Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,127 Visit again

The hypothesis put forward by Lu Yayingzi seems reasonable at first glance, but in fact it does not stand up to consideration.

And what Karasawa cuts into is the most critical node, which is Momoyama Ichiro's motivation for doing this.

After all, I came to watch the show, but suddenly I was studying magic techniques in the room. Isn't it a bit unreasonable?

Faced with Tang Ze's doubts, Lu Yayingzi was not surprised, but sighed slightly melancholy: "Maybe you want to show it to me after my performance.

After all, a lot of things happened between us. Although it was cruel, the teacher is now over.

In order to win this reputation, he chose to study or practice new magic here.

During this process, out of habit, the door was locked to prevent outsiders from disturbing him. "

"So that's how it is." Tangze nodded in gratitude and said, "In that case, everything makes sense.

Fortunately for you, I have solved a question. If I were not a magician, I would never have thought of this. "

"You're welcome, I'll be happy if I can help you." Lu Yayingzi smiled after hearing this.

"By the way, as a magician, I also want to ask you a question."

Tang Ze looked at the other party and asked humbly: "I wonder if the lock of this house can be locked from the outside using magic?"

"You are such an interesting person. If you find this kind of magic, I hope you can teach it to me. Maybe I can use it to develop a new magic."

When Lu Yayingzi heard Tang Ze's pointed words, although she still had a smile on her face, there was dissatisfaction in her eyes, and she pushed back the words without saltiness.

"If I think of it, I will tell you." Tang Ze seemed not to understand the thorny meaning of the other person's words, but nodded seriously.

"Ms. Lu Ya, the car is ready."

As soon as Tangze finished speaking, the manager Naono walked in from outside the house and said respectfully.

"Okay, I know."

Lu Yayingzi nodded, looked at Tang Ze and said, "Is there anything else you want to ask? If not, I will leave first."

"Excuse me." Tang Ze had finished what he wanted to ask and did not stop the other party.

"Thank you for your hard work." Lu Yayingzi nodded and smiled at everyone, got up and walked outside.

"Ah, by the way, Ms. Lu Ya."

When Lu Yayingzi stood up and was about to walk out of the room, her manager Naono took out a thick envelope and handed it to her: "You asked me to prepare this, I'm ready."

But when Lu Yayingzi saw this heroic expression, her face suddenly turned cold and stern: "Can't we talk about this later?!"

After saying that, he didn't care about Naono's fearful expression and walked straight outside.

"After the inspection is over, let's close the team."

Seeing Lu Yayingzi leading the people away, Tang Ze said something to Koshizu Nanatsuki and walked downstairs.

No matter how anxious he is to solve the case, this is not the time now. People always need to rest. It is already hard enough for his men to go out in the field so late. It is impossible to keep them up all night.

Asking Nanatsuki Koshizui to take the manpower back to the Metropolitan Police Department for get off work, Karasawa drove back home.

Because I had to go out in a hurry, I couldn't help but talk to Ayako about it when I came back to reassure her.

"But Aso-kun is really hard." Ayako couldn't help but sigh when she learned that Aso happened to be at the scene and was still working.

"I have approved him to rest tomorrow." Karasawa smiled and said: "And it won't be too long. I can spend some time with Shimabukuro tomorrow."

Speaking of this, Karasawa also told Ayako about the interaction between the two, and shared the happiness of eating sugar. After that, he still felt sleepy, so he washed up and went back to the house to rest.

Early the next morning, Karasawa came to the forensic department early. Aso realized that the autopsy report from last night was placed on his desk.

Opening the autopsy report, Tang Ze clearly saw the condition of the body.

There was congestion in the bronchi of the corpse. Although it was only a little bit, ulceration could be seen.

Generally, this situation occurs due to severe coughing.

In addition, the other party's lungs were severely contaminated with nicotine, and he was obviously a heavy smoker.

"Did you smoke too fast and choke?"

Seeing the conditions in the autopsy report, Nanatsuki Koshimizu speculated: "There were indeed a lot of cigarette butts in that room."

"For the time being, it can only be seen that the body fell to death."

Karasawa closed the autopsy report: "The cause of death was obviously head trauma, which was the same as Aso's judgment at the scene yesterday."

"There are no useful clues. Everything points to an accidental fall and death." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said while scratching his cheek.

"Go and ask how other aspects of the appraisal are going." Karasawa instructed Koshizui Nanatsuki.

"Hey, I knew you would do this. I've already gone to various places to ask in advance."

Koshizui Nanatsuki narrowed his eyes, seemingly happy that he had successfully predicted Karasawa's actions, and the next moment he reported on the work of each department:

“The ashtrays, cigarette butts, ashes and cigarette rolls collected in the room have not been analyzed yet because they are relatively large in number.

However, the fingerprints on the window have been identified, and technicians found the fingerprints of the middle finger and index finger of the deceased Mr. Momoyama's right hand from the right side of the assembled window. "

"It seems that the deceased wanted to open the window. When his hand touched the window frame, the window fell outward together with the window frame. He himself also fell directly because he was not prepared and used too much force."

Tangze looked at the windows in the house and roughly simulated the scene of the deceased slipping and falling, and almost restored the reason why the deceased fell.

"The walls of that house were too low, and the windows installed were too big, so they didn't block Mr. Momoyama's body at all."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki said regretfully: "If the wall had been a little higher than the waist, then no matter how hard he tried, he wouldn't have fallen to the same level as the window.

All this evidence seems to prove that Mr. Momoyama did fall accidentally, but the only question is why Mr. Momoyama went to look at the window. "

"Ah, you also discovered it?" Tang Ze applauded: "You have good observation skills. In this case, please tell me the reason."

"Hey, are you trying to coax the kid? I was also a detective before, okay?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki couldn't help but roll his eyes at Karasawa's obviously intentional gesture.

"Let's calm down the atmosphere." Karasawa smiled, but he was not surprised by Koshimi Nanatsuki's performance.

After all, the other party is also a well-known supporting role detective, so it is normal to have such observation skills.

Although Koshimi Nanatsuki was dissatisfied with Karasawa's behavior of teasing children, he still expressed his judgment:

"The air conditioner in the lounge was always on during the performance. Mr. Momoyama, there should be no necessary reason to go out of his way to open the window."

"Really, this is an area that needs to be investigated."

Tang Ze seemed to have thought of something when he said this, "Ah, by the way, you went to ask each of them individually yesterday, right? Is there anything worth being in the same place with?"

"No one else did, but the girl named Xiaohong heard a sudden "pop" sound when she was passing by the lounge."

"What's the specific time?" Tang Ze asked.

"It should be in the middle section. She didn't pay much attention to it and doesn't remember it." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said.

"Is that so?" Tang Ze touched his chin and said, "I always feel like there is some connection..."

However, this information still lacks the necessary circumstances and cannot be figured out by just thinking about it. After Karasawa learned the information, he did not delve too much into it. Instead, he took Koshiki Shichiki to investigate the information of the deceased Momoyama Ichiro.

What reminded them was the information about Ichiro Momoyama, which was quite detailed.

But, having detailed information in the Metropolitan Police database is not a good thing.

In fact, this was indeed the case. The deceased who fell from the window had just been released from detention a week ago.

Not only did the other party have a prison sentence record, but he was also arrested on charges of causing injury, that is, homicide.

The file said that Momoyama Ichiro was drinking in a bar and using magic tricks to make his female companion happy when he was troubled by a drunken gangster at the table next to him.

Then several gangsters at the next table beat him together and even threw him on the bar. Momoyama Ichiro grabbed the fruit-cutting knife of the bartender next to him at any time, and slit the throat of one of the gangsters while swinging it randomly.

The gangster died on the spot, and Momoyama Ichiro was also arrested and sentenced to ten years in prison.

"No wonder Miss Lu Yayingzi would say that. If the teacher is released from prison and sees his apprentice become famous, he will naturally be unconvinced. Plus, he is so down and out..."

Koshizu Nanatsuki said: "Not only that, the agent also prepared the money. It seems that Lu Yayingzi will not be able to get rid of the suspicion for a while...

But when Ichiro Momoyama fell out of the window, he was performing a magic trick, and it was broadcast live across the country, so the possibility of committing a crime..."

"Isn't a magician a magical being who can turn the impossible into the possible?" Tang Ze smiled and said with certainty: "The possibility of committing a crime is very high!"

"Then we are going to visit Lu Yayingzi?"

Koshizui Nanatsuki asked: "I really want to visit her, but if I come rashly, I'm afraid she will be rejected.

That woman looks gentle on the surface, but is actually a character who is not easy to get along with. "

"Don't worry, I'm ready. There will be her close-up magic show tonight. Although it is difficult to book tickets, it is not a problem for me at all."

Koshizui Nanatsuki heard this and said with a smile: "You are really reliable, senior."

"Well, there's a problem if you want to go with me."

Karasawa looked at the astonished Nanatsuki Koshimizu, raised his chin and said, "You need an evening dress, otherwise it will be a bit too eye-catching wearing this."


Koshimi Nanatsuki looked at the formal attire he was wearing, which was very common everywhere he went. Thinking about Karasawa's words before, he couldn't help but asked in shock: "Evening dress? Are you sure this won't be more conspicuous?"


"Well, I didn't expect it to be really inconspicuous..."

After entering the hotel and watching the men and women in formal attires sitting down, Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at his own black attire. The uncomfortable feeling he had felt before dissipated and he felt a lot more relaxed.

This is people's herd mentality. If you don't fit in with other people, you will naturally feel uncomfortable, but if the environment is full of people dressed like this, then there is nothing awkward at all.

Even if you put a greasy uncle in his forties or fifties into a cartoon doll leather sheath, he would still be able to accept it, as long as everyone around him dresses like that.

“As a country girl, it’s really eye-opening.”

Sitting in front of the round table with awnings as ambient lighting, Koshimizu Nanatsuki couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the guests laughing politely and joking with their companions.

Koshizu Nanatsuki's family is from the south. For Kanto, who even looks down on Kansai, he is really a complete country boy.

"Don't laugh at yourself. In my opinion, these people have no future."

Tangze took a sip of the non-alcoholic prepared drink and said with a smile, "You are the one who has a promising future."

"Pull them down. Maybe some of these people even have to be treated politely by the police chief."

Koshizui Nanatsuki rolled his eyes: "Even if I reach the peak of my career, I won't be able to reach that point."

In response to this, Tang Ze just smiled in disbelief and did not explain anything more.

In this scientific world, rich people are considered a loser, and famous detectives and criminals are the strongest professions, okay?

After all, no matter how rich you are, you cannot escape death, but with identity protection, you can definitely live a stable life.

Not only that, the more cases you solve, the more connections you have, and no matter how bad you are, you will still have the same number.

When Koshimizu Nanatsuki saw that Karasawa did not refute, he no longer dwelled on the topic, but began to immerse himself in the food on the table.

She just took a peek at the menu and found that the dishes on offer were all extremely expensive. It would be a waste not to eat them.

And this is a treat from a big business owner, so I have to pay back my overtime pay!

However, Koshimi Nanatsuki hadn't eaten long when the lights suddenly lit up on the stage in front of a circle of round tables, and Lu Yayingzi, dressed in a gold and white dress, stepped out of the darkness into the lamppost.

The next moment, warm applause broke out. It was obvious that those who came here to cheer were all loyal fans of Lu Yayingzi.

After Lu Yayingzi took the stage, she used a handkerchief to create a rose. She bowed slightly and smiled at the guests amidst the applause of the crowd: "Close-up magic is not magic on a large stage. It will be exciting for both the audience and the guests." Feelings of nervousness and trembling.

For a magician, it is important to ensure that his technique is perfect.

For guests, they can watch the magic up close to find out the flaws, and they can also experience the magic of the magic up close or even personally.

So, who is the lucky person who will experience the magic moment personally? I will choose one among you. "

The next moment, all the guests at more than ten tables surrounding the stage raised their hands. On the side, Karasawa and Koshimizu Nanatsuki were both eating, but no one reached out.

On the stage, Lu Yayingzi naturally noticed the two people who attracted attention without raising their hands.

Seeing the two familiar faces in front of her, Lu Yaying's eyes moved imperceptibly, and a warm smile appeared on her face the next moment: "Then, let's invite this woman in a black dress to the stage~ "

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