Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,142 Begin the layout

After all, what Tang Ze wanted to inquire about was not some secret information. After asking Sihuayuan, the other party quickly recounted the information to Tang Ze.

After listening to the rumors from Sihuayuan, Tangze deeply suspected that the three hanging scroll paintings of "Pig, Deer and Butterfly" might be the background or origin of this case.

According to the information obtained, the other two paintings by Kojima Gonzu were lost, and the only remaining painting was taken out by the other party as a prize for this competition.

If I taste it carefully, I always feel that there is something fishy in it.

Of course, regarding the hidden secrets involved, Tangze planned to investigate after confirming whether it was the case in his memory.

After all, he had already spent the whole morning inquiring and sorting out the information. After lunch, it was almost time to get out of school at Didan Elementary School, so he had to go over and confirm with Yuantai.

In addition, investigating the loss of the two paintings is not just a matter of words. You need to go to the Metropolitan Police Department to investigate the relevant theft information.

If there is no record, he may have to visit Kojima Gonsaku in person, which is naturally not as easy as talking about it now.

So he planned to conduct follow-up investigations after confirming that this was the case in his mind.

After planning his subsequent itinerary, Tangze took a rest for an hour after lunch and then drove to Didan Elementary School.

Because he had calculated the distance and the time when Didan Elementary School was out, Tang Ze parked the car at the school gate and waited for a while, then saw the elementary school students swarming out.

There were many parents picking up students around, but Tang Ze stood among them, not conspicuously.

After the first wave of students had almost left, Tang Ze saw the five little ones walking out leisurely.

Waved towards the campus, the three children immediately ran over excitedly when they saw Tang Ze.

Conan and Haiyuan were still walking leisurely, following behind the three of them.

"Tangze Criminal, why are you here!"

"Is there any case?"

"Do you need our help?"

After getting to Karasawa's side, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi began to ask questions one after another.

Looking at their excited looks, they obviously wanted to get involved in the case.

"It's impossible no matter how you think about it." Conan smiled helplessly after hearing the words of the three little ones from behind: "I can't think of a scenario where Tangze Criminal needs their help."

"Well, isn't that what children are like?"

Haiyuan smiled and said, "But it's a bit unusual for Tangze Criminal Society to come here.

I just don't know what the purpose of his coming here is, I just hope it's nothing troublesome. "

The two of them were talking as they walked towards Tang Ze and the others. At this moment, Tang Ze saw the two approaching and smiled and waved.

"Hey, Tang Ze Criminal, why did you come here all the time?"

Mitsuhiko looked a little excited and said, "Is there any case near the school? We can help you find out!"

"Just leave it to our young detective team!" Ayumi also nodded in agreement: "We will definitely handle it beautifully for you."

"No, no, I just came here to inquire about one thing."

Tangze waved his hand and said with a smile: "I found out about this when I heard others chatting on the road, and I think Yuantai may know more.

It happens to be not far from your school, so I stopped by to ask. "


Yuantai didn't expect that Tangze would come specifically to find him, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

As for the two little ones next to them, they also looked at Yuantai blankly. They didn't know why Yuantai had done something that made Tangze come over to ask.

"Is such that..."

Since Tang Ze came to ask questions, he naturally made up a suitable reason.

So he pretended that he didn't see what happened on yesterday's show, and he didn't conduct any investigation in the morning. He just heard it next to him, so he came to inquire about it.

"Tangze Criminal, your guess is really accurate. My father did participate in this competition!"

After hearing Tang Ze's intention, Genta put his hands on his hips and said proudly: "Dad will definitely win the championship in Mr. Kojima Competition!"

"I wonder if you've heard about the prizes on the show?"

After hearing Genta's words, Tangze was sure that this was the case in his mind, but he still asked about it according to the previous topic.

"It's Master Shanxiu's wild boar hanging scroll." Conan heard this and said, "You ask this, does it have anything to do with the case you are investigating?"

"You're really sharp."

Karasawa glanced at Conan and smiled: "Yes, I have the impression that this picture is in the hands of Kojima Quanzuo of the Kojima Group, and the other two pictures representing the "Pig Deer Butterfly" are lost.

It would be somewhat intriguing if Kojima Gonsaku did not transfer the painting and held a "Mr. Kojima" competition and offered this work as a prize. "

"You mean..."

Seeing Tang Ze nod, Conan already understood what Tang Ze meant.

However, Conan knew about it, but the behavior of the two of them playing riddles made the three little ones very dissatisfied. You and I judged Conan's behavior of "eating alone" one by one.

"Let me tell you. You can also remind your father to pay attention."

Seeing Conan being tortured by the three little ones, Tangze smiled and helped him out: "The criminals who stole the "Deer" and "Dish" paintings before have not been caught yet.

Although these three paintings are very valuable when sold individually, if they can be combined into a set with beautiful meanings like "Pig, Deer and Butterfly".

Obviously the price can be higher, double or even triple is not impossible. "

"So, Mr. Kojima Gonsaku, who used the "Pig" hanging scroll as a prize, wanted to rely on this competition to attract the prisoners of the year to participate in the competition?"

After hearing Karasawa's explanation, Haibara understood the reason, "Looking at it this way, the content of this competition may be very interesting.

Maybe there was a link specially designed by Kojima Kwon to find the prisoner. "

Tang Ze glanced at Haiyuan, smiled and nodded, acknowledging what she said.

"So, does Mr. Kojima Gonsaku also doubt Genta's father!?" Mitsuhiko said in shock after hearing Haibara's words.

"My father is not a murderer!" Yuantai clenched his fists and said angrily: "My father is the best father, he will not do bad things!"

"Don't be angry, Genta, we all believe in uncle." Ayumi comforted from the side.

"In short, this is the situation, but don't worry too much, these are just my guesses."

Tang Ze saw that the faces of the three little ones became serious, he smiled and said with relief: "I will use these two days to find out the inside story of this as soon as possible, maybe it is just a competition.

In short, you can feel free to go and support Yuantai's father, and leave everything else to me. "

"If it's really Tangze Criminal who you said, you must tell us." Yuantai's smile was still a little serious: "We will definitely help!"

"That's right, I will definitely help find the prisoner when the time comes!" Mitsuhiko and Ayumi also spoke one after another, their faces full of seriousness.

"I will if necessary."

Tang Ze nodded and winked at Haiyuan, telling her to watch the three little ones when the time came, while the other party nodded calmly.

Although they didn't speak, there was still a tacit understanding between the two.

Tang Ze achieved his goal and said goodbye to the five little ones directly.

After getting in the car, he did not leave directly. Instead, he directly dialed Kojima Gonsaku's personal phone number that he had obtained through his contacts.

Although many of the previous parts were excuses for Conan not to be suspicious of his actions, the final guess was not made up casually, but a reasonable deduction based on the intelligence background he investigated.

After all, Kojima Gonsaku spent so much energy and gave out such valuable prizes to hold the "Mr. Kojima" contest. Karasawa really didn't believe it if he said that he had no intention of finding the culprit.

What's more, Genta's father is involved this time, and Conan and others will also go to the scene. It has been determined that this is the next case.

In this case, Tang Ze can completely imagine the trajectory of the case according to "Ke Xue's Law".

Kojima Gonsaku planned to hold a competition, and then found that the prisoner had a private confrontation with him and was killed. Gentai's father was also one of the suspects.

In the end, Conan takes action and finds the prisoner, and everything is happy.

Although Tang Ze had no impression of the plot of this case, based on his rich experience, he concluded that this was the case.

Of course, whether it is yes or no can only be determined after verification.

After the call was connected, Tangze attracted the other party's attention after announcing his home address.

Because he was afraid that the other party would not let the police participate, he insisted on solving the case by himself. Tang Ze did not directly state the main purpose, but proposed to visit him.

Karasawa's move was not without purpose. After all, if he wanted to cooperate with criminals, he would not be left out of the original plot.

Regardless of whether he wanted to solve it on his own or was so carried away that he didn't realize the danger he was in, Tang Ze decided to play it safe.

After all, this is a hard-earned reward, but you can't let the duck fly away.

Kojima Gonsaku did not refuse Karasawa's request. In other words, with Karasawa's current net worth, most people would not refuse his visit.

Soon Kojima Gonsaku gave him the address of his company and said he would be waiting for him in the office.

Karasawa drove all the way there, and because he had an appointment, he was quickly led to Kojima Gonsaku's office by the front desk.

Kojima Gonsaku is a bald middle-aged man with gray eyebrows and beard. He has a Mediterranean hairstyle and a poopy belly. He is a classic rich man image.

"You must be Mr. Karasawa. You are indeed a talented person. Please take a seat."

Although he was not familiar with Karasawa, the power behind him made Kojima Gonsaku very polite to Karasawa.

He motioned Tang Ze to sit on the sofa, poured a cup of tea for him, sat opposite him, and then said, "I wonder if Mr. Tang Ze came to visit unexpectedly. Is there something important?"

"It is indeed an important matter, but it is not a business matter." Karasawa looked at Kojima Gonsaku and said.

"Huh?" Kojima Gonsaku heard this and frowned: "What is that?"

"President Kojima should also know that I am actually still a criminal."

Karasawa smiled and said: "I noticed that President Kojima held the "Mr. Kojima Contest" and took out the only precious work of "Pig"?

I remember that the other two paintings were lost. At this time, you suddenly held a competition and offered this reward. It is difficult not to make me think of it. "

"Sure enough, the world-famous police detective guessed my plan with just a little bit of information."

This time it was Kojima Gonsaku's turn to be surprised. He really didn't expect that he had just designed a trap, and his purpose was actually discovered.

"You really want to take the opportunity to find the robber who stole your two paintings "Deer" and "Butterfly"?"

Seeing that the other party did not object to letting the police know about it, Tang Ze felt relieved.

From this point of view, there should be no problem with subsequent cooperation, which is the best news.

"No, you are wrong about this alone."

After hearing Karasawa's words, Kojima Gonsaku on the side shook his head and said: "Although the paintings of Master Yamakyu are very precious, I don't value them yet.

Although there are rumors that I made a fortune from the painting "Pig, Deer and Butterfly", I don't believe this.

Throughout my journey, I have relied entirely on my own abilities, not on those mythical legends.

The reason why I want to find that bastard is because he killed my pet dog when he stole the treasure before! "

"So that's it..." Tang Ze looked strange. He really didn't expect that this bald man was a dog lover.

Wanting to find the robber because of his love for dogs made Tangze more pleasing to the eyes of this fat uncle.

If it was a dog-eat-dog kind of situation where neither the victim nor the prisoner was a good person, Tang Ze would still feel unhappy even if he stopped the case.

But this person is just an ordinary person with moral standards. At most, he has a little money and the ability to avenge his pet dog.

It is better to help such people than to help evil people.

These thoughts only lasted for a moment. Tangze nodded clearly and then looked at Kojima Gonsaku and said: "I would like to ask, Mr. Gonsaku, what are you going to do after you find the prisoner again?"

"Of course I'll teach him a lesson, make him kneel down and beg for mercy, and then send him to the police station."

Kojima Gonsaku sneered: "He robbed my things and killed my dog. I can't easily get around him!"

"Then I don't know about your plan. Does anyone else know about it?" Tang Ze asked again.

"Of course not. In order to ensure that the plan would not be leaked, I didn't tell anyone. I just finalized the verification of the murderer during the competition." Kojima Gonsaku said directly in front of Karasawa, a criminal.

"But if you know this by yourself, Mr. Gonsaku, you seem to have forgotten your personal safety."

Tang Ze reminded the other party: "If you plan to confront him alone at the beginning, how will you ensure your own safety?

After all, the other party is a robber. He dared to kill dogs before, but he may not dare to kill others this time. Do you think so? "

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