Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,150 The Price of Greed

"It seems I'm still far behind."

Listening to Karasawa's preaching, Koshimi Nanatsuki didn't feel unconvinced at all, but humbly admitted his own shortcomings.

She agreed to come to be Tang Ze's assistant in order to learn better with Tang Ze, and she also hoped to have someone with a higher level to guide her.

Although Tangze usually treats her as a tool for handling administrative work and fishes for himself, when he encounters a case, he can reveal the other party's true strength.

You must know that the two of them were investigating the case together, and except for the scene where the body was dumped, they acted together throughout the whole process.

But he didn't find any clues, but Tangze caught the inconspicuous clues in the conversation, and directly found the cause of the food poisoning from the small detail of "the taste was wrong".

This also allowed her to discover areas where she was lacking and learned a lot from them.

"Okay, just go back and read more if you have nothing to do." Tang Ze saw that Yueshui had listened to what he said, so he didn't say much. Instead, he smiled and said: "You can read any book if you are interested. Maybe It will come in handy someday.”

"Understood." Koshizui Nanatsuki nodded and then asked: "Senior, are we going to the murderer now?"

"It seems you also know who the prisoner is?" Tang Ze said with a slight smile.

"I can't tell the food poisoning side, but that doesn't mean I don't know who the murderer is."

Koshizui Nanatsuki rolled his eyes: "There are so many clues. If I don't know anymore, then my job as a detective will be in vain."

"Then let's go directly." Tangze threw the car keys to the other party casually: "Let's visit this murderer, who is also the other culprit of food poisoning."

"I'm becoming more and more of a coolie."

Taking the car key, Koshimizu Nanatsuki couldn't help but muttered loudly.

Opening the passenger door, Karasawa glanced at Nanatsuki Koshimizu and said, "Do you think it's appropriate for the leader to drive and the secretary to sit in the passenger seat?"

"Hehe, that's not to say that our relationship is unusual." Koshizui Nanatsuki heard this and chuckled, "The normal workplace relationship does not apply to us~"

"Don't be poor and watch the road carefully." Tang Ze saw the car start slowly and immediately reminded him: "I remember you have driven a few times after you got your driver's license, right?"

"Yes, after all, I don't have money to buy a car." Koshimizu Nanatsuki showed a narrow smile: "What's wrong, do you regret letting me drive?"

"It's because I know that I let you drive. Didn't I say that you still have a lot to learn? Naturally, driving is also a part of it." Tang Ze said calmly: "As long as I'm here, nothing will happen."

After all, it is S-class driving skills, and the factory is not full of people in the city. As long as the speed is not particularly fast, Tang Ze is still confident to guide a newbie on the road.

Even if Koshimi Nanatsuki suddenly panicked and stepped on the accelerator instead of the brake, and he turned the steering wheel with one hand on the co-pilot's non-dominant hand, his neurological reaction would be enough to make the most appropriate judgment.

By this time, Koshimizu Nanatsuki also knew that Karasawa wanted her to practice driving, so he started driving seriously.

Although he was a novice on the road, he still had a driver's license after all. Koshimizu Nanatsuki had a smooth journey to the Ikedo Food Processing Factory.

After meeting Ikego Makoto, the two placed the photo of the seized soup processing machine on each other's desk.

"We identified the parts of the sauce machine that had to be dismantled before they could be sanitized and discovered the ingredients of the special sauce you provided to the happy hour restaurant."

Koshizui Nanatsuki looked at the shocked Iketo Makoto coldly and said: "At the same time, we also checked for food poisoning bacteria.

In other words, this processing machine was the source of pollution that caused hundreds of people to be poisoned. "

"How could this happen?" Ikego Cheng picked up the machine identification certificate in disbelief: "Could it be said that it is time for regular inspection..."

"That's right." Karasawa nodded and said, "Their president, Ritatsu Miura, lacked the necessary technical personnel due to the expansion of the factory, so he did not inspect this machine."

"That's it. No wonder the soup tastes wrong."

Ikego Makoto shook his head repeatedly when he said this, and then looked at the two of them expectantly: "Then if that's the case, it's not our company's fault, right?"

Speaking of this, Ikego Makoto also pointed his fingers excitedly: "I am inspecting this machine with Lichen Machinery!"

"You think you're not at fault, right?"

Karasawa's tone became colder: "I asked the happy hour restaurant, and they said that the scallops used in the sauce are high-end ingredients that can be eaten raw.

And they also showed us the type of scallops specified by their boss at Maruyama Food Company. "

"It also clearly says "Eat raw" on it." Nanatsuki Koshizu took out a blue sealed bag and placed it on the table.

After that, without waiting for Ikego Makoto's reaction, he took out another sealed bag with red packaging: "And this red one, it clearly says "Heat and eat". This kind of shellfish must be heated because there are too many bacteria attached to it." Eat it when it's cooked.

The kind designated by Happy Restaurant will not contain Vibrio parahaemolyticus even if it is eaten raw.

Our colleagues in the Living Environment Section have inspected Maruyama Foods, and their blue bag "raw" scallops are fully qualified. "

"In other words, the problem not only occurs on the machine, but also on you!

In your greed for profit, you used the cheap "heated and eaten" scallops in the red bag as ingredients for making sauce, right? "

Karasawa looked at Ikedo Makoto, whose lips were trembling, and his tone became colder: "You should have discovered something was wrong with the machine the night before the mass poisoning incident, right?

But you couldn't contact Time Restaurant to get the things back, because you killed Akiko Hinomori here that night.

On the neck of Ms. Johnson Akiko's corpse, there were unique scars from the heating rod of the soup processor.

And only you most likely checked the machine yesterday, thus knocking it over against the heating column after the two of you got into trouble. "

"Don't talk nonsense!"

When Ikego Cheng heard Tang Ze's words, he slammed the table and jumped up: "Don't slander people!! You don't have any evidence that she was killed here!

And I’m not the only one with this machine! "

"This is because you cleaned and sterilized the heating column, and then made a pot of soup to clean up the blood stains because you were worried. But we have other evidence."

Karasawa took out a photo of the salad oil specially provided during happy hour: "We compared this salad oil with the oil on the soles of the deceased's shoes. They are exactly the same. Is this also produced at your place?"

"Besides that, there are the boxes that are everywhere in your factory."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki opened a cardboard box: “The same resin as this was found on the inside of the victim’s shoe sole.

I guess after you killed the person, you put the body of Ms. Hino Senakiko in this big cardboard box, took it away and dumped it on the forest road, right? "

"Salad oil and boxes are two things, and there are happy hours too!"

Ikego Cheng panicked when he heard the female criminal in front of him accurately reconstructing the matter. He looked at the two of them and roared: "Evidence, show me the evidence. What you said is just speculation and slander!"

"What are you arguing about? Whoever has the loudest voice is not justified." Koshizui Nanatsuki looked at Iketo Makoto and snorted coldly: "Do you think our criminal cases are all based on conjecture!"

"Before Akiko Jiangmori died, the soles of her feet were stained with salad oil."

Tang Ze said calmly: "I guess I accidentally bumped into the pile of salad oil piled in the corner of the factory while pushing you, right?

And this also provides us with decisive evidence. If we can detect the footprints of Ms. Akiko Bijimori that were stained with salad oil before her death, we can be sure that this is the scene of the crime.

If your footprints were stained with salad oil at the scene, I think that would be enough to convict you.

Moreover, the car you drove to dump the body was also found by my colleagues relying on surveillance along the way. This evidence is enough to confirm that you are the murderer! "

There is no lie in what Tang Ze said. Even if these proofs are cleaned up by the other party, as long as they are not cleaned up in a particularly professional way, Kesouyan will have a way to reveal them.

And knowing that the target is different from finding a needle in a haystack, even if the evidence is insufficient, it is not difficult to find evidence as long as you focus on the other party.

Tangze and others had not found any obvious footprints before, but those were no specific clues.

What the police are most afraid of when appraising evidence is to "check to see if there are any problems." In this way, all blood stains, chemicals, virus tests, etc. will have to be tested.

But if you have a specific direction, such as checking for blood stains, then the corresponding luminol can be found. The same is true for other tests, and there are reagents or machines for corresponding tests.

So even if the lush grass covers the obvious footprints, the grease may be directly stained on the grass.

If you send people to investigate, you will naturally gain something.

After hearing Karasawa's words, Ikego Makoto could no longer stand still. He stumbled and sat directly on the seat, feeling fearful and painful.

But looking at the remorseful Iketo Makoto, Karasawa and Koshimi Nanatsuki had no sympathy for him.

His crying and regret were a vent for everything in his future and regret for killing someone, but they were not guilt and repentance for killing Miss Johnson.

Tang Ze had seen many people like this guy who didn't show any repentance to the deceased after killing someone, and he didn't have the slightest sympathy for him.

After taking Ikedo Makoto back to the Metropolitan Police Department for interrogation, the other party honestly told everything that happened that night.

That day, there was something wrong with the sauce produced by the soup processing machine, which caught his attention.

After all, they are all the same raw materials and ingredients, and they are all made by the same machine, so how can there be a change in taste.

So Ikego Makoto thought there was something wrong with the machine, so after the soup was finished and cleaned up, he waited until everyone left and pulled out the heating rod to check the situation.

But before he could take the next step, Miss Bee Johnson came to visit.

She noticed that the quantity of two types of scallops purchased by Ikedo Cheng had increased and decreased significantly recently.

Naturally, the purchase volume has declined for the expensive blue-bag scallops that can be eaten raw, while the purchase volume has naturally increased for the "heated and edible" red-bag scallops.

Because she was the one who introduced the cooperation between Happy Hour Restaurant and Ikedo Processing, so she came over to visit after she felt something was wrong.

Ikedo Makoto originally planned to prevaricate, but he did not expect that Miss Bijiangmori would come today.

And the red scallop bags they used to make the sauce were piled in the corner before they had time to deal with them.

So Miss Hideo discovered the secret of Ikego Makoto secretly substituting scallops to make sauce. Ikego Makoto said that there was no profit in using blue bag scallops and he couldn't make much money at all.

But from the perspective of Hiko Mori Akiko, Ikego Makoto is undoubtedly a betrayal of her.

She kindly introduced her factory to establish a cooperation with Happy Hour Restaurant, but the other party did not abide by the contract and purchased low-quality scallops, causing the sauce to taste bad.

So Hiko Mori Akiko planned to inform the owner of Happy Hour Restaurant about this matter and end the relationship between the two parties.

Bi Jiangsenqiuzi is a serious girl. She feels that what caused this is that she introduced an untrustworthy company, so she plans to apologize and resolve the matter.

But she still underestimated human nature.

When she took out her phone, Ikego Makoto reached out directly to grab her phone. After all, the two parties signed a contract, and if they broke the contract, they would have to pay a large amount of compensation.

During the scuffle, the two hit the salad oil next to them, which is why there is salad oil on the soles of Bijiang Senqiuzi's shoes.

During the scuffle, Ikego Makoto, who was under huge benefit, became anxious and pushed Hinomori Akiko down to take the opportunity to seize the phone.

But what he didn't expect was that unlike the previous factory environment, today he pulled out the heating column of the soup processing machine.

Then because of this push, Akiko Hienomori directly hit the heating column next to her.

Due to the violent impact on her neck, Akiko Hideo was unable to react for a while, and her head hit the sharp corner of the machine.

The human body is sometimes very strong, but sometimes it is so fragile, especially if it falls flat, or the whole body is bruised, but if the head hits a sharp corner, the person may be sent directly.

However, after Akiko Hiromi hit her neck and was hit by the impact, her body was unable to make subconscious protective actions such as supporting her arms, and she fell directly to her death.

It was only then that Ikego Makoto realized what he had done.

But fortunately it was already after get off work and no one else was in the factory. After he calmed down, he dealt with the crime scene.

Then he put the body of Hiko Senaki into a box and drove it to a remote forest road.

After killing people, he naturally had no energy to pay attention to the processing machines. He was probably in a state of panic all night.

But what he didn't expect was that a big problem would arise after he ignored the malfunctioning soup processing machine.

As many as hundreds of people were suffering from food poisoning, and he was swept away directly.

If it was just a simple murder case, even Tang Ze would probably have to investigate for several days to find the culprit. After all, the two of them had no conflicts before, and his murder was an accident.

But it is precisely because of this food poisoning that everything is connected.

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