Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,135 Kidd appears

When it comes to Kaitou Kidd, everyone has mixed opinions.

Some people think he is a criminal who disrupts order, while others think he is cool and handsome.

He was even dubbed the "Magician under the Moon" by his admirers because he always used incredible techniques to steal targeted gems.

Regardless of those who hate him or those who like him, no one can deny his craziness!

Yes, although Kaitou Kidd is as gentle and gentle as a gentleman every time he appears, everything he performs is crazy!

He was wearing a white dress that was not conducive to concealment and escape. He would definitely send a warning letter before committing the crime, and he would trick the Nakamori criminal who arrested him into applause.

Although there are reasons for doing this, for example, the white dress is for better escape after changing clothes.

But it is undeniable that Kaito Kidd is essentially a madman who dares to challenge order.

Therefore, this is what Tang Ze feels is wrong.

And with Kuroba Kaito's character, he even knew that Detective Hakuba might have bad intentions when he invited him to the place where he had predicted a crime today.

However, he is a brave man who knows how to control himself. He will definitely choose to take advantage of the situation and sneak into the house to create chaos and steal the gems. At the same time, the white horse will not be able to catch his feet.

Judging from Karasawa's memory and his intuitive impression of Kuroba Kaito throughout his life, it should be the acting style he remembered.

But now, after hearing Kuroba Kaito's worries, Karasawa really just wanted to ask one question.

who are you?

You, who claims to be the best thief in the world, why have you become so cautious?

He won't be taken away by anyone, right?

"Why are you looking at me with such a strange expression?" Kuroba Kaito saw Karasawa's strange expression through the rearview mirror and couldn't help but be wary.

Since he had no scruples, Tang Ze asked directly: "Isn't this your usual style?

You guy, although you made a high-profile appearance after everything was arranged, your own personality is not such a cautious one.

Why did you change your temper this time..."

"Everyone will become..." Kuroba Kaito looked at Tangze and said quietly: "As for why I am so cautious, isn't it because of you..."

When talking about this, Kuroba Kaito was full of resentment.

Looking back on myself when I first debuted, I was really glorious. Whether it was a criminal or a famous detective, I was always defeated by my own men.

Those desperate situations, iron prisons, impenetrable vaults, and heavily guarded safes in the eyes of ordinary people are all on the same level without any difficulty at all.

This world is so big, there is no place he cannot go.

However, ever since I met that kid, I started to look a little embarrassed every time I finished.

But no matter what, the little brat was just chasing after him, and he wasn't so quick to see through some of his tricks. Most of the time, he didn't realize the problem until he showed up for the second time.

But this is too normal for a magician.

The magic you develop will one day be cracked by others. The only difference is how fast it is.

Moreover, the other party is also a famous detective, so it is not surprising that his method is faster.

But if he could barely live like this, the man in front of him was definitely his nightmare.

It can be said that since meeting each other, my life has taken a turn for the worse and become increasingly difficult.

At the beginning, I was able to steal treasure from under his nose, but I was more embarrassed when preparing to escape...

Recalling the days when he was hacked by the opponent with a knife, the corner of Kuroba Kaito's mouth twitched again.

In the middle stage, the opponent seemed to start studying magic, and he became even more difficult to deal with since he understood the principles of magic.

The magic tricks that can shock everyone and make them feel incredible when he appears on the stage, in his eyes, are like having obtained the principles of magic. He has exposed his magic before he finished it.

It can be said that at this time, Kaitou Kidd is completely living in the shadow of the other party.

At the beginning, I was still unconvinced, but later in the car operation, I was defeated repeatedly. Even in the "Air Walk" operation, I was forced back by the opponent in the same way.

It can be said that Karasawa's history of fame is entirely based on stepping on his own "corpse" to reach the top!

It turns out that people think that "good does not suppress evil" and that they are people who cannot be restrained by this world.

But now, everyone thinks that "evil prevails over good". No matter what kind of criminal you are, you will be indifferent when you meet Tang Ze.

Even a big thief like himself who dominates the world is just a little thief who lingers under the opponent's hands in the eyes of the world and will be caught one day.

Of course, some people think that their ability to escape from him again and again is enough to prove that even Tang Ze can't do anything to them.

Although he has shown his strength from the side, his family knows his own affairs...

I have been used as a tool by others. It can only be said that although I am beautiful on the surface, I am in a miserable state behind the scenes.

After this series of severe beatings, when Kaito Kid went to see White Horse Detective's "old enemy" again, he felt like he was coaxing a child.

After all, they are not opponents of the same level at all, and their ranks are all different.

After all, a severe beating is a severe beating, but the experience of a severe beating is also a very valuable experience!

Kuroba Kaito believed that even his own father, who had been a Phantom Thief for many years, would not dare to pat his chest and guarantee that he would be calmer and more cautious than he is now.

So when he realized that the white horse detective seemed to be planning something, and that Qingzi was involved in it, he felt that this time the matter was in trouble.

Fortunately, he had always thought about this issue before. After all, he had always been suspected by people around him before, and he had just received a favor from Tang Ze some time ago.

So he unceremoniously chose to let Tang Ze help with this round to truly prove his innocence.

When he learned from Kuroba Douko that the other party's change actually came from him, Tang Ze was surprised, but he felt that everything was so logical.

You have to say that the biggest difference from the original work is that the addition of himself as the "Phantom Thief Nemesis" made Kuroba Kaito experience many "social beatings".

Then this phantom thief is overly cautious, doesn't it become more reasonable?

But it's okay if it feels reasonable, but Tang Ze said that he really couldn't take this topic.

After all, no matter how you look at it, it looks like the "victim"'s bloody and tearful accusation against himself, the instigator.

So Karasawa decisively skipped the topic and began to change the topic to ask Kuroba Kaito to tell him about today's business.

And soon, Karasawa understood the goal of Kaitou Kidd today.

After listening to the other party's intelligence and theft plan, Tang Ze reviewed the situation and designed several more escape routes and backup plans based on his own situation.

Of course, you can never be too careful about this kind of thing.

However, even though it was his first time to do this kind of work, Tang Ze also believed that he was a skilled person and was bold. He was not worried but was slightly looking forward to it.

After discussing the plan for the evening, Kuroba Kaito got out of the car and left, while Karasawa drove and told Ayako that he would not go home for dinner because he had something to do at night, and went straight to the safe house he had prepared to prepare.


Oshima Museum of Art.

It was already nightfall, and normally it would have been closing time, but today the place was brightly lit, and its perimeter was heavily guarded.

In the art gallery, a huge pink gem was placed on a high platform amid the vigilance of criminals.

This gem belongs to a collector named JP Tana. Because he is also a sculptor, he likes to design the collection according to his personal interests.

As for the placement of this gem, a three- to four-meter-long pillar was placed on the display stand.

The top is the structure of a tray, and the gemstones are placed on it in plain sight without any protective measures.

"Really, there are so many rich weirdos nowadays."

Under the gem, Nakamori Ginzo complained dissatisfiedly: "Doesn't this make our security work more difficult?"

"Ah ho, daddy~"

Just when Nakamori Ginzo was about to speak, his daughter's shout suddenly came from not far away.

"What hello, Aoko, why are you here?" Nakamori Ginzo turned his head and said in shock: "And Kaito is here too..."

"Hakuba-san specially invited us to visit." Aoko said happily.

"Welcome, Aoko-san~" Hakuba Tan walked out wearing a detective uniform.

"What's going on, Mr. Hakuba? This is not a party." Nakamori Ginzo asked dissatisfiedly: "This is not a party!"

"Because I want Ling Qianjin to watch Kidd's arrest at the scene." White Horse Detective smiled.

"Your lax attitude will kill you!" Nakamori Ginzo pointed at the white horse and said dissatisfiedly.

"Indeed, it's a taboo for military strategists to be lax and underestimate the enemy." The White Horse Detective was annoyed and smiled: "And that guy Kaitou Kidd might have infiltrated us long ago!"

After the words fell, the faces of all the criminals present were stern, and they looked around cautiously.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just making a hypothesis." Bai Ma Tan looked at Ling Ran's crowd and said with a calm smile.

"No, you're right."

Just as Detective White's words fell, a strange male voice suddenly sounded, and the next moment Kaitou Kid fell from the sky and landed steadily on the pink gem display case.

"What!" Detective Hakuba looked at Kuroba Kaito in disbelief, and then looked at Kaitou Kid in a white dress standing on the display cabinet, with unbelievable horror on his face.

"As the trailer said, I will take this pink gem." Kaitou Kid lowered his hat slightly, looking elegant and calm.

"This is impossible!" Hakuba Tan looked at Kuroba Kaito beside him, shouted in disbelief and immediately went to pull Kuroba Kaito's face.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Kuroba Kaito knocked off Hakuba Tan's hand in pain, "Is there anything wrong with your mind?"

When Kuroba quickly left, Hakuba Tan showed no sign of anger. He just stared blankly at Kaitou Kidd who was taking away the gems from the display cabinet, and began to doubt the manpower.

Of course, just when Detective Hakuba was distracted by the error of his reasoning, Ginzo Nakamori, who had experienced many battles, did not hesitate at all. He immediately looked at his subordinates and shouted:

"Come on!"

The man next to him reflexively pressed the button in his hand. The next moment, the wooden boards under the walls on both sides of the art booth moved down a few centimeters, and countless chained gloves ejected.

"Oh? Interesting,"

The moment Kaitou Kidd activated the mechanism, he saw clearly the stupid cat in this mechanism. Obviously, if the handcuffs touch his limbs, he will definitely be imprisoned and unable to break free.

Karasawa didn't know how Kuroba Kaito would deal with this kind of trap, but to him, this level of trap was just child's play.

In the network of handcuffs formed by the intertwined walls on the left and right sides, Tang Ze first dodged the handcuffs that came first with his side face, then moved a small step to the left and dodged several handcuffs that came from the right.

Then he turned around easily, and the handcuffs on the left side easily escaped him by just a hair.

Under the stunned gazes of Ginzo Nakamori and others, Kaito Kidd moved gracefully on the display cabinet that was less than one meter away, dodging all the handcuffs as if he was dancing.

"If this is today's method, then I will reject the gem." Karasawa put away the gem, looked at Nakamori Ginzo below and said sorry.

Because this mechanism is placed on the walls on both sides, the farther away it is, the longer it will take to eject.

Although for ordinary people, this time error is nothing at all, but for someone with super dynamic reflexes like Tangze, this time difference is enough for him to plan a perfect avoidance route.

Although he could have jumped off the booth directly, wouldn't that lose the "strong character" of Kaitou Kidd? What if the White Horse detective thinks he is a fake?

After all, this time he was here to help clear Kuroba Kaito's suspicions, so naturally he had to "send Buddha to the West" and everything was done perfectly.

"Damn Kid!!"

Nakamori Ginzo saw that Kaito Kidd easily evaded his own trap and was still provoking them with wild words. He immediately snatched the trap under his command and pressed the button to take back the handcuffs.

"Catch him while the handcuffs are delaying him!"

The mechanism retracted and popped out in just a split second, and when Nakamori Ginzo launched the mechanism again, he yelled and gave instructions.

"Haha, stupid decision."

Kaitou Kid heard Nakamori Ginzo's words and commented with a faint smile. Under the angry gaze of the other party, he took out two magic pistols.

The next moment, countless playing cards accurately hit the body of the handcuffs in mid-air.

Under the impact of the playing cards, the handcuffs ejected in the air turned around and shot towards the criminals who were surrounding them from all directions.

The criminal who was rushing at the front never expected that such a situation would happen. Naturally, he was defeated in the struggle between his running body and the handcuffs fixed on the wall.

They were charging violently, but the next moment they felt their bodies stagnate and unconsciously lost their balance and retreated, only to be pulled back by the chains.

However, there were still many people behind them running, and they could not stop immediately when they saw their companions suddenly stopping in front of them.

The next moment, chaos occurred.

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