Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,143 How to identify robbers

The words Karasawa asked were very plain, but they sounded like thunder in Kojima Gonsaku's ears.

When Karasawa asked him about his plan before, Kojima Gonsaku could tell that there was something in Karasawa's words, as if he wanted to express something.

But when the other party really expressed his point of view, Kojima Gousaku, who was so proud of having control of the overall situation, couldn't help but feel his scalp numb and a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead.

Only at this moment did he realize how fatal the blind spot he was completely unaware of was.

He thought he had set a trap and was waiting for his prey to come to him, and as a hunter, he could easily control the other person's life and death.

But he didn't realize that the identity of prey and hunter changed only in an instant, and the prey he thought he could control was much stronger than him in a pure predatory game.

"I got really carried away."

Kojima Gonsaku took out a handkerchief to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, and looked at Karasawa with eyes full of gratitude: "Thankfully you reminded me, otherwise I might still be complacent and not know that the danger has come."

After all, Kojima Gonsaku is also a self-made man, and he is not so obsessed with face. He accepted Karasawa's love very simply and realized the fatal flaw in his plan.

"What I said is just a hypothesis, but a gentleman should not stand behind a dangerous wall, and Mr. Quan Zuo should not put himself in a dangerous environment just to vent his bad temper."

Tangze saw that Kojima Quanzuo had a good attitude, so he took advantage of the situation and gave him a step down. After all, he had to cooperate with others later, so it would not look good if he took advantage of others and asked for retribution. .

"Then I would like to invite Tangze Criminal to be responsible for my safety and how about jointly arresting this robber?"

Kojima Gonsaku sincerely invited: "I can be sure that the long sword battle will definitely come to participate in this competition, and as long as he dares to participate in this competition, I will definitely have a way to confirm that he is the prisoner back then!"

"That's why I came to see Mr. Gonsaku." Tangze didn't expect that this time he would actually achieve his goal so smoothly. He stood up with a smile and shook hands with the other party: "Then have a happy cooperation, and I hope we can catch the murderer. .”

"Hahaha, okay."

Kojima Gonsaku smiled boldly: "This time I accept your favor. After this matter is settled, I will call President Suzuki to treat you to a drink.

He has really found a good son-in-law, who is capable of both literary and military skills. If I had not had a daughter, I would have to compete with him no matter what. "

"Mr. Gonsaku is too polite. I didn't expect that Mr. Gonsaku knew my father-in-law."

Although I know that the other party is suspected of being polite, when the two parties are not familiar with each other but need to cooperate, it is still easy to close the relationship with a common acquaintance.

It is not unusual for Kojima Gonsaku and Suzuki Shiro to know each other. After all, Tokyo is not big, and there are even fewer people in the rich circle, so there will be some intersection.

Later, Karasawa also learned the full story of Kojima Gonsaku's revenge.

Half a month ago, thieves stole two of the "Pig, Deer and Butterfly" paintings from their entire family.

But "Pig" escaped a little because it happened to be sent for maintenance that day.

The reason why Kojima Gonsaku confirmed that the prisoner had the same surname as him was "Ojima" because of what the prisoner said before leaving.

——"Since our surnames are the same, maybe we were relatives a long time ago."

Although he was fascinated, Kojima Gonsaku still had some consciousness and wrote down this key information.

His pet dog was also killed at that time, and it was at this time that he planned to take revenge himself, so he did not choose to call the police.

Of course, now that Karasawa has appeared, Kojima Gonsaku has given up his intention of revenge, and will definitely cooperate with him.

This is also normal. Kojima Gonsaku just held back his anger. If no one knew about this, he would just do it alone.

But now that Tang Ze knew about this from somewhere, he would naturally choose to cooperate with the police.

Tang Ze went to the police station to investigate the information, but there was no call from Kojima Gonsaku, so he guessed that the other party had concealed the previous incident.

And his direct visit was the result of careful consideration. This would give Kojima Quan a shock and give him the feeling that everything was under the control of the police.

This is why he readily agreed to cooperate with Tang Ze.

After all, if you continue to choose to go it alone in this situation, you will be tied up. If you want to take revenge on the bandit leader, you may even be arrested together for breaking the law.

As the president of a group, he is naturally unwilling to give up his social status.

If you still want to take revenge on the bandit leader in this situation, then choosing to cooperate with Tang Ze is naturally the best choice.

It can be said that from the moment Tang Ze came to the door, there was an invisible shock. No matter how modest he was later, he could not cover up the pressure he brought to the other party.

This is why Kojima Kwon is so polite.

The two stood and chatted for a while, and after reaching a cooperation to catch the thief two days later, Tang Ze said goodbye to each other when he saw that his goal was achieved.

After all, if the conversation continues, the other party will ask him to do business. Tangze is not interested in making money. He is only interested in the case in two days and the rewards he can get after stopping the case.

After taking care of Kojima Gonsaku's side, Karasawa temporarily relaxed. After all, there were still two days to fish out the prisoner, so there was no point in rushing.

Of course, Karasawa wasn't just fishing in the past two days, he also told Officer Megure about the situation.

He is not a detective, and he does not have to do it himself to prevent the case. Although he can handle it himself, since he can handle it more easily and more carefully, he naturally has to rely on the power of the organization.

When Officer Megure learned about this incident, he took it very seriously and immediately dispatched manpower to arrest the prisoner at the end of the "Mr. Kojima" competition.

Of course, in order to avoid alerting the enemy, Takagi and others entered the Japanese radio station as live audiences.

They didn't even notify Japan Radio about this trivial matter, and Kojima Gonsaku directly gave a lot of audience tickets.

And this just saves a lot of effort. After all, the people who sell radio stations in Japan are very discerning. If the people at the TV station know about it, there is no guarantee that the news will not be leaked.

Although their relationship with the police is not bad, it is still a TV station after all. If they knew that they were setting a trap to catch the leader of the bandit group, they might secretly arrange for someone to record the whole process.

Don't think that these directors don't dare. There are many people who take desperate risks just for the sake of broadcast volume.

Note that it is the director and not the upper management.

The leaders of the TV station will naturally not put the cart before the horse and covet this benefit, but the following directors may not.

Some of these directors are workers at the bottom. They want to get ahead too much, and if they can't make ends meet, they want to take a gamble.

When the time comes to arrange the manpower to do the work, there will really be no secrets.

Busy days pass quickly. Behind every prisoner captured, there are countless people who silently put in their hard work.

On Saturday, the "Mr. Kojima" contest was officially held.

Of course, Karasawa also met Genta and others before the game started.

The little ones are still very concerned about the robber, but they are children after all, and today they are cheering for Yuantai's father.

Cooperating with Conan, Haibara, and Dr. Ari as the temporary caretaker, Karasawa quickly coaxed the three little ones to feel at ease, convincing them that the police had decided to arrest the criminal and did not need their help. (chaos).

When the case is basically settled, even Conan will not act casually.

Mainly because I have no interest in it. After all, it is not a case under investigation, but a case that has been laid out and is waiting for the prisoner to jump down.

In this case, rashly interfering would only cause trouble for others. Conan is obsessed with the case, but he will not cause trouble for others at such a critical time.

And Tang Ze finally experienced the feeling of being obedient to a "rebellious son". Seeing Conan take the initiative to help take care of a few little ones, Tang Ze couldn't help but feel a sense of relief.

The main reason is that it is not easy. Normally, Conan would be the first to rush into a case, but now he can only help him as a "nanny".

I'm afraid only the person involved can feel the taste of this.

After taking care of a few small ones and instructing them to wait at the venue, Karasawa went to find Kojima Gonsaku.

Although this is a competition broadcast on Nippon Radio, the entire competition process was arranged by Kojima Gonsaku.

It can only be said that if you have money, you will be willful and use the TV station as a tool. The director is just a cameraman.

As for whether the show is good or not, it has nothing to do with him not catching the criminal.

Tang Ze almost cried when he saw the director who participated in this show, saying earnestly that no one would watch it if it was filmed this way.

But Kojima Gonsaku still ignored him and continued to arrange each round of the game in his own way.

The first few rounds of competition are not open to the public, and only the final round of quiz games are allowed to the audience.

Of course, this did not include Karasawa, who was standing at the place where Kojima Gon made arrangements, observing everyone's game from a distance.

The first round is a physical test, which is to see how many push-ups you can do within the prescribed three minutes.

It has to be said that under the heavy reward, this group of old guys named "Xiaodao" really worked hard.

There is an old man who did 180 but was still eliminated.

Then there is the singing competition and Chinese dictation.

To be honest, to outsiders, the layout is a complete mess, and the selection criteria are also very puzzling.

Needless to say, I did 180 fitness exercises in three minutes in the first round. In the second round, I won several regional singing competitions, and in the third round, I was eliminated at the first level of the Chinese character test. .

These links are also full of flaws in the eyes of Takagi and others. If Kojima Gonsaku hadn't confidently said that these are the key links to find the prisoner, and Karasawa, who knew the other party's detailed plan, would also have looked indifferent. Takagi and others People can no longer sit still.

But some people actually persisted and passed these rounds of competition and entered the finals. Not only that, but only three people remained in the end.

When Tang Ze saw this number of people, he immediately determined that the suspect was among these three people.

After all, in Ke Xue's world of "choose one of three classics", there is bound to be a prisoner.

Because Tangze had obtained the basic information about Yuantai's father early on, after eliminating the other party's suspicion, only two people were left.

Of course, there is no evidence, and it can only help Tang Ze eliminate a suspect. To really identify the criminal, Kojima Quan is still required to take action.

After the previous rounds of competition, Kojima Gonsaku took out the three pieces of paper he had prepared and handed them to his secretary. He then brought them to the three players who were resting and asked them to read them out.

"Is this really going to find the prisoner?"

Officer Takagi, who didn't know Kojima Gon's specific plan, still felt a little unreliable and couldn't help but ask.

"Don't worry." Kojima Gonsaku was full of confidence in his plan: "The prisoner will definitely take the bait!"

"Let's just wait for the result." Tang Ze on the side was quite confident about this.

Kojima Gonsaku must have found the prisoner through this method, otherwise he would not have been killed.

And even if something goes wrong due to the butterfly effect, it won't matter. He has already eliminated Yuantai's father, and he is still very confident in finding the murderer among the remaining two options.

Seeing that Karasawa had said this, Takagi stopped talking and sat next to Miwako Sato and waited patiently.

Soon the small-eyed secretary wearing glasses ran back. Seeing so many people suddenly in the room, he hesitated for a moment because he didn't know what was going on.

"What are you doing standing there, why don't you come in." Kojima Gonsaku crossed his arms and propped his elbows on the desk: "How is the thing I asked you to do?"

"It's all done, but people from the TV station complained to me, saying that the program wouldn't be effective..." The secretary looked a little embarrassed.

"Ignore him." Kojima Gonsaku said nonchalantly: "Have they all read the piece of paper I asked you to give to the three winners of the preliminaries?"

"I've seen it," the small-eyed secretary nodded, and then took out his notepad: "But the three of them gave different answers."

"It doesn't matter, just tell them their answers." Kojima Gonsaku urged.

The secretary with small eyes flipped through his notepad and spoke out the three people's answers.

Afterwards, Karasawa asked the other party to take out the photos of the three contestants, so that he could match the information with himself.

The first is Mr. Bunta Kojima with the number 35. The other person is a man with a Chinese character face and curly hair. After seeing the paper written by Kojima Gonsaku, the other person said "eight hundred and one".

The second person is Mr. Motoji Kojima with the number 84. The other person is a squinty man wearing glasses. When he saw the paper written by Kojima Gonsaku, he said it was "Shakuhachi"

As for the last one, the fat Kojima Iwakichi with a double chin, his number is 147. After seeing the paper written by Kojima Gonsaku, he said it was "first grade".


After listening to his secretary's words and comparing the photos and information of the three people, Kojima Gonsaku couldn't help but burst out laughing, with a sneer on his face: "Finally the fox's tail is revealed!"

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