Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,139 Blank Ammo

After hearing Conan tell the whole story of the attack, Tang Ze couldn't help but sigh that the little gangster in front of him was lucky.

To put it simply, the road is getting wider.

You must know that Conan is the biological son of the God of Death, and Omine Ryousuke saved him before and turned the road of death into a way of survival.

Even when the gun exploded, he extremely suspected that it was the blessing of the "god of death's constitution".

And if you win the favor of Death, then you will be blessed.

Of course, when Conan heard about the various behaviors of the two after they escaped, even Haiyuan on the side couldn't help but complain: "You two are really incompetent kidnappers and hostages."

"Haha..." Conan scratched his head and smiled awkwardly after hearing this: "Mainly, I don't think he is a bad person, and the person before suddenly chased us, which also made me a little suspicious..."

"If I guess correctly, the gunshot you heard should have been an explosion."

Tang Ze said from the side: "If that gun is a low-quality and counterfeit gun, and the quality is not up to standard, there is a possibility of exploding the chamber."

"Then, if we can find the fragments, maybe we can identify the murderer based on the blood stains on them?" Conan perked up after hearing this and said, "Since the chamber was exploded, the prisoner's hands must also be injured."

"I will contact Yueshui later and ask her to investigate. I hope I can gain something."

The reason why he did not contact Takagi and the others was because Koshizui Nanatsuki was his direct subordinate, so he naturally had no scruples about using them.

There is a layer between them like Takagi. When encountering something like this, it is inevitable that they will be a little helpless.

"By the way, you should also tell Xiaolan that she is safe." Tang Ze looked at Conan and said, "She must be worried."

"I have asked Haiyuan to contact me before."

Conan smiled and said: "I asked Haiyuan to tell Xiaolan that you discovered that there may be a hidden secret in the case, and don't tell the police about it yet, so as not to alert the real culprit.

And I will cooperate with you and act with you for the time being. "

"Pull me as a shield again." Tang Ze glanced at Conan and said nothing in the end.

He felt that he knew this, and when he didn't know it, the other party probably used him as a shield to avoid some difficult-to-answer questions.

While the two were talking, Miyano Akemi on the side also helped Omine Ryosuke bandage up.

"Thank you very much, but I still have to escape Tokyo."

After the wound was treated, Omine Ryosuke stood up and looked at Karasawa with a wary expression: "Although I don't know what your plan is, let's go our separate ways now."

"You're just running away like that. Aren't you afraid that the guy who's chasing you will come to your door and give you a shot in the head?"

Karasawa stepped forward and came behind Omine Ryousuke before he could react: "Besides, who gave you the confidence to think you can escape in front of me."

"You..." Ryousuke Omine felt the huge pressure behind him and did not dare to move for a while.

He really felt the tremendous pressure from the man behind him.

"Tangze Criminal can really beat ten of them. You'd better not mess around." Conan kindly reminded: "Otherwise, your injuries will be in vain."

"You cunning little brat, I've really been fooled by you!" Upon hearing Conan's words, Omine Ryousuke was furious.

"You misunderstood, I didn't mean to threaten you." Conan waved his hands repeatedly after hearing this: "Otherwise, I will call Takagi Criminal and they arrest you.

Since I called Tangze Criminal, I naturally wanted to help you. "

"Help me?" Ryousuke Omine asked dissatisfied: "How can you help me? Send me to prison!?"

"Then it depends on whether you kill anyone or not." Conan looked at Ryousuke Omine with a smile and asked, "By the way, did you have the gun before?"

"That's what I bought on the Internet." Omine Ryousuke said in frustration: "The seller clearly told me that it was a blank."

"Huh? Blank bullets." Tang Ze's eyes narrowed when he heard this: "Are you sure?"


Omine Ryosuke nodded and replied honestly: "What I bought was a gun that was remodeled by a gun enthusiast and sold on the Internet.

Although it is said to be a gun, logically speaking, there is no way to actually fire it..."

"But when you fired the gun, you found out there were real bullets inside?"

Seeing Ryosuke Omine nodding, Conan couldn't help but continue to ask: "Then what did you do with that gun?"

"I threw it away." Ryousuke Omine replied in a depressed mood: "I found out that he was dead at that time. I felt that I had caused a big trouble, so I ran to a building and threw the gun up."

"It seems that there has been no news about the found guns." Dr. A Li said from the side.

"I haven't received any information about the murder weapon either."

Seeing Conan turn to look at him, Karasawa shook his head and said, "When Officer Megure told me about the case, he reminded me that Ryosuke Ohmine was carrying a gun and asked me to be careful.

Obviously, the police did not know that Omine Ryosuke had thrown away the firearm. "

"It seems that Mr. Daling is probably being used secretly."

Conan heard this and said, "If we can find that gun, we can prove your innocence, Daling."

"It's up to you." Ryosuke Omine looked like he was at your mercy. Apparently, his failure to escape made him choose to die.

But after all this time, being kidnapped and attacked, after tying up the wounds of Ryosuke Ohrine, everyone had a hasty dinner, and then drove to the building where Ryosuke Ohmine abandoned his gun.

"When you threw the gun, did you hear a crash or something?"

After the three people got out of the car, Karasawa looked at Ryosuke Omine and asked him about the situation of the other party throwing the gun.

"It seemed like there was a sound of hitting something, and then it fell to the ground." Ryosuke Omine recalled hearing this.

"If that's the case, it's likely that you hit the wall of the building when you threw the gun."

Speaking of this, Conan and Karasawa each turned on the flashlights of their watches, and began to check the surrounding situation with Karasawa.

The whole building was not very large, and Omine Ryosuke probably remembered which direction he came from. Karasawa and the two searched a wall and soon found new traces on the wall.

"It shouldn't bounce too far when it hits that side." Tang Ze made an estimate and said, "Let's go inside the wall and have a look."

The place where Ryosuke Omine threw it was covered by a wall. The slogan was to repair the ground near the building.

The three of them walked around and entered the iron corridor.

The nearly five to six meters of ground was obviously not repaired yet, and it was still covered with mud.

When Tang Ze and others walked in to check, they found many footprints on the ground.

Tangze took a closer look at the patterns on the shoe prints and found that although the footprints were messy, they were traces of the same person who kept wandering back here.

"If I was really framed, then the criminal must have followed me and recovered the gun." Ryosuke Omine said dejectedly: "You can see the end of this place at a glance, there is nothing."

"That's not necessarily the case." Tang Ze looked at the rectangular iron box protruding from the top of the building with an intriguing expression.

Because Tang Ze had a criminal certificate, he easily found the doorman and asked him to take the three of them to the rooftop of the building.

But what makes people think is that this doorman is also a fan of Mouri Kogoro. He keeps asking Tang Ze if he has met Mouri Kogoro, which makes Tang Ze very annoyed. ,

In the end, Tang Ze said a few words to him with a straight face, and then he calmed down.

At the same time, Tang Ze was secretly relieved. He was really afraid that this was his fan, and he might be entangled even more.

"This should be a glass cleaning machine, right?" Tang Ze looked at a container-like machine on the rooftop and asked.

"This should move back and forth along the window trajectory set in the building for cleaning." Conan looked at the doorman and asked, "Is it fully automatic?"

"Yes, it runs automatically according to the set time." The guard on the side nodded.

"Did you know that you cleaned the windows again last night?" Tang Ze asked.

"Of course, what I said yesterday was the window near the alley."

The doorman nodded and explained: "If you wipe it during the day, the cleaning agent will remain and may affect the workers in the building, so it will be done at night.

Moreover, the detergent will also line up on the road and affect traffic. If you do it at night, you don't have to worry about it. It will always be done overnight. "

"The reason why the unimproved land is so muddy is because of the detergent." Tangze suddenly said.

"Without further ado, let's look for it quickly." Conan said and hurried towards the cleaning machine.

They say they are searching, but in fact the machine only covers that much space. Tang Ze and others are just trying to verify their ideas.

Soon, they found the gun thrown by Ryosuke Omine.

"You're really lucky. It was thrown up here. If the guys who secretly attacked you find it, I'm afraid you won't be able to prove your innocence."

Tangze picked up the revolver with white gloves, opened the magazine, took out a bullet, identified it and said: "Although it has not been opened to confirm, it is basically a blank cartridge."

"So, I didn't kill anyone?!" Ryousuke Omine heard this and said excitedly: "Did the murderer marry me!"

"I'm afraid that's right."

Conan nodded and said, "The real criminal should have been hiding somewhere behind you at that time.

The moment you fired the blank bullet, you shot and killed Onda Kazumi. "

"Damn it, who is it!" Omine Ryousuke heard this and said angrily: "Who framed me!"

"Then it depends on who has the motive to kill Onda Kazumi."

When Karasawa said this, he looked at Ryosuke Omine and said, "Your murder suspicion can basically be cleared. Follow me back to the Metropolitan Police Department.

What we need to investigate next is the guy who framed you, and you may need to provide more information. "

"I understand." Ryousuke Omine nodded, but did not resist again.

He ran away because the crime of murder was too serious. If he was caught, he would be punished for the rest of his life. He might even be sentenced to death for betrayal.

But if he was framed, even though a series of subsequent escapes would land him in jail, at least he would still have a chance to change his ways and start a new life.

For someone like him who entered the palace for the second time, this was nothing.

Therefore, Omine Ryosuke basically did not need to weigh the pros and cons and followed Karasawa directly back to the Metropolitan Police Department.

On the way, Karasawa also told Officer Megure and others about the situation, and hurried over after learning that Omine Ryosuke had surrendered.

Xiaolan and Mouri Kogoro also came to the Metropolitan Police Department because they were worried about Conan's safety.

After that, Tangze told everyone what he had discovered.

"So, the person who had a grudge against the deceased was probably the culprit who framed Ryosuke Omine and killed Kazumi Onda?"

After hearing all the ins and outs, Officer Megure looked at Takagi and the others with a solemn face and said, "You should immediately start investigating the deceased's relationship network to see who has conflicts with the deceased and who has a motive for the murder."

"Hmph, there's no need to bother Officer Megure so much."

Mouri Kogoro on the side stopped Officer Megure's order. He straightened his tie with a proud look on his face: "As for the suspects who had the motive to kill the deceased, I visited and investigated during the day today."

"Oh? Then tell me quickly." Officer Mu Mu was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly urged.

"Ahem, then I will tell you the results of my investigation." Mouri Kogoro pretended to be serious and talked about the suspects he investigated.

The first is Kaneyama Joichi, who triggered the dispute in this case. Although he is only 24 years old, he is a talented designer who has developed many games.

The games he designed brought great benefits to the company, but he himself only had a meager salary. This was the conflict between him and the deceased.

The second one is Momoko Kamimiya. She and Joichi Kaneyama were not only colleagues in the company but also lovers, and Ryosuke Ohmine also had a crush on her.

It was she who told Ryosuke Omine about the gun sales website, which gave him the idea of ​​selling guns.

In addition, she is now in a lover relationship with the deceased.

As for the last one, he is the vice president Satoshi Kanda. Because of the power struggle, he is always suppressed by the deceased.

"Hmm... are these three people among these three..."

Officer Memu touched his chin and said, "Then we will allocate a number of targets for investigation today, and we will investigate each of them clearly tomorrow!"

"No need to bother!"

At this moment, Koshimizu Nanatsuki came in from outside with an evidence bag: "I have found it here, and I can confirm the evidence of the prisoner!"

"Crossing the water?" Officer Memu saw the evidence bag in the other party's hand, then turned to look at Tang Ze and said, "Did you arrange this?"

"Well, when Conan and the others were attacked by unknown persons, the last shot heard a different sound than the previous shots."

Tang Ze nodded and said: "I previously suspected that the prisoner bought a low-quality imitation pistol, and the chamber exploded due to continuous shooting.

After that, I contacted Yueshui and asked her to take people from the scientific search and research team to that building to look for evidence.

Now it seems that it has been found. "

"Here, the bloody gun fragments." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile: "With this, we can easily identify the prisoner."

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