Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,130 The Magician’s Trick

"Playing the same tricks as everyone else?"

Hearing Lu Yayingzi's words, Tang Ze smiled undeniably and said: "Indeed, this is a trick that even a child can come up with as long as he understands the properties of dry ice.

But the technique does not distinguish between naive or naive, but depends on what effect can be achieved.

Sometimes, the more complicated the method of making a secret room, the better. Since there is such a simple way to create a secret room, why bother to pursue overly complicated methods. "

"It seems that this method did not satisfy you." Tang Ze shrugged.

"You came to my door at night, obviously not just to demonstrate this trick."

Lu Yayingzi sneered: "Didn't you just suspect that I am a prisoner, so you came here to test me on purpose?

But anyone can get dry ice, even if I pushed Mr. Momoyama down, did this rough cover-up, and then left.

So when did I do it?

There was a live TV broadcast at the scene, and I had an absolute alibi as I was always on the stage.

There is absolutely no need to design the room as a secret room, right? "

"Should I say he is worthy of being a magician? Even now, he is still misleading us with his words, leading us to make wrong inferences."

Looking at the heroic yet feminine beauty in front of him, Tang Ze applauded and said words that made her look cold: "What do you mean?"

"Literally." Tang Ze said calmly: "What happened on the night of the performance? I already know everything.

I now give you one last chance to surrender, please cherish it. "

At this point, the two sides were already at loggerheads. Tang Ze almost pointed at his nose and said, "You are the murderer. I'll give you a chance and confess your crime to me immediately."

"Are you still saying this!?" Lu Yayingzi said with an angry expression: "Then tell me, how on earth did I kill him during the performance!?"

"Haha, you didn't forget to mislead me even in the end. It seems you stopped crying after seeing the coffin."

After hearing what Lu Yayingzi said, Tang Ze shook his head and laughed: "First of all, let me correct you. I didn't say that you killed him during the performance.

To be precise, you called Mr. Momoyama to the lounge, set up some kind of mechanism, and then left the lounge, waiting for Mr. Momoyama's death. "

"Preparation?" Lu Yayingzi sneered: "Where is the evidence?"

"Of course, you don't have to worry." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile: "Since we are here to visit, we are fully prepared."

"Absurd, didn't I say before, there is no need for me to design the room into a secret room." Lu Yayingzi said impatiently.

"No, at the beginning, we also thought that you were trying to disguise Mr. Momoyama's death as a suicide, and that you turned the room into a secret room after committing the crime."

Koshizui Nanatsuki said: "But then senior discovered the evidence, and we discovered that it was the complete opposite."

"To put it simply, the secret room in the room was not after Mr. Momoyama fell, but before that."

Tang Ze looked at Lu Yayingzi whose expression changed slightly and said: "Most people who pursue the perfect crime have killed someone and then arranged the crime into a secret room.

Then he would use his own tricks to create a time difference to create an alibi.

But you went in the opposite direction, setting up the lounge as a secret room as your killing method instead of a ploy to get away with it. "

"I don't know what you are talking about." Lu Yayingzi said with a pale face.

"You must know, and you arranged all this just to get Mr. Momoyama to open the window."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki said from his pocket: "And the evidence is this we found in Mr. Momoyama's cigarette case."

"This is a fragment of an ordinary rubber balloon sold in the market." Karasawa looked at Lu Yayingzi who had a panic expression on his face, and smiled and took out a balloon from Koshimi Nanatsuki's bag: "Here, this should be The main mechanism in your conspiracy."

Speaking of this, Tang Ze couldn't help but put it into Lu Yayingzi's hand: "You poured CN gas into the balloon, and then applied orange oil on the surface of the balloon.

Orange oil has the effect of dissolving rubber. If you remove oil from the surface of an inflated balloon, the balloon may explode after a certain period of time.

With a little experimentation, you can basically control time. "

Speaking of this, Tang Ze took out his watch, looked at it and said with a smile, "It seems that the time is almost up."


The next moment, the balloon in Lu Yayingzi's hand exploded. The huge sound made Lu Yayingzi, who was holding the balloon, subconsciously tremble.

But facing Tang Ze's somewhat excessive behavior, most people would have gone crazy long ago, but Lu Yayingzi looked distracted, with panic in her eyes.

"I've roughly reproduced the mechanism you designed, except that I used air, and the balloon you set up contained enough tear gas."

Tang Ze looked at Lu Yayingzi and said: "This is why you closed the door in advance.

When the balloon exploded and tear gas filled the entire room, Mr. Momoyama's first reaction was naturally to open the door and escape.

But when the eyes are too irritated to see and the door cannot be opened, the other party will naturally want to open the window.

And this is a further step into the trap you designed.

The loose window frame could not bear the weight of a person pressing his body up, and Mr. Momoyama fell down without any precautions.

After that, you and the squad leader and others broke into the door and took the opportunity to recover the balloon while they were checking the window and the body below. "

"The plan is feasible, but what reason do I have to do it?" Lu Yayingzi looked at the two people and retorted: "Don't forget, Momoyama's life is over, and I have no reason to risk my future. , go and kill such people?”

"In fact during our visit, we discovered that Mr. Momoyama went to a bar near the hotel."

Koshisui Nanatsuki looked at Lu Yayingzi and said: "And there, we learned the purpose of Mr. Momoyama coming to you, and also understood your murderous intention."

Hearing Koshizui Nanatsuki's words, Lu Yayingzi's expression changed, but she quickly calmed down: "Haha, I think if there really is a secret that I killed him, he himself would not tell it to passers-by easily. "

"Then it depends on how you treat this secret."

Karasawa said calmly: "Mr. Momoyama told the bartender everything, saying that you, a black-hearted woman, took all his magic for yourself when he had to be away for a long time."

When Lu Yayingzi heard this, she could no longer maintain her previous calmness, and her face became ugly.

"This must be true, Miss Lu Ya." Koshizui Nanatsuki looked at the other party and said: "After all, if we calculate the time, the time when you made your gorgeous debut and the time when Mr. Momoyama was imprisoned are not that long.

You have said before that Momoyama is not willing to teach you any magic at all, and the reason for your rapid rise is not only because you inherited Mr. Momoyama's reputation as a disciple, but also because you stole his magic. "

"This must be your murderous intention. If you, at the peak of your popularity, are exposed by your master that all your magic is stolen, then you are screwed."

Tang Ze looked at Lu Yayingzi, whose eyes were wandering and did not dare to look at him, and said: "So after you received the call from the other party after you were released from prison, you began to wonder if the other party was here to blackmail you.

So he used the pretext that the Pink Theater was of great significance to him, chose a place with a favorable location, and killed him first. "

"..." Lu Yayingzi still chose to remain silent, as if this could counter the two men's aggressive offensive.

"Actually, I know a little bit about magic, and I know that top magicians have special studios."

Seeing Lu Yayingzi's silent resistance, Tang Ze was not upset. Instead, he took out a search warrant and showed it to the other party:

"After all, it is the safest place for magicians. With the excuse of intellectual property rights, no one can enter at will.

We called your agent before coming here, and he said that your studio is at home. I think if you committed the crime, that's where it would be.

Although I don’t know if you have dealt with orange oil and CN gas, but since you have conducted experiments, there must still be residues of these two in the studio.

When the scientific researchers come to collect evidence, if they find these two traces, it will become enough evidence! "

After seeing through this case, Tang Ze was actually convinced that there would be traces of experiments in the other party's studio.

After all, if you want to accurately control the balloon explosion, you need to constantly test the weight.

And this kind of thing is not normal at all. The loud sound alone will attract the attention of others.

Therefore, the location can only be placed in the only studio with conditions. Even if tear gas is not used every time, at least orange oil needs to be used.

"There's no need for that. I killed Momoyama..."

In the silence, Lu Yayingzi laughed at herself: "I thought that the magician's tricks would not be seen through, but I didn't expect that I was too arrogant."

"Because magic is a dead thing, everything is under your control, but killing involves the human heart."

Tang Ze said with a complicated look on his face: "There is something I think I need to let you know."

"What?" Lu Yayingzi looked at Tang Zedao with a numb face after hearing this.

"This is no ordinary cigarette case."

Karasawa took out the cigarette case from the evidence bag: "The reason why the fragments of the balloon are here is because Mr. Momoyama was holding this when the balloon exploded."

"Oh...I have an impression of this."

Lu Yayingzi looked at the cigarette case in Tang Ze's hand and said, "He has been playing with this since he sat on the sofa in the lounge. What's wrong?"

"But in fact, the cigarette case was found in the coat pocket of Mr. Momoyama who fell from the building."

Tangze looked at the puzzled Lu Yayingzi and explained: "In the situation at that time, CN gas must have spread in the room, which was when he was busy hiding.

However, he still deliberately put the cigarette case into his jacket pocket. "

"Because it is a magic tool that is more important than life..." Lu Yayingzi murmured.

"As you said before, as a magician, he has ceased to exist."

Tang Ze sighed: "But before he died, he abided by the magician's rules and was a qualified magician."

"We learned everything from the bar owner." Koshizui Nanatsuki looked at Lu Yayingzi with a look of sadness on his face: "Mr. Momoyama talked a lot with the bar owner that day.

After I was released from prison, I was angry when I saw you plagiarizing his magic tricks. Then I watched you perform on stage and felt that this was pretty good.

After all, you continued the name of "Pink Peach Mountain" and allowed his magic to continue.

Although you stole his magic, he also felt that he had not fulfilled his duties as a master, so those magic were regarded as part of the compensation.

And he also plans to give this cigarette box to you as the first magic trick he teaches you and the last one he gives you. "

"In other words, Mr. Momoyama has no intention of blackmailing you." Tangze told the cruel truth: "He wants to face you seriously as a master..."

"That's enough, stop talking!"

Before Tang Ze finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Yayingzi. She turned her back to the two of them, but both Tang Ze and the others heard the choking in her tone before.

"I stole magic from others, so I have always been on guard against it, for fear that someone might steal my magic."

Lu Yayingzi took a deep breath: "It is precisely because of this that I cannot look at others without suspicion..."

So when Ichiro Momoyama came to her door, she didn't think of other possibilities at all, and just speculated on him with the greatest malice.

If she could listen to Momoyama Ichiro's intentions in coming to see her and how he would feel tomorrow, this wouldn't happen.

Lu Yayingzi looked up at the ceiling, as if trying to stop the tears from flowing out.

She took a deep breath, looked at the two of them and forced a smile and said, "It would be great if there was really magic to read people's hearts."

In the end, Tang Ze and the others escorted Lu Yayingzi back to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Although the case was solved by two people, the investigation department was still responsible for the murder case, so the two of them directly became the hands-off shopkeepers for the subsequent work.

However, before leaving, Tang Ze specifically asked him to be responsible for handling the subsequent criminal cases, and asked him to hand over the cigarette box as evidence to Lu Yayingzi after the case was completed.

No matter what, it was what her master wanted to give her, and it was still very meaningful.

After finishing all this, Karasawa said goodbye to Koshimi Nanatsuki and went home to rest.

After everything at home was washed, Tang Ze opened the panel and started to check the rewards.

The next moment, the panel began to refresh information continuously.

[Magician’s trick to kill]

Completion: perfect

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining magic (3 years)]

Evaluation: Magicians are good at controlling everything by diverting their gaze. When you step into the magician's arrangement, it means you have entered the opponent's domain.

But you were not fooled by the psychological tricks arranged by the other party. You easily saw through everything and exposed the other party's tricks.

Somehow, you have been favored by fate.


1 second to remember the vertex:.

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