Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,152 Haiyuan and A Li’s Big Adventure

The car started and there was silence inside.

But fortunately, the man in the co-pilot was sleeping, so it was normal not to chat.

The car drove all the way to Tokyo, but unexpectedly there was a traffic jam on the road.

"There's a traffic jam..." The female driver looked ahead and then looked at the two people in the back seat: "There seems to be a traffic accident ahead. If you are not in a hurry, you can take a nap."

"Ah, thank you very much." Dr. A Li was not as vigilant as Haiyuan, so he smiled and thanked the woman in front of him.

"By the way, where is your home in Tokyo?" the woman asked casually.

"Mika Town 2-chome." Dr. Agasa replied subconsciously.

"Oh? What a coincidence." The woman smiled slightly: "We happen to be going to the Maori Detective Office at the 5th-chome of Yoneka Town."

Haiyuan couldn't help being surprised when she heard the woman's words, but when she was surprised, Dr. Ali on the side was happy because of the coincidence that the other party was going to an acquaintance's house and said: "So that's it, in fact, we happen to be his friends. ..”

Before he finished speaking, Haiyuan on the side suddenly hit Dr. A Li with his elbow, causing him to stop talking in shock.

"Ha...I suddenly feel a little sleepy."

Haibara yawned lazily, and then hugged Dr. A Li's arm: "Grandpa, I suddenly feel sleepy. It's a rare opportunity for you to coax me to sleep, okay?"

"Ah...I see..." Although Dr. A Li was a little confused, the other party's abnormal behavior also made him subconsciously cooperate with Haiyuan.

"Remember to call us when you arrive!" Haiyuan smiled at the female driver again.

"Okay." The other party nodded and continued to focus on the road ahead.

When Dr. Ali knew this, he carefully covered his mouth and asked, "What's the matter, Ai-chan?"

"These two people are very suspicious." Haiyuan quietly opened one eye and whispered: "Did you see the face of the man in the passenger seat?"

"Ah, I saw it. There is a big scar, and the whole person looks very serious." Dr. Ali carefully looked at the front and said, "But this doesn't mean anything, right?"

"Look at the back of the driver's seat."

Haiyuan raised his chin. Dr. Ali looked along Haiyuan's direction and found a small hole in the driver's back seat.

"And on my left hand side, I think it's probably a bullet hole." Haibara gestured to Dr. Ali to look at the car door. There were also two small holes there.

And before Dr. A Li's expression changed, Haihara ran his finger across the gap in the seat next to him: "I think they may think they have cleaned it very well, but there are still some traces left in the gap."

Haihara rubbed his index finger with his thumb: "If my guess is correct, this should be blood stains."

"What! What did you say!?" Dr. A Li couldn't help but screamed when he heard Haiyuan's words.

"What's wrong?" Hearing Dr. Ali's shout, the female driver beside her couldn't help but turned around and asked.

"Ah,'s nothing..." Dr. Ali waved his hands hurriedly.

"Grandpa, you talk too much in your sleep." Haiyuan thought of an excuse and quickly complained about Dr. A Li, but also put aside his sudden shouting.

Afterwards, the two of them pretended to sleep under Haiyuan's instructions to see if they could hear any useful news.

They say you can never wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep.

Dr. A Li and Hai Yuan asked the people in front to relax their vigilance and pretended to fall asleep.

When the traffic jam ahead gradually began to clear and the vehicle began to move forward, the man who was sleeping in the co-pilot seemed to wake up.

"What's going on? Why did the luggage increase again while I was sleeping?"

After the man woke up, he turned to look at the rear seat and couldn't help but look at the woman and asked.

"I just picked them up on the way." The woman smiled and said, "They seem to be acquaintances of Detective Maori."

"Oh? That's quite useful." The man raised his lips and said, "This will save you the trouble of looking for his house."

Speaking of which, the man turned his head and stopped looking at the two people in the rear driver's seat. Instead, he looked at the woman and said, "By the way, what do you think of that brat?"

"Ah? You're talking about the kid named Edogawa Conan who followed Karasawa Criminal?"

The woman thought for a while and suddenly said: "I remember that he seems to be Tang Ze's apprentice? He is indeed a kid who is more mature and smarter than ordinary people."

"The apprentices are so smart, let alone the master."

The man said: "Those eyes that seem to be able to see through the essence of everything, coupled with that terrifying power of action, are definitely a formidable enemy!"

"Is it so exaggerated?" the woman asked in surprise.

"He is very powerful and can be said to be reckless, but combined with his terrifying reasoning brain, what do you think will happen?"

The man said solemnly: "With enough information, he can reason to the extreme and even deduce the future direction.

Have you seen his information? He has arrested many attempted murderers. "

"You mean..." the woman said in surprise: "He has already..."

"That's right."

The man nodded and said, "I suspect that's what he did after reasoning and seeing the ending.

That man is absolutely terrifying when it comes to intelligence gathering.

This time we went to find the kid first. We brought so many gifts and gave him some sweet treats. I think we can make the kid repay us. "

"But is this okay?" the woman asked worriedly.

"No problem, just half-dead is enough."

The man smiled and said: "But it's still a bit early, there should be some time left, right?

Before they are all killed! "

"Then I'm really looking forward to this meeting." The woman smiled.

"I'll definitely cry with joy." The man agreed with a smile: "The way I achieve half-death is very different from what most people call half-death!"

These words of the two people completely fell into the ears of the two people who were pretending to be asleep, causing Haibara and Dr. A Li to panic.

Fortunately, the two of them knew that they were still in danger and refrained from shouting. However, even so, they woke up from the state of pretending to be asleep and looked at the two people in front of them with horrified expressions.

If Huiyuan had suspected that they had bad intentions before, now they were sure of it.

These two people are coming with bad intentions!

They seem to be planning to find the Mori Detective Agency first, and then use Conan as a threat to criminally harm Karaze!

And it seems that he plans to use very cruel methods to treat Tangze Criminal and others!

Considering the bullet marks and blood stains on the car, they must have got into the thief's car!

And because they were too surprised and moved too much, the woman driving the car found them awake.

Fortunately, Haiyuan pretended to have just woken up and asked the two of them if they had said anything while they were asleep.

As expected, the woman did not pursue anything further.

After Haiyuan and Dr. A Li escaped the disaster, they panicked and tried to find a chance to escape.

But the man seemed to have noticed something. On the surface, he complained about the traffic jam, but in fact, he threatened them to get out of the car and "fly" back if they were really in a hurry.

This shocked the two of them and made them dare not act rashly.

But fortunately, the personal freedom of the two was not greatly restricted. Later, because they were unable to walk due to the traffic jam, the woman took the initiative to go to a rest stop to rest.

Although it was said that the two of them wanted to inquire about the relationship between Dr. Agasa and Kogoro Mori, the proposal to go to the rest stop was indeed in line with Haibara and the other two's wishes.

After all, these two people have guns!

That's right, when Haiyuan saw the man opening the storage box in the car, he saw a pistol!

As there are many people at the rest stop, they must not dare to do anything excessive, and it also makes it easier for them to call for help and escape.

After that, several people came to the rest stop, and Haiyuan used the excuse of going to the bathroom to call for help.

In the car before, Haibara heard Tangze's speech on the radio, so he was afraid that it would be inconvenient for him to answer the phone.

Being pressed for time, Haiyuan chose to call Conan. After all, they had a day off today, so Conan must be fine.

After that, she sent another text message to Tangze as another layer of insurance.

After this, there was a scene where Conan and Karasawa reunited.

"The situation is very dangerous now!"

After coming to the bathroom, Haiyuan repeated what he said in the car to the two people: "They are obviously going for you!"

"We are almost there." Tang Ze said on the phone: "You try to delay the time, we will be there soon!"

Because the other party was heading towards Tokyo, and Karasawa drove very quickly, he could reach the rest stop soon after meeting Conan.

Of course, Tangze did not forget to avoid the traffic jam and go around to the rest stop from the side road, otherwise he would definitely be blocked.

"I see!"

Haiyuan nodded and hung up the phone and returned to the dining table.

Absently, I ordered a cup of coffee with Dr. A Li, and when I was about to finish it, the two of them planned to leave.

Dr. Agasa got up feeling guilty. According to the excuse Haibara gave when ordering, he said that he saw his friend from Chiba when ordering, and then just take his car.

"Is that so?" The woman nodded: "That's good."

"Thank you both for taking care of me." Dr. A Li scratched his head guiltily. Seeing that the other party had no intention of falling out, he quickly said goodbye to Haiyuan and turned to leave.

"Speaking of acquaintances is a complete lie." The man looked at the backs of the old man and the young man and exposed each other's lies.

"Yes, but why lie?" the woman nodded.

"I guess they heard what I just said about "killing me half to death"." The man said.

"Then it's troublesome." The woman's sunglasses glowed with a cold white light: "We have to solve this trouble."


On the other side, Dr. A Li and Haibara immediately hid in the cubicle in the men's bathroom after they left their sight.

Haiyuan also contacted Conan on his mobile phone again: "It's exactly what you said. They immediately realized it was a lie and started looking for us."

Looking at the two people outside the bathroom through the gap, Haiyuan lowered his voice and said, "They are looking for us now."

"So where are you now?" Conan asked.

"Hiding in the bathroom." Haiyuan said urgently: "But I think it is only a matter of time before he is discovered.

No, that man started breaking down the door! "

"I see."

After Tangze answered, he looked at Conan. Conan's eyes were so reflective that he couldn't see his expression: "We'll be there soon. If he knocks on the door, scold him like an adult!

If there was a woman inside, he would probably be embarrassed and walk away.

Then you took the opportunity to escape through the bathroom window! "

"Huh?" Haiyuan instinctively felt that something was wrong when he heard Conan's words, but the man knocked on the door in one compartment after another, and the people inside subconsciously spoke out and were identified.

"You haven't answered yet!"

The huge banging on the door combined with the man's fierce voice made Hui Yuan have no time to think: "I know..."

She coughed lightly, then shouted angrily toward the door: "It's so rude, don't you know there's someone inside?! You big pervert!!"

After yelling, Haiyuan stared at the door and couldn't stop trembling, fearing that the other party would break in directly and tear their faces apart, which would be detrimental to the two of them.

But a moment later, a man's apologetic voice came from outside the door: "I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry."

Hearing the man's footsteps walking away, Haiyuan breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment he suddenly realized what he was doing and quickly picked up his phone and said, "Wait! This is the men's room!"

"I think so. After all, it's impossible for Dr. Ari to go to the women's restroom." Conan replied calmly.

"What do you think? Then the sound I just made is misleading!?" Haiyuan said in panic.

"Now hurry up and leave through the window." Conan said: "Before the other party realizes that something is wrong."

"You guy..."

Although Haibara was a little dissatisfied with Conan's command, at this point he could only leave through the window with Dr. A Li.

"It's out, what's next!?" Haiyuan asked repeatedly.

"Is this... I think that woman should be waiting where you came out..."

Haiyuan watched the eyes of the woman in front of him grow sharply, and heard footsteps and Conan's words in his ears: "That man should be here soon, right?"

Haiyuan looked around at the men and women surrounding him, his face turned pale, and just when he opened his mouth, Conan's words came from the other end of the phone: "Just give up on being caught by them."

"You want us to give up!?" Haiyuan heard Conan's words and said in disbelief: "Are you kidding me!"

"Do not worry"

The next moment the skateboard braked, Conan stopped in front of everyone. He hung up the phone and said with a smile: "Because these two are criminals."


"Criminal punishment!?" Dr. A Li and the other two said in disbelief.

"But what are you two dressed up like? Torada...ah, it's time to call you Miss Uehara."

Tang Ze came over from not far away: "Why are you wearing such sunglasses? They don't suit you at all.

And Brother Yamato, is he wearing a hood to hide his scary face? But I don’t think you care about looks that much? "

"I can't help it. When we arrest the suspect, don't punch him." Yui Uehara took off his sunglasses, revealing his injured right eye: "It's bruised, it's ugly."

"It's just a filter, it's already pretty good."

Yamato Gansuke on the side took off his hat, revealing the bandage on his head: "His bullet grazed my forehead, and my head almost exploded."


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