Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,136 Show off the audience

In the midst of the screams of pain, the criminals present were thrown down like dominoes.

The three protagonists, Nakamori Ginzo, Hakuba and Kuroba Kaito, could not escape either, and were each given a silver bracelet by Karasawa.

But what was better than others was that they were not involved in the chaos behind because they were closer to the showcase.

So they clearly saw everything that Kaitou Kidd did in front of them.

This series of operations not only shocked Nakamori Ginzo and Hakuba Tan, but also Kuroba Kaito's scalp was numb. For a moment, he felt that he was the fake and Karasawa was the real Kaitou Kid.

The instigator of all this chaos leisurely put away his guns and jumped off the display cabinet.

"Let's go, see you next time." Kaitou Kid bowed slightly towards Nakamori Ginzo and others. The watch in his hand ejected the hook and took him up to the second floor: "I had a lot of fun this time~"

"Damn Phantom Thief Kidd! Chase him!" Ginzo Nakamori subconsciously wanted to chase him, but the handcuffs on his feet were tight and he almost fell down.

"Dad!" Nakamori Aoko quickly ran over to help Nakamori Ginzo, who lost his balance, and this saved him from falling.

Under Nakamori Ginzo's roar, the last seven or eight criminals who survived quickly avoided the same situation and ran towards the second floor.

But their speed was too fast. When they reached the second floor, Kaitou Kidd had easily opened the window, jumped down and flew away on a hang glider.

"Damn thief Kidd!"

After learning about this situation from his subordinates, Nakamori Ginzo couldn't help but cursed, but he could only accept this failure as usual.

"Uncle, please hurry up and take off the cuffs first." Kuroba Kaito on the side "obediently" pointed at the mess of criminals over there and reminded him.

"Ah, yes!" Looking at his men in a mess, Nakamori Ginzo quickly pressed the mechanism button and retracted the handcuffs.

"Hakuba-san~ I didn't see you being put to any use today~"

After Kuroba Kaito unlocked the handcuffs, he covered his mouth and looked at Detective Hakuba with a smirk and mocked: "Although he is dressed up like a detective, he is just pretending~"

"You..." Hakuba Tan looked at the grimace on the other side's face, and his guard was broken by Kuroba Kaito's words.

But looking at the guy in front of him who had never left his sight, Baima Tan unconsciously felt a sense of depression in his heart.

Fortunately, he thought Kuroba Kaito was Kaitou Kidd, so he confidently brought him over, intending to catch him.

But this is the fact before us. The other party is not Kaitou Kidd at all, and his reasoning is completely wrong.

As for whether the other party had found a substitute or something, after seeing the other party's ability to steal gems calmly, even the White Horse Detective did not have the slightest suspicion that the other party was fake.

After all, judging from the opponent's skill and calm behavior, it is indeed Kaitou Kidd's usual style.

"Hehe..." Seeing Hakuba Tan being so angry that he couldn't speak, Kuroba Kaito felt happy in his heart.

"I'm so angry that you didn't catch that nasty thief and you're still here gloating about his misfortune."

On the other hand, Aoko who was on the side saw Kuroba Kaito's proud look and said angrily: "Kaito, you are so heartless!"

Of course, even though he said that, there was a hint of relief on Qingzi's face, as if a big knot in his heart had been untied.

Seeing this, Kuroba Kaito felt mixed emotions, but in the end, he felt as relaxed and relieved as Aoko.

Obviously, he was also aware of Qingzi's previous doubts about him. Although he used various methods to deal with it every time, the evidence was not as reliable as this time.

Because this time Kaitou Kidd and he were in the same time and space at the same moment, this was naturally the best evidence to clear his suspicion.

I believe that after this experience, my suspicions have been basically cleared.

‘There is no danger of identity exposure. ’ Kuroba Kaito thought and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

Seeing this scene, Aoko was naturally very angry. She felt that Kuroba Kaito turned a deaf ear to her direct words, and even provoked her in turn.


Aoko gritted her teeth and pulled Kuroba Kaito's ears to wake him up from his own world.

Feeling the pain coming from his ears, Kuroba Kaito grinned and tried to break away from the opponent's hand. At the same time, he looked at Aoko angrily and said, "What are you doing!"

"You're still gloating about your misfortune, huh!" Qingzi snorted dissatisfiedly: "Is that how you worship Phantom Thief Kidd?"

"Well, of course...of course not..." Facing Aoko's death gaze, Kuroba Kaito said decisively: "I just admire his skills more. As you know, I am also a magician. Well..."

"Hmph!" Although Aoko was no longer so angry after hearing this, she still didn't look good on Kuroba Kaito.

However, the two of them will definitely be childhood sweethearts. Kuroba Kaito naturally knows how to coax each other, and soon a few small magic tricks and words can make each other happy. .

The white horse detective on the side had no mind to pay attention to the fight between the two. He was still in a state of decadence, and it was obvious that he would not be able to recover for a while.

On the other hand, Nakamori Ginzo has another heart of steel that has suffered repeated defeats. This defeat did not have any impact on him, but he quickly asked his subordinates to regroup and close the team.

Even later, when he saw Baima Tan's devastated expression, he comforted him and told him not to worry.

"Okay, you two should go home quickly." Nakamori Ginzo looked at his daughter and Kuroba Kaito and said, "You brat, do you hear that my daughter will be sent home safely later!"

"I know, uncle." Kuroba Kaito looked at Nakamori Ginzo with a foul-looking face. He also knew that the other person was in a bad mood, so he did not provoke him, but nodded obediently.

"Dad, when will you come back?" Qingzi looked at his father and asked with concern: "Aren't you going to work overtime again?"

"No, that little thief has already left, so working overtime is of no use."

Nakamori Ginzo said: "As for the gems, judging from the style of the past few days, they will probably be sent back soon.

So there is no need to carry out recovery work, although I am very unhappy with this behavior. "

Speaking of this, Nakamori Ginzo couldn't help but snorted again, obviously very dissatisfied with this defeat.

But thinking of the strength shown by the other party before, Nakamori Ginzo was unhappy but also had a cautious look on his face.

Obviously, judging from the opponent's performance, these simple tricks will have no effect on him at all.

Next time, maybe I have to prepare a tighter and more impregnable defense!

Nakamori Ginzo, who will definitely become a top security expert after retirement, began to think about the next battle of wits and courage with Kaitou Kei.

On the other hand, Kuroba Kaito, who was walking out of the art museum with Aoko, shivered unconsciously and felt an inexplicable chill coming over him.


In the night, the white hang glider has now turned into black.

The function of the costume is so convenient, making Tangze's figure perfectly blend into the night.

Taking advantage of the wind in the sky, Karasawa controlled the hang glider and quickly reached the rooftop where he had previously discussed meeting with Kuroba Kaito.

Knowing that it would take a while for Kuroba Kaito to arrive, Karasawa put away his hang glider, adjusted his formal attire into a casual jacket, and sat directly next to the rooftop to let the wind blow.

Of course, Tangze's consciousness was not idle, but he was preparing to open the panel with a little anxiety.

Like in the past, Tang Ze was getting rewards, so naturally there was nothing to worry about, but this time it might be punishment.

Even though he was mentally prepared, as the results approached, he began to be cautious.

He opened the panel with his mind, but when Tangze checked it, he found that there was no response to the information on the panel.

There are no rewards and no penalties.

Seeing this, Tangze breathed a sigh of relief but also felt a little regretful.

After all, this is the most unproductive result. Even punishment can let him know what the punishment mechanism and consequences are.

And if it was a reward, then he would probably be able to get some props or skills related to the Phantom Thief.

If this is the case, then he will make a lot of money, and he can also consider joining Kuroba Kaito in the future.

Unfortunately, if this is the result, Karasawa will have no interest in getting involved. This time helping out will be treated as a "phantom thief for a day" experience.

After getting a good result, Karasawa patiently waited for Kuroba Kaito to come.

Because Nakamori Ginzo asked his men to send Aoko and the two home, Kuroba Kaito quickly returned home with Aoko, and then transformed into Kaitou Kid again and came to the agreed rooftop.

"We're finally here." Tangze threw the largest pink gem in his hand to the other party: "After confirming the gem, remember to return it."

"I understand, I will return it later." Kuroba Kaito looked at the gem in the moonlight, his disappointed expression flashed away, and he quickly nodded and said: "This is not the gem I want, keep it." It’s useless to go down.”

"That's it, I'll take the first step."

Karasawa waved his hand towards Kuroba Kaito and fell from the rooftop. The next moment, the black hang glider spread out and took Karasawa straight away.

"I didn't expect that Tangze Criminal could even master the hang glider."

Standing on the rooftop and watching Karasawa's retreating back, Kuroba Kaito recalled the scene when he stole the gems before, and couldn't help but sigh: "Is there anything else he can't do..."

At this moment, Kuroba Kaito had only one thought in his mind.

Don't be your enemy!

Imagine that the opponent has already mastered the skills you have mastered, and the opponent is also extremely proficient in the skills you have not mastered, and it is also a skill in terms of force value...

In this case, the other party is completely the "enhanced version" of yourself, so what a joke!

Even if one's own magic skills are much more confident than the opponent's, "one effort can defeat all magic".

Thinking of the opponent's explosive force value, Kuroba Kaito couldn't help but feel lingering fear.

'Fortunately, we are secret allies now. ’

Fortunately, Kuroba Kaito came to his senses and fell from the rooftop as well.

The next moment, the glider behind him spread out like a pair of wings, flying towards Nakamori Ginsantoku with Black Feather Kaito.

Before leaving, when Qingzi asked his father if he would go home, he had already said that he would go back to the Metropolitan Police Department to deal with the follow-up and then go home.

In other words, he only needs to wait for Nakamura Ginzo to return home after finishing the follow-up work near the Metropolitan Police Department.

Feeling the wind behind him, Kaito Kidd turned the glider so that he could use more force and accelerated towards the Metropolitan Police Department.


It was only after Karasawa went to work the next day that Kaitou Kidd returned the stolen gems at the Metropolitan Police Department.

Last night, the story of the other party's visit to return the gems was widely circulated in the Metropolitan Police Department. After learning about this incident, countless criminals were filled with indignation and clamored to show off to Kaitou Kidd when they saw him.

Not to mention that they have a good relationship with Nakamori Ginzo, and they belong to different criminal departments and departments. They even found each other one after another, saying that next time Kaitou Kidd sends an invitation letter, he will definitely bring them with him.

As long as there is no work at hand at that time, they will definitely go over to help and teach that bastard little thief a severe lesson.

Sihuayuan, who had come to drink tea, said that there were about forty or fifty people who planned to volunteer to help Nakamori Ginzo next time and teach that damn little thief a lesson.

Thinking that the next time Kuroba Kaito would face the terrifying macho-level human sea tactics, Karasawa mourned for the opponent in his heart.

You said you wanted to return the gems, why don't you just leave them at Qingzi's house? It's convenient and easy, and it's enough to keep you from being noticed.

As a result, he had to wait at the entrance of the Metropolitan Police Department to exchange gems. This was considered to be provoking the Metropolitan Police Department. Nakamori Ginzo had a powerful force on his side.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Karasawa. Anyway, he will only serve as a substitute for Kuroba Kaito this time. Next time, it will be his own business.

Thinking about it, with his skills, he would be a little embarrassed at best, but he could still run away.

After helping Kuroba Kaito, although Karasawa did not receive any reward or punishment, it seemed that Karasawa was given a period of rest. He did not accept any murder cases until Wednesday.

On the contrary, Kesouyan is very busy here.

Of course, although there were no cases officially taken over at work, Karasawa was asked for help by Naoki Uei in his personal relationship.

He is doing well in the team and has basically adapted to the work there.

This time, they caught a group of phone scammers. Although they were arrested, their boss hid the money and refused to let go.

Even if this would increase the punishment, the other party would insist that the money disappeared and was stolen by one of his subordinates.

Of course, everyone present knew that the other party was lying and planned to keep it secret until he was released from prison and use the money as a fund for his subsequent life.

But their search yielded nothing, so Naoki Kamei had no choice but to come over and ask Karasawa to take action.

As for whether it is useful...

Karasawa went to the other party's office building disguised as a company and scanned it. After finding nothing, he asked Uye Naoki to take him to the other party's home.

The prisoner's house is a very common traditional Japanese-style building with a small courtyard inside.

When Tang Ze came, the yard was even digging three feet into the ground, but even so, there was still no harvest.


1 second remember network:.

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