Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,148 Determining the Pathogen

"We are indeed responsible for processing the ingredients used in the happy hour restaurant, but we are only responsible for processing."

Ikego Makoto explained while leading everyone to visit the processing site.

"The person in charge of contacting you is Ms. Akiko Jiangmori, the salesperson of Maruyama Foods, right?"

Koshizui Nanatsuki took out the photo of the deceased. Iketo Makoto looked at the photo and nodded: "Yes, she was responsible."

"I wonder if she came here last night?" Tangze asked, staring at Chido Cheng.

"No, she didn't come last night." Chido Cheng shook his head and said that he had not seen the other party.

As everyone talked, they walked into the factory, and soon a delicious smell spread across the floor.

Everyone looked for the source of the smell, and what they saw was a large barrel that was nearly 1.6 meters high and 5 meters wide.

And in this big pot, there is milky white soup.

"This soup smells delicious." Koshimizu Nanatsuki stood on tiptoe near the cauldron and saw the milky white soup inside, which looked very appetizing.

"This is sauce." Iketo Makoto corrected with a smile: "It's not boiled yet, so it looks like soup."

"Eh? But this machine says "top soup"." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said, pointing to the sign on the machine.

"This machine can make soup and sauce." Ikedo Cheng explained: "The machine is dual-purpose."

"I see, if you don't look at the current machines, you really don't know how advanced they are." Koshimizu Nanatsuki sighed and said, "By the way, do you receive regular inspections from the health center here?"

"Ah, of course you can ask Ms. Masui at the public health center." President Ikedo nodded and said, "She is responsible for regular inspections in Aipido Town."

"The companies we investigated previously that did not receive regular inspections are the areas the other party is responsible for."

Mizukura Criminal on the side added something in a low voice, then looked at Iketo Makoto and said, "Do you have a menu for the food you wholesale to Happy Hour? I want to take a look."

"Of course, I'll find it for you right now." After hearing what Mizukura said, President Ikedo quickly ran to get a menu and came back.

"There are so many varieties. Are all these foods made here?" Shuicang Criminal flipped through the introduction booklet that looked like a canteen menu and sighed: "Is this almost the same as the happy hour menu?"

"Actually, happy hour restaurants have very high requirements for ingredients, and it's very hard for us to prepare them."

President Ikedo explained: "The ingredients used in all the dishes here are personally designated by their boss, President Abe."

"The prepared ingredients?" Shuicang Criminal's expression changed: "Where are they?"

"They are all purchased from Maruyama Food Wholesale Company." President Ikedo complained a little when he said this.

Koshizui Nanatsuki and Karasawa looked at each other, saying nothing.

Now it seems that the previous speculation is not unfounded. Food poisoning may have a very secret connection with the death of Hiko Mori Akiko.

The two cases secretly seemed to be connected by a looming thread. Tang Ze had a hunch that maybe by solving the truth of one of the cases this time, he could also get the answer to the other case.

However, neither Karasawa nor Koshizui Nanatsuki talked about the murder case. They just waited for Mizukura to finish questioning and planned to leave together.

"President, the soup-making machine is broken down."

Just when everyone was about to leave, the middle-aged man who was suddenly directing the workers to work ran over anxiously: "I just tried a little bit and found that the taste is not right. It is not as delicious as before."

"What's going on? Contact the people at Lichen Manufacturing quickly and ask them to take the machine back." Hearing this, Chido Cheng's face changed with dissatisfaction and said, "Let them check it carefully to see what the problem is!

If the customer notices something is wrong, it will be us who will be blamed! "

"I understand." The middle-aged man on the side nodded quickly.

"I'll go over and have a look too." Ikego Makoto said "Sorry" to Tang Ze and others, and then hurried over to check the situation.

Seeing this situation, Karasawa and others left the Chido Food Processing Factory without disturbing them too much.

"Then we'll take our leave."

After leaving the factory, Shuicang Xing on the side said: "I received intelligence that more people were revived after rescue. We need to ask them one by one to find out the pathogenic bacteria as soon as possible."

"Aren't you going to wait for the results from the scientific search and research department?" Koshizui Nanatsuki on the side couldn't help but ask.

"To be honest, according to past experience, it has not been found so far. I'm afraid it will be difficult to find the source among those specimens."

Shuicang Criminal smiled: "After all, many ingredients are put together before sampling. Even if the specific ingredients cannot be determined, there should still be traces of pathogenic bacteria.

I haven't found it yet at this time, so I really don't have any hope. "

As if to verify the other party's words, as the other party finished speaking, their mobile phones rang almost in no particular order.

After answering the call, the two of them silently listened to the report on the other end of the phone and sighed in unison.

The answer is obvious. Kesouyan has not found the carrier of the pathogenic bacteria, and there are no problems with the various ingredients in the happy hour restaurant.

Obviously, the most troublesome situation occurred.

In fact, both of them were mentally prepared for this result. Shuicang Criminal was due to his accumulated work experience, while Tang Ze was based on his premonition of the case.

After all, once the case is related to him, it will always be a bit difficult. If the pathogenic bacteria can be found so easily, then the case will probably be solved.

Although there is still no evidence to prove it, Tang Ze feels this way.

Even now, the two cases are being carried out simultaneously, and most of the places they went to are the same.

After hanging up the phone, Mizukura Criminal said goodbye to Tang Ze, and went to Maruyama Food Wholesale Company with his men. Apparently he went to their company to investigate after getting the news.

Obviously, Maruyama Food Wholesale Company will also be confused by them. First, Karasawa and his team went to investigate the murder case, and then Mizukura Criminal Investigation went to investigate their factory.

I'm afraid the boss would rather have Karasawa investigate the murder case than face the Mizukura criminal past investigation from the Living Environment Department.

"Senior, where should we go to investigate?" Watching Mizukura Criminal leave, Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Karasawa and asked.

"I have a destination I want to visit. Do you want to take a guess?" Tang Ze said with a smile.

"Is this a test?" Koshizui Nanatsuki said with a smile on his lips, "I think senior wants to go to Lichen Manufacturing to have a look, right?"

"That's right." Tangze nodded and said, "Tell me why you want to go to the machine manufacturer Lichen Manufacturing to investigate."

"Senior, you underestimate me too much."

Koshizui Nanatsuki smiled and told the reason why he went to Ritshin Manufacturing: "At this juncture of food poisoning, the machine malfunctioned, and it is difficult to say whether there was a cause or not.

So we need to investigate whether this fault has existed before, or whether the fault has occurred before.

Perhaps the food poisoning this time was caused by the malfunction of this machine. "

"In that case, let's go and have a look." Seeing that Koshizui Nanatsuki saw things so thoroughly, Karasawa didn't say much, and drove to Ritshin Manufacturing with Koshizui Nanatsuki.

As for where the address comes from, you don't have to worry about such a simple issue with the Metropolitan Police Department at your back.

Of course, because it would take some time to move the other party's machine, and after traveling to four places in the morning, the time came to noon unknowingly.

So the two planned to find a shop, eat some food and take a rest. They also wanted to let the "bullets fly for a while" and wait for things to ferment.

After all, they have to wait for the machine to be shipped, so they have a reason to visit.

Although he was still at work, Tang Ze did not give up on his coffee habit. They found a pizza shop near Lichen Machinery Manufacturing Company for lunch.

During the break, the two briefly sorted out the existing information and sorted out the context of the two cases.

They rested in the store until around 3:30, and then they set off for their fifth destination today.

Today's schedule may seem like a lot, but in fact this is the norm for criminals' daily search cases.

Even in the case of Ke Xue, which is a classic case of choosing one of three, there are many cases where the police went through multiple investigations before finally giving Conan the opportunity to play the "choose one of three" elimination method.

As a criminal, except for the network security class, which can sit still and knock on the keyboard to solve the case, the other departments have nothing to do with the office.

Arriving all the way to Lichen Manufacturing, the two of them showed their certificates according to the procedures, and then met the person in charge of the company again.

In places like machinery manufacturing companies, the bosses are usually craftsmen, so the Ritatsu Miura in front of him does not look like a boss in a suit. Instead, he is wearing work clothes like the workers around him.

"The soup processing machine that Ikedo Food Processing brought over for repair is this one."

After learning the purpose of the two people's visit, Ritatsu Miura took the two people to a set of machines.

"This is the one that can make delicious soups and sauces, right?"

When Tang Ze came to the machine, he was the first to praise it: "What an amazing invention. I often cook at home and know how high the level of cooking produced by this machine is."

"Yes, this machine can cut various ingredients while heating and stirring them."

After hearing Karasawa's compliment, Ritatsu Miura's face was filled with joy: "Not only that, this machine can also adjust the size of the cuts according to different ingredients, but there will be no uneven heating."

"That's really powerful." Nanatsuki Koshizui exclaimed, "This machine must have taken a lot of effort."

"Of course, it is our signature machine after all." Ritatsu Miura's tone was very humble, but his face was full of pride: "In fact, even Italy wants this technology of ours."

"Oh? Are this kind of processing machines still sold overseas?" Tangze asked in surprise.

"Now we are building a factory in Italy." Miura Miura's mouth couldn't help but smile. "I believe our sauce can sell well there."

"Congratulations then."

Tang Ze saw that the other party was in a good mood, so he cut the topic to the topic: "Ah, by the way, actually we are here to see the maintenance records of that machine?"

"Ah, okay." Ritatsu Miura found a notebook next to the machine and handed it to Tangze.

"Eh? This machine seems to have been inspected just this month, right?" Tang Ze flipped through the records and asked.

"Oh, that's a regular annual inspection." Ritatsu Miura said on the side.

"I just finished the regular inspection, and something went wrong again?" Tang Ze raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Well... I have some minor problems." Ritatsu Miura said with an awkward smile.

"Then you don't know what's wrong with this machine?"

Koshizui Nanatsuki's question made Ritatsu Miura's expression stagnant, and he looked a little unhappy: "It's not that there was a malfunction..."

"President, it's a call from Italy!"

Before Ritatsu Miura finished speaking, a secretary in a suit ran over to him, and the man seemed to be relieved, said rudely and ran over to answer the phone.

Watching the secretary leave, only Karasawa and Koshimizu Nanatsuki were left next to the machine.

Because they were waiting for the other party to call, the two of them didn't wander around. They just looked at the machine around them curiously. After all, if you don't work in relevant places, you really don't see this kind of thing.

But when the two came to the top of the machine, the protruding cylinder caught their eyes.

"This is... a heating column?" Tangze reached out and grabbed the handle on the column and pulled it out, revealing the long column.

The surface of this cylinder is not smooth, but has "~" shaped protrusions, one after another forming a "§" shaped shape with connected ends.

Looking at this familiar pattern, the two of them looked at each other and finally understood why there was such a strange mark on the neck of the deceased.

"The deceased had this injury, which means that the scene where she was killed was where there was a soup processing machine." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the machine cylinder with sharp eyes.

"It keeps happening, and the heating column is still exposed." Tang Ze glanced at the two people on the phone next to him, and whispered: "Take photos to collect evidence."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki quickly took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the column, but as soon as the flash went off, the next moment they heard the excited voice of Miura Tachitatsu approaching them.

"Anyway, you can't do this, you have to add it to the device, you know!"

Hearing the sound of getting closer, Koshimizu Nanatsuki quickly put away his mobile phone, while Karasawa pushed the handle to push the cylinder back into the heating machine.

"I'm really sorry. Something went wrong at the factory over there in Italy."

Ritatsu Miura hung up the phone and smiled apologetically at the two people walking towards him: "I need to deal with things over there later. Do you two have anything else to ask?"

“Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule.”

He bowed slightly, and Ritatsu Miura immediately returned the bow and walked away quickly. It was obvious that the previous incident had made him very impatient.

Because they had obtained important information, Tang Ze and the others were afraid of alerting the enemy, so they left the factory directly without questioning the employees at the factory.

Tangze also received a call from Shuicang Criminal again and obtained important information.

The true nature of the pathogenic bacteria was finally detected by the hospital.

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