Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1144: Capturing the Bandit Leader

"What does this mean?" The secretary on the side looked at the appearance of his president and couldn't help but asked in shock.

"It's not in vain that I spent such a large amount of money. It finally came in handy." Kojima Gonsaku ignored the other party's inquiry and laughed and looked at the secretary: "Give me that piece of paper."

Although the secretary on the side was a little confused, he still did as he was told.

Kojima Gonsaku stood up and took the paper that the other party put in the envelope, looked at the secretary and said: "Let's go, take me to contestant No. 147."

The group of people went to the lounge of player No. 147 under the leadership of the secretary.

The fat Kojima Iwakichi looked surprised when he saw Kojima Gonsaku bringing so many people here: "Um...what can I do for you?"

"Hahaha, I'm here to congratulate you in advance for winning this competition."

Kojima Gonsaku laughed happily and said: "You answered the question just now very well, so I can tell you that there is no need for a follow-up question and answer competition, you are the champion this time!"

"Really!?" Kojima Iwakichi said excitedly after hearing Kojima Gonsaku's words: "No need to compete? The prize..."

"I can give you the prize now."

Kojima Gonsaku looked at the excited leader of the bandit group in front of him, with a joking look on his face: "Let me think about it, how about giving you a silver bracelet and a room with free food and accommodation in the future as a reward?"

"What do you mean!?" After hearing the other party's ill-intentioned words, Kojima Iwakichi's face couldn't help but change, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"It literally means Mr. Kojima Iwakichi, the leader of the bandit group "Hyakki Yakou"."

Seeing the fear and panic in the other person's eyes, Kojima Gonsaku felt extremely relieved: "Do you think I spent a lot of money to organize this competition just to select a boring Mr. Kojima?

Everything I did was to find you and make you pay! "

"What are you talking about? I don't understand what you are talking about..." Kojima Iwakichi had no idea in front of so many people. He could only force a smile and said: "A robber or something, did you admit the wrong person? .”

"You probably haven't forgotten what you said when you broke into the author's house."

Karasawa watched Kojima Iwakichi playing: "In order to find you, Mr. Gonsaku specially held this competition. All the links you participated in before were prepared to find you!

The shoe size you wear when doing push-ups is the same as the footprints you left in the yard of Mr. Quan Zuo’s house half a month ago.

Singing is about confirming your voice, while Chinese dictation is not about finding your notes, but about finding your dominant hand. "

After all, the other party would definitely deliberately change the original handwriting on the piece of paper that showed his identity as a writer on the island, but his dominant hand would not change.

Kojima Iwakichi killed Kojima Gonsaku's dog, so he was naturally able to tell the opponent's dominant hand from the marks of the sharp weapon.

In fact, the dominant hands of the three remaining people are indeed left-handed.

Therefore, the standard of the examination is not on the test paper, but to see which hand the person uses to write.

"Shoe size, voice and dominant hand, these three types of information greatly narrowed the scope of suspects."

Karasawa looked at the ugly Kojima Iwakichi and said, "But what really confirms that you are a prisoner is the content of the piece of paper you read before."

Kojima Gonsaku on the side proudly displayed this piece of paper, and everyone focused their attention on it.

This piece of paper looks a bit like "108", but if you turn it upright, it looks like the Chinese character "一品". Of course, this character is not in the shape of "口", but in the shape of "o".

In the neon local custom, some people are also used to writing the word "口" in a circle-like shape.

"You said before that this was a "first-class", right?" Kojima Gonsaku looked at the fear on the face of the enemy who killed his pet dog, and a flash of joy flashed: "This is the ironclad proof that you admit that you are the leader of the bandit group! !

Don't think you can get away with it by denying it. When I asked you before, there was a secret camera in the room to record the players' reactions.

All the words you said were recorded by me! "

"It's just because you think this is a "first grade". There are probably many other people who know Chinese characters!" Kojima Iwakichi still refused to admit his crime: "With this little evidence, why do you suspect that I am a criminal!"

"This evidence is enough."

Tangze said calmly: "We have already applied for a search warrant. All we need to do next is to find two paintings of "Deer" and "Butterfly" at your residence. This will be ironclad evidence!"

"You guy!" Kojima Iwakichi heard this desperate roar and wanted to resist and escape from the room.

But it was a pity that Tang Ze didn't give him a chance at all. He easily dodged the opponent's bloated body like a pig, and hit his face with a return punch with his right hand.

The hard back of his hand instantly swollen Kojima Iwakichi's cheek, making his already fat cheeks even more swollen.

But before the blow was over, Tangze grabbed his shoulder and forcibly stabilized the opponent's fallen figure. He punched his abdomen with his left hand several times, and finally kicked him away with a horizontal kick.

Under this huge impact, Kojima Iwakichi fell directly to the ground.

"You really overestimate your capabilities." Tang Ze shook his head and watched the other party being roasted by Takagi with his backhand: "Now you have to add the charge of assaulting the police, Mr. Robber."

Kojima Iwakichi looked at Karasawa in horror, and finally staggered and was escorted away by Takagi and others.

As for whether the other party will plead guilty, Tang Ze is actually not worried.

The reason why the gangster group is difficult to catch is because they don't know their true identity, but now that the other party has been exposed, even if they don't rely on the evidence produced by Kojima Quan, the police have enough investigative methods to determine the other party sooner or later.

In fact, this was indeed the case in subsequent investigations and convictions. Kojima Iwakichi was not that kind of difficult criminal with high IQ.

The "deer" and "butterfly" as stolen goods were easily found in the hidden compartment of the other party's home where the stolen goods were hidden. Then, under the sophisticated interrogation of the police, the other party quickly revealed the accomplices in exchange for a reduced sentence.

At this point, in fact, although there is still a lot of finishing work to do in the follow-up, there will be no trouble.

After all, once the leader starts betraying his teammates, don’t expect the members to keep the secret firmly.

Of course, these are all things that happened in the next few days. As for Karasawa, he was chatting with Kojima Gon, while Takagi and Sato Miwako escorted the prisoners away.

After finally saying goodbye to each other, Karasawa left the room and planned to go find Conan and others.

Although they were looking forward to it, the game for this small island player almost ended in an anticlimactic manner.

As for the prizes, the Kojima creator is still unwilling to give up the [Pig, Deer and Butterfly] hanging scroll set.

Of course, as compensation, he will also give the remaining two Mr. Kojima a generous compensation.

After Karasawa said goodbye to the other player, Kojima Gonsaku took his secretary to negotiate compensation with the other two players.

Obviously, Yuantai's family will also be able to get a generous reward this time. Maybe the money Yuantai will get to marry his wife in the future will be what his father earned today (laughs).

As for Karasawa, he met the five little ones at the venue of the quiz competition and explained the situation to them.

"Is the entire competition just a trap set by President Kojima to catch the leader of the bandit group?" Mitsuhiko said in shock after hearing Karasawa's words.

"Doesn't that mean we won't be able to see the subsequent games?" Ayumi was shocked and had a look of disappointment on her face.

"But Karasawa Criminal said that the president would compensate my father!"

Yuantai no longer cares about the canceled competition, but cares more about compensation, with a look of fantasy on his face: "I wonder if I can eat eels every day in the future..."

"Hey, hey, this is all you pursue..." Conan drooped his eyes and looked speechless.

"Genta, you are too uninterested. If you want me, you will definitely buy a lot of delicious food!" Mitsuhiko said admiringly from the side: "There are still many delicious things in this world that I haven't eaten before. You have to try them."

"I hope I can buy some beautiful dresses." Ayumi said this and looked at Haibara curiously: "Where are you, Ai-chan?"

"Oh, let me think about it..."

When Haibara said this, he glanced at Karasawa with resentment in his eyes and said, "A limited edition bag from Fusae or PRADA."

Faced with this obvious hint, Tangze nodded awkwardly, while Haiyuan showed a satisfied look on his face.

He had previously entrusted Haiyuan as his spy, and he would report the dangerous actions of several little ones at any time, and the key target of surveillance was naturally Conan.

Gray Principle said that they are all his friends, and if they "sell out", they will have to pay more.

So Tangze agreed to buy her the latest bag at that time.

And then... forgot all about it...

Now Haiyuan has made it completely clear. If Tangze doesn't understand anymore, he will become a deadbeat.

Conan on the side also noticed the "little moves" between the two, and based on the eyes and micro-expressions between the two, combined with Haiyuan's previous words, he made a rough guess about the transaction between the two.

While he was feeling in his heart that the knowledge he had learned recently was useful, he also expressed deep sympathy for Karasawa's heavy bleeding in his wallet.

Although he didn't know why Tang Ze agreed to buy a bag for Hai Yuan, the two brands Hai Yuan mentioned before were not bargains.

In fact, this is true. PRADA is an Italian high-end luxury brand founded in Milan in 1913. This brand also had its original form in Karasawa's previous life.

The Fusae brand is a brand unique to this world, but it is on the same level as the former. Haiyuan also has a soft spot for this brand.

In addition, Haiyuan just mentioned the limited edition, so the bleeding will be doubled.

But if Conan, who sympathizes with Karasawa's wallet for bleeding, knew that this was the reward for "selling out" information about him, I don't know what his expression would be.

Of course, in the eyes of ordinary people, this is a luxury expense, but Tang Ze said that as long as it can be solved with money, it doesn't matter.

And this was just an interlude. It only took a moment for the two of them to reach a tacit agreement. Even the three little ones were happily discussing what they would do after they got a lot of money.

And not long after, Yuantai's father also came out.

But when they saw Yuantai's father, the other four little ones were all surprised.

Because there is absolutely no similarity between father and son.

If Genta is a fat little black guy, then his father Motoji Kojima is more like a gentle scholar.

Of course, according to what Yuantai said before, because his father who runs a store often deals with drunkards, he has a very bad temper.

However, after seeing and talking to the other party, it can be seen that the other party has a very forthright personality, which is in sharp contrast to his appearance.

After seeing his father, Yuantai ran over happily and asked if he had received compensation.

Motoji Kojima was still wondering at first why his son knew about the end of the game and compensation so quickly, but after seeing Karasawa, it became clear.

"You must be Tangze Criminal. I often hear Yuanta mention you. I really take care of you."

Mojima Kojima was obviously very familiar with Karasawa. Although it was the first time they met, he still recognized Karasawa.

"Yes, they also helped me a lot." Tang Ze said politely.

"I think you were involved in this incident, Karasawa Criminal. I saw you and Mr. Gonsaku together before."

Motoji Kojima said this with some regret: "It's a pity that I really like that painting, but the president obviously doesn't plan to hold any more competitions.

Well, the compensation the other party gave to the remaining two of us was quite generous, so it was a worthwhile trip. "

"Dad, since there is no competition, let's go back quickly." Yuantai touched his stomach and said, "I'm a little hungry. Can I have eel rice today?"

"Of course, dad got a big bonus today."

Hearing this, Genji Kojima smiled boldly and looked at Tang Ze and others: "If nothing happens, you must also let me entertain you. This is a token of my gratitude for your care for Genta in the past."

"Haha... Then you're welcome." Dr. A Li and Tang Ze looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Mitsuhiko and Ayumi on the side also seemed very happy after hearing what Motoji Kojima said and thanked each other: "Thank you, uncle!"

However, the child's happiness is not just because he can eat eel rice, but also because he can have a novel experience of going to a friend's house for dinner.

The three little ones were chirping and discussing what to play at Genta's house after dinner. As the main host, Genta was also very excited to share his collection of games and Masked Superman CDs with his friends.

It seemed that they had planned to play at Yuantai's house all afternoon.

As for Conan and Haiyuan, they were also forced to be involved in it. Even if they had no interest, they could not act unsocial. They could only echo the words of the three little ones from time to time.

It looks exactly like the attitude of older brothers and sisters when dealing with younger siblings who are too noisy.

Seeing the corners of Tang Ze's mouth quirking up, it was obvious that for a mature mind, disguising oneself as a child was always a bit of torture.

After deciding where to go next, the group left the TV station and headed towards Genta's eel shop.

To be honest, Tangze was also very curious about this. After all, although he knew Yuantai's store, he had never been there once. This time he could take this opportunity to taste it.

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