Being on TV is a breakthrough in my career."

Karasawa nodded when he heard this, also agreeing with what Ayako said.

Although the theater performances will bring an immersive experience to the audience, for the magician personally, the communication intensity is not particularly large.

In fact, there are still many people who will not pay attention to a certain theater magic show.

But the nature of being on TV is completely different, and the intensity of its dissemination is also completely different. From this moment on, Lu Yayingzi can also be called a celebrity.

And after appearing on TV, she can further promote her fame, and naturally more people will be willing to go to the theater to watch her performances.

So the two can be said to complement each other.

On TV, Lu Yayingzi's magic tricks are still wonderful. There are only a few particularly wonderful magic tricks that she has performed in the theater before.

When the two saw this, they felt that this should be the signature magic trick that the other party was proud of.

After all the performances were over, Tangze saw Lu Yayingzi on the TV seeming to glance towards the backstage passage with a slightly worried look on her face.

However, she still bowed immediately and then walked towards the passage on the left.

"It seems like she has a fever or something." Ayako looked at Lu Yayingzi's exit and asked curiously: "Did an accident happen backstage? It feels like Lu Yayingzi just got angry."

"Well, I guess so." Tang Ze stood up and looked at the time and said, "It's only eight o'clock now. Do you want to go out for a walk?"

"Of course, then you wait for me to change clothes."

Ayako got up and walked towards the bedroom, and just when Karasawa was about to follow, the phone suddenly rang.

"What's the matter, Mr. Aso?" Tang Ze answered the call after looking at the caller.

"Something happened, a murder just happened here."

Aso said without any greetings: "I will leave the scene first. The deceased fell from the building and made no sound."

"You should maintain the scene for the time being and contact the headquarters to ask them to send someone." Tang Ze said in a quick but not panicky tone: "I will be there soon and report my location."

"It's at the Pink Theater in Yoneka Town 3-chome." Asano said, "I'll send you the specific location later."

After hanging up the phone, Karasawa quickly walked to the room and told Ayako about the situation, then changed his clothes and drove to the theater Aso Minori mentioned.

After arriving at the theater, Tang Ze was shocked to find that the promotional posters placed outside the theater were actually Lu Yayingzi's promotional posters. Thinking of the last scene on TV, Tang Ze suspected that that was when the case occurred.

Tang Ze observed for a while, but didn't see any suspected murder scene around him.

It should be the time for the guests to leave now. It stands to reason that if a murder occurs, there will definitely be people watching.

But at this moment, the audience in the theater seemed to be fine, laughing and discussing the previous magic show with their companions, as if they had no idea that a murder had occurred.

While complaining about whether magicians are really a high-risk profession that can easily be related to murder cases, Karasawa called Minoru Aso and saw him walking out of a remote alley next to the theater.

Seeing Tang Ze's expression of understanding, he understood why there was no commotion.

This small alley is the gap between two buildings. It is not too big. In addition, there are promotional posters in front of it, so naturally no one notices that there is a murder here.

In order to reduce the impact, Karasawa contacted the headquarters and asked them to make less noise when bringing people here, and he followed Aso Minoru toward the crime scene.

Arriving at the scene of the crime, Tang Ze saw an old man with all white hair lying on the ground, and next to him were the entire window frame and broken glass fragments scattered around.

"The skull was fractured and the calf bones were also damaged. The theater staff said he died after falling from a building."

Aso Minoru squatted next to the body, took out an iron cigarette case from his pocket and said: "Besides, when I checked, I smelled the obvious smell of alcohol and tobacco.

No, this is the cigarette case he has on him. "

"It's really exquisite."

Tangze took the silver cigarette box. It was about the size of a palm, and it showed that there was a "V" shaped mark, which was obviously where the lid was opened.

Tang Ze pressed the lower part of the "v", and the upper flap popped open, revealing the neatly arranged cigarettes.

"Looking at it like this, it seems that it fell together with the window frame."

Karasawa looked at the scene, then looked at Aso and said, "By the way, why are you here?"

"Actually, I'm here for a date."

Aso Minori sighed and said: "Junhui recently took over a job as a costume prop for a TV station.

Their TV station planned to broadcast Lu Yayingzi's magic show, so they invited us staff members to be the audience.

First, it helps control the scene, and it also provides benefits to employees, and they can also bring friends or family members.

So I accompanied Jun Hui to watch the magic show, but who knew that a murder actually happened. "

Speaking of this, Aso Minoru scratched his head and said, "Have I been with you for a long time, and have you been infected by your "detective physique"?"

"It's outrageous that you just said "death physique"." After Karasawa finished complaining with a black line, he looked around and said, "By the way, why don't you see Shimabukuro?"

"This is a crime scene. I asked her to go nearby to help buy coffee." Aso said, "I will be busy for a long time tonight. It's better to start the dissection as soon as possible."

"That's true."

Tangze nodded and said: "Judging from the scene, it is most likely that it fell together with the window frame, but we can't make a complete conclusion yet.

It is best if the condition of the body is ascertained as soon as possible and documented. "

Speaking of this, Tang Ze activated his super sense of smell, and the next moment he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Huh? This is the smell of oranges, is it orange oil?"

"Orange oil? Does he smell like this?"

Aso said in surprise: "If I remember correctly, this should be an essential oil extracted from the peel of citrus and the like."

"You know quite a lot."

Tang Ze raised his eyebrows and said, "That's right. After all, you always smell like mint, so I guess these can be useful."

"Well, after all, Jun Hui likes me and I've been infected by her."

Aso Minoru scratched his head, then looked at the deceased on the ground with some surprise and said, "But essential oils are generally used by girls. This old man is quite particular..."

"Hey, coffee is here for you two~"

While the two were talking, Shimabukuro Kime's shout came from the alleyway.

Karasawa turned around and saw Shimabukuro Kimie shaking the coffee in his hand and saying hello to the two of them.

"It's my share, thank you." Tang Ze took the coffee, opened it and took a sip.

"Of course, I knew you would come." Shimabukuro Kime smiled and said, "How is the situation?"

As he spoke, Shimabukuro Kimie handed another can of coffee to Aso Minoru, used him as a shield to peek at the situation inside curiously, and then quickly withdrew his gaze: "Forget it, forget it, I still won't take a closer look. , I will have nightmares when I go back."

"Well, from now on it looks like it's most likely an accident."

Aso Minoru smiled, rubbed Shimabukuro Kimie's head, and led her out: "But the specifics will depend on the judgment of the famous detective next to us."

"Then you have to work overtime again?" Shimabukuro Kime sighed.

"Don't worry, it won't be long. I'll ask someone to take you back later." Aso said with an apologetic smile.

"Forget it, since you said it won't take long, then I will accompany you." Shimabukuro Kimie shook his head and smiled: "Let's go home together."

Aso was startled when he heard this, his eyes softened a lot and he nodded, "Okay, let's go home together."

However, after the two of them met and smiled tacitly, their mood seemed to calm down a little.

But the next moment, the expressions of the two people who seemed to have thought of something suddenly froze, and then their necks seemed to be rusty. They turned their heads little by little to look at Tang Ze, who had been ignored by the two before.

"Oh, am I a little redundant~"

On the side, Tang Ze covered his mouth and said words of self-blame, but the teasing look on his face could not be concealed.

And his words also made the two people who were caught in the pink atmosphere think smart, and they immediately distanced themselves somewhat embarrassedly.

Seeing this, Tang Ze smiled even harder.

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