Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,151 Different Rewards

To be honest, Tang Ze has solved many cases and witnessed various murder cases.

But this case still made Tang Ze feel a little emotional.

Sure enough, money moves people's hearts, and greed is the original sin that leads people to madness and destruction.

In this case, except for Maruyama Foods, which supplied the ingredients, it was not involved at all. The rest of the parties were greedy that led to their destruction.

If Rischen Miura had not been blinded by the huge benefits of overseas expansion and spent time overhauling the processing machines, the mass poisoning incident would not have happened.

If Iketo Makoto had not secretly violated the contract and used red bag scallops that must be "heated and eaten" out of greed, the mass poisoning incident would not have happened.

Because even if there is a problem with the machine, the blue bag scallops can be eaten raw. Even if the machine causes uneven heating, at most it will only cause the sauce to not taste so good.

If the owner of the happy hour restaurant hadn't been so greedy and refused to close the business to undergo an inspection by the health center just for the sake of a day's turnover, maybe this incident wouldn't have happened either.

A thousand-mile embankment collapsed in an ant nest.

In this case of food poisoning, if either party could effectively fulfill its responsibilities, food poisoning would not have occurred.

Rather than saying it's bad luck, it might be an inevitability.

When everyone is greedy for immediate benefits but forgets their responsibility in obtaining benefits, then destruction is not far away.

And this matter finally ended with all three parties paying their respects, and Tangze's settlement this time also ushered in a slightly different reward model.

【The Original Sin of Greed】

Completion: perfect

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining biology (3 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Poison Resistance Capsule]

Evaluation: This case involves a mass poisoning of hundreds of people and a murder case. You are not confused by the two seemingly unrelated cases in front of you, but you see through the hidden essence of the case.

You found the truth for hundreds of people suffering from food poisoning and helped them find the person responsible. You also found the murderer in the murder case during this investigation, allowing the girl responsible to rest in peace.

Somehow, you have won the favor of fate!

Tangze had expected that the reward for this case would include biology. After all, this case was related to germs, so it was normal to reward relevant knowledge.

But what he didn't expect at all was that the side reward this time actually gave him a prop!

This is something that has never happened before.

Thinking of this, Tangze immediately checked the details of this prop.

[Du Kang Capsule: After eating, it can strengthen the host's immunity to trace toxicity. 】

Note: Mom no longer has to worry about me being poisoned! The premise is to eat more~

It is said that the fewer words, the stronger the effect. Tang Ze was also delighted when he saw this prop.

After all, this thing doesn't say which aspect of poison resistance will be increased, which means that it is likely to be an increase in all aspects!

You know, poisons can be found everywhere in Ke Xue's world. The information on poisoning cases can be piled up on the entire desk, which shows that poisonings are frequent.

But this is normal. After all, among all killing methods, poisoning is the most convenient and secretive.

Many weak people want to kill people who are stronger than themselves, so getting a weapon is never the best choice. After all, when guns are hard to come by, even if you have a knife, there is a possibility that the opponent will take it away and kill you.

That's why poison is so common in homicide cases.

Tang Ze didn't want to be targeted by a prisoner one day and die inexplicably.

But with this reward, Tang Ze doesn't have to worry so much.

Although it is only a trace amount, it is still very useful if you eat a lot. Although he only got one now, being able to get a reward also means that he has enough channels to buy in the mall.

As long as there are destiny points, even if the poison resistance is fully stacked, it may not be impossible!

Tang Ze opened the mall confidently, planning to buy a few pills first to stack the poison resistance.

After all, this thing only adds a small amount of toxicity, and the single effect is not particularly obvious. It is obvious that it has been purchased multiple times.

In this case, the price shouldn't be too...expensive...

When Tang Ze saw that the price of [Du Kang Capsule] in the mall actually reached 500 destiny points, Tang Ze silently closed the store.

Well, at least it gave Tangze hope that he wouldn't have to be afraid of all kinds of poisons in the future.

Obviously, this price is a bit expensive for Tangze who only has 1,000 destiny points.

But it seems understandable. After all, the functional bullets consumed still cost 300 fate points. This type of bullet that can be stacked passively will charge 500 fate points, which is a reasonable price.

Thinking of this, Tang Ze hesitated, but still did not choose to use the remaining 1,000 destiny points to buy the [Poison Resistance Capsule].

Invulnerable to all poisons, it sounds good, but at least for Karasawa, who eats at home and eats at his friend Yukihira's, there is basically no worry about poisoning.

And even if he buys two more, poisoning will only make him die a little slower. Since the result is the same, Tang Ze is not in a hurry to buy it.

If you extend the time span, even if you buy one future poison resistance at a time, the poison resistance will gradually increase.

Sooner or later, the effect of changing the outcome of poisoning and death can be achieved.

All in all, this can be considered a happy worry, and Tangze is quite satisfied with this harvest.

After all, at the beginning, his expectation was just to get the skills as a side reward.

Unexpectedly, there was an extra reward this time, allowing Tangze to get props.

However, he speculated that this may be because this is not just a murder case, but also a mass poisoning incident.

And because hundreds of victims are involved, finding the culprit for them can be regarded as disturbing everyone's fate.

Although they are just ordinary people, the superposition of quantity finally achieved a qualitative change, which finally allowed Tang Ze to receive this additional reward.

Although there was no specific explanation when the rewards were settled, Karasawa roughly extracted this meaning from the system's evaluation.

Of course, although he knew how to get extra rewards, he didn't really hope to get the next reward.

After all, hundreds of people were implicated this time to get this reward. If he gets this reward next time, it will prove that there is a case with a wide range of implications.

This time it was food poisoning. Fortunately, except for an elderly man who did not survive, everyone else was basically out of danger.

But next time the danger comes again, I don’t know what will happen.

Even if it is a bomb or a satellite falling from the sky, Karasawa is not surprised (laughs).

After solving the case and arresting people, Wan Shi held a press conference as the person in charge of the case to explain the details of the case.

Looking at previous cases, even homicide cases would not have a press conference.

But this time the poisoning incident was too big, and a murder case was involved. In the end, the superiors decided to send Tang Ze, the "Dinghai Shenzhen", to appease the masses.

By the time everything is finished, it will be almost noon.

He asked Koshimi Nanatsuki to have a meal together to celebrate the resolution of the case.

Near the end of the meal, Koshimizu Nanatsuki received a call from Aida Riko, saying that Aida Kiyomi had regained consciousness, so he said goodbye to Karasawa and went to the hospital, planning to pay a visit.

As for Tangze, he originally planned to go home directly, but unexpectedly, as soon as he got in the car, he received a distress message from Haiyuan, saying that they seemed to be in a bad guy's car.

This news made Tangze's face tremble, and he immediately turned the car around and planned to go to the rest stop they mentioned to pick them up.

But the next moment, the phone's ringtone rang again.

Seeing the caller, Tang Ze answered the call and asked directly: "Is it because of Haiyuan's matter?"

"That's right. Can you get away with the food poisoning case there?" Conan said hurriedly: "If not, I'll rush there on a skateboard first."

"No problem, we just solved it." The location of the two people flashed in Karasawa's mind and he quickly found a meeting point: "Let's meet at Yoneka Town 3-chome."

"Okay!" Conan's response seemed a little distorted. It was obvious that the other party had already stepped on the skateboard and was on his way.

Arriving all the way to the intersection where both of them would pass, Tang Ze's car just stopped, and Conan on the side also got in the car on his skateboard.

"What's the specific situation over there?" Tang Ze asked, "Has Haiyuan spoken to you?"

"There was a phone call. She said that she heard the sound of you giving a press conference on the radio in the car. She was afraid that you wouldn't be able to answer the call, so she took advantage of her excuse to go to the toilet to explain the situation to me and asked me to ask you for help. .”

Conan nodded and began to recount what happened to Haiyuan and the others.

Push the time back an hour.

At the same time that Karasawa returned to the Metropolitan Police Department with the prisoners, something very bad happened to Haihara and Dr. Ari.

Today, Dr. Agasa took Haibara to attend the first invention conference in Yamanashi Prefecture.

This is a press conference that he attends every year, where he can see many good inventions. It is also an annual exchange conference for scientific researchers like them.

It is precisely because of this kind of meeting of scientific researchers that Huiyuan, who has never been very interested in things, is rarely willing to participate in long-term experiences together.

Well, the main reason is that Miss Akemi accepted the neighbor's invitation to participate in the "town party" today. If Haibara doesn't go, she will have to be alone at home.

But what they didn't expect was that the trip went smoothly, but on the way back, Dr. Ali's beetle car broke down.

There was no other way, Dr. Ali had no choice but to call a tow truck to tow the car back for repairs.

Originally, the overtaking service took them to a nearby bus stop, and they only needed to take the bus back to Tokyo.

But the embarrassing thing is that Dr. Ali lost his wallet, so it was impossible to take the bus home.

Originally, I called Conan, hoping that Mouri Kogoro would come to pick them up from the first floor, but Moori Kogoro went to investigate the extramarital affair.

But fortunately, they met a female driver who was willing to give him a ride.

What was a little unsettling at first was that there was a sleeping man sitting in the passenger seat of the other party.

Although covered by a hood, Dr. Ali still discovered that there seemed to be huge scars on the other party's eyes.

However, although this injury was uncommon, it did not mean anything. The two of them had no other way to get home, so they got into the car.

"Well, sister, can you tell me something?"

After closing the car door, Haiyuan looked at the woman pretending to be a child and asked, "How do you know we don't have any money?"

"I think you heard me saying that I had no money when I called, right?" Dr. A Li said with an embarrassed smile.

"Do you think people who are driving can hear the voices of passers-by talking on the phone?"

Huiyuan shook his head and said: "If it were still possible when passing by, this sister stopped before us."

“The reason why I stopped was because I saw you pedaling at the bus stop, but you didn’t get on the bus when it came, so I realized that you might have lost your wallet.

In addition, I also saw stains on the old man's chest. There were regular clean diagonal marks in the middle. I think it was knocked over while driving, right?

Because this clean diagonal mark proves that you were still driving before. After all, it is impossible for ordinary people to go out wearing clothes with such obvious stains.

Finally, I saw a yellow turtle being towed away by a tow truck on the road I was just driving. So when I saw you, I almost guessed the cause and effect. "

"Eh? Sister is so awesome." Haiyuan said sheepishly, "I'm sorry to ask you that. After all, we don't know each other. We have to ask clearly what's wrong."

Because of Tangze's intervention, Haiyuan's character actually changed a lot. He no longer had the coldness to avoid strangers, and was a little more angry.

This change is reflected here in that Haiyuan has become more "tactful". Although she raised various doubts, she always used words to resolve the conflict, and even used her own advantage as a child to explain in the end.

Compared with the cold questioning of the other party, this can be regarded as a manifestation of "human touch".

And doing so is indeed a more appropriate method.

If the other party is a good person, then a clear explanation will not make the other party feel dissatisfied with "good intentions being treated as a donkey's liver and lungs".

If they are bad guys, saying this can also make the other party think that they have stabilized the two people and let the other party relax their vigilance, thereby delaying time. At the same time, there will be a relatively stable and free environment for them to seek help.

In fact, when they saw the man with the scar on the co-pilot's eye, Haiyuan actually regretted it.

However, if the other party really has bad intentions, they may turn against him if he refuses, and Dr. Ali, who is not so vigilant, has already got on the bus, so she can only follow.

So they got in the car, and Hui Principle conducted a preliminary test, and finally got a reasonable answer.

"Safety comes first when you go out." The woman wearing sunglasses smiled nonchalantly, and then praised: "But little sister, you are so amazing, you can find so many things that are wrong."

"I studied with a very powerful criminal in Tokyo." Haibara calmly revealed the news that made the two of them afraid: "Originally, we planned to let him pick us up, but I didn't expect that he happened to meet you."

"Eh? So that's it." The woman didn't seem to care about Haiyuan's words. She turned around with a smile and looked forward: "Since everything is okay, let's set off."

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