Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,156 The truth about

"Facing this red wall, will you get the answer?!"

Xiaolan was puzzled after hearing what Tang Ze said: "Why? But wasn't this wall made by the third person who came into the room?"

"Everything you can think of, Mr. Shuzuo must have thought of it before he died."

Zhufu Gaoming stared at the wall intently while answering Xiaolan's question: "But he still left something behind with red spray paint and took countermeasures."

"Counterattack?" Yui Uehara said in surprise: "You mean, this red wall..."

"Yes, I'm afraid that before Mr. Shusaku died, he considered that the prisoner would return to the room, find his message and destroy the scene, so he planned to use the other party's hand to complete the correct death message!"

Yamato Gansuke also stared at the red wall: "Although it was another person who finally came to this room, it seems that he also achieved his goal."

"But what can be done by creating this red wall?"

Uehara Yui on the side looked at the men who seemed to be trying to see through the red wall in front of her, with doubts on her face.

"The red wall may be what Shusaku Akashi wants us to see and think about."

Tang Ze kept staring at the red wall. When he felt that the time was almost up, he turned around and looked at the wall facing the black chair: "After the white chess moves first, it is the black chess' turn to move second."

After hearing this, everyone looked at the wall where the black chair was facing, but their expressions were different.

"There's nothing." Mouri Kogoro turned to look at the wall, but there was no reaction.

"Going green!?"

But unlike her father, when Xiaolan looked at the white wall, she suddenly found that the white wall in her eyes had turned green.

"Hey, Xiaolan, will there be something wrong with your eyes?" Looking at the white wall in front of him, Mouri Kogoro asked with a worried look.

"No, our eyes are all green too."

Karasawa on the side said: "In order to reduce the fatigue caused by looking at one color for a long time, the optic nerve will induce a complementary color to adjust itself.

This kind of complementary color afterimage is just a normal physiological phenomenon caused by staring at the red wall for too long. It will return to normal after a while. "

"Ah, I have experienced this phenomenon sometimes. Is this the principle?" Xiaolan said suddenly.

“If you keep staring at one color, then if you look elsewhere, you will see a complementary color to the color you just saw.”

Conan smiled and added: "I have seen this kind of popular science on TV. The example given at that time was that surgeons' operating gowns were all light green.

Because the doctor has been looking at the red blood during the operation, the doctor will have a complementary green afterimage and cannot concentrate, so he will use the same green to relieve this fatigue. "

"I didn't expect that the concept of a complementary color afterimage was used to leave a message of death?"

Zhu Fu Gaoming looked at the wall in front of him and sighed slightly: "It is indeed the world-famous "No. 1 Criminal", and it really deserves its reputation."

"Don't be too happy. Although all this seems reasonable and logical, it does not mean that it is really the message left by the deceased. It may be just a simple coincidence."

Yamato dared to stare at the wall in front of him, but his tone was full of seriousness: "But if this is true, then the identity of the prisoner will be revealed."

"Naoki Suikawa."

Karasawa slowly spit out a name: "If my reasoning is true, then Mr. Suikawa, whose representative color is green, is the biggest suspect now!"

"As a painter, Mr. Shusaku must know this principle." Mouri Kogoro said excitedly: "He must be the culprit. Let's go find him now without further ado!"

"Currently we don't have any evidence, and we still need to carefully verify it." Zhu Fu Gaoming shook his head and said that we need to consider the long term.

"Ah, that's right, and the third person who entered the room and destroyed the message and painted it in red didn't have any clue."

Yamato Kansuke echoed: "Although I don't know what the purpose of that guy was in doing this, it is true that he protected the prisoner and covered up the evidence. If possible, I want to start from his side.

If it was not to protect Cuichuan, but to blackmail or something like that, he might have left decisive evidence in his hands. "

"I have an idea to start with this person."

Hearing this, Uehara Yui speculated: "If we exclude the suspect Suikawa Naoki, the other three are highly suspected of being the third person to enter this room.

We can investigate their recent funds. If there are funds from unknown sources, they may be blackmailed by the other party. "

"It's too troublesome. Your method can only be used when the relationship between the prisoner and the third party is antagonistic. But if the other party is protecting the prisoner, then the investigation will be useless." Tang Ze shook his head and rejected the proposal.

If there is enough time, Tangze will naturally choose this method. After all, he knows that if he really investigates, he will definitely be able to find clues, because this third party is blackmailing the prisoner.

But that would take too long, and it was naturally impossible for Tang Ze and others to stay here for that long.

Even if Tang Ze has "spoiled" the truth in advance through reasoning, leaving would mean that the subsequent unfolding of the case would be out of his control.

He didn't want to let his reward depend on luck. If, like in the original work, the criminal killed the guy who blackmailed him and Yamato and the others caught him, then his reward would be wasted.

"Then I wonder if Karasawa Criminal has any good ideas?" Yamato Gansuke couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

"Didn't Detective Maori make it very clear just now?"

Karasawa mentioned Kogoro Mouri by the way to help him improve his "power level". After all, his previous performance was a bit low, which easily made the two of them suspicious:

"Detective Maori and I have the same view. We both think that "alerting the enemy in the grass" is a good strategy.

Of course, it is not a direct confrontation and questioning whether the other person is the prisoner, but giving the prisoner a sense of urgency.

We can tell each of the four people that their fingerprints were left on the door handle to test whether they have been to that room. This will reveal that we already know that a third person other than the prisoner has entered the room.

If a third person who has been to the scene learns the news, he will either continue to hide it or he will be unable to bear the pressure and confess.

Of course, we can also observe their expressions during the interview. If anyone is obviously flustered, we might be able to fake it directly.

Of course, it doesn't matter if there is no gain. This third person is just incidental. This plan mainly targets the prisoners.

And if it is a hostile blackmail relationship, then things are simple.

The prisoner who learned from us that we had found traces of the third person must have a sense of urgency and feel that our police will soon investigate the person who blackmailed him.

At that time, in order to reduce the crime, the other party will definitely produce evidence of his own murder without hesitation, so as to alleviate his crime by making meritorious service.

In this way, the pressure will be on the prisoner's side, and there is a high probability that the prisoner intends to kill and silence him.

In this case, we only need to keep an eye on the opponent, which is enough to catch the enemy directly.

Of course, this is just a smooth situation. If the third party is on the same front as him, it will be a little troublesome.

But after getting this thing, he would also feel uneasy in his heart.

After all, he was the one who killed him, so he would definitely try his best to appease the third person and ask him not to betray him.

This situation is a bit troublesome, but as long as we keep an eye on Cuichuan and see who among the other three he has had frequent contact with recently, we can use the other party as a breakthrough point.

Of course, you two must be prepared for a long-term battle. "

"Sure enough, there is no falsehood under the reputation. It seems that Detective Maori has already thought of such a response plan, so he made such a proposal."

After listening to Tang Ze's words, Zhu Fu Gaoming began to enlighten himself because Tang Ze favored Mouri Kogoro: "The morning bacteria don't know Hui Shuo, and the crickets don't know Spring and Autumn. I am short-sighted."

"Haha... You're too polite." Mouri Kogoro on the side scratched his head and smiled guiltily, feeling very unsure of himself.

In fact, he really wanted to question the suspect Mr. Cuichuan directly at that time...

But looking at the current misunderstanding among this group of smart people, Mouri Kogoro thought it would be good to just let the misunderstanding continue...

"You don't need to worry about this. If the third person who enters the room is not hostile to the prisoner, I will nail them."

On the side, Yamato Gansuke looked at Karasawa and said directly: "You have already helped a lot. Even if the rest cannot be finished immediately, just leave it to us."

"That's right, even if we can't finish the battle, we are still prepared for a long-term battle." Zhu Fu Gaoming's eyes were full of determination: "The prisoner, we will definitely bring him to justice."

"Don't worry, I think it's very possible that the two of them are hostile."

Tang Ze smiled and said, "Well, without further ado, how about we implement this plan to "snatch the snake out of the grass" now?"

"As fast as the wind." Yamato Gansuke heard the words and said with a smile, "Just what I want!"

"But when you act, don't plunder like fire." Zhu Fu Gaoming said calmly: "Otherwise, you will really scare the enemy."


Yamato Gansuke was unhappy when he heard Zhufu Gaoming's words: "You guys from the local police station, what are you talking about!

You better not make trouble for me! "

"Okay, okay, let's leave without further ado." Uehara Yui saw that the two of them were about to quarrel again, so she quickly acted as a peacemaker.

"Then let's divide the troops into two groups. It's getting late and we need to save time." Zhufu Gaoming on the side said: "I'm in charge of Mr. Suikawa and Mr. Yamabuki, and you can be responsible for the remaining two."

"Ah, why am I responsible for Momose Taku and Naoki Shirou!" Yamato Gansuke said dissatisfied: "I have to be responsible for the suspects!"

"Your temperament is not suitable for laying traps. As the most important suspect, naturally I have to personally check it." Zhu Fu Gaoming said calmly.

"Ha!?" Yamato Kansuke immediately exploded upon hearing this: "You guy, do you know what you are talking about!?"

"Isn't your current reaction the best evidence?"

Zhufu Gaoming's calm rhetorical question directly convinced Yamato to help break the defense. He rushed towards Zhufu Gaoming with his crutches on his crutches.

But fortunately, Yui Uehara stopped Yamato Gansuke in time, otherwise a "war" might have broken out.

"Should it be said that Zhu Fu is so clever that Yamato dares to help someone who has never won a victory since childhood? Even if they quarrel, they still won't lose at all..."

Karasawa sighed in his heart, and he and Yui Uehara stopped each other to prevent the plan from getting injured before it even started.

Seeing Yamato Gansuke like that made him really angry.

In the end, both parties agreed to Tangze's proposal, and went to three other homes first, and then everyone gathered to visit the suspect's home.

Two of the parties were naturally led by Morofuku Gaoming and Yamato Gansuke. As for the other party, Uehara Yui, a local criminal, led the way and went to visit with Karasawa.

Of course, the other two teams also divided their forces. Yamato Gansuke took Mouri Kogoro, while Morofuku Takaaki took Xiaolan and Conan.

When it came to choosing the remaining three, there was no argument as there was no directional evidence.

Karasawa chose to visit Naoki Shiro, who represented "white".

Yamato Gansuke chose Mr. Fuki Shoji to represent the "yellow".

Morofuku Gaoming is naturally Takuto Momose who is responsible for representing "pink color".

The three of them made an appointment to meet near Cuichuan's house after the visit, and then set off separately.

Of course, since there were only two cars, Karasawa and the other two left the car with Yamato Kansuke, who had mobility issues. They took the car to a nearby subway station and got off the train and took the subway.

With Yui Uehara leading the way, Karasawa and the two arrived at Naoki Shirou's home smoothly.

"What!? A-A-Hong has my fingerprints on the doorknob of his room?"

After hearing the reason why Karasawa and the two came to the door, Naoki Shirou retreated in panic with a cold sweat on his face, while exclaiming.

"Yes, so in order to verify the situation, we specially came to visit to confirm the situation."

Seeing Naoki Shiro's guilty look, Uehara Yui's eyes became sharp.

"This is impossible..." Naoki Shiro retorted dissatisfiedly in the middle of the sentence: "Speaking of which, I also lived in that annex back then, so it's normal to have fingerprints.

ah! By the way... I seem to have gone back half a year ago, maybe that's when I encountered it! "

After explaining in a panic, Naoki Shiro seemed to remember something and quickly looked at his watch: "Ah, no, I have an appointment with my bandmates to have a meeting later. That's about all you asked. I plan to go out." Got it!"

As he spoke, Naoki Shiro reached forward to pull the door open, forcing the two of them to retreat.

"You..." Uehara Yui was a little dissatisfied when she saw this, and wanted to ask more questions, but Karasawa held her back and shook her head slightly.

"Then let's visit again next time." Karasawa smiled meaningfully, and Naoki Shiro saw this and quickly closed the door of the room.

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