Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,153 Yamato Gansuke’s Commission

Dr. Ali and Haiyuan were shocked when they heard their explanations.

They never thought that the evidence that they had previously suspected that the other party was not a good person turned out to be completely opposite to what they thought.

However, Conan and Karasawa smiled happily while admiring the astonished expressions of Haibara and the others.

"You two actually plotted against us!"

At this time, Haiyuan still didn't know that the two of them were plotted by two evil-minded guys. Like cats with fried hair, he ran to Conan angrily: "Did you already know that they were criminals? Just watching our jokes!"

Seeing that Haiyuan had already begun to settle accounts, Conan quickly looked to Tangze for help.

But someone was very tall and didn't seem to pay attention to Conan and Haibara at his legs. Instead, he smiled and chatted with Uehara.

"No, no, we only guessed it was the two of them after listening to you retelling your situation in the bathroom."

Seeing this, Conan didn't know that the other party was taking the blame again, so he quickly waved his hands and explained: "By the time their identities are confirmed, we have already arrived at the gas station.

Let you come out of the bathroom because we have seen the two of them go around to the window and surround you.

In fact, I had just finished my explanation at that time. "

"Huh, I believe you are the only one who has ghosts!" Haiyuan crossed his arms. He had not forgotten what Conan said when he had just come back and the two of them surrounded them.

At the same time, Haiyuan has secretly planned to find an opportunity to take revenge!

"You can't blame me entirely."

Conan on the side looked at Haibara's unkind eyes and felt a chill go down his spine. He quickly started to pull his teammates to share the firepower: "Tangze Criminal must also know the identities of the two criminals!"

"But because I was concentrating on driving, you were the one doing all the talking on the phone."

Tang Ze neatly blocked the blame thrown by Conan: "And after getting off the car, you rushed over with your skateboard, and I was a little slow because I stopped the car, so I didn't know what you said."

"You, but when we guess their identities..."

Conan thought about the tacit understanding between the two of them and smiled at each other. When he gave Haibara his childish escape plan, the other party did not stop him. Instead, he seemed to have acquiesced in it. He immediately understood Tangze's sinister intentions.

First, he gave his support with a default attitude, and then he immediately vetoed it when Haiyuan made an attack.

Because I didn’t say anything and I didn’t have any evidence...

Dog thief! !

Conan immediately understood Karasawa's plan, but now that it was over, he could only break his teeth and swallow it.

On the way back, Conan was met with Haiyuan's death gaze, which made him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.

At this moment, Conan began to regret it, after all, his antidote was still in the opponent's hands.

Thinking of this, Conan felt hopeless.

The future is not bright.

Of course, others don't care what Conan's mood is now.

Karasawa led the way around the traffic jam and led the two of them directly to the Mori Detective Agency.

According to what the two of them said, they came this time with the intention of finding Kogoro Mori first, and then going to the Metropolitan Police Department to contact them.

Since they both belonged to the criminal system and were easier to find, the two planned to visit Mouri Kogoro after they found him.

But now that they have found Karasawa directly, the two plan to discuss the reason for coming to Tokyo after going to the Mori Detective Agency.

The return journey went smoothly. The two cars arrived at the Maori Detective Agency in tandem.

After arriving at the office, Mouri Kogoro and Xiaolan also returned home after completing the commission.

As for the arrival of Yamato and the others, they were both surprised and welcomed them.

Of course, this also inevitably brings up the previous misunderstanding between Haiyuan and the two of them.

"Hahaha, this is really a big mistake."

Mouri Kogoro on the side laughed when he heard this and said: "Well, it's no wonder, Miss Uehara, you wear such big sunglasses, and Yamato Criminal is so oppressive.

It is inevitable that I will regard you as bad people. "

"The main reason is that we saw bullet holes in the car, and Haihara also found blood stains on the seat." Dr. Ali said helplessly: "Anyone would be scared of that kind of situation, and we also saw a gun..."

"That gun isn't ours either."

Yamato Gansuke on the side explained: "We arrested a man not long ago, and not long after letting him get into the car, when the man took out a hidden gun and shot at him randomly to subdue him, we were inevitably a little injured. "

"The bullets and blood stains were left at that time." Yui Uehara smiled helplessly, looked at Karasawa and the two and said, "But luckily you were able to guess that it was the two of us."

"This time Conan has made a meritorious service. I don't know much about the dialect of Nagano Prefecture." Karasawa rubbed Conan's head and said with a smile.

"No, no, the master is still awesome. When I heard the description, I immediately recognized you two!"

Conan realized that Tang Ze was completely "praising him" and throwing him out to attract Haiyuan's hatred, and he quickly said modestly.

But little did they know that Tang Ze was telling the truth this time. This was also an area where Conan rarely surpassed him. After all, he didn't really have much research on neon dialect.

But Conan seemed to have misunderstood, and even called out the title "Master".

But in reality, Tangze guessed that the two of them really relied on luck.

Mainly because he had an impression of the plot, so as soon as he heard Haiyuan say that he met a man with a big scar on his eye, he immediately matched the plot in his memory.

It can be said that Conan really beat him in reasoning this time, and it also made Tang Ze realize that Neon's dialect seemed to be his shortcoming.

'I used to watch them roll, but now I am forced to start rolling...'

Sighing helplessly in his heart, Tang Ze gradually felt pressured not to be caught up in them, and silently added a large study task to his study schedule.


Tangze felt the pressure of "King of Rolls". Haiyuan, who was watching each other praising each other, snorted in displeasure at the compliments between the two, and said angrily: "Explain it quickly."

Seeing Karasawa's silence, Conan had no choice but to explain: "In the dialect of Nagano Prefecture, "stuff" means "crowding, blocking", and "fly" means "run".

So what Yamato Criminal meant at that time was that there is too much traffic now, and if you are in a hurry, you can run back. It was a joke.

It's just that you misunderstood the meaning, thinking that "flying" means sending you to heaven.

I also confirmed from this dialect that Haibara and you met people from Nagano Prefecture. Coupled with Yamato's criminal scars, I naturally confirmed their identities. "

"But you have to have a sense of moderation when joking. If you say half-death, or kill everyone..."

Dr. Ali, who has always been good-tempered, rarely complained twice, and Haiyuan stared at the two of them with dead eyes, expressing his dissatisfaction.

"I also think it's probably because of this that you misunderstood us as dangerous people, so you have to run away without money." Uehara Yui smiled sheepishly: "But in fact, this is also a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" Dr. Ali asked in surprise.

"This is what we are talking about." Yamato Gansuke on the side opened a pink package and revealed the snack box inside: "It's this peony cake that makes you half dead."

Yamato Kansuke opened the lid of the food box, revealing the red snacks inside.

"Wow, it looks delicious!" Xiaolan exclaimed as she looked at the snacks.

"Yes, Agan's peony cake is one of the best in the world taught by his grandma herself!" Uehara Yui said with a smile.

"Then why do you say Peony Cake is half dead?" Haiyuan said dissatisfiedly with drooping eyes.

"Because peony cake is a pastry that requires half-pounded glutinous rice, so it's half-dead."

Conan looked at the unhappy Haibara and explained with a smile: "And crushing them all means "kill them all", which refers to rice cakes."

"In other words, it's still early to "kill them all". Does that mean it's still early in the first month of the year when we eat rice cakes?" Haiyuan snorted, finally understanding the meaning.

"So do Nagano people still have such a saying?" Mouri Kogoro also said with a knowledgeable expression.

"No, this is what A Gan said in the story he heard from his grandma. He just took it out and used it randomly."

Yui Uehara looked at Yamato Gansuke with a smile and joked: "He just likes to say these scary things."

"By the way, this is your share." Yamato Gansuke on the side smiled awkwardly, and took out another snack box from underneath and handed it to Karasawa as if to change the subject.

"Do I have one too? It seems you two are well prepared."

Karasawa smiled and said: "I don't think you two specially brought peony cakes from Nagano to Tokyo for us to eat, right?"

Hearing this, Yui Uehara took off his sunglasses, his face full of seriousness: "In fact, I can't solve it, so I want to use the wisdom of the two of you."

Yamato Gansuke's eyes were full of seriousness: "What cannot be solved is the mystery of the red cliff stained with blood."

"What did you say?" Mouri Kogoro was suddenly startled: "Blood...Chibi?"

"We'll discuss the specific situation when we get to the place, so that it can be more intuitive." Uehara Yui said: "I wonder if you two have the time to help?"

"Of course, since you two specially found me, Mouri Kogoro, I am naturally obligated." Moori Kogoro straightened his tie and said solemnly.

"When will we set off?" Tang Ze naturally couldn't miss this case and asked directly.

"Without further ado, what now?"

Yamato dared to help: "Let's go to Nagano now. We will arrive in the evening. We will be responsible for the food and accommodation for the night."

"Then let's go quickly." Mouri Kogoro said happily: "Go early and get it done early. I can't wait to taste Nagano's special wine."

"Dad, we are here to do business!" Xiaolan put her hands on her hips and gave her father a "death stare": "Don't be too out of place!"

"Don't worry! Don't worry!"

A chill ran down Maori Kogoro's spine, and he quickly explained: "I will wait for the case to be resolved before I have a nice drink."

"Please be sure to let us organize a celebration banquet when the time comes." Uehara Yui said with a smile: "I guarantee that everyone will be satisfied."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it!" Mouri Kogoro's eyes lit up and his morale immediately reached its peak.

The group of people were also neat people. After discussing the situation here, they drove off directly.

Of course, since they were staying overnight in Nagano Prefecture, Karasawa still called Ayako to explain the situation.

Because he had an impression of this case with the plot of the tricked Haibara, and because Yamato dared to help them tell them about the case before, he had already determined that this was the case in his impression.

Under such circumstances, he was naturally unwilling to let go of this reward.

He estimated that the case would be solved quickly this time, and when the time came, he would let Ayako come over and happily play in the long night for a few days.

The journey back to Changye County went smoothly, and the traffic jam caused by the traffic accident had been evacuated.

There was no traffic jam, and everyone arrived at the crime scene just as the sun was setting as expected.

The setting sun painted the entire forest like blood, dyeing everything red.

On the bumpy road, two cars were driving in tandem, heading towards an old house built in the forest called the "House of Hope."

Of course, it was already three years ago that I was called this name.

Since the poor body of a woman was found in the warehouse of this house three years ago, residents in this area have begun to call this villa a house of death without any hope and despair.

The blood-like sunset penetrated the gaps in the dense forest and cast light on the annex in front of them. It seemed to dye the annex in front of them with a layer of blood, and also brought a layer of gloom to everyone's hearts.

After everyone parked their cars outside the annex, they walked into the yard and arrived at the entrance of the annex.

"Although it looks very old, it's still a nice house." Mouri Kogoro raised his head and looked around: "It's quite impressive."

"I heard that this annex was built by a very wealthy man." Yamato Kansuke replied after hearing this.


Conan on the side took Yui Hara's hand and asked in a low voice when he saw her squatting down: "Why did Yamato Criminal suddenly want to ask Karasawa Criminal and the others for help? Don't you think it's a shame?"

Conan's question is not without reason. After all, it is well known that criminals and detectives have a bad relationship.

But for criminals in other areas, local criminals will be even more unhappy.

After all, the detective is still a private person, and if you cooperate, you can write a case report using Chunqiu style of writing.

But if you ask someone for help from a business-to-business relationship, you will really lose face, and the local leaders will scold you bloody.

After all, this means that the Nagano Police Department is inferior to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, and the face of the entire region has been lost.

Generally speaking, local criminals exclude criminals from other places from intervening in their local cases.

Unless it is a business-to-business collaboration, people are generally not invited to help.

But Yamato Gansuke rushed to Tokyo specially and invited Mouri Kogoro and Karasawa, which left Conan confused.

That's why he wanted to ask Yui Uehara to see if there was any inside story about this case.

"Ah~ you said this."

Uehara Yui smiled when he heard this, glanced at Yamato Gansuke and said: "That's because..."

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