Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1141 National Mr. Island Contest

The hacking technology obtained in this lottery can be said to have made up for Tangze's shortcomings at once.

Now that he has mastered B-level hacking skills, coupled with AI assistance, Tangze is confident that he can develop A-level hacking abilities.

If he encounters a prisoner who uses the Internet to make a monster later, Tang Ze will let him know why the flowers are so popular.

After getting good things from the previous draws, Tang Ze did not choose to accept the skills and knowledge gained from these two draws, but planned to take advantage of his luck to make two more draws.

Without any hesitation, Tang Zehao fired two more shots in succession, but it seemed that the first two shots had exhausted all his luck, and the last two shots were really unsatisfactory.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the prop: Healthy Tea]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Flower Cuisine (2 years)]

When he saw the name of this prop, Tangze still held out hope, saying that it might be a prop with special functions, but the name was a bit bad.

But after reading the introduction of the props, he understood.

This thing is completely a health product, it can be said to be a blood loss!

As for the second prop, it goes without saying that although it is a good thing that his cooking skills have improved, it is exactly what Tangze needs the least.

You must know that because he and Ayako often cook at home, and cooking is also a way for him to adjust his mentality.

During this period of time, he obviously did not develop the skill of flower cultivation, but his flower cultivation skill also moved from the original C level (9 years) to B level (13 years).

This speed increased so fast that Karasawa began to wonder if he had gone to the wrong set and should be playing "Shokuji" with Yukihira and the others.

Although this lottery made his skills reach A level (15 years), Tang Ze still felt that he was at a loss.

Thinking about how many times his investigative skills have reached S level, he has won so many prizes and experienced so many cases before he has improved so quickly.

This skill is only used for cooking, and I have never even had a "Shikoku" duel. It is ridiculous that it can improve so quickly.

But that's how the lottery is. One thought of heaven and one thought of hell. When the dust settles, no one will regret it.

It can be said that he made a lot of money in the first two rounds, but after the last two rounds, Tangze turned into a slight loss.

After all, airplane piloting is still not as good as hacking skills, and he is in the first echelon of skills he needs.

Looking at the last shot left, Tangze hesitated for a moment, drove the two people who were chatting happily out, and received the skills and knowledge obtained from the previous lottery in his office.

Tang Ze is already familiar with receiving this knowledge, but after all, the quantity is here, and Tang Ze also spent two hours to sort it out initially.

Seeing that it was almost time to get off work, Tang Ze opened the panel and decisively chose the last draw!

Watching the turntable on the panel start to rotate, and finally a message popped up, Tangze immediately checked it.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill card: Theft (2 years)]

Seeing this, Tang Ze couldn't help but sigh.

Although this is a professional skill of the Phantom Thief, there is always a psychological gap when betting on dogs.

I lost money twice before and always wanted to make money again, but this time it was obviously just a small profit.

Generally speaking, there are losses and losses in the five draws, but if you can draw hacking skills, you will never lose.

Instead of choosing to receive the skill, Tangze stood up, stretched his muscles, and then got up and took the elevator to the underground parking lot to go home.

After returning home, Karasawa contacted Ayako and found out that she was already on her way home. She opened the refrigerator and started picking out ingredients.

Plan for him to cook Chinese food today.

After all, I got this skill in the lottery today, and I learned a few more dishes in it, so why don't I give it a try.

Because it was evening, Tangze did not cook a big fish or meat dish, but chose a dish of Longjing shrimps as the main dish, and the rest were all new vegetarian dishes.

Phnom Penh cabbage, dry stir-fried beans…

Although they were all simple ingredients, when Karasawa tasted them, he noticed a completely different difference from before.

‘Should I say it’s an A-level skill? Sure enough, there will be step-by-step changes after the breakthrough. ’

Karasawa raised his eyebrows. When the last of the three dishes was served, Ayako returned home just as Karasawa calculated.

"I'm back." Tang Ze took out Longjing shrimps from the kitchen and placed them on the dining table: "I just finished cooking here."

"I'm going to change clothes, and I'll come over for dinner later." Ayako took off her shoes and trotted towards the bedroom.

"Don't worry, it's hot now. It doesn't matter if it cools down for a while before eating." Karasawa shouted, indicating that Ayako didn't have to be in such a hurry.

After shouting, Karasawa brought out the white fungus soup and turned up the temperature of the air conditioner to prevent Ayako from catching the cold wind when she came back from outside.

When Ayako finished packing and tasted Karasawa's cooking today, she couldn't help but her eyes lit up: "It's delicious. I think your cooking skills have improved again."

"I feel the same way." Tang Ze nodded and smiled: "It seems to be doing better than before."

"You are not modest at all." Ayako couldn't help but smile when she heard this: "But this time you told the truth. I like the cooking this time."

"As long as you like it." Tang Ze smiled and said, "I'll make something else next time."

"Then I'm looking forward to it."

The two of them ate very slowly. Although they saw each other every day, they always had endless things to talk about when they were together.

Even though those are just trivial hours, the desire to share is the most precious thing among them.

If one day you meet your partner who is willing to share all the trivial matters in life with you, please cherish it.

Because the other person is not bored or gossiping.

She just wants to share with you everything she goes through when you are not around.

The days at work are dull and uneventful, and the same goes for evenings after dinner.

Although this is your own leisure time, because the time is too short, many activities cannot be carried out.

So after eating and resting for half an hour, the two chose the most common activity of spreading.

However, the two of them lingered in front of the house for less than half an hour before they started running home.

"It was so hot and there was no wind at all."

Feeling the cool breeze gradually blowing through the entire living room, Ayako let out a sigh of relief, with a look of comfort on her face.

"It's better not to go for a walk these days. It's probably the hottest time of summer these days." Tang Ze said as he walked into the bathroom: "I'm going to take a shower first."

"Okay, I'll go there later." Ayako nodded.

After the two of them took turns to wash up, they piled on the sofa and started watching TV.

In the world of Kexue, the most famous one with the best programs is Rimai Radio.

Ayako also liked watching their programs, so the two of them lay on the sofa and watched programs on Japanese radio.

Tonight is a workplace drama. Ayako has been following it for several days, and Karasawa has also finished following it.

How should I put it, he wasn't very interested in this drama originally, but this drama is really exciting, and it doesn't have the silly plot of falling in love under the guise of a workplace drama.

Not only are the male protagonist and female protagonist of this workplace drama not in love, but they are fighting each other tit for tat.

But the reason why the two are the male and female protagonists is because there is a bit of sweetness in the fight between the two, and there is a feeling of happy enemies.

For example, in this episode, the male and female protagonists compete for a management position, and the two are so fiercely competitive.

But because of this, another second female lead in the company used a beauty trap to get her way.

Then the second female lead began to crazily suppress the two of them, and then in the last episode broadcast today, the two reached an agreement for the first time to join forces to "fight the dragon" together, vowing to fight tooth for tooth and eye for eye.

Kind of like Naoki Hansawa.

Then the plot ended here. The two people were heartbroken because of the fragmented situation, but they had no choice but to look forward to tomorrow's update.

"There should be a singing show next, right?" Karasawa looked at Ayako and said, "Do you want to continue watching?"

"Look at today's guests. If you like any of them, listen to the song and then go to bed." Ayako stood up and poured a glass of water.

Tangze nodded and did not change the channel, but waited for the TV station's advertisement to pass.

However, after two commercials were played, a program preview appeared.

"In two days, Radio Japan will hold the National Mr. Kojima Contest!"

“If you are a qualified candidate, you are welcome to participate!”

"The show will be held in two days. Everyone is welcome to watch the Mr. Kojima Competition!"

"This show..." Ayako complained as she watched the performance on TV: "Can it really attract an audience?"

"It seems that a group of people named Xiaodao were called together to compete?" Karasawa looked weird as he watched the program continue to be broadcast on the TV.

This seems to be the beginning of a case?

Although he did not recall this case at first, after watching this variety show, Tang Ze recalled it somewhat.

The main reason is that this case is different from ordinary cases and involves a special "supporting role".

That is Genta Kojima's father.

Sometimes memory is like this. You may not be able to remember it just by using your brain to recall it.

But if it reaches the environment in memory, or receives signals from the outside world, the brain can easily recall the sleeping memory.

And Karasawa is like this now. When he saw this familiar "Mr. Kojima Contest", he immediately recalled another case in which Moto Kojima's father was a suspect.

Among the many cases, this case is not very impressive, but after all, with Father Yuan Tai here, it has some characteristics compared to those cookie-cutter cases.

Of course, it is just a conjecture now, and further verification is needed later.

And even if the case is confirmed, it is not the end, on the contrary, it is just the beginning.

After all, he only wanted to remember the case, but he didn't remember the plot of the case at all, so there were still many areas that needed to be investigated in the future.

Just confirming the scene of the crime is not enough. If you want to prevent the case from happening and eliminate the threat of the murderer in advance, further investigation is required.

This may be difficult for ordinary detectives, but for criminals this is indeed a simple matter.

After all, detectives rely on individuals, and all information needs to be investigated by oneself.

The criminal investigation relies on groups and official endorsement, so basic information can be easily investigated.

So Tangze didn't feel pressed for time.

If it is confirmed that Genta's father is indeed participating in this show, then there are still two days before the competition, which is enough for Tang Ze to handle everything.

Having made up his mind, Tang Ze stopped thinking about the matter. After all, there is nothing you can do right now even if you think about it, you might as well wait for things to develop.

Holding Ayako in their arms, the two continued to watch the variety show. Yoko Okino was not present in this chorus competition, but her former teammate Kaoru Kusano did perform on the stage.

Although the other party has now transformed into an actor, he is still from an idol group after all. The song he sang is quite good, and he won second place in the end.

After watching this variety show, it was time to go to bed. The two of them turned up the temperature of the air conditioner and fell asleep peacefully.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Karasawa did not sit idle after arriving at the office. Instead, he investigated the background of the "Mr. Kojima Contest" program.

Although Yuantai has not yet confirmed whether it is this case, there is no hindrance in investigating it in advance.

They were all old acquaintances with Rimai Radio. Tangze said hello to Sihuayuan, and it didn't take long for him to get information about the case.

In fact, to be honest at the beginning, Rimai Radio did not have this program, but Nai He, the boss who planned this case, gave him too much.

Not only that, the rewards of this competition are also very generous. In addition to 10 million in cash, there is also a hanging scroll of Master Shanxiu and a picture of a wild boar.

Master Shanxiu is famous for his ink paintings, and his hanging scrolls are very valuable.

Especially the picture that was given as a reward, although it was initially thought to be a casual copy of the flower card pattern by the other party.

But when the hanging scrolls of deer and butterflies painted by Shanxiu were discovered one after another, the prices naturally increased.

Because this is a set of combination paintings of "pig, deer and butterfly", which represents auspiciousness.

A single painting on site costs almost 50 million, and the little cash is nothing compared to that.

In fact, the reason why this set of "Pig, Deer and Butterfly" is so valuable is because of a legend circulating in the business world.

Back then, a young industrialist purchased three "Pig, Deer, and Butterfly" hanging scrolls at a very low price. Since then, his business has been booming and he has made a lot of money.

After that, the news about him buying paintings spread, and eventually such a legend emerged.

The owner of this painting is Kojima Gonsaku, the owner of the Kojima Group, and the sponsor of this "Mr. Kojima Contest".

This small island group is still very powerful. It owns many railways and daily necessities stores. It can be said to be an established consortium.

The reason why he was willing to take out the paintings was because the two paintings "Deer" and "Dish" were lost, and there was no point in keeping only one, so he took them out as prizes.

This information was not difficult to obtain. Sihuayuan asked the familiar staff of Rimai Radio to find out most of it. As for the ones spread in the business world, his own connections were enough to find out.

. : The first updated exciting novel is 3w,00shu. c-c must be saved to favorites.

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