Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,146 Steady Improvement

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining unarmed combat (one year)]

[Congratulations to the host for realizing the opportunity for breakthrough during the trial]

When Tang Ze woke up from the consciousness space or lucid dream, two messages popped up on the panel.

First of all, after this trial, Tangze's unarmed fighting skills have reached the maximum level. After all, he has been constantly losing battles with strong men. It would be strange if he did not improve at such a rapid rate.

Although when he first fought against the virtual opponent, he was always at a disadvantage and had no room to fight back.

But in the subsequent battles, Tang Ze improved again and again.

By the last few times, he had been able to go from being completely suppressed to being able to fight back and even trade injuries with the opponent.

You must know that at the beginning, all his moves were completely taken by the opponent. Even if he had the idea of ​​​​exchanging injuries for injuries, most of them were resolved by the opponent and then defeated.

Although this time did not allow Tang Ze to break through, it benefited him a lot.

Tang Ze still lacked some actual combat experience before, but after this battle, his momentum became even more fierce.

After checking the information prompts, Tang Ze closed his eyes again and began to sort out various experiences from previous battles.

Because there was no need to worry about death, Tangze was very bold when integrating various techniques. Although most of them failed, he also gained a lot of valuable experience.

And sorting it out again is also a sort of sorting out of his martial arts.

[You have gained some insights in organizing martial arts, and you have taken a step closer to a breakthrough. 】

This time it was entirely his own talent. Just like a good student who can draw inferences from one example, Tangze's progress this time was due to his studies.

But unfortunately, it is still difficult to break through to the level of Grandmaster.

But at this point, Karasawa already had a plan.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Kyogoku to ask whether he had any competitions recently. If not, could he train with him for a while, and expressed that he seemed to have some insights.

The two had had a brief encounter before, so the other party quickly responded to the text message, congratulating Tang Ze on his improvement in strength, and then simply agreed to practice with Tang Ze.

After all, for Kyogoku, Karasawa is also a good sparring opponent, and being with Karasawa is also a kind of training for him.

After receiving the reply from the other party, Tang Ze was in a good mood. With this first combat force serving as his sparring partner, subsequent breakthroughs should not be too difficult.

This is another reason why he chose unarmed combat as a prop target, that is, if he has some insights, he can also find someone in reality to help him break through.

As for why he didn't ask the other party to help him at the beginning, it was because sparring wouldn't have the effect of making Karaze break through. Maybe it would take too much time.

At least Karasawa needs to practice against Kyogoku Makoto year after year before he can achieve a natural breakthrough one day.

To put it simply, it is the first method mentioned before. Although it is smooth, it also takes a long time.

Naturally, Karasawa doesn't have that time. He can continue to accumulate his investigative skills at work, but hand-to-hand combat won't allow him to compete in the same way as Kyogoku Makoto.

So using the trial card as a breakthrough opportunity, and then asking Kyogoku Makoto as a sparring partner, it can be regarded as a two-pronged approach.

In any case, Tang Ze has made the most of the [Grandmaster Breakthrough Trial Card].

However, this time he was able to seize the opportunity to break through at once and did not need a second [Grandmaster Breakthrough Trial Card]. However, Tangze could already foresee that the word "poverty" would continue to accompany him in the future...

After getting up and moving his body, Tangze looked at the time and found that it was only four o'clock.

After finishing the case in the morning, the previous [Grandmaster Breakthrough Trial Card] only took an hour. Now that he was done with his work, he suddenly felt free.

After thinking about it, Tangze decided to pay attention to the progress of the smell library.

The library itself is next to his house and is almost ready, so his focus is on the collection of items.

I called and inquired about the team responsible for this work, but found that the progress was a bit slow.

The main reason is that there are many things that cannot be collected with money, such as soil from various places and regional items.

No one would be idle to collect these things, so they couldn't buy them if they had money. The members of the team had to run around to collect specimens for him.

Of course, the progress is not without gratifying results. Those chemicals and various steel and plastic materials are easy to buy, but the progress in this area is almost over.

Tangze couldn't say he was satisfied or dissatisfied with this. Tangze was still very patient with this big project.

Of course, the most important odor amplification machine is also being built, and this will be a big help to Tang Ze in the future.

However, the slow progress of the scent library also made Tang Ze give up on storing specimens to check the situation.

After calculating the time, it was almost time to think about dinner.

But Tang Ze had just had a high-intensity battle today, and it was inevitable to be mentally exhausted, so he had no intention of cooking in person.

After choosing a good French restaurant, Karasawa contacted Ayako directly, and the two made an appointment to meet directly at the restaurant after she got off work.

After dinner, the two went for a walk in the park, and then returned home leisurely.

It seemed that he was considerate of Tang Ze's hard work during this period. The "god of death" did not come to his door this week, and Tang Ze rarely spent a peaceful daily life.

Check in on time in the morning, fish together and have morning tea at ten o'clock.

At noon, he went home to make lunch for Ayako. In the afternoon, he left the work to the resentful Koshimizu Nanatsuki, while he went to the dojo that he had made an appointment with Kyogoku Makoto to express his sympathy.

I have to say that Kyogoku is truly worthy of the officially recognized "S+" combat power. Even if the cheating Karasawa is fighting with his bare hands, he is no match for the opponent.

His physical fitness was superior to his own, and even his conditioned reflexes were on the same level. More importantly, his opponent's combat intuition, honed in hundreds of battles, surpassed his nerve reflexes and even gave him a sense of uncertainty.

Even if Karasawa hadn't known that this was not the set of One Piece, he would have doubted whether the other party had learned to be domineering.

Although it is very stressful to play against the opponent, there are also many rewards when facing such a powerful opponent.

Even though Tang Ze could not completely let go like he did in the trial space, the way the two of them fought and discussed each other gave Tang Ze a deeper understanding of martial arts.

Although there has been no breakthrough yet, system prompts have appeared, indicating that Tangze's strength is also steadily increasing.

If Karasawa is given another period of time, it will be logical for him to break through to S level.


Monday, sunny.

Koshizui Nanatsuki had breakfast and took the subway to the science search and research station with his earphones on.

Quickly grabbing a seat, Koshimizu Nanatsuki breathed a sigh of relief and waited patiently for the subway to arrive at its destination.

Listening to Okino Yoko's song, Koshimizu Nanatsuki's mind couldn't help but drift into the distance.

During the week when Karasawa was obsessed with martial arts practice, Koshizui Nanatsuki had also been in charge of the administrative work of the science search and research team.

After getting familiar with the work, everything was actually quite simple. Koshimizu Nanatsuki even had time to follow two slightly difficult cases.

With her reasoning, these two cases were quickly solved, which also allowed her to find the feeling of her previous detective life.

What Koshimi Nanatsuki is struggling with is that on the one hand, she hopes for peace in the world, but on the other hand, she longs for a case that she can use.

This entanglement became more and more obvious after she solved the two cases.

Sighing, Koshimizu Nanatsuki watched the subway warning light arrive at the station where Kesouyan was located, then squeezed through the crowd and walked towards the door.

Following the crowded flow of people, Koshimizu Nanatsuki walked out of the subway and walked towards the nearby overpass.

After crossing the bridge and crossing the road, walk 500 meters further to reach your destination.

There were not many people on the overpass. Koshimi Nanatsuki was walking as usual with his bag on his back, but when he reached the middle of the bridge, he suddenly saw a middle-aged lady in front of him and stopped suddenly.

The woman seemed to feel pain suddenly, staggered two steps and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Nanatsuki Koshizui quickly stepped forward to check the situation and found the woman lying on the ground with a painful look on her face.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called the ambulance. At the same time, he got into the ambulance with him because he was worried about the other person.

In the car, the doctor initially judged it to be food poisoning, but the middle-aged woman had already begun to fall into coma halfway through the car, which shows how critical the situation was.

Nanatsuki was not idle on the road. She found the woman's mobile phone from the other party's bag.

Fortunately, the other party did not set up a password lock, so Nanatsuki Koshizui quickly found the number with "daughter" in the other party's contacts, contacted the other party and explained the situation.

When Koshimi Nanatsuki arrived at the hospital, he planned to leave after the other party's daughter arrived.

But unexpectedly, after arriving at the hospital, Koshimizu Nanatsuki found that the entire emergency room was in a mess, and what made her scalp numb was that everyone sent to the emergency room had food poisoning!

Is this poisoning or large-scale food poisoning? ?

At this moment, Koshimi Nanatsuki's face was extremely solemn.

Large-scale food poisoning may have caused riots in various places, but in the huge city of Tokyo, it is just a slight wave of depression.

Although ripples have begun to ripple throughout the city, for the vast majority of people who have not experienced the incident, it is still a peaceful day.

After finishing breakfast, Tang Ze drove to Kesouyan as usual.

But before the elevator from the underground parking lot reached the floor of his office, it stopped on the second floor.

Outside the elevator, Aso Minoru and a heavily armed scientific research field team were standing outside the elevator.

"What's going on? Is there a case?"

Seeing this posture, Tang Ze did not step out of the elevator. Instead, he canceled the 3rd floor button previously selected, and then pressed the door open button to let the large troops outside enter the elevator.

"Someone called the police and reported that a female body was found in the forest road in Mitaka."

Aso Minoru said as he entered the elevator: "Currently, I only know that he is an employee of Maruyama Food Wholesale Company. The specific situation is unknown."

"I'll go take a look with you." Upon hearing that there was a murder, Tang Ze immediately asked to go to the crime scene together.

After asking his men to hurry up and prepare the vehicle, Karasawa took out his mobile phone and contacted Nanatsuki Koshimizu, asking her to join him quickly and go to the crime scene together.

After all, I had promised the other party before that I would take her with me when there was a case. Otherwise, if I solved the case myself, I would be complained by the other party again when I came back.

But the bell rang, but no one answered it. Even when the police car stopped in front of Tangze from the underground garage, there was still no call.

"Did something happen?" Tang Ze frowned and said, "It was still a chaotic situation and I didn't hear anything..."

However, Karasawa was busy dispatching the police at the moment and had no time to continue investigating. In order not to delay the dispatch of the police, he directly got into the car with Aso Minoru and walked towards the forest road in Mitaka. ,

Lin Dao, you can tell by the name that this murder did not occur in the city of Tokyo.

When Tangze and others drove into a forest path surrounded by green plants, and then walked across a section of grassland, they arrived at the crime scene.

A capable lady in a gray suit seemed to be sleeping peacefully, lying quietly under a huge willow tree.

Standing around were Takagi and others who had arrived at the scene long ago.

"Tell me the specific situation."

Seeing Aso Minoru going to check the body, Karasawa looked at Takagi aside and asked about the whole story of the case.

"The person who made the report is a volunteer group who came to pick up trash in the area."

Takagi said: "It can be seen that it was obvious murder, and judging from the blood stains around it, the body should have been moved here and dumped after being killed elsewhere.

The victim's bag was beside him, there were no signs of violence, and there was no loss of property.

We found the other party's work ID inside. He was an employee of Maruyama Food Wholesale Company, and his name was Hiko Mori Akiko. "

"I understand the situation." Karasawa nodded, looked at Aso who was examining the body and asked honestly: "When is the estimated time of death of the body."

"The initial estimate is between 8:00 and 10:00 last night."

Aso said: "As for the cause of death, which was brain contusion, it was obvious that he died after a heavy blow to the head.

However, there was a very strange-shaped injury on the right side of the deceased's neck. Although it was not a fatal injury, I think it should be important. It is possible that there was something capable of producing such a decoration at the crime scene. "

Karasawa watched Aso Minoru expose the right side of the corpse's neck, and found that there was a "§"-shaped wound on the deceased's neck, which was just twisted ninety degrees and left horizontally on the deceased's neck.

Seeing this wound, even a polymath like Tangze, who knew a little bit about everything, couldn't help but frown.

Even he didn't know what it was that could create such a strange wound.

But no matter what, this strange injury is indeed a landmark piece of evidence. If discovered, the crime scene can be quickly identified.

Tang Ze then told the forensic department to check the wound in the weapon database after they returned to see if they could find a similar weapon that could cause such a wound.

If the source could be investigated, it would at least be a direction for investigation.

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