Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,138 The Secret Attacker

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

Just as Karasawa learned the prisoner's information, Conan was also taken to a building by Omine Ryosuke.

"Go in."

Conan was pushed into the dark room by Ryosuke Ohmine. Ryousuke Ohmine stepped in, closed the door, and turned on the lights in the room.

Conan looked around and found that there was a square wardrobe in this room, which looked like a dressing room.

"Just stay here for the time being." Ryosuke Omine looked down at Conan and said.

"Let me go back, you won't need me anymore." Conan begged pretending to be pitiful, testing the other party's attitude.

"If I let you go back now, you will definitely tell the criminal about me." Ryousuke Omine said angrily.

"I won't tell you." Conan said weakly.

"No, you will definitely say it!" Ryosuke Omine said excitedly.

"Do I look like a whistleblower?" Conan asked weakly.

"It's like that." Ryousuke Omine put his hands in his pockets and looked down at Conan, as if he was getting angry and said firmly.

Conan was speechless at this, and the method of trying to get through by being cute seemed to be unworkable.

Seeing Ryosuke Omine sitting on the wall and resting, Conan's face became serious.

During the previous broadcast, he learned that the prisoner in front of him shot and killed a victim, so Conan did not dare to act rashly for the time being without ruling out that the other party had a gun.

Of course, this is only temporary. Conan is already planning how to escape or even kill the opponent.

And he didn't have to wait too long for this opportunity.

After a short break, Conan saw Omine Ryosuke getting up and starting to fiddle with his phone, as if he wanted to contact someone.

It seemed that there was no signal in this room. After Omine Ryousuke stood up, he held up his mobile phone and started walking around, as if he wanted to see where there was a signal.

Seeing this, Conan immediately realized that this was a good opportunity.

Seeing that the other party was concentrating on receiving the signal, Conan quietly stood up and pounced decisively.

"How scary!!"

Pretending to be scared, Conan went over and hugged Ryousuke Omine's waist, and then started groping back and forth on the other person's waist.

"Wait, what are you doing!" Omine Ryousuke held up his mobile phone and looked at Conan who was hugging him irritably and asked.

"There are rats over there!" Conan excused himself with the excuse he had prepared.

"Don't talk nonsense, how can there be rats in a place like this!" Omine Ryosuke asked dissatisfiedly.

But Conan on the side paid no attention to the other party, but continued to fumble with his hands up and down the other party's waist.

"What are you doing, you're so disgusting." Ryousuke Omine felt something like being tickled and couldn't help but said irritably.

"Since you don't have a gun..."

After Conan confirmed that Omine Ryousuke did not have a firearm, he took advantage of the other party's unpreparedness and stepped on his feet.

"Ah!!" With their fingers linked to their hearts, Omine Ryosuke screamed like a reflex after being stepped on by Conan.

And Conan took advantage of this opportunity,

He immediately opened the door and ran away with his short legs.

But just as he ran to the stairs before he could find them, the lights in the building suddenly went out.

"Da da…"

With the sound of the heels and the ground, Conan immediately realized that there was a third person in the building!


The cold mechanical sound echoed in the corridor, and Conan immediately realized that it was the sound of the pistol opening the safety.

Just when Conan realized something was wrong and subconsciously prepared to take evasive action, he felt a force pushing him down to the ground, and the next moment there was a gunshot in the dark corridor.

"Go this way!"

Omine Ryosuke immediately pulled Conan up, and the two turned and ran back.


Another gunshot was heard in the dark corridor, but fortunately the shot missed due to sight problems.

But even so, the paint can that fell next to him almost hit Conan, which made him feel a strong sense of danger.

"I remember this room." The two of them ran away to a door, and Ryosuke Ohmine took out a bunch of keys.

"Why do you have so many keys?" Conan asked strangely.

"Now is not the time to talk about this!" Omine Ryosuke's tone was painful, and he reached for the key to unlock the door.


A gunshot rang out again, causing the two men to duck subconsciously, but fortunately the prisoner turned off the lights in order to hide his identity, and the shot missed again.

But because the two stopped, the shot even missed the gap between the two standing.

It can be said that it was a complete brush with death!

And just as Omine Ryosuke opened the door, the attacker in the darkness seemed to have taken aim.

However, Omine Ryosuke and Conan were still unaware of this, and they just opened the door in a panic and planned to enter.

Everything seemed to be too late, as if both of them would die in the next moment.


The next moment gunfire rang out again, even Conan subconsciously closed his eyes and shrank as a reflex.

Obviously, even Conan knew that the danger of this second shot was definitely much greater than the previous one.

And the two of them could only place their lives on that illusory luck.

But this time the sound was different from the previous times. It was not as sharp as before, but rather muffled.

And in the moment after the gunshot, something seemed to break, and it sounded like something like iron falling.

And Conan, a person with an absolute sense of pitch, naturally heard this sound that was different from the previous gunshots.

"What are you doing standing there, you are risking your life!" Just as Conan was thinking in a daze, Omine Ryosuke and pulled him into the room.

After closing the door and locking it, Omine Ryousuke breathed a sigh of relief.

Because the warehouse has windows, you can see your surroundings clearly without turning on the lights.

Conan looked around and looked at the room and found that it was a warehouse filled with various sundries.

"Great, I remembered it correctly." Ryousuke Omine looked at the window of the warehouse and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief: "Now we can escape."

When Conan heard this, he subconsciously looked at the other person, but he couldn't help but was startled when he found blood flowing out of Omine Ryosuke's left arm.

Recalling the previous scene, it was obvious that the other party was shot to save him when the prisoner fired the first shot.

Realizing this, Conan's defensive eyes softened a little.

The two climbed out of the warehouse window and came to a shady alley where various large garbage was piled.

There are various wooden boxes placed here, and they are stacked very high, which is convenient for the two of them to hide in them.

"Do you know the attacker just now?" Conan and Ryosuke Ohrine each leaned against a wall and looked at each other and asked.

"How could we possibly know each other?" Omine Ryousuke said irritably: "It's just inexplicable to have a part-time job!"

"Then who is he and how did he know we were there."

Conan continued to ask: "Obviously the criminals didn't find him, but he was able to find him, and he even shot at us. Do you have any guesses?"

"How do I know, don't ask me!" Listening to Conan's continuous questions, a guy like Ohmine Ryosuke said angrily.

The two were silent for a moment, and Omine Ryosuke looked at the warehouse next to him. After hearing the banging on the door disappear, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that the guy gave up."

On the contrary, Conan looked serious.

'To give up so decisively, it seems that the attacker is an acquaintance of his, or...

And that last sound just now... seems...'

Just as Conan was pondering, footsteps came from the alley nearby. He reflexively looked towards the source of the sound and found Takagi and Chiba walking forward with serious faces.

"Why don't you say anything?"

On the side, Omine Ryosuke looked at Conan who was hiding behind the box and peeked out with only a little head, and asked curiously: "Were the two who just passed by criminals?"


Seeing Conan's dazed expression, Ryousuke Omine said, "Have you forgotten that you are a hostage?

If you see a criminal, you should shout for help! "

"Really?" Conan glanced at Chiba and the two people walking past, but had no reaction.

"Most people are like that!" Ryousuke Omine complained speechlessly.

"Then why did you save me even if you were injured?" Conan asked, "Obviously you can just escape by yourself."

"That seems to be the case..." Ryosuke Omine said in shock.

"Most people are like that, right?" Conan returned what he said before.

The incompetent kidnapper and the incompetent hostage stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes at this moment.

Kidnapper: Aren't you a hostage? It’s a bit of a hostage’s professional ethics!

Hostage: Aren’t you a kidnapper? He has the professional qualities of a kidnapper!

Both guys, who were not very skilled in the business, finally fell silent, but the atmosphere in the silence was not serious at all, and it was not even possible to tell that it was the fatal relationship between the kidnapper and the hostage.

This is perhaps the most bizarre kidnapper and hostage.

"Speaking of which, big brother, are you really a murderer?"

The two were silent for a moment in this delicate atmosphere, and Conan asked about the doubts in his heart.

Faced with Conan's question, Omine Ryosuke became a little crazy and said: "Even I, the shooter, said this!! Is it possible that I am wrong?!"

Although Omine Ryosuke's voice was kept low because he was worried about the two criminals who had passed by him before, he could still tell that the other party was going crazy.

"But I also think you are not that kind of person." Conan expressed doubts about this.

After thinking about it, he climbed directly next to Ryosuke Omine and said, " Lend me your cell phone."

"What?" Ryosuke Omine was stunned.

"Hurry up!" Conan urged.

Omine Ryosuke sighed, and immediately took out his cell phone from his trouser pocket and handed it to Conan.

Conan first looked at the text messages and found that one was sent to him by Momoko Kamiya, and the second one was Kanayama Joichi.

After silently writing down their names, Conan pressed the keyboard skillfully and dialed Tang Ze's number.


When Tang Ze received the unknown phone call, he was not surprised at all when he heard Conan's voice coming from the other side. He was only happy that the other party was safe.

However, Conan spoke quickly on the phone. After informing him of his location, he urged him to come quickly and refused to let him notify other criminals.

Although he wondered why the other party asked him to come alone, Conan hung up the phone without giving him a chance to continue asking questions.

After thinking about it, Tang Ze decided to do as the other party asked. After all, there was no time to contact him again, so it was better to see what was going on with his own eyes.

Chiba and others had chased him all the way before and found the car stolen by the prisoner abandoned nearby.

So after receiving the news, Karasawa has basically arrived at the location of Conan and others. It was only five minutes away.

When he came to the alley that Conan mentioned, he found that both Conan and the prisoner were hiding here, and the other party was still awake.

"What's going on?" Tang Ze looked at Conan and asked in surprise.

He thought that Conan had subdued the prisoner when he called him, but now it seemed that he was helping the prisoner escape?

Ask the criminal to help the prisoner escape?

This operation really fascinated Tang Ze.

However, when Karasawa saw Omine Ryosuke standing up with his arms covered with blood stains, his eyes narrowed but he did not stop him from getting into the car.

"Anyway, let's go out first. We'll talk about it later." Conan said immediately after getting in the car.

"Okay." Tang Ze nodded, started the car and quickly drove out of the alley, heading towards Dr. A Li's house.

As for Ryosuke Omine in the back?

He had already used his super-smell sense before, and the other party did not carry a gun.

In this case, Tangze didn't have the slightest worry. Even if a gangster was in the car, he could easily defeat him.

However, Omine Ryosuke was quite honest along the way, and after arriving at Dr. Agasa's house, the Miyano sisters and Dr. Agasa were relatively calm because they had told the situation in advance.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Ryosuke Omine walked to Dr. Ali's house and it was still a little unreal.

Especially when he saw a young woman carrying a medical kit, and the little girl beside her asked him to pull up her clothes with a cold face, uu Kanshu couldn't help but ask in the end.

"I'm a murderer, and I kidnapped that kid!"

"I don't know why Conan-kun wants to help you, but since it is his decision, there is his reason." Miyano Akemi said with a smile as she poured alcohol onto the gauze.

"And don't be too self-righteous. With Tangze Criminal here, even if there are 10 of you, it won't be enough for him to fight by himself." Haiyuan was helping his sister and glanced at him.

"Criminal?" After Omine Ryosuke heard Haibara's words, he subconsciously looked at Karasawa and wanted to get up and run away.

But the next moment, because of his standing up, the wound was pressed against the gauze full of alcohol, causing him to take in a breath of cold air.

"You should just sit down and recuperate. I didn't arrest you before, and I certainly won't arrest you now."

Karasawa crossed his arms and walked up to Omine Ryosuke: "If I'm not mistaken, this is a gunshot wound, right?

It seems that there is another hidden story in this case. This should be the reason why you are willing to help him, right? "

At this point, Tang Ze looked at Conan: "Tell me more details?"

"Originally, I planned to escape, but I didn't expect that I was suddenly attacked by unknown people." Conan nodded and immediately started to talk about the previous attacks on them.


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