Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,132 1 Horned Rock

As we all know, cases in Kexue World generally involve four participants.

Sacrifice one of the dead, and the remaining three will be suspects.

Choose one of the three old classics.

And it seems that this case may have happened a long time ago, and it can be said that it was completely missed.

But he couldn't help it. There was no warning all day today. It was just because of the impromptu idea of ​​the sailors on the ship that several small animals were involved in the case. He had no way to prevent it.

The various murder cases in the world of Ke Xue are inherently diverse in the ways of death, and it is actually not surprising at all that Conan is involved in various ways.

Seeing another luxurious ship turn around and leave, the few on board looked confused.

"Who are they?" Mitsuhiko asked in confusion as he looked at the turning ship.

"It looks like they are looking for someone." Ayumi said not sure.

"Recently, there have been some divers here who hang around a certain president's daughter all day long." The sailor uncle on the side looked at the yacht going away and said with some displeasure: "They have nothing to do, but they will hinder our fishing. It's really annoying. died."

"Is that so?" Haiyuan nodded and said, "That's really annoying."

"Although this sea belongs to everyone, we should consider it for fishermen like us who rely on the sea to make a living." The uncle captain who was sailing the boat complained.

"Okay, stop complaining."

The sailor uncle stopped his companions from complaining and smiled at the children: "Okay, this corner rock is a rock just for the children. You can go up and have some fun."

The few children who were still there smiled and agreed, and then the sailor parked the boat and fixed it on the shore, and Tangze landed on the island with a few other children.

"When you get closer, it doesn't look like the horns of a sea dragon, but it's actually just a bumpy rock." Mitsuhiko looked at the uneven rock pillars and felt that the gap was a bit different from what he had seen from a distance.

"Yes, this stone pillar may have been formed by corrosion by sea water over time." Conan looked at the rock surface and expressed his judgment.

"Everyone, look at the sunset!" Ayumi happily pointed at the setting sun and suggested: "Let's take a photo here before the sunset sets!"

"Then please ask Tangze Criminal to help us." Haiyuan coaxed like a child and doted on him.

"Eh? Where is Tangze Criminal?" After Haiyuan suggested it, Yuantai and others subconsciously looked for Tangze's figure, but they did not see him on their side.

"Did you go to the other side?" Mitsuhiko suggested: "Let's go to the other side and have a look."

"Hey~ Karasawa Criminal, come and take pictures for us..." Genta on the side shouted loudly and walked towards the other side of the rock pillar.

But the words were only half shouted. The few who walked around to the other side of the rock pillar saw Tang Ze squatting on the opposite side, seemingly looking at something.

Their curiosity hurried forward. Plan to see what attracts the other person.

When they walked around Tangze, the body hidden by the rocks was gradually revealed.

A woman in a pink swimsuit is leaning on a rock pillar, looking like she is asleep.

"What's wrong with this sister?" Yuantai asked worriedly when he saw Tang Ze's hand on her neck, testing her pulse, "Are you sick?"

"No, it's a pity that she has passed away." Tang Ze sighed, with a look of regret in his eyes.


After hearing Tang Ze's words, several of the little ones turned pale instantly, obviously frightened by this sudden murder, and Conan's face was even more serious, with a very serious expression.

"Call the police immediately." Tang Ze looked at Haiyuan and said, "Take the children on the boat and tell the store the situation.


"I understand." When encountering big problems, Huiyuan was still very reliable and immediately left with the three little ones.

Although a few of them were dissatisfied that only Conan could stay there, Tang Ze's serious look did not give the three of them any room to dare to resist his arrangement.

"The body has been dead for several hours. I looked at the mouth and found that it was very dry inside and the skin was loose. This is a symptom of dehydration." Tangze said as he stood up.

"Is it an accident?" Conan touched his chin and looked around the body: "There are oxygen bottles and regulators. Was there an accident while diving?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Conan shook his head and looked at the woman's mouth, "The lipstick is a little incomplete..."

"We can only wait for the local criminal police to come over. This case is not a simple accident, but a murder." Tang Ze nodded.

After the two made a judgment, they stayed away from the crime scene, and then contacted the boatman and asked them to wait for a while.

Because Haiyuan had already told them about the situation before, such a big thing happened, and Tang Ze revealed his identity, everyone felt relieved and cooperated very well.

After that, Karasawa and Conan investigated the situation of the "isolated island crime scene" of Ikkakuwa.

There was nothing suspicious near the body, and there was no sign of a death message.

The only thing worth noting was that the deceased was barefoot and his diving fins were missing.

However, Karasawa and the others discovered each other's fins on the side where they landed before.

In addition, there is a line of engraving.

“Mackerel, carp, bream, flounder?”

Conan looked at the writings on the rock wall and expressed surprise: "Is this a death message? Or is it something unrelated that some fisherman is recording his achievements here?"

"We can't be sure right now, but the opponent's fins were firmly embedded in the wall."

Tangze expressed his judgment: "Perhaps this is the other party's move to imply that the carving was done by him."

After all, according to "Ke Xue's Law", useless information will never appear at the crime scene, and the prisoner will definitely not be able to approach this isolated island before the death of the deceased.

Then, the victim will naturally try her best to leave a death message so that the police can detect the criminal and help her take revenge.

What, you said it was an accident?

Conan is standing next to him, could it be an accident?

"This is Yijiaoyan. Adults don't come here to fish because of taboos, so there's a high chance that it's the deceased himself."

Conan stared at the carvings on the rock wall and fell into deep thought: "But if it is a death message, what does this message mean?"

"The information we know is too little. Let's wait for the local criminal police to come over." Tangze said.

The place where they fished today was in Kanagawa Prefecture. Although it belongs to the Tokyo metropolitan area, it is no longer under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Police Department.

As for the criminal from Kanagawa Prefecture, he is also an old acquaintance.

——Hengmou Shigego is the serious and cold-hearted among the Henmou brothers. Unlike his brother, he dislikes detectives very much.

After rushing to the scene and learning from Tangze the general situation when everyone found the body, Henggou Jugo nodded, immediately walked to the body and squatted down: "I'll take a look at the body first."

Although Karasawa's previous overview mentioned the judgment about the corpse, Yokomori Shigego insisted on checking the corpse himself.

Although his autopsy skills were questioned, Tang Ze was not angry at all. Instead, he understood the other party's behavior.

It is true that in terms of personality, this style is not pleasing to the eye, but Tangze feels that this rigid personality is very suitable for investigating cases, at least he will not be deceived due to other people's omissions or misleading.

In fact, Conan, Hattori Heiji, and himself all have the same traits.

If conditions permit, even if the condition of the body has been determined by a forensic doctor, it will still be inspected in person.

“Judging from the turbidity of the retina, the person had been dead for five or six hours.

After checking the condition of the corpse, Henggou Shigego couldn't help but sigh: "But it's really miserable. Judging from the condition of the deceased, she hasn't eaten or drank for at least three days."

"Judging from the diving suit and oxygen bottle worn by the deceased, it seems that the deceased had an accident while diving and then struggled to escape to Jiaoyan.

But because of the legend of sea dragons here, there was no rescue ship, and he died tragically until today. "

Tang Ze said from the side: "But this is just an illusion created by the prisoner. This case is a homicide without any choice!"

"Yes, maybe for ordinary criminals, they may be deceived, but obviously we are not!"

Hearing Tangze's words, Henggou Shigego nodded in agreement, "The deceased's lipstick has already revealed its flaws!"

"There was obviously lipstick on her mouth and it was a little messy, but there was no trace of lipstick on the regulator."

Tang Ze touched his chin and muttered: "From this point of view, the prisoner should have predicted the time of death of the deceased, and then came to the island and replaced the other party's previous regulator.

It is very likely that the other party had tampered with the deceased's regulator before, and then forced the deceased to a nearby corner rock. "

"In short, although I don't know the purpose of the prisoner, I can confirm that this is a murder case!" Henggou Shigego looked at Tangze and asked: "By the way, apart from those few words, did Flippers find anything else?"

"We found the fins in the cracks, but there are no clues." Tang Ze said: "The names of the four kinds of fish are the only human traces."

"No matter how you look at it, it feels like it's just a joke. You just carve out the fish you caught." Yokomou Shigego touched his chin and muttered, "Does it have anything to do with the case..."

"You're wrong to say that, Henggou." At this moment, the sailor uncle on the side suddenly came over and greeted Henggou Jugo.

"Eh? Isn't this Brother Ida?" Henggou Shigego said in surprise when he saw the other person: "Why are you here?"

"I'm responsible for picking them up." Ida waved his hand: "Let's not talk about this first, what you said before is wrong.

Among these four kinds of fish, although three are fish from the sea, carp cannot be caught in the sea. "

"That's true..." Henggou Shigego couldn't help but nodded when he heard the other party's reminder, and immediately asked: "You brought them here?"

"Children want to get Master Hailong's blessing and become good at swimming."

When Ida said this, he looked at Yokomori with a smile and said, "Speaking of which, when you were brought here by my father when you were a child, you were scared to death and you kept holding on to me tightly.

By the way, how is your brother doing now? I remember that at that time he was so scared that he didn't even dare to get off the boat. "

"Thanks to you, my brother is still a landlubber now." Henggou Zhongwu heard this with a face that was filled with memories of the past, and he couldn't bear to look back.

'Hey, hey, let alone a blessing, it's simply counter-productive...' Conan on the side couldn't help complaining after hearing Henggou Shigego's words.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. The top priority now is to understand the carvings on the rock wall." Henggou Zhongwu looked at the fish names on the rock wall: "This is not Ryugu City, why are these words carved on it?"

"It's basically a death message."

At this point, Tang Ze handed the place a diving watch: "I searched Ikkaku Rock and found this before you came. You can see that the edges are very worn.

Moreover, the width of the wear on the edge of the watch is consistent with the width of the strokes of the four kinds of fish carved on the wall, so this is likely to be a death message left by the deceased before his death. "

"But the prisoner has been here at least once, right?" Henggou Shigego had a different opinion: "Maybe the prisoner deliberately wrote it down to mislead the search."

"I have also considered this possibility, but it is not too big."

Tangze said: "If the prisoner moved his hands and feet, it would be more reasonable for the watch to still be on the deceased's hand.

Since he took off the watch and hid it specially, it should be to prevent the prisoners who came to the island from discovering the death message he left after his death.

This is Yijiaoyan, uu reading, ordinary ships will not approach.

But because of this, if an adult approaches the island, it will attract the attention of others and even stop it, just like we did before.

Therefore, this woman judged that the prisoner did not dare to stay on the island for too long, so she hid the carving tool and waited for the news that a long search would take a long time after the body was found. "

"And there are initials on the back of this watch. This ensures that no matter how long it takes for the watch to be discovered, you will be able to know whose watch it is." Conan reminded from the side.

"It says "h?a" on it." Henggou Shigego put away the evidence after examining it carefully: "In short, the top priority now is to investigate the identity of this woman and the connections around her."

"This woman is a celebrity here, and Mr. Ida has recognized her."

Karasawa smiled and said: "The other party is the chairman of a financial company that recently came to Kanagawa to develop, and the only daughter of President Chimine.

Recently, the other party always takes a group of young men to dive here. "

"Is that so..." Hengmou Shigego took out his mobile phone after hearing this: "I will now ask the headquarters to verify the identity of this rich young lady, and at the same time investigate her companions."

As soon as he finished speaking, a white cruise ship approached Ikkaku Rock, and a man's anxious shout came from the ship: "Miss Guangri!"

Looking at the approaching ship and the three young men he had seen before, Tang Ze knew that the suspect in this murder case had appeared!

It’s time to choose one of the three classics again!

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