Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,145 Precious Rewards

Eel rice, this is neon traditional summer food.

Although eels can be found everywhere throughout the year regardless of season, the easiest time to taste them is in summer.

The reason for this is that although eels can be found everywhere throughout the year, summer is the season when they are easiest to eat.

Because eel has been a very high-end cuisine ingredient since the Edo period, it is quite expensive.

The reason why it is quite easy to eat in summer is because summer was the off-season in that Edo era.

Because the summer is too hot and people don't want to eat hot eel rice, merchants have to sell it cheaper.

As soon as the price dropped, some people who were usually reluctant to eat it were willing to endure the heat to eat eel.

Therefore, the tradition of eating eels in this summer is not really because eels are the most delicious in summer, but simply a habit passed down from ancient times due to climate, economic and other factors.

In fact, eels are most plump from October to December, because eels need to hibernate when the temperature drops in winter. In order to save nutrients, they will naturally work hard to fatten themselves in late autumn.

Therefore, the best time to eat eel is in late autumn and winter.

Of course, this habit has been passed down from that time. Nowadays, with air conditioning, eating eel in summer is no longer difficult to accept.

By the way, eels are rich in vitamins A, B, and E, which can indeed effectively prevent heat stroke and other heat diseases.

This is one of the reasons why this habit is still widely followed now that eels can be cultivated artificially and are cheap.

Of course, eels are not particularly cheap now, and the larger the eels, the more expensive they are.

Yuantai's father wanted to thank them for taking care of Yuantai this time, so he naturally chose the largest eel in the store to entertain the group.

With its delicate texture, rich fat, and fresh and sweet sauce, Karasawa seemed to understand why Genta liked eel rice so much.

The charred aroma of the outer layer of the fish skin and the texture of the tender meat underneath, paired with a mouthful of fragrant rice, are really addictive.

As expected of a professional eel rice seller, Karasawa is indeed very skilled. He has eaten eel rice from many places and knows that the sauce on Kojima's eel rice should be made by himself.

This taste can be ranked among the top three eel sauces Karasawa has ever tasted. It can be said that each has its own flavor and is equally ranked.

It's no wonder that Yuantai's business is so good. The price is considered affordable and the taste is unmatched by other restaurants, so the number of customers will naturally increase.

"Thanks for the hospitality."

After the eel meal, everyone saw Yuantai's father walking over and expressed their gratitude.

"As long as everyone is satisfied." Motoji Kojima said with a smile while clearing the plates: "There are many guests at the moment, so I apologize for my poor hospitality.

Yuantai, you have to entertain your friends well later, do you hear me? "

Although he received a generous compensation, Mojima Kojima seems to have not changed much now, and he is still immersed in the busy work of the store.

"I know, Dad!" Yuantai nodded and looked at Conan and others happily: "Let's go to my house to play."

"Then I'll take my leave first."

After the case was solved, Tangze naturally had no intention of participating in the entertainment among the children, so he said hello to several Dr. Ali who were planning to go to Yuantai's house to look after them, and drove home.

Today was originally a rest day. If it weren't for this case, Tangze wouldn't have worked overtime.

Previously, Yuanta and his father strongly invited him to eat eel rice at his family's restaurant. There were so many people and Tangze didn't have the chance to count the rewards.

After driving back home, Tang Ze could finally check the rewards slowly.

With a thought, a virtual panel that could not be seen by others popped up and refreshed with new messages.

[Ingenious design to catch the robber]

Completion: perfect

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the prop: Grandmaster Breakthrough Trial Card]

Evaluation: In this case, you realized that this was an imminent murder through the brief preview message on TV.

After listening to your series of investigations and speculations, you found the root of the matter, stopped the avenger who wanted to die, successfully protected the other party's safety, and together with him captured the notorious bandit leader, and destroyed the heinous bandit gang. .

Somehow you have been favored by fate.

When the familiar settlement information appeared in front of Tang Ze, he even burst into tears.

It's not easy, you know, he saved up 2,000 destiny points in one go, and finally got the "Perfect Level" reward again today.

In the past, the frequency with which he obtained "perfect level" rewards was not that low.

But there was nothing that could be done about it. Tangze had already expected this.

After all, any Conan fan knows that the exciting cases in the early stages of the case, whether they are full stories or originals, have merits, and even the originals have contributed to a lot of childhood shadows.

But as we get to the later stages, the plot lines become more and more watered down, and the cases become more and more homogeneous. Many cases are forgotten after seeing them, and they have no characteristics.

Even if some Tangzes were lucky enough to recall it, they would not even be able to find out where the crime occurred if they wanted to stop it.

It is precisely because of this that every reward above "Perfect Level" is extremely precious when mainline rewards are excluded in the later stages.

Just like this newly obtained reward in front of him, it is definitely a prop to steadily strengthen his strength.

After all, just by looking at the name, you almost already know the effect of this item.

And the effect of this prop is indeed powerful.

[Grandmaster Breakthrough Trial Card: After using the props, a trial space is generated, which can be challenged continuously within one hour by a strong person in a certain field chosen by the host in order to try to break through. 】

Note: Please be fully prepared before trying. No refunds will be given after failure~

It is said that the shorter the introduction, the stronger the function. When he saw this prop, Tang Ze was really excited.

You must know that A-level is basically capped. If you want to break through to S-level, your strength is only the most basic. In addition, you also need a strong opponent!

Among his only two S-level skills, Investigation was a natural breakthrough after constant confrontations with various criminals over time.

As for car driving, it was during the chase battle with Shuichi Akai that I unexpectedly sensed an opportunity for a breakthrough when facing a strong player in this field.

Although there was no complete breakthrough at the time, once I gained insights into this kind of thing, it became much easier to move forward.

In the following period, it broke through to S level.

Therefore, Tangze, who had experienced two skill breakthroughs, knew that if he wanted to reach S-level skills in a certain field, these were the two methods.

One is that it accumulates over time, and maybe a breakthrough comes in a flash of inspiration that day.

The second and faster way is to compete with the strong players in this field.

No matter what field, there can always be a distinction between the first and second, it's just a matter of form.

And you only have to play against someone stronger to understand the gap between you and the opponent.

And this prop is obviously used in the second way to allow him to try to break through.

Of course, this prop is not without cost.

One-time items will disappear regardless of success or failure.

And the "price" is very high.

1500 destiny points.

This is the price he saw in the mall.

It’s almost possible to get ten draws in a row, which is only 500 points cheaper than the [Grand Master Experience Card].

But the [Grandmaster Experience Card] allows you to instantly have top-level strength in this area for a period of time. This prop just gives you an opportunity.

Whether you can succeed or not depends on yourself.

It feels like a bottomless pit to Tangze. As for how many destiny points need to be filled in this hole...

Then it depends on your own understanding.

Moreover, the preciousness of this item also determines that it is impossible for Tang Ze to squander it casually. He must carefully select every skill that is useful to him.

Having said this, Tangze checked his dashboard and focused on the three most important areas.

Name: Karasawa Genichi


[Detective professional skills]: Investigation (S level), Microexpression (B level) [11/20], Forensic science (C level) [8/20], Trace identification (3 years), Profile (C level) [ 7/20], Psychology (Level A) [17/20]

[Phantom Thief Professional Skills]: Escape Technique (1 year), Magic Level D (5 years), Disguise (C Level) [6/20], Lockpicking (7 years), Theft (4 years), Voice Changing (C Level) 【6/20】、

[Combat Category]: Kendo (Level A) [18/20], Firearms (Level B) [14/20], Unarmed Fighting (Level A) [19/20], Throwing concealed weapons (Level D) [5/20] ,Bomb disposal (level C)【9/20】

After so many draws and side plots, in addition to those miscellaneous skills, his main skills have also been greatly improved.

And he planned to choose the right skills to make a breakthrough.

This choice needs to be made carefully, because it represents a qualitative improvement in some aspects.

For example, if he can change his face in disguise, if he can break through the S level and reach the level of Kaitou Kidd who can change his face at any time, it will naturally be much more convenient for many things.

The same goes for firearms. When fighting against black organizations, good marksmanship is indispensable.

Even though he still has good marksmanship with his super dynamic vision, his skills are also irreplaceable.

At least when it comes to sniping at ultra-long distances and using a pistol to shoot enemies beyond the effective range of the gun, he is just a casual shooter.

And those firearms masters also have a good hit rate at a certain distance beyond the effective range of the firearm.

Although it still depends on luck where you can hit it, compared to the stroke shooting method, I don't know how many times better it is.

You must know that in a gunfight, one side can keep the distance and still have a hit rate, while the other side is completely left to chance. The distance is the difference between life and death. This also shows the importance of technology.

But unfortunately, these two skills are still far from A-level. With this waiting time, Tangze can save enough destiny points to buy the next item.

So rather than letting it sit in the warehouse and wait for these two skills to be improved, he would rather be able to use them immediately and turn them into his own strength.

'In this case, there are not many choices...'

Karasawa focused his eyes on the panel and selected three skills that were close to full level: [Kendo], [Unarmed Combat], and [Psychology].

Tang Ze thought for a while and finally chose to fight with bare hands.

This is not only because unarmed combat is closest to reaching full level, but also because unarmed combat is the most commonly used.

Although he is ceremonially equipped to carry a sword with him, some emergencies may not allow him to get the sword. At this time, it is necessary to have better skills.

However, what made him hesitate a little was that this prop did not restrict the entry of full-level skills.

In other words, in theory, if your talent is good enough, even if you are one level behind, you can still break through the strong ones in a sudden burst of fire.

So, should I use it?

Looking at the unarmed combat who was almost at full level, Tangze felt that just one year of experience should not be enough to detect.

Take a gamble!

It's not Karasawa's character to look forward and backward, so he quickly decided to challenge.

His hand-to-hand combat has reached its peak, and his skills are not much different. If he can seize the opportunity to break through this time, he will make a profit.

Of course, Tang Ze did not use it casually. Instead, he rested for a while to adjust his spirit before choosing to use it.

Soon, Tangze felt his consciousness withdrawing and entering a virtual space, somewhat like a lucid dream, but not as arbitrary.

He felt it and found that his physical quality had not declined and everything was on par with the outside world.

Opposite him was an ordinary-looking man.

Tang Ze looked at the other person and was about to speak. The next moment, the other person hit him with a simple but sharp straight punch.

Tang Ze subconsciously dodged, but the opponent gained the upper hand and refused to give up. He turned from a straight punch to a grab and continued to grab Tang Ze's face.

Tang Ze's eyes flashed with sharpness, and he punched hard.

The two fists collided, and Tang Ze found that the strength of both sides was equal, and even the reaction was also the same, because the opponent changed his claws into fists and collided with Tang Ze's fist in that short moment.

‘So this is simulating all of your own attributes. As for being more skilled than yourself? ’

Tangze's mind turned quickly and he immediately analyzed the basic situation of the enemy in front of him.

But this year only flashed through his mind. Soon, he was caught by the opponent because of his clone for a moment, and finally he was hit in the throat by an elbow.

But the feeling of death did not appear. Although the collision during the previous fight had a very real feeling, death was obviously not simulated.

However, recalling the pressure that the fatal blow brought to him, Tang Ze vaguely understood the value of this breakthrough space.

Obviously, this is something that no one in the outside world can give him, and here he can completely let go of his hands and feet.

Thinking of this, Tang Ze eliminated distracting thoughts and began to focus on dealing with the opponent in front of him.

The opponent was really strong, and he had mastered all kinds of martial arts moves. Tangze already felt the pressure after more than ten rounds of fighting. Some of the moves were connected in a way that he had never thought of.

Without superior hardware and relying solely on skills, Tangze fell into hard battles and successive defeats.

Defeat, defeat or defeat...

Tangze continued to fail, but he also continued to make progress. He continued to learn from his opponents' experience, and began to make various attempts with his own ideas.

And time is passing by unconsciously.

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