Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,133 The Cruel Truth

After the three young people landed on the shore, they climbed onto Jiaoyanyan in a panic.

And they also determined that the deceased on the island was their companion, Chifeng Guangli.

After some explanations, the three finally understood the current situation and revealed a shocking situation.

"You said that Chifeng Guangli disappeared three days ago?" Henggou Zhongwu said in surprise: "Are you telling the truth?!"

"Well, we came here to dive as usual at noon three days ago, but after a long time, we still didn't see the eldest lady floating up."

Putting the mask on his chin, the man in green clothes coughed and said: "Later we sneaked down to find the eldest lady, but we found that the eldest lady sent me a text message.

It said something like "I'll leave the rest to you." "


After Henggou Shigego heard what the other party said, he looked stunned and immediately said angrily: "Then you were not sure about the other party's safety and just stopped looking for people to go back?"

"There's nothing we can do. After all, similar things have happened before." The dark-skinned man wearing a red headscarf said helplessly.

"Similar things?" Tang Ze was stunned for a moment when he heard this, then looked at the three of them and said, "Tell me in detail."

"That happened this summer when we first started diving. The situation was the same as before. Only the eldest lady did not surface."

The muscular man wearing a red headscarf said helplessly: "At that time, we were anxiously looking for the eldest lady and even planned to call the police.

As a result, the next day, she suddenly ran back alone. "

"We asked her why, but she said that while she was diving, she was picked up by a handsome guy on a passing yacht, and she drank at that guy's house until dawn."

The masked man on the side also looked speechless when he said this.

"But in the past two days, we have not received any calls from you seeking help from the police to find someone." Henggou Shigego looked at the three of them suspiciously.

"No, we have no plans to call the police this time."

The man with a medical goggle on his right eye said: "That time before, because we mobilized troops, the eldest lady found out afterwards and was severely scolded.

She scolded us, saying that since she had already sent a text message to tell us what happened next, why did she have to make it so exaggerated? "

"Because of this, we never dared to call the police this time."

The man with the mask echoed and explained: "At first we planned to wait and see, but after all, after three days there was no news, we just started driving the boat and looking around.

We have also been to the places where we dived before, we have looked around there, and we have asked every yacht and ship passing by..."

"But I didn't expect...she would actually be here in Yijiaoyan..." The man in the red turban said in disbelief as he looked at the corpse.

"Let's not talk about this yet."

Seeing that the three people had almost explained the matter, Tangze looked at the three of them and asked: "Among the three of you, is there anyone named Aoi Shuhei?"

It seemed that Tang Ze would not suddenly say the name of his partner. The man with the eye patch and the man with the mask subconsciously looked at the man wearing the red scarf.

"Eh? How do you know Zhou Ping's name..."

Before the man in the mask finished his question, the next moment he saw Tangze ducking behind the man in the red turban.

Locking the opponent's wrist with a grappling technique, and at the same time kicking the opponent's knee with his right foot, he directly subdued the opponent and pinned him to the ground.

"Asshole, what are you doing!!"

When his face collided with the hard ground, Qingli Zhouping realized that he had been subdued. Feeling uneasy, he began to struggle crazily.

"Ha... why did I do this? As a prisoner, you should have some guesses in your mind, right?" Tang Ze looked at Qingli Zhouping and said calmly.

"What!? He is a prisoner!?" Henggou Shigego on the side heard Tang Ze's words and said in surprise: "Karang Ze Criminal, are you sure you are not mistaken!?"

"Oh, the deceased has his name engraved on the wall. If I can't be sure, then I can really resign and retire."

Karasawa turned to look at Henggou Shigego, turned his chin slightly and said, "Stop standing still. Come over and handcuff the person. I will explain to you later."

Yokomori Shigego hesitated for a moment, but still took out the handcuffs from his waist and walked to Karasawa.

Seeing Yokomori Jugo approaching, Aoi Shuhei began to struggle crazily: "Hey, Oto! Kaitian! Please help me stop this unjust crime!!"

"I advise you not to do stupid things."

When the two of them were hesitant, Conan stood in front of them and said with a smile: "Kangze Criminal is a famous detective of the Metropolitan Police Department, and he never makes mistakes.

And he's very powerful. If you two go up there, you'll just get beaten in vain. "

"That's right, that's right!

"Kangze Criminal is very good at fighting!"

"We've seen him take down a lot of bad guys by himself!"

The three little ones who had been watching beside the ship saw Conan standing in front of the two adults, and immediately stood with him, choosing to "confront the enemy" together, and they all spoke out to prove Tang Ze's power.

However, just because Karasawa suddenly mentioned Aoi Satoshi Shuhei's name, the two people who were hesitant were stopped by a few kiddos, and Yokomori Shuugo had already handcuffed Aoi Satoshi Shuhei.

As for Aoi Shuhei's crazy struggles?

Under Karasawa's iron-like hands, Aoi Shuhei was like a loach that was shaking crazily with its head held down. No matter how hard he twisted, there was no way to break free.

"Hey, it's time for you to tell me the reason, right?" After Henggou Shigego handcuffed the man, he looked at Tang Ze and said, "Everyone is waiting for your explanation."

"Although the secret code left by this eldest lady is really clear to me, but in order for you to understand, I'd better start from the beginning." Tang Ze smiled after hearing this.

"Hey, what you said is really arrogant." Henggou Zhongwu said unhappily after hearing this.

"First of all, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that the culprit is among the three of them."

Tangze said firmly: "Because after the eldest lady disappeared, an email came from her mobile phone saying "I'll leave the rest of the matter to you" so that only the three of you know the inside story.

And this is the strongest evidence that the prisoner is among the three of them.

I think the prisoner didn't want the other two people to immediately go out to find the eldest lady, lest his murder plan fail, so he specifically used the other party's text message to send the email.

It's like a story about trying to fix a situation after a sheep has been lost. The first time I was treated so impatiently, my kindness was misunderstood. When I see an email with the same content this time, I will naturally not take any action. "

"If this is the case, the prisoner should have been the first to board the boat, and after sending the text message, the mobile phone was thrown into the sea to destroy the evidence..."

Henggou Shigego looked at Tang Ze and said, "What is the evidence you are talking about?"

"These are the names of the four kinds of fish that the young lady carved on the stone wall."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "I think the young lady should have left hints elsewhere, but this puzzle is simply a question for elementary school students to me.

Because this code involves Chinese characters, which is an instinctive language for me.

Mackerel, carp, sea bream, flatfish, just remove the word "fish" and you can easily get the four words "Aozato Shuhei".

To be honest, when I saw these words, because all the Chinese characters had the radical "fish", I subconsciously identified the remaining characters separately.

Because this combination looked too much like the same name, and it was most likely a death message left by the deceased, I asked about it. "

By the way, flounder is flounder, but when writing Chinese characters in neon, it does not write "flounder", but "flounder" to represent it.

"It turned out that there was actually someone named that name."

Henggou Shigego looked at Aori Shuhei, who was pale on the ground, and sneered: "Okay, do you have anything else to refute now?"

"This was put on me by someone else, and you didn't see me coming here!"

Aoi Shuhei struggled and retorted loudly: "I was framed!"

"No, if it's to frame the fault, wouldn't it be more convenient to just engrave your name on it?"

Conan on the side shook his head and said: "This code is very simple for Tangze Criminal, but generally criminals who are not familiar with Chinese characters will not think of this.

If the police didn't see this code, wouldn't the painstaking efforts to leave the death message be in vain?

And the reason why she did this was because she knew that after her death, you would definitely go back to confirm whether he was dead.

So in order to avoid being eliminated by you, I will leave a secret code. "

"Besides, I already know another reason why you came here at noon today."

Karasawa looked at Aori Shuhei's frightened expression and said words that plunged him into despair: "The reason why you landed on the island was not only to confirm whether Mitsuri Chiho was dead, but also to change the regulator on the oxygen bottle. Bar?

I think you cut the pipe in the other party's regulator part with a dagger, pretending to have an air leakage, and then brought her to Ikkakuyan and abandoned it here.

And because she couldn't swim, she could only wait to die.

After her death, in order to disguise it as an accident, you had to return to Yijiaoyan and exchange the regulator with the cut marks for the regulator you used.

And you just need to put tape on the crack and go back using this adjuster. "

"So, did you see all this with your own eyes?"

Qingli Zhouping roared at Tangze with a ferocious expression: "The two people next to you can definitely do what you said. Maybe they are the ones who put the blame on me!"

"Zhou Ping, you..."

The expressions of the other two people also changed when they heard Aoi Shuhei's words. They didn't expect that their companions would become so crazy and even bite them in front of them.

"You really won't give up until you reach the Yellow River."

Karasawa looked at Aoi Shuhei, who still refused to plead guilty, walked up to him, and tore off the band-aid on his chin.

"You..." Looking at the band-aid on Tang Ze's hand, Qingli Zhouping's eyes were full of horror: "How did you..."

"Lipstick also has a smell. Even if you cover it with a band-aid, it can't block the smell, and lipstick is not something that you can simply wipe away."

Karasawa handed the band-aid to Yokogawa Shigego and asked him to put away the decisive evidence. He looked down at Aoi Shuhei and said, "To be honest, I haven't thought about the excuses you made to evade.

But after I confirm your name, and your Band-Aid has the same lipstick smell as that of the deceased, do you think I will believe your lies? "

"You are really cautious." Henggou Shigego couldn't help but sigh after hearing Tangze's words.

"But it's really strange, young lady. It doesn't matter if you are a novice in diving. You are obviously a veteran, but you still wear lipstick while diving." Ida on the side couldn't help but wonder.

"She did it on purpose."

Kaitian looked at Chifeng Guangli's body and sighed: "When Miss, she first started learning about spring water, I accidentally picked up the wrong regulator, and lipstick was stuck on her face."

"Then she thought it was funny, and she has kept up the habit of diving with lipstick on since then." Oto agreed.

"Yes, it is precisely because of this that I know that the eldest lady refused to save Yilang and killed him."

Seeing that everything was irreversible, Qingli Zhouping heard everyone discussing Chifeng Guangli's habit and revealed his motive for killing.

"You said you wouldn't save Yoshiro until he died?" Kaitian and the others heard Aoi Shuhei say in disbelief.

"You must have not forgotten about the accident half a year ago." Aoi Shuhei said with a heavy tone.

"Of course I haven't forgotten that when we were diving, Miss Chifeng was suddenly swept away by the undercurrent, and Yoshiro hurriedly went to save her..." Oto said quickly.

"After that, although Miss Chifeng was found and she was pulled aboard the boat safely, Yilang was never found. His body was discovered only after that..."

Kaitian looked at Qingli Shuhei and said excitedly: "Hey, are you saying that Miss Chifeng killed Yoshiro at that time!?"

"Ah, nine times out of ten, that's it!" Qingli Shuhei said with a look of resentment on his face.

"But didn't Miss Chifeng say that she was the only one at that time?" Oto said in disbelief: "At that time, she said that she came back by herself..."

"How could she not have met Yirou!"

Aoi Shuhei roared: "After that, I found that woman's regulator standing on top of the rescue regulator used by Yoshiro!

I also asked her about it afterwards, but she said she thought Yilang had come back.

Normally I would ask, I would ask how Yoshiro was doing when he was swept away by the undercurrent while trying to save himself!

That woman!

She just wanted to get back to land quickly and sleep in a warm bed!

If she hadn't concealed it and told us about Yilang, if she hadn't urged us to get ashore quickly, Yilang might still have been saved!

She doesn't care at all about the life and death of Yoshiro who saved her life. In this case, I will abandon that woman on this corner rock!

Let her try it, despise other people's lives, what it feels like to be abandoned! ! "

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