Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,131 Fishing Invitation

After reading the rewards for this case, Tang Ze felt that the rewards this time were pretty good.

Perhaps because it is related to the magician's case, the skills in this case are three years of magic.

At this time, his magic has directly reached the D level, and he can be regarded as a magician who has just glimpsed the skills.

Not to mention performing on stage professionally, it is perfectly fine to have fun with friends in your spare time. After all, he also has a hand speed bonus, which can be said to be the best talent for a magician.

After receiving the skills and experience, Tang Ze was not too happy.

After all, this case is a bit troubling in general.

You could say it was all bad guys biting dogs, but this tragedy was only caused by insufficient communication between the two parties.

Or it could be said that it was entirely caused by a difference of thought. This feeling was really heartbreaking.

Of course, Tangze also expressed emotion, but he didn't get too caught up in this emotion.

As soon as he woke up, Tangze adjusted his mentality and made breakfast with a good mood of getting up early.

Some people don't like cooking very much and think cooking is a tiring task, but for Tangze, cooking is a spice of his life.

The simple daily necessities of firewood, rice, oil and salt allowed Tangze to escape from the serious and extraordinary life and experience the peaceful daily life of ordinary people.

To put it simply, cooking is also a mental adjustment for Tang Ze, which can help him calm down very well.

After the case was settled, Koshimizu Nanatsuki's previous dissatisfaction was relieved.

After all, I had been complaining about being immersed in work in the office. This time I finally participated in the search, and I got what I wanted.

When he arrived at the office, Karasawa found that Nanatsuki Koshizui had arrived and was drinking tea with Sihuain who came to fish.

Looking at the brewed black tea and the chocolates, cookies and other snacks next to it, Karasawa decisively joined in and started the fishing mode.

They are not like grassroots workers, who have a lot of chores. The work they are responsible for is very important and has heavy responsibilities, but that is based on the situation of a murder case.

There was no murder case, and ordinary trivial matters would not trouble Karasawa. Even Koshimizu Nanatsuki mostly assigned work, but would not do it himself.

After all, professional things should be left to professionals.

I don't know if it's because of the frequent cases in the past. The "God of Death" may have entered the sage mode in recent days, and Tangze also enjoyed a few peaceful days.

But when the weekend came, Tangze didn't expect Conan to call.

"Did any case happen?" Seeing Conan take the initiative to call, Tang Ze asked straight to the point.

"It's not a case. I'm not the bad guy."

After hearing Tangze's words, Conan said angrily: "I came to you this time as a mere invitation.

We encountered a case before when we were fishing. At that time, we rescued an uncle who was poisoned. This time he invited us to go fishing on the weekend.

But Dr. Ali has something to do and can't leave, so he plans to ask you if you have time, so that he can ride in your car when he comes back. "

"Fishing, I haven't been there for a long time, there seems to be nothing going on on the weekend."

After Tangze heard the other party's invitation, he directly agreed: "Let's make an appointment on that day. Then I'll pick you up in a car with more seats."

"We'll meet up at Dr. Ali's house." Conan smiled and said, "Sorry to trouble you."

"No, I don't have anything to do on the weekend anyway." Tang Ze smiled, exchanged some pleasantries with Conan, and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Tang Ze knew that another case was coming.

Like the magician in the previous case, the fishing guy also has a high-ranking profession in the world of Kexue.

Whenever the five little ones go fishing or to the beach, something will happen.

But what's better this time is that Conan actually came to find him before the case happened.

'It's a pity that there are too many fishing cases, so I don't have any impression at all...'

Ze thought for a while and felt that he could only be fully prepared and take one step at a time.

After all, there are no clues about any case right now. See if I can meet anyone, and maybe I can recall which case it is.

Even if you can't recall it, the people who come to strike up a conversation are all focusing on the target. When the time comes, use "Ke Xue's Law" to analyze it first, and then act on your own initiative.

"Who called just now?"

Ayako walked out of the kitchen carrying the grilled steak and asked, "I seem to have heard something about fishing?"

"Well, Conan asked me to go fishing, and I happened to have itchy hands, so I agreed."

As Tangze went to the kitchen to bring other dishes, he asked, "Do you want to come with me?"

"No, Sonoko invited me to go shopping this week." Ayako shook her head and said with a smile, "You just have fun."

"That's okay too."

Karasawa didn't try to persuade him after hearing this. He actually heard Sonoko calling and asking Ayako to go shopping yesterday, so this time he asked knowingly.

Mainly because it seemed unreasonable not to ask, but if Ayako really went to Karasawa, she didn't really want her to go.

It's not because of anything else, but it's basically certain that a murder is about to happen during this fishing trip.

If it can be stopped, then it doesn't matter. If it can't be stopped, it won't be a good thing.

After all, anyone who sees the murder scene will not be in a good mood.

The lunch dish was made of special ingredients that Suzuki Jirokichi had specially purchased before. In addition, both of them were very good at cooking. This meal had the feel of a high-end cuisine restaurant.

After eating and drinking, the two took a nap first, and then went out on a date like most couples.

First, he watched a pretty good romance movie, and then went shopping with Ayako.

Of course, dinner was indispensable in the end, and the two finally decided to go to Zhonghua Street to eat hot pot.

After the ordinary daily appointments, it was time for late night yoga.

After all, after eating so much meat at night, you always need to expend some energy to stay in shape.

It was originally a holiday, and he "exercised" hard last night. Tang Ze had a rare sleep and didn't get up until eight o'clock.

Because the appointment was to meet at Dr. Ali's house at nine o'clock, Karasawa had a leisurely breakfast before setting off in a 7-seater SUV.

After catching a few excited little ones, Karasawa set out according to the fishing spot Dr. Ali mentioned before.

When they arrived at the dock, Tangze also met the lucky guy from the last case that Conan said.

Yes, this one was really lucky compared to the other victims. After all, everyone else was cold, but although he was poisoned, he was saved by Conan.

Among the cases "triggered" by Conan, not many people can survive, and this unattractive uncle is one of them.

I have to say that he is truly a very lucky person, able to escape from the claws of the "god of death".

After getting off the boat and arriving at the fishing spot, a group of children started having fun as soon as they got off the boat.

Tang Ze and the old uncle found a fishing place, set up sun umbrellas, and sat there to prepare for fishing.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether you catch someone or not, the main thing is to see how the case turns out.

He didn't care much about the little ones. If he restrained them too much, what if the case couldn't be triggered?

Although there is no one at the pier now, but in case someone comes later.

Tangze was herding sheep here, but Conan was still very responsible. Soon after, Haiyuan and he guided the three crazy little ones to start fishing.

It has to be said that compared to before, the fishing skills of several little ones have been greatly improved.

Especially Yuantai, he was very lucky today and caught a lot of black sea bream.

He remembered that in his previous life, he heard from his classmates on the coast that this stuff only cost 60 to 70 pounds a pound in their area, and most of the people in the mainland had never eaten it.

There's no way to ship it here because it's stale, and it's also extremely expensive. Not only is there not much to eat, but basically not much is sold.

After all, it is considered a high-end edible fish.

Of course, Tangze doesn't eat less now. After all, neon seafood is a staple meat.

He has eaten black sea bream braised in teriyaki and salt-grilled fish, but more often than not it is sashimi. He has tasted this type of fish but is not used to it.

As for others, they were not as lucky as Yuantai, but they also caught a lot of other fish.

Even Tang Ze, a fishing novice, caught 8 fish after a whole day of fishing today. He even learned his fishing skills without a teacher, and it was displayed on the panel for a year.

As for the only problem...

The cases that Tang Ze had been wary of were almost over now, and none of them had happened.

Is it possible that today is really just a daily fishing routine?

Although the number of times was not that many, Karasawa did know that there were times when a few of them went out to play with Conan and returned home smoothly.

You won't really encounter it today, right?

This is when Tang Ze is really doubtful.

The main reason was that no stranger showed up where they were fishing today, and the old uncle who was lucky enough from before had been sitting next to Tangze and chatting with him.

It can be said that there are no factors that could cause a murder to occur here.

"It's almost time, it's time for the ship to come and pick us up."

The old uncle on the side looked at the children who were excitedly counting today's harvest and shouted: "You guys, you can also put away your fishing gear!"


A few little ones put away their fishing rods and the like and ran over with buckets of water.

"Tangze Criminal, look at how many fish we caught!" Ayumi and the others said while showing Tangze the buckets in their hands.

"There are 23 in total!" Yuantai said proudly.

"When I was fishing before, I heard you cheering over there." Karasawa smiled and said: "I heard that you caught a lot of black snapper, which is really amazing."

"Hehe, actually I originally wanted to catch eels, but something went wrong." Yuantai said with an embarrassed smile.

‘Hey, all you have in your head is eel rice. ’

Conan and Tangze on the side heard Yuantai's wish to remain true to his original intention, and they complained viscerally.

"Okay, everyone, get ready to get on the boat." While everyone was chatting, the old man on the side greeted everyone to get on the boat.

For a few children, getting on the boat was a bit difficult, but with Tangze watching, it was no big deal.

"Look, look, the sunset is really beautiful~" When the boat started, Ayumi stood on the boat and reminded her friends repeatedly.

"It's amazing!" Yuantai sighed involuntarily.

"It's like a postcard." Looking at the golden sunset on the coastline, Mitsuhiko couldn't help but sigh.

"Huh? What is that?"

Suddenly Ayumi noticed a pointed pillar standing up on the coastline under the setting sun, and couldn't help but curiously said: "That pointed thing."

"Ah, the one you are talking about is Ikkaku Rock."

The sailor on the ship smiled and explained: "Legend has it that a long time ago, there was a sea dragon with a single horn named One-horned Dragon.

Because his child was caught by a fisherman, he stuck his horn out of the sea like that to protect his territory.

Therefore, as long as the ship is approaching, it will sink immediately. The fishermen nearby only dare to worship at a far distance to show their respect. "

"Hey~ That's it~"

After listening to this legend, several children couldn't help but express their emotions.

"By the way, you guys came here specially, do you want to go over here and have a look?"

Looking at the children who were staring at Yijiaoyan because of the legend, the sailor on the side smiled and suggested: "Actually, it is easier for ships to get to that rock."

"Eh?!" Mitsuhiko hesitated when he heard this: "But... won't the ship sink?"

"It doesn't matter, because Dioceratops loves children the most."

The sailor uncle smiled and said: "It is said that if a child comes close, he will be given the power of the sea by a dragon, and he will become very good at swimming from now on~"

"Real or false!" Yuantai immediately became excited after hearing this.

"Let's go, let's go!" Ayumi no longer had any worries and urged happily.

Several children were willing to visit Yijiaoyan, and the adults didn't have any objections. Anyway, it was just a detour and it wouldn't waste much time.

"I didn't expect it to be so big!" As the ship approached, Ayumi couldn't help but exclaimed as she looked at the increasingly huge Ikkaku Rock.

"Yes, but when I think about the huge sea dragon's body down there, I'm a little scared." Mitsuhiko couldn't help but say.

This horned rock is indeed very strange. Its shape really looks like the horn of a sea dragon. The top part is very sharp and does not look like it was formed naturally.

It’s no wonder that legends like the one-horned dragon appeared.

After all, people are always afraid of unknown things. Compared with the unknown, people would rather explain the unexplainable things to the theories of gods and ghosts.

Although it will still be scary, at least it is no longer unknown and scary.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Just as the little ones were discussing Ikkaku Iwa, suddenly a ship and the ship where Karasawa and others were were moved parallel to each other.

One of the men wearing a mask shouted anxiously: "That's a corner rock there. If you get close to it, you will be punished by the sea dragon, and the ship will sink!"

"It's okay. Didn't you see that those people over there are children?"

A man wearing a red turban comforted his companion, then looked at the one-eyed companion driving the boat and asked him to turn around and leave.

Looking at the three people who suddenly appeared to warn everyone and planned to leave, Tang Ze had a bad feeling in his heart.

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