Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,155 Zhufu Gaoming appears!

Wanting to meet virtuous people without following a certain path is like wanting others to come in but keeping the door tightly closed. The so-called behavioral methods are the way; the so-called behavioral norms are the doors. Only a gentleman can walk this road and enter and exit this door.

The ancient text that Zhu Fu Gaoming mentioned before comes from "Mencius", and this is the original meaning understood by Tang Ze.

Of course, in Neon, this sentence became what Liu Bei said when he visited the thatched cottage three times to invite celebrities from all over the world. It means that if you want to invite the wise people from all over the world, it is wrong to call them to your home.

But no matter where the explanation was, what the other party said was to blame Yamato Gansuke for inviting someone else on purpose, but in the end he had a bad attitude, implying that he was not a gentleman.

Yamato Gansuke seemed to be used to bickering with each other. Although the other party spoke in a formal manner, he could still understand what the other party meant. They started bickering as soon as they met.

After meeting the other party, Tang Ze was basically certain that the other party was Zhu Fu Gaoming.

After all, the other party's image is still very distinctive, and coupled with the quarrel with Yamato Gansuke, he quickly determined the other party's identity.

"All in all, there are still many mysteries left in this room."

Zhufu Gaoming stopped bickering with Yamato Gansuke and said calmly: "This doesn't just refer to red walls and black and white chairs.

The blocked window was broken from the inside, and all colored painting materials including painting tools and spray paint were thrown out, leaving only the red spray paint on the ground inside the house.

In addition, in the lower right corner of the red wall, the victim bit his finger and wrote his signature in blood under the red wall.

I hope to gain insightful insights from these clues. "

Having said this, Zhufu Gaoming turned to look at Yamato Gansuke and said: "Of course, I hope all this is in my presence.

After all, the victim's body was discovered by me when I happened to pass by this annex. I saw a large number of painting tools thrown outside the window and scattered on the ground. I felt suspicious, so I entered it to check the situation.

Even if you are a criminal at the county police headquarters, you have no right to despise my existence. "

"Ah, I got it, I got it!!" Yamato Gansuke said impatiently: "Just stand by and wait until you want to leave, Gao Ming!!"

Yamato Gansuke's words surprised Mouri Kogoro and others, while Morofuku Gaoming smiled at everyone and said: "I'm sorry that I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Morofuku Gaoming, and my nickname is and. Pronounced the same as Kong Ming.

Please take care of me in the future. "


Yamato Gansuke snorted dissatisfiedly, but he did not quarrel with Zhufu Gaoming anymore, but looked at Tang Ze and the other two:

"You two have read the situation and learned all the clues in the room. The situation is that a man was locked in this room and starved to death.

What I want to know is what message does this man in the room want to convey by doing so many things in the room. "

"This..." Mouri Kogoro looked embarrassed, wanting to say something but couldn't.

"Red, black, white."

At this moment, Karasawa stood up and blocked Mouri Kogoro. After all, he was still Conan's tool, so it was better not to expose so many flaws.

Seeing everyone paying attention to him, Karasawa smiled and said, "The deceased Akashi Shusaku was a painter, and the things left at the scene were also related to color.

As soon as I entered the room, what I noticed was the color of the three rooms.

I think the deceased wanted to use these three colors to convey some message. After all, all other paints and spray paint cans were thrown out. "

Seeing that everyone's attention was attracted to him, Tang Ze stepped out of the door: "Besides, what caught my attention the most was this, those cardboard boxes on that trolley.

I remember just now Yamato Criminal said that the cardboard boxes were all piled with books. Whose do these belong to? "

"It's Miss Xiaokui's book."

Uehara Yui on the side heard the words: "This is the wife of the deceased. All the books in her room were taken down and then piled into those cardboard boxes.

Miss Xiaokui seems to like reading very much and is also a writer herself. "

"From this point of view, it is very likely that the deceased was trying to avenge Miss Xiaokui."

Tangze reasoned: "Miss Xiaokui died of a heart attack and was alone in the warehouse with no one to rescue her.

But Mr. Zhou Zuo was concentrating on painting when Miss Xiaokui was ill, and he didn't even discover the problem until half a day later.

Judging from the way Akashi Shusaku died, the prisoner obviously treated Mr. Shusaku in the same way, allowing him to taste the helplessness that Miss Xiaokui felt before she died.

From a psychological point of view, the only people who would carry out "tit for tat" revenge are those who have a good relationship with Miss Xiaokui.

Supporting this view, the prisoner used the books collected by Miss Xiaokui during her lifetime. "

"Miss Xiaokui is the only one in her family, and her parents passed away a long time ago. She can be said to be an orphan." Uehara Yui recalled the love report.

"Then it seems that the four men living with these two couples are very suspicious." Tang Ze said with a firm tone.

This is not only because of the analysis of the previous case, but also because of the evidence provided by Ke Xuehe and the plot, so Tang Ze is very certain in his conclusion.

"Eh? Why do you think so, Tang Ze Criminal?" Xiao Lan asked in surprise.

"The reason is very simple." Tang Ze said this and looked at Conan with a smile: "As the apprentice of me and Detective Maori, you must have the answer, right? Tell me?"

‘Who is your apprentice? ’

Although Conan was complaining in his heart, he also knew that Karasawa was paving the way for his "abnormality".

After all, these criminals don't look as stupid as Yamamura Cao. They can explain their reasoning without any scruples, and the other party doesn't doubt it either.

If you want to be able to express your reasoning without being suspected when dealing with him in the future, you need a little guidance from Tang Ze Criminal.

This teaching method can also make his reasoning performance more reasonable.

"Although I have the answer, I still don't know if it is correct."

Conan smiled shyly and said: "The reason why we suspect that the prisoner is one of the four men is because the prisoner knows very well that Miss Xiaokui has many books.

In addition, he also knew clearly that the door of this room opened from the inside out.

If I hadn't known these two things, I wouldn't have been able to think of filling the cardboard box with books and putting them on the cart to block the door to the room.

In other words, the culprits are among the actor Mr. Suikawa, the fashion designer Mr. Yamabuki, the CG creator Mr. Momose, and the musician Mr. Naoki. "

"As expected of the two disciples, this reasoning is basically consistent with our previous opinions." Zhu Fu Gaoming praised: "There are no empty scholars under the great reputation, which is amazing."

"Conan-kun is so awesome!" Xiaolan also praised from the bottom of her heart.

"Haha..." Conan showed an awkward yet polite smile.

"What, are you serious!"

Just when everyone was praising Conan, Yamato Gansuke on the side answered the phone and suddenly said angrily: "I know, I will confirm it again!"

"What's wrong, Gansuke... No, Yamato Police Department." Seeing that Yamato Gansuke was suddenly so angry, Uehara Yui asked quickly.

"It's not a big deal. It's just the fingerprints on the inner handle of the door and the fingerprints on the red spray paint can. We thought they belonged to the deceased, Mr. Zhou Zuo."

Yamato Gansuke was dissatisfied and shouted at Zhufu Gaoming: "But who knew that it was the fingerprints of the subordinates who discovered the deceased's body with you!"


This statement shocked everyone present, and Yamato Kansuke was dissatisfied and said: "Now the headquarters has called your subordinate over for relevant questioning."

"Well...please don't blame him too much."

Zhu Fu Gaoming smiled apologetically: "After all, he has only been a criminal for a short time. It was probably the first time he saw the victim's body, so he accidentally touched many items at the scene."

"So, were you and the rookie criminal the ones who found the body?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

"Yes, we had just finished handling other cases at that time. On the way back, I asked him to take me around to this annex."

Zhu Fu Gaoming's face was calm, but there was a touch of sadness in his words: "Because I want to offer a bouquet of flowers in the warehouse."

"Flowers?" Mouri Kogoro said in surprise: "You..."

"Ah, I seem to have forgotten to mention that Yamato, Morofushi, and Miss Aoi, who died suddenly of a heart attack, are in the same grade." Yui Uehara explained.

"So they are all classmates?" Xiaolan asked suddenly.

"I wonder if you can tell me in detail what happened that day?" Mouri Kogoro said.

"The day I passed this annex happened to be the anniversary of Miss Xiaokui's death."

Zhu Fu Gaoming closed his eyes after hearing this and recalled the scene that day: "After I finished offering flowers in the warehouse, I planned to leave.

But when he saw the broken windows in that room and the various paints and painting tools scattered on the ground, he had a bad feeling.

After ringing the doorbell, no one in the room responded. Later, I found that the door was unlocked, so I led my subordinates into the room, and then I discovered the body of Mr. Shuzuo. "

Speaking of this, Zhufu Gaoming looked at Yamato Gansuke and asked: "I heard that the fingerprints of the deceased were detected on almost every painting tool and paint?"

"Yes, basically everyone has it, but the handles and spray paint in the house are stained with the fingerprints of your subordinates." Yamato Gansuke nodded.

"This can be said to be a bamboo shoot in the snow. It is indeed quite interesting." Zhu Fu Gaoming touched his chin and said in deep thought.

"Eh? Ezhong?" Mouri Kogoro said in confusion after hearing Zhufu Gaoming's words.

"It's in the snow." Xiaolan corrected: "It means that the bamboo shoots that were supposed to grow in spring actually grew out in the snow, which expresses the incredible meaning."

"Indeed, it stands to reason that even if the door handles and spray paint cans in the house have been touched by your subordinates, even if the fingerprints of the deceased will be destroyed or covered, all the fingerprints should not disappear."

Before Karasawa could wait for the confused Mouri Kogoro to ask, he started to analyze: "And it is unreasonable for a person trapped here not to try to open the door.

Not to mention the spray paint cans, covering such a large wall, there are no fingerprints of the deceased, which is even more unreasonable.

I don't think the deceased used his clothes or something to hold his hands to spray the wall, otherwise the clothes would inevitably be stained with red spray paint.

And since neither of them mentioned it, it proves that this situation has not occurred.

In other words, maybe someone came to this room after Mr. Shusaku's death. "

"What did you say..." Mouri Kogoro and Uehara Yui's expressions froze when they heard Karasawa's words, while Yamato Gansuke and Morofuku Gaoming's faces did not change much. Apparently they had also thought of this.

"Then could this be the murderer?" Xiaolan couldn't help but ask.

"Sister Xiaolan, have you forgotten that the prisoner did not take away the listening device?" Conan reminded.

"That is to say, is it possible that a third person has been in the room?" Mouri Kogoro turned his left hand into his right hand and supported his chin with his right hand as he pondered: "Then what did he do here..."

"There are no fingerprints on the spray paint can." Tangze said, "This may mean that the other party spray-painted the wall."

"Eh? So, is the person who came here protecting the murderer?!" Xiaolan said in disbelief.

"That's not necessarily the case."

Zhufu Gaoming shook his head and said: "But we don't know what happened in this room.

The only thing that is certain is that the color does not change. "

"The prisoner must have used the same color to cover up the deceased's message, otherwise we would have discovered it long ago." Yamato Gansuke said impatiently.

"Does the clue end here..." Mouri Kogoro pondered intently.

"I have a little guess, but there is something that needs to be verified first." Tang Ze's words instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Whatever verification is needed, don't lie!" the impatient Yamato Kansuke quickly urged.

"I don't know, do you two know more about Mr. Shusaku Akashi?" Karasawa looked at the two of them and asked: "What I want to know is, besides painting, does he have any other hobbies?

Like, chess? "


Although this sentence sounded very ordinary to Xiaolan and others, when it fell into the ears of Yamato and Gansuke, it was like a thunderous explosion.

Although Xiaolan and others were puzzled, they subconsciously looked at the white and black seats in the middle of the room with their backs facing each other.

"If I remember correctly, Mr. Shusaku Akashi really liked chess when he was alive." Zhufu Gaoming looked at the chair and said, "Could it be that..."

"In chess, white is the first mover, and the chair itself was painted white and nailed on. The chair itself may also be the death message left by Mr. Shusaku."

Tang Ze walked to the white chair and sat down directly on the white stool without hesitation: "Perhaps, only by sitting here, facing this "red cliff", can we get the answer!"

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