Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,137 Conan was kidnapped

In the messy courtyard, Tang Ze looked at the large pits and small pits that were almost impossible to stand on, and was speechless for a while.

"Haha, we have no choice, so we came up with this plan..." Naoki Uye said with an awkward smile.

"Okay, now that you have helped me get rid of this trouble, it saves me a lot of trouble. Tangze nodded and walked into the house as intact as possible.

As for the trouble that Tang Ze said they had solved, it was naturally the act of "digging three feet into the ground".

After all, his super sense of smell is not omnipotent. He can't smell anything if he is buried in the ground.

And since they had already violated the yard, they naturally skipped the investigation in this area.

Entering the house, Karasawa asked Uye Naoki to stay outside before entering the room himself.

Although the scammer lived by himself, he pretended to be a successful boss. The house was luxurious enough and he hired a housekeeper to clean it very clean. This made Tang Ze feel relieved.

After all, he was here to help, and it wasn't a big case, so he naturally needed to relax a bit.

If the room was in a mess, like the room of a sloppy man who didn't change his socks for three days, Tangze felt like he would just turn around and leave.

The super sense of smell was quickly activated. Tang Ze detected almost all the smells in the room at once, and then began to eliminate them one by one.

Of course, banknotes have a smell. Of course, Tang Ze felt that for the convenience of storage, the other party must have used items such as plastic bags to make money.

But unfortunately, neither the bedroom nor the living room, nor even the floor, smelled like banknotes or sealed plastic bags.

Karasawa was not surprised by this result. If it was really that easy to find, Naoki Kamei and the others would have definitely found it after a thorough search. There was no need to bother him at all.

So according to his speculation, the fraudster should have used a special method to steal the item.

Thinking of this, Karasawa used his super-smell sense again, but this time he did not rush to eliminate the smells other than banknotes or sealed bags, but checked them one by one.

The smell of food in the kitchen is eliminated first, followed by the bedroom and bathroom.

But when he came to the living room, a faint pungent smell came from his nose.

This is the smell that viscose products often emit.


Karasawa traced the source of the smell and found that the smell of glue came from the cow-shaped porcelain in the living room, which was almost half a meter high.

Tangze knelt down and looked at the belly of the cow, and found that there was a slightly invisible crack, and the smell of glue came from here.

"Hey, come here, we've found it."

Karasawa shouted outside, and Naoki Kamei quickly ran over after hearing the noise.

After explaining the situation, Uye Naoki looked at the cow-shaped porcelain in front of him in astonishment and said, "Senior, are you saying that the money was hidden in the cow's belly?"

"It's no accident. Among these porcelains, only this one has traces of sticking."

Tangze glanced at the sculptures placed around the living room and said, "As for the remaining sculptures, I'm afraid they are just to make the method of hiding money less conspicuous.

After all, a single sculpture is quite eye-catching, but if there are all kinds of sculptures in the home, it will be like grass and trees in the forest. "

"Then it won't be too late, I'll submit the application immediately."

After all, there is a difference between searching and destroying other people's things. Even if you suspect that there are stolen goods hidden in them, you still have to follow the procedures.

Of course, because this fraud case involves the pensions of many elderly people, the impact is very bad, and the police still fully support the recovery of the stolen money.

Uye Naoki just made a phone call, and his superiors quickly approved it.

Of course, this is inevitably because of pulling Tang Ze's "tiger skin".

But it was approved by the higher-ups anyway.

Without any scruples, Naoki Kamei directly pushed the sculpture down.

With a crisp sound, the porcelain was broken into pieces, and a large amount of money in a sealed bag was revealed in the belly of the cow.

"Great, I finally found this stolen money." Naoki Uye was not afraid of being cut even though he was wearing gloves. He quickly opened up the fragments and took out a thick stack of banknotes.

"Okay, I've found the things for you, and I'll get off work directly." Tangze took off his gloves and put them in his pocket, then stepped forward to leave.

"Senior, let me treat you to dinner at noon!" Naoki Uyei quickly caught up and said: "Please let me thank you properly!

On the phone just now, after our minister knew that it was you who helped, he specifically told me that I must thank you. "

"Solve this case as soon as possible and send the money back to the victims." Without looking back, Tang Ze waved his hands to avoid the big potholes in the yard and drove away.

In his peaceful daily life, after completing the job for which his younger generation asked for help, Tang Zhe felt like he was working in an ordinary job.

Like the situation in the past, where murders occurred at every turn, this was actually an "abnormality."

But most people don't feel this abnormality, and they even take it for granted.

Of course, although ordinary work can make Tang Ze feel peaceful every day, there are no rewards.

But as a small adjustment in daily work, it is still very good.

After the work was over, Tang Ze did not return to the Metropolitan Police Department, but went home directly.

Since it was still early, Karasawa planned to make the lunch meal more sumptuous.

Previously, in order to thank him for saving "Lupin", Suzuki Jirokichi purchased a lot of high-end ingredients for them and filled the large custom-made refrigerator at home.

Although it can be eaten refrigerated for a long time, it will inevitably lose some of the flavor of the ingredients as time goes by.

In recent times, neither Karasawa nor Ayako has eaten out much, just to deal with these high-end ingredients.

Since there was still plenty of time, Karasawa grilled the veal steak today and made a shrimp pasta as a staple food.

After Ayako came back, the two shared interesting stories about work with each other while eating, took a nap and then continued to work in the afternoon.

But what he never expected was that before he could drive to Kesouyan, he would receive a call from Xiaolan.

Seeing this, Tang Ze's expression condensed and he directly made a call.

"Karasawa Criminal, please save Conan!"

As soon as the call was connected, Xiaolan's anxious cry for help came over.

"Don't worry, tell me what happened in as much detail as possible."

After seeing that the call was from Xiaolan, Tang Ze had a premonition of what was going to happen next, so after hearing Xiaolan's words, he calmly comforted the other party.

"Conan, Conan has been kidnapped..." Xiao Lan said in a panic: "What should I do now... Officer Takagi and the others went after me, but I'm still worried..."

"Oh, you didn't even mention the point, let me come!"

Originally, when Tangze heard Xiaolan's unfocused words, he planned to guide the other party to calmly tell the cause and effect, but at this moment, Yuanzi's words were suddenly heard on the phone.

"Brother-in-law? I am Yuanzi, and we are together today."

After Sonoko briefly recounted the situation, Tang Ze finally understood the cause and effect of the incident.

This morning she made an appointment with Xiaolan to go shopping together. After lunch, they set off for their first destination, "Cream Paradise".

As you can tell from the name, this is a dessert shop, and their most popular item in summer is their Dragon Mountain Sundae.

Today, the store offers half price for elementary school students and their companions.

So Conan was pulled over by Xiaolan and Sonoko as a "discount card", but what they didn't expect was that Conan just went to the bathroom and happened to run into the murderer Takagi Criminal and the others were chasing.

At that time, the fugitive took a little girl hostage and planned to steal a car and escape.

I heard from police officer Chiba that Conan saved the other party, but unfortunately he was caught by the other party and took him into a car to escape.

"Anyway, that's what happened. Please, brother-in-law, please save Conan."

Yuanzi said this with a worried look on his face: "That brat is so capable, I hope he won't anger the prisoner."

"I understand the situation, please rest assured Xiaolan." Tang Ze replied after hearing this: "I will contact Officer Megure and the others immediately to understand the situation."

"Then I'll leave it to you, Tangze Criminal."

Xiaolan's worried voice came from the phone. Tang Ze comforted the other party and hung up the phone.

Although he felt a little solemn in his heart, he actually wasn't worried about Conan's safety.

Dare to kidnap the God of Death's biological son?

I have seen people seeking death, but I have never seen anyone seeking death like this.

To be honest, considering Conan's combat power against one another, it's not certain who will kidnap whom.

He is a weakling, but depending on who his opponents are, two or three ordinary people are really no match for him.

He has a football belt, an anesthesia watch, and a miniature anesthesia machine that he gave him as a spare.

Theoretically speaking, Conan can deal with at least three people. If the opponent is in a room or a relatively narrow space, the football can reflect, so one-to-many is not a problem at all.

Even if Conan knocked the man down later and called the police to finish the matter, Tang Ze would not be surprised at all.

But it has been a while since Conan was kidnapped, and there is still no movement. Tangze speculates that there are two situations.

One is that the prisoner is still racing across the road, and Conan cannot let him go in order to avoid a car accident.

The other is that the criminal is fake and the real murderer is someone else.

Karasawa even speculated that the second option was more likely.

As for why…

Because it was Conan who was kidnapped, there would be no need to develop the plot if he was just a simple kidnapper.

Use the identity of your child to make him relax his vigilance, and then use a hidden anesthetic needle to release the prisoner. Anyone who is not particularly vigilant will most likely fall victim to this trick.

What will make Conan give up this approach is naturally that when he is escaping with the prisoner, he discovers that the prisoner may not be a murderer or is a suspect.

According to Ke Xue's laws, this is more in line with the development of the plot.

Of course, I think so, but I have to do what needs to be done.

After all, with his intervention, this world has begun to become unpredictable. If you didn't look at Kuroba Douko and his deal terms, you asked him to help you prove your innocence.

Obviously, this is also proof that his own influence radiates to those around him.

Just like when you play Galgame, you only have three choices originally, but if you use MOD to add a character, you will naturally have one more choice.

And Tang Ze's appearance gave them one more choice.

For example, when Xiaolan knew that Conan had been kidnapped, she originally chose to definitely contact her father.

But after getting to know Tang Ze, Xiaolan will also take one more action among the original actions.

Therefore, in order to prevent himself from causing a butterfly effect and let Conan take a lunch box to meet his "Daddy Death", Karasawa was still very serious about the rescue.

Regardless of whether it is an unjust case or a kidnapping case, we must first rescue Conan and control the kidnapper.

However, Karasawa was still very calm and did not chase blindly. Instead, he planned to contact Officer Megure first to ask for the prisoner's personal information.

After all, you don’t know what the prisoner looks like. Even if the other person passes by you, you don’t know that the other person is the prisoner, let alone hunting him down.

After a brief and concise conversation, Karasawa hung up the phone, and not long after, he received a multimedia message from Officer Megure.

The first thing that caught my eye was a photo of a man with a long face, dark red hedgehog hair, and purple short-sleeves.

After quickly writing down the prisoner's appearance, he looked at the prisoner's personal information at the bottom of the text message.

Ryosuke Omine, male, 25 years old.

The reason for the kidnapping was that the other party was a major suspect who shot and killed the president of a certain company, Kazumi Onda, in a park in Shibuya last night.

When Omine Ryosuke escaped to the Cupido shopping mall, he kidnapped a little girl and was later rescued by Conan.

But unfortunately Conan became a hostage and was eventually taken away by the other party.

According to the investigation, this Omine Ryosuke is a small gangster who uses the Shinjuku area as his base. He has been arrested twice before for intimidation and violence.

The murdered Onda Kazumi was the president of a large game software company and a successful businessman with an annual income of more than one billion.

However, although the other party is very rich, it is also very stingy. You can often hear rumors that the other party pays its employees too low or is in arrears with the remuneration of its partners.

The reason why the two had a conflict was because Mr. Kaneyama, a friend from the same hometown of Ryosuke Omine, worked there.

After he heard from Mr. Kaneyama how selfish Onda Kazumi was, he became very angry and planned to seek justice and due remuneration for his friend.

Then last night, when the two were confronting each other, Omine Ryosuke tripped because he was too excited. Onda Kazumi wanted to take the opportunity to seize the gun.

However, Omine Ryosuke reacted to stress and accidentally shot Onda directly.

The entire incident was clearly captured by the surveillance cameras in the park, which can be said to be conclusive evidence.

Now the police suspect that the other party has a gun on his person, and Officer Megure specially called attention to Tang Ze to be careful after the text message.

After reading the information, Karasawa was basically certain that this was an unjust case after complaining that the president was a high-ranking professional.

Onda Kazumi was probably not killed by Omine Ryosuke.

As for why Tangze made such a judgment...

As the saying goes, "Smoke never hurts." In cases where Conan is involved, 99% of the crime scenes captured by surveillance cameras have hidden secrets.

After all, if the evidence was conclusive, why would a detective be needed?


1 second remember network:.

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