Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,126 A suicidal magician?

Faced with the sudden exchange of love between the two, Tang Ze expressed that he was shocked.

But after all, at the scene of the crime, the two of them were just expressing their affection for each other, and Tang Ze did not fan the flames and continued to tease them.

After finishing a can of coffee, the sound of police sirens got closer and closer. Looking at Nanatsuki Koshimizu who hurriedly got out of the car, Karasawa was stunned for a moment.

"Eh? Why did you come here too?" Tang Ze looked at Yuoshui Nanatsuki and asked in surprise.

"Today I was practicing karate at the skills training center. After washing up, I heard the news of the reported crime, so I followed it."

Koshizui Nanatsuki explained with a smile: "But what a coincidence, I didn't expect Karasawa Criminal to also come.

I originally thought I could handle this matter myself. "

"Okay, no more gossiping. Leave the crime scene to the forensic department. The body will be taken back soon. Dr. Aso is still waiting for the autopsy."

Tang Ze saw the people surrounding him and immediately issued an order, and soon everyone began to perform their duties and start their work.

"Let's go, come up with me and ask questions first."

After arranging the work, Karasawa looked at Koshizui Nanatsuki and said, "First, let's find out why the window fell down together with the person."

"So, it's still not certain whether the deceased died of homicide or a simple accident?" After hearing Karasawa's words, Koshimizu Nanatsuki on the side almost understood the situation of the case and raised the crux of the matter.

"It's time to figure that out."

After Tangze finished speaking, he walked upstairs, where the accident was discovered by theater staff.

But later, as Aso went out after watching the show, he happened to encounter a few people who went downstairs in a panic to check the situation and then took control of the scene.

After that, he asked several people to stay upstairs and wait for the police to arrive for questioning.

Although he is only a forensic doctor, he still knows how to control the situation after emergencies.

However, when Tang Ze and the others went upstairs and asked why the window frames fell together, a man with his hair tied up looked extremely excited.

"We plan to repair it next week! It's true!!"

The man was extremely emotional. He grabbed Tang Ze and explained repeatedly: "It's true!! I've even contacted the repairman!"

"Calm down, we understand." Tang Ze saw that the other party was holding on to him and was extremely emotional, so he quickly comforted him.

"I really didn't expect this to happen. If I had known earlier, I would have called someone over to fix it!"

The man regretfully banged his head against the cabinet next to him. It was obvious that such a big thing happened in his responsibility, which made him very panicked.

However, Tang Ze reacted quickly. After hitting him twice, he immediately pulled him away to prevent him from harming himself.

"Calm down, calm down, we just want to find out the reason, we are not here to arrest you, okay?"

Koshizui Nanatsuki saw that the men were resorting to "self-mutilation" behavior, and quickly cooperated with Tang Ze to comfort him: "You sit down first, we need you to cooperate with us to understand the situation now.

Well, what you have to do is cooperate with us to figure things out. "

"Ha ha..."

The middle-aged man with long hair was panting heavily and was pinned down on the seat by Karasawa. With Aso's persuasion, the other party gradually began to calm down.

"Ichiro Momoyama, 62 years old."

Tangze took out the driver's license found on the body and said, "Do you know the old man who fell?"

"I know him, he is "Pink Peach Mountain"!"

The middle-aged man nodded and said: "You can tell by the nickname. He turns out to be the pillar of our theater.

There was a time when he was very popular and often appeared on TV. "

"Um... I don't have much impression." Koshizui Nanatsuki said awkwardly.

"Well... although he is a very powerful magician, he was even able to use the name of the theater as a code name when our theater was in great glory."

The middle-aged man explained: "But then a lot of things happened, and then I stopped performing on stage."

"You were also the first person to realize that something was wrong, right?" Karasawa also learned a lot of information from Aso, so he asked the other party: "Can you tell me about the situation at that time?"

"I am the leader of this theater, and I always stay behind during the performance."

The middle-aged man recalled: "At almost the middle stage, I faintly heard the sound of something breaking, and then I found Xiaohong, a disciple of Teacher Yingzi, to check the situation together.

But we checked many places and found nothing wrong. We thought something was broken somewhere else far away.

But when the magic show was about to end, when I planned to go to the lounge room to get cleaning tools, I found that the door could not be opened.

I knew that Mr. Momoyama was watching the performance through the surveillance system inside, so I called him, but no matter how hard I knocked, there was no movement. Thinking about the glass breaking before, I felt bad.

At this time, I quickly went to call Xiaohong. After the magic show, Teacher Yingzi also came over and asked us angrily what the noise was about backstage...

Then, Lu Yayingzi tried to open the door but couldn't. I couldn't kick the door open.

You should all know what happens next..."

"Then do you know why he came here?" After listening to the situation before and after the other party found the body, Tang Ze nodded to show understanding, and then continued to ask.

"He suddenly came to visit before the show started."

At this moment, another man's voice came from the door.

Everyone turned to look, only to find a polite man in a suit.

"I am Nao Ye, Lua Eiko's manager."

The man bowed slightly and said, "Miss Eiko was once Mr. Momoyama's apprentice. I originally planned to prepare a seat for him, but unfortunately the seats are all full today.

So I asked him to condescend to the lounge and watch the show via surveillance. "

"I understand." Tang Ze nodded and said, "Where is Miss Lu Yayingzi? I wonder if I can ask her to come and ask a question?"

"Wait a moment. Teacher Yingzi is taking off her makeup and changing clothes. I'll call her later."

Naono smiled apologetically after hearing this: "After all, it is a costume for a stage performance. Some of the mechanisms inside are not visible from the outside, but it may be uncomfortable to wear."

"Yes." Tangze nodded and walked to the window next to him.

"This house is indeed very old. The walls and soil are cracked and falling off when opened."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the empty window, feeling the cool breeze coming in front of him and said happily: "Ah, the wind is so comfortable. Is it raining somewhere~"

"What's the use of being comfortable? After blowing for so long, all the smell in the room has been blown away."

Tangze felt speechless as he felt the wind blowing in front of the large window. He heard the class leader say before that he heard the sound of glass breaking almost in the middle of the magic show.

It will be almost half an hour before the magic is over. This floor is already high and there is a cool breeze today, so it can be said to be very ventilated.

Normally, it wouldn't matter, but a murder happened today, which cut off his clues to "cheating" to solve the case.

This coincidence made Tang Ze doubt whether there was some kind of invisible existence that deliberately restricted him from cheating.

Of course, looking back on the previous scenes where I used my super sense of smell to easily cheat, it seems that this time it was really just bad luck.

After getting rid of all the messy thoughts, Tang Ze began to check the situation inside the room. Soon he found a pack of cigarettes in an orange box on the coffee table: "This brand doesn't seem to be very sceney, does it?"

Looking at the English words "parddise tea" on the cigarette box, Tang Ze guessed: "Captain Brand? Have you heard of it?"

"You, a grown man, don't even know, and I don't even know." Koshizui Nanatsuki said, spreading his hands.

"I don't smoke either, okay." Even though he said that, Tang Ze was almost certain that this was a relatively unpopular brand.

Although he does not smoke, there are still many smokers in the Metropolitan Police Department, and many people often give him cigarettes, so he has some impressions of the common cigarettes on the market.

But he was pretty sure that he had no impression of this brand of cigarettes.

"The brand is not an issue, but the cigarette seems to have been stolen?"

Nanatsuki Koshizui pointed behind Karasawa, and then found two cigarettes of the same brand on the cabinet of magic props, and one of them looked like it had just been opened.

"Go and ask the class leader what's going on with the cigarettes." After Tang Ze finished speaking, he looked at the forensic personnel taking pictures and said, "And take the cigarette butts here for identification."

After handing over these two tasks, Tang Ze continued to check the situation in the room.

After checking all the window frames where the deceased fell to his death, the second thing to check is the door.

The door to the room is just a wooden door that can be seen everywhere. In addition to the door lock on the handle, there is only a simple bolt-type door lock below them.

Tangze looked at the latch hanging underneath the door and the small hole in the ground, and confirmed that the door lock was indeed a floor-type latch.

And judging from the damage, it was obvious that it was locked at the time of the crime. The class leader's violent breaking of the door caused the screws on the latch below to loosen, leaving only one or two screws to fix the latch body to the door.

"It's strange..."

Karasawa looked at the door and touched his chin and pondered, but Nanatsuki Etsui soon returned and interrupted his thinking: "I asked here, and he said he didn't give Mr. Momoyama cigarettes, which means he took the cigarettes himself. That’s it.”


Tangze nodded and looked at the box next to the sofa: "This should have been brought by the deceased. Open it and see what's inside."

"I hope there are some clues."

Hearing this, Koshimi Nanatsuki opened the suitcase, but what was inside was shocking, because it was full of all kinds of toys-like things.

Iron rings, books, trumpets, etc. are all strange gadgets.

"Are these magic props?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki curiously picked up a book and opened it. The next moment, a colorful paper ball popped out of the book and quickly expanded to the size of a human head.

"Wow..." Looking at the suddenly expanded paper ball, Koshimizu Nanatsuki exclaimed. She wanted to close it, but found that the paper ball could not be retracted.

"Please don't touch these arbitrarily. To a magician, these magic props are more precious than life.

Especially props that are independently created and developed cannot be known to anyone and have intellectual property rights. "

Outside the door, Lu Yayingzi came over, took the book from Nanatsuki Koshizui's hand, and swiped her fingers casually at the bottom of the paper ball. The colorful paper ball flower shrank and was put away as she closed the book.

"I respect your industry rules, but now that the owner of these props has died, these relics need to be handed over to our scientific research professionals for identification."

Hearing Lu Yayingzi's somewhat thorny words, Tang Ze smiled and blocked it, "After all, we have to determine the cause of death of the deceased first, and his belongings are naturally part of the investigation."

To be honest, the other party's tone was actually very polite, but perhaps because of his preconception, he always felt that there were some other surprises in the other party's words.

As for why it came first...

Magicians in the world of Ke Xue are a high-risk profession. They are either victims or victims. Now that the victim is standing there, Tangze is naturally a little suspicious of the other party.

He also knows that there is no evidence and preconceived ideas are not good, but "Ke Xue" cognition has become his habitual "first-hand skill" when judging cases.

No matter whether it is right or not, just focus on the person you are most suspicious of and then carefully verify it.

"Eh? Wasn't the cause of death an accident?" Lu Yayingzi said with a surprised expression after hearing Tang Ze's words.

"At least it doesn't seem to be the case now."

After Tang Ze heard Lu Yayingzi's words, his suspicion began to increase.

There is no way, the sense of déjà vu is too strong, many murderers will always be biased towards the unexpected, and if nothing unexpected happens, they will also provide various answers to various doubts raised by Tang Ze later.

Of course, thoughts kept flowing in his mind, but on the surface Tangze still calmly explained: "If we want to conclude that it was an accident, there are still a few unreasonable things."

"Is it unreasonable?" Lu Yayingzi said in surprise: "I wonder if I can tell you something?"

"For example, this door lock, why did he use the latch on the ground to lock the door."

Tang Ze came to the door and asked: "Mr. Momoyama is just using the monitor to watch the program. He is not doing anything shameful. Why should he close the door?"

"Who knows?" Lu Yayingzi said in disbelief after hearing Tang Ze's words.

"Then is there any situation where the door needs to be locked?" Tang Ze asked proactively when seeing that the other party was not in a hurry to jump out and add reasons.

Anyway, no matter what the other party says, it is always best to let her say more now, so that the flaws in the other party's words may be discovered later.

After hearing Tang Ze's question, Lu Yayingzi pondered for a moment and finally guessed: "If you let me think about it, this is the only possibility...

Maybe he was thinking about the design of magic, and only in this way would he close the door to avoid being disturbed and prying by others.

After all, a magician must absolutely prevent the secrets of his magic from being spied on by others. "

"If this is the case, it is indeed very reasonable, but there is a problem."

He looked at Lu Yayingzi and asked, "Why is he thinking about magic jokes here?"


Thanks to Kaishu's Lawski for the 100 starting coins~

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