Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,128 Reasons for Suicide

"Eh!? Me?"

Koshimi Nanatsuki was eating dessert while watching Luya Eiko's performance.

She had absolutely no interest in Lv Yayingzi's suggestion that people come on stage to experience the mysteries of magic up close.

After all, the purpose of the two of them coming here was just to prevent Lu Yayingzi from having another conversation with her after her performance to test whether the other party was suspicious.

So no matter how wonderful the magic is, it is just for dinner, ah no, it is just a decoration while working.

But if you don't look for trouble, trouble will find you.

Seeing Lu Yayingzi pointing the red rose at herself, Koshisui Nanatsuki was stunned and almost choked on the snacks he was eating. He quickly took a sip of juice to tidy up his appearance.

Under everyone's gaze, Koshizui Nanatsuki still pointed at himself in disbelief, and looked at Lu Yayingzi again to confirm whether the other party had chosen him.

"That's right, it's you." Lu Yayingzi said with a smile: "Please come on stage. Please give this beautiful lady a little applause and welcome her."

Accompanied by warm applause, Koshimizu Nanatsuki stood up helplessly, "This really doesn't give me any room to refuse."

However, she was just initially shocked that the other party would find her. After she calmed down, she had no fear about performing on stage.

And soon, Koshimizu Nanatsuki sat on the seat prepared by Lu Yayingzi under the guidance of the other party.

Lu Yayingzi, on the other hand, was standing in front of a simple table.

The magic trick at the beginning was very simple. Lu Yayingzi simply put the ball into her pocket, and then asked Koshizu Nanatsuki where the ball was. Then she didn't touch the upside-down cup on the table, but she saw the existence of the ball after opening it.

Later, he asked Koshimizu Nanatsuki to lie on a chair made of two chairs and a long wooden board, and then removed one of the chairs and the wooden board.

Koshimi Nanatsuki's body was still lying smoothly in the air, with only his head in contact with the top of the narrow backrest of the seat.

Even in order to show that there was no such thing as a string, Luya Eiko took out a hula hoop from the bench and passed it through Koshimizu Nanatsuki's body.

This miraculous magic directly attracted exclamations from everyone, and the next moment warm applause sounded like a tide.

Next, Koshimizu Nanatsuki seemed to have become a special prop in Lu Yayingzi's hands, allowing the other party to use her as a part of the magic trick.

However, this is more of a hotel and a place to eat, so the magic show will not last too long.

Soon, the magic was at its last.

And this magic is a very common magic poker.

When Lu Yayingzi shuffled the poker and spread it out with a long front, she handed it to Koshimi Nanatsuki, "Now I want to read your heart and find the card you like.

For this reason, our two hearts must be united. "

Koshizui Nanatsuki looked at the cards spread out on the opponent's back, then selected one from them, and then showed it to the audience present.

It's the jack of spades.

"Then please put the cards on top and shuffle them until you like it." Luya Eiko handed the playing cards directly to Koshimi Nanatsuki, looking like she was letting you do whatever you wanted.

Seeing this, Koshimi Nanatsuki couldn't help but be surprised by the other party's boldness.

You must know that most magic tricks have mechanisms. Although poker is one of the more popular magic tricks, it is not easy to make it good.

Among them, it is very bold to leave the cards to the guests to shuffle, and it may overturn if not done well.

Koshizui Nanatsuki's thoughts were flowing, but his hands kept moving, and he quickly returned the shuffled cards to the place.

"Then the card you selected will appear face up." Lu Yayingzi smiled and spread the cards on the table.


Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the 7 of plum blossoms facing up with a look of surprise. The guests below were also a little surprised when they saw this, as if they didn't expect that something would go wrong.

"Ah la la la~ It seems that our hearts are not connected yet~"

There was a mistake during the magic, but Lu Yayingzi didn't panic at all.

I saw Lu Yayingzi put away the playing cards and held them in his hand: "Now please put your hand on the playing cards."

Koshizui Nanatsuki heard the words and did as he was told. The next moment, Lu Yayingzi put her left hand on the back of Koshizui Nanatsuki's hand.

"Okay." A heroic smile appeared on Lu Yayingzi's face: "Now our hearts are connected."

The next moment the playing cards were spread out, the Jack of Spades appeared face up on the table. Lu Yayingzi picked it up and showed it to everyone.

Warm applause rang out in the restaurant, and Lu Yayingzi bowed to everyone and left.

On the other side, when Karasawa saw the performance ended, he followed Lua Eiko and walked out of the hotel with Koshimizu Nanatsuki who came down from the stage.

Lu Yayingzi knew the identity of the two people and naturally knew their purpose, so she invited them to talk outside the hotel.

"Thank you very much for your cooperation today. The atmosphere is very good."

Walking along the shore of the open-air swimming pool, Lu Yayingzi said with a smile: "Actually, I am still very nervous inside. I feel that if it is a scientific search professional, it will be easy to see through the magic mechanism."

"No, I have no idea what's going on, and I should be considered a criminal, not a professional technician."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled and said: "And I think science and magic are two completely different things."

"Really, I happen to be on the opposite side of the spectrum from you."

Lu Yayingzi stroked her hair that was messed up by the breeze: "When I perform magic, I use words like "magic" and "incredible" to modify it.

But in fact, the core structure of magic requires logic. "

"Logic?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki showed interest: "Can you explain it in detail?"

"Actually, you and I both know that there is no such thing as "magic". The so-called magic is just a technique that uses common phenomena in physics."

Lu Yayingzi said calmly: "The magic method is to lead science to "errors" and then modify it with psychology, so as to create magical "illusions" in the audience.

Sometimes it even makes the audience think that they are operating according to their own consciousness, but in fact it is all under my guidance.

Magic is about reasonable calculations and perfect execution. These are the secrets of magic. "

"If you put it that way, it's closer to crime than science."

Karasawa, who was listening to the conversation between the two, directly intervened in the topic at this time: "Just like Kaitou Kidd, he is also the top magician, right?"

Among the two people who were chatting happily, Tang Ze's sudden words directly plunged the atmosphere into silence.

Even though Lu Yayingzi has experienced various stages like this, her calm temperament can't help but bring out a bit of displeasure on her face.

Because this is like saying, you are a criminal.

"It's really, really interesting to think so, you are such a person." But after a moment of silence, Lu Yayingzi suddenly smiled and began to praise Tang Ze.

"Thank you." Tang Ze seemed not to notice the thorn in the other person's words. He smiled nonchalantly and said, "By the way, I was wondering if I could ask you a question?"

"Please tell me." Lu Yayingzi said.

"Today's dinner show is also very grand, and a magician like you who even TV stations are rushing to invite should have a better venue, right?"

Karasawa asked: "Why did you choose the pink theater that day? As far as I know, it is already very old, right?"

"As you can tell by the name, that theater is the place where my teacher became famous, and it is also a place full of memories for me."

Lu Yayingzi said this with a look of nostalgia and emotion on her face: "Ten years ago, the resident actor in that theater was my master Momoyama Ichiro.

But although he was said to be his apprentice, Momoyama did not let me perform independently. Instead, he asked me to only do chores as an assistant.

Moreover, he is also very suspicious. Even if I were his apprentice, he would not teach me a single magic trick.

I still remember that I was curious about the master's magic props, but he slapped me to the ground.

As I watched the master perform various magical performances on the stage, I wanted to stand on the stage more and more, and I wanted to perform magic on the stage.

At that time, I had no other thoughts except this thought. "

"I see, then your debut should be after Mr. Momoyama's accident, right?" Tangze nodded clearly.

"As expected, you already know." Lu Yayingzi looked at Tang Ze and said, "But why do you want to come to me?"

"This is the call record of the hotel where Mr. Momoyama lives."

Tangze took out a record sheet from his investigation during the day: "During the day before the incident, Mr. Momoyama called your office, and he also called your residence that night.

I remember your agent said that Mr. Momoyama came over unexpectedly before the show started.

In other words, you knew in advance that Mr. Momoyama was coming to the theater to visit you, right? "

"I did get a call the day before, but he didn't say he would come to the magic show."

Lu Yayingzi's face showed a look of lightning: "As for why you came to me instead of watching the performance, I believe you all know it."

"The envelope prepared by the agent at that time..."

Koshizui Nanatsuki recalled the scene at the time of the crime, and combined it with the other party's experience and the relationship between Lu Yayingzi, a look of understanding appeared on his face: "Is that money really meant for Mr. Momoyama?"

"Yes, of course it is for my master."

Lu Yayingzi said calmly: "He called me to ask for help, saying that he was thinking about new magic techniques and wanted to use it to return to the stage, so he hoped that I could lend him some money.

Although I didn't believe what he said, I still asked my agent to help me withdraw the money. "

"Don't believe it?" Tang Ze raised his eyebrows: "You mean..."

"Isn't it obvious?"

Lu Yayingzi sneered: "He is guilty of murder. As a public figure, it is impossible to come back, right? Those media are not so easy to talk to.

And aside from that, even if he was once a great magician, the ten years in prison would be fatal.

He is now just a poor old man who can't even hold the bottle cap when opening a wine flask. The magician "Pink Peach Mountain" has completely died.

Maybe it's because of this that something like that happened? "

"Such a thing?" Koshizu Nanatsuki said in surprise.

"I think he may have committed suicide."

Lu Yayingzi said: "Pink Momoyama was also a top magician in the past, but when he was most popular, a case like this happened. After he was released from prison, he was in a pinch and asked for money from his apprentice who had never taught him at all.

In this way, his inner self-esteem will definitely be greatly humiliated. "

"But since he asked you for money, why would he commit suicide in the middle of your performance?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki questioned: "This is too unreasonable."

"But in my opinion, it's very reasonable." Lu Yayingzi said lightly: "I think you can also see the changes in technology and the progress of the times in the past 10 years.

This is especially true in the world of magic. All kinds of new magic will be born due to a little bit of technological progress.

Although he doesn’t really want to say this, Master’s wishful thinking of making a comeback may be due to the confidence he gained from standing at the top.

This confidence made him feel that his previous crimes were nothing, and that he could still attract attention as long as he was highly skilled.

And black material will cause controversy, but it is also popular.

But what if you realize that you have been eliminated by the times?

After watching my magic show, I felt desperate and chose to commit suicide. "

"You mean that Mr. Momoyama committed suicide suddenly?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki said thoughtfully.

"In that case, why didn't you speak clearly on the day of the incident?" Tang Ze asked.

"It wasn't overtly for his reputation."

Lu Yayingzi said with a matter-of-fact expression: "Pink Momoyama is a man who once reached one of the top magicians. Even though he later fell into decline due to various reasons, he is my master after all.

Although I didn't learn much magic from him, just the title of "Momoyama's disciple" was enough to make me appreciate him.

So naturally I can't say unnecessary things.

As for the reason why Mr. Momoyama locked the door in the window, what I said is correct.

This kind of thing is actually very simple once you understand it.

That's all I have to say, I'll take my leave now. "

After speaking, Lu Yayingzi ignored the two of them and walked straight out of the hotel.

"Is it because after witnessing the skills of his disciples when he became famous, he realized that he had come to an end and could not accept the result, so he chose to commit suicide?"

Koshizui Nanatsuki pondered: "It seems to make sense logically, but I always find it a bit strange."

"Being able to detect something wrong means that you are still alert and have not been fooled by Lu Yayingzi's "magic"." Tang Ze said with a smile.

"Magic?" Koshizui Nanatsuki was stunned when he heard this: "What magic?"

"What else can there be? Of course it's a magic trick to remove suspicion." Tang Ze looked at Lu Yayingzi's retreating back with a deep look.

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