Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,149 The Cause of Poisoning

To be honest, the speed of detecting the true form of pathogenic bacteria is really not fast.

There is not even a scientific research team to collect samples and investigate how quickly pathogenic bacteria can be carried into food.

But this is not incomprehensible. After all, Kesouyan conducts targeted investigations, and hospitals must give priority to treating patients before they can investigate the cause of the patient's poisoning in a targeted manner.

Moreover, the information provided by Shuicang Criminal was not just the test results of poisoned patients in one or two hospitals, but the answer obtained after the other party confirmed that the food poisoning of all hospital patients was caused by the same bacteria.

Although time will be slower, it is very useful.

And not only did they confirm that it was the same germ, they also determined that the germs carried by the patients had the same genetic shape.

This means that the source of infection is the same, and the source of food poisoning is the same for everyone.

This time the pathogenic bacteria turned out to be Vibrio parahaemolyticus.

The incubation period of this germ is 8 to 24 hours. This fact coincides with the time between the patient's ingestion of the germ and the onset of illness.

In other words, this confirms that Happy Restaurant is the culprit that caused the food poisoning of hundreds of people.

After all, most patients have been revived by the hospital, so you can naturally know this information by asking.

"The question now is which food contains the bacteria."

Koshizui Nanatsuki watched Karasawa hang up the phone and touched his chin to analyze the information he had heard from the speakerphone:

"Kesouyan has investigated so many ingredients, but has not found any ingredients that carry pathogenic bacteria. Now that we know it is Vibrio parahaemolyticus, we should conduct targeted investigations."

"Vibrio parahaemolyticus is mainly a bacterium that grows in the sea, that is, fish and shellfish." After all, Tangze still has a C-level biology degree, and he still knows some simple biological knowledge.

"But during the previous criminal investigation in Suikura, we found that there were all kinds of dishes, right?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki thought for a while and said, "It seems that many patients did not eat fish and shellfish dishes yesterday."

"I do have some clues." Tang Ze narrowed his eyes and said, "If everything is really as I thought, then maybe the case of food poisoning can be solved."

"Senior, do you already have an idea?" Koshisui Nanatsuki asked in surprise.

"There are some."

Tangze nodded and said, "Let's go and verify the cause of the food poisoning first. Maybe after knowing the truth, we can also solve the murder case."

"Okay, let's wait and see." Koshizui Nanatsuki quickly reviewed the information obtained in his mind, but he didn't have any breakthrough ideas, so he nodded and looked forward to Karasawa's reasoning.

Taking Nanatsuki Koshizui all the way to the Happy Hour Restaurant, Karasawa once again entered the restaurant's back kitchen.

At this moment, the restaurant has suspended business, and only the store manager is here, looking very deserted.

"Two criminals, what are you doing here this time?"

When the young store manager saw the two criminals coming, he quickly asked: "Have the results of the investigation been released? Does it have anything to do with our restaurant?"

"Currently we suspect that the special sauce in your store caused all this." Karasawa said as he walked to the back kitchen and found the vacuum-packed special sauce.

"The raw materials are milk, scallops, onions, meat extract, vinegar and celery." Koshimizu Nanatsuki read out the ingredients.

"How can it be!"

The store manager on the side said excitedly: "We use high-priced raw scallops, but they are delicious!

And we will pour the sauce into glass containers for guests to use as they like.

Moreover, all sauces are bottled before opening, and we have strict regulations. The sauces delivered on the same day are used up on the same day, and they are absolutely guaranteed to be fresh! "

"What if we can't use it all that day?" Tang Ze picked up a glass container and asked with unclear meaning.

Facing Karasawa's seemingly meaningful rhetorical question, the young store manager quickly explained: "Throw everything out at the end of business, and all containers must be cleaned.

As for the unopened ones, they will be taken away in turn as employee benefits. After all, the shelf life of this vacuum package is 7 days, and at most it will not taste as fresh as that day. "

"Sure enough, this is the reason why Kesouyan couldn't find the pathogenic bacteria, because the samples they took were clean and empty containers."

Tangze showed a look of understanding when he heard this, looked at the store manager and said: "You said the sauce will be taken away by the employees in turn, right?

Then please contact the store staff and ask them to provide yesterday's special sauce.

In addition, if any of them eat the sauce, let them go to the hospital for medical treatment immediately! "

"This..." After hearing Karasawa's words, he realized that maybe there was something wrong with their special sauce, and the store manager couldn't help but feel a little lost.

"Hurry up, do you want your colleagues to get food poisoning?" Under Tang Ze's urging, the store manager hurriedly picked up the phone and contacted someone.

After the store manager finished contacting the several clerks who took away the special sauce yesterday, and asked the one who was closest to the store to come back with the sauce, the other person's face showed a gloomy look.

Obviously, this is a huge blow to him as a shop owner. After all, this restaurant is so prosperous and his salary as a shop owner is also very high.

"By the way, today's special sauce needs to be inspected as well." Karasawa reminded him, motioning Koshimizu Nanatsuki to get a bag of today's sauce and share it with the scientific research team later.

"But senior, are you so sure that the special sauce carries pathogenic bacteria?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki on the side couldn't help but asked: "Aren't you afraid of judging that it is an oolong?"

"That's better than a few more poisoned people."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "When dealing with uncertain dangers, I always prepare for the worst.

Moreover, I have enough confidence in my reasoning. Even if I make a mistake in judgment, it will only be a waste of trouble.

Instead of watching them go into the hospital, I would rather be complained about. "

"Would you rather be complained about?" Koshizui Nanatsuki murmured in a low voice, seeming to know more about Karasawa.

Perhaps, this is the reason why the other party was able to prevent many cases. He is different from others by adhering to the code of conduct.

With a little sigh, she asked the store manager where the special sauce was stored today, then turned and walked to the big box in the corner next to it, ready to take it out for the research staff to take away.

But when she opened the box, her eyes fell on the inside of the fan blades on both sides of the box.

"Senior, look at this." Koshimizu Nanatsuki called to Karasawa, and scratched the white translucent rubber surface inside the fan blades of the box with his fingers: "Is this gum?"

"That's right." Tang Ze came over and nodded: "This should be a box specially used for refrigeration."

"Sure enough, there is an inseparable connection between the two." Koshizui Nanatsuki raised the corner of his mouth: "Everything is connected."

At this point, everything is actually very clear, and all the clues form a clear thread.

After the two waited for the sampler from Kesouyan to collect evidence, they asked the store manager another question and then separated directly in the restaurant.

Of course it wasn't that I had any plans, it was simply that I was off work.

Yes, although both cases are urgent, the search also requires process and evidence.

The ability to investigate to this point today is already the limit, and the rest needs evidence to speak for itself.

In addition to identifying the special sauce, Karasawa also contacted Takagi and others and went to the soup processing machine that Lichen Machinery had seized and sent for repair by Ikedo Food Processing.

The seizure was not because of the identification of the machine that caused the wound on the deceased's neck, but to investigate problems with the machine itself.

For this reason, Takagi and the others also hired professionals to conduct inspections.

Everything that follows is fermenting, and all Tang Ze can do is wait for the evidence to settle before taking the next step.

This food poisoning case involving hundreds of people finally made a breakthrough on the night of the incident, and a preliminary explanation was given to the excited public.

"According to Kesouyan's investigation, it was finally discovered that the ingredient carried by the pathogenic bacteria was the special sauce of Happy Restaurant. The police are currently conducting the next step of investigation..."

"Happy Restaurant did not undergo regular inspections by the health center and may be severely punished due to this accident."

As Karasawa and Ayako sat at the dining table at home eating dinner cooked by their sweetheart, the evening news reported the subsequent events.

"Are you going to investigate this matter again today?" Ayako said in surprise when she heard Karasawa's name appear in the search details described by the announcer in the news report.

"Well, it is related to a murder case. The deceased was a salesperson of Maruyama Food Wholesale Company, and this company is their designated food supplier." Tangze nodded.

"Are they the ones who caused the food poisoning this time?" Ayako couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

"No, if my reasoning is correct, it should have nothing to do with Maruyama Company."

Tangze smiled and said: "Okay, it's time to get off work now, let's talk about some relaxed topics."

After the two had dinner, Ayako suggested that they go shopping for daily necessities as part of their evening walk.

Although Tangze was in the news today, he did not show his face after all, and the two of them were not disturbed in any way. They just bought some snacks and daily necessities like any ordinary couple.

However, after returning home, Karasawa felt that today's walk was not enough exercise, so he took Ayako to practice yoga for two more rounds, challenging difficult movements, and then fell asleep peacefully.

Early the next morning, Karasawa took Koshisui Nanatsuki and a large number of people to Richen Machinery.

Of course, he took Nanatsuki Koshizui with him, and the people under him were all brought by Mizukura Criminal.

After all, they came here early this morning to solve a case of food poisoning.

"Why are we being shut down!"

Looking at the criminals putting seals on each machine, Ritatsu Miura looked at Tang Ze with a ferocious expression, like a red-eyed wolf, wishing he could eat him alive.

"You know about the food poisoning incident at the happy hour restaurant yesterday."

Tangze said calmly: "The poisoned food is the sauce made by your machine, your signature machine."

"This is the certificate of identification."

Criminal Mizukura directly spread out the documents in his hands and looked coldly at the ferocious-looking Ritatsu Miura with undisguised disgust on his face: "We will disassemble the soup processing machine you used to make the sauce and hand it over to experts for appraisal. Later, it was discovered that some parts in the heater were missing.”

"What!?" Miura Lichen was stunned on the spot after hearing what Criminal Shuicang said. He reached out to grab the appraisal certificate from Criminal Shuicang: "This is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible."

Shuicang Criminal snorted coldly: "It is precisely because of the defective parts of the heater that the heater did not reach the normal heating temperature."

"So, this is why Ikedo Food Processing Factory felt that the taste was not right and sent the machine for repair."

Tang Ze said calmly: "Furthermore, the heating and sterilization is uneven. After regular inspections of the machine, you did not find any defects in the parts in the heater. This is your factory's responsibility."

"It's unreasonable for you to pretend to be ignorant."

Koshizui Nanatsuki looked at Tatetsumi Miura with disgust: "The machine was regularly repaired a few days ago, and the damage could not be caused in a day or two. In other words, you just moved the machine here, but did not check it at all."

"We want to build a factory in Italy, so we don't have enough technicians to inspect it!" Ritatsu Miura explained repeatedly: "Our factory will soon become famous overseas..."

"That's not a reason."

Tang Ze interrupted him directly: "Because of your irresponsibility, the lives of hundreds of people have been threatened, and now you are still thinking about making money!"

Ritatsu Miura's lips trembled and his expression collapsed: "I have to do all the work here at Neon, and there are constant problems every day at Italy..."

"I remember that when I came to visit you before, you were very proud of your machines, and it must have been the praise of your guests that brought you this, but now you have deprived your guests of their smiles!"

Koshizui Nanatsuki's words were like sharp arrows that pierced Ritatsu Miura's heart. His face turned pale and he was finally taken away directly by the criminals brought by Mizukura Criminal Police.

"Thank you so much this time." Shuicang Criminal bowed slightly and thanked: "If it weren't for you, we might not have been able to discover the source of the pathogenic bacteria, and we wouldn't have known that there was something wrong with the machine."


Tang Ze shook his head and said: "We are here to investigate the murder case. We all cooperate with each other and share information for mutual benefit.

Now that the problem here has been solved, let's take our leave. "

"We still need to seal down the factory, and we need to wait for a while, you two can do it yourself." Shuicang Criminal looked at the two of them and said with a smile: "If you need anything in the future, please contact me as soon as possible."

"Yes." Tang Ze nodded and said goodbye to the other party.

"This case is finally half solved."

Walking out of Ritshin Manufacturing, Koshizu Nanatsuki stretched his body and said, "Senior, I really didn't expect that your breakthrough point would be such a minute detail as the change in the taste of food."

"If you put it like that, I know I'm not very good at cooking."

His teasing attracted Nanatsuki Koshizu to roll his eyes. Karasawa smiled and explained: "Although I may be bragging, my cooking skills are very good, so when I heard President Ikedo say that the taste had changed, I noticed a problem. It's there.

There is knowledge everywhere in life. To be a good criminal, you have to learn a lot. "

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