Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,157 Please enter the urn

"Alert, there is something wrong with Shiro Naoki!"

Before leaving the door of Naoki's apartment, Uehara Yui immediately spoke.

"I know there is something wrong. With the guilty look on his face, anyone can tell that something is wrong." Tangze said.

"Then why don't you let me continue to ask questions?" Uehara Yui said puzzled.

"He has a guilty conscience, but that doesn't mean he has conclusive evidence to prove Naoki Suikawa is the murderer."

Tang Ze shook his head and said: "We can't confirm this. Acting rashly will lead to bad things. Don't forget that our main business is to catch the criminal.

As for him, let him go for now. Once the prisoner is caught, he can be manipulated at will.

And our goal of "snatching the enemy" has been achieved. "

"Are you so sure Naoki Shirou will act as planned?" Uehara Yui couldn't help but ask after seeing Karasawa's determined expression.

"Originally, this plan was only half and half, but after seeing the other party's performance at that time, I was basically sure that the plan of "snatching the enemy away from the enemy" can be completed." Tang Ze said with a smile.

This is not only a plan, but also takes advantage of the inertia of the plot, which is why he chose to visit the other party.

That's right, this Naoki Shiro was the third person who entered that room besides the deceased and the prisoner!

It was also him who mistakenly thought that the death message left by the deceased was written by him. Then he misled and fell into the deceased's plan and painted the wall red.

And he also took a photo of the half-painted death message and blackmailed the murderer Cuichuan.

Of course, Uehara Yui didn't know this, so at this moment she felt that Karasawa was confident and had everything under control.

Of course, that's right. After all, Tang Ze has laid out everything, and all that's left is for the prisoner to follow his original trajectory.

The only difference may be that Tang Ze has revealed the truth in advance and "spoiled" the prisoner's subsequent actions in a planned way.

And next, all they have to do is wait for the situation to develop, waiting for the prisoner to reveal his crime on his own initiative and send him to the door.

The two left the apartment where Naoki Shiro lived, took a taxi and rushed directly to the apartment where Suikawa Naoki's family lived.

After arriving near Suikawa Naoki's house, Karasawa and the two got out of the car and saw Yamato Gansuke and Mouri Kogoro smoking in front of the convenience drink machine at the corner of the apartment. After seeing the two get out of the car, they waved to them. .

The autumn wind blew by, and Tang Ze narrowed his eyes in contentment. At this moment, summer was over, autumn had already arrived, and the nights were no longer hot.

This is probably why Kogoro Mouri can stand here and smoke leisurely.

But just as the two were walking towards them, a car passed by them and finally stopped firmly next to the vending machine.

"Unexpectedly, everyone arrived at about the same time, which saves trouble." Recognizing that it was Morofuku Gaoming's car, Karasawa smiled and speeded up his pace with Uehara Yui to join everyone.

"It's such good luck that we all arrived together." Zhufu Gaoming said with a smile after getting out of the car.

"We have been standing here waiting for a while." Mouri Kogoro pointed to the ground dissatisfied: "Look at the cigarette butts on the ground."

Tang Ze looked down and found three cigarettes thrown on the ground. Counting the "buffer" time in the opponent's hand and after smoking a cigarette, he estimated that the opponent had been waiting for about ten minutes.

"Dad, didn't I tell you to stop smoking?" Xiaolan, who was standing by, saw the cigarette butts on the ground and started to teach her father a dissatisfied lesson.

"I can't help it. Who made you come so slowly? I can't wait any longer." Mouri Kogoro said dissatisfied.

"Anyway, tell me about your testing situation."

Yamato Gansuke saw that the father and daughter could no longer stop their lectures, so he immediately brought the topic back: "I don't have any clues here. After testing the other party, he also looked indifferent and said that he used to live there, and his fingerprints are very important. normal."

"The same goes for me, there is no gain." Zhufu Gaoming said: "But it once again confirms that Mr. Shusaku likes to play shogi."

"This is already expected." Tang Ze smiled slightly: "After all, the harvest is on our side, so I guessed that you would return without success."

Karasawa's words attracted everyone's attention. Yamato Gansuke heard the words and asked quickly: "So, Naoki Shirou is the third person who entered the room as we speculated?"

"We're not sure of the specific situation, but after we mentioned that there were his fingerprints on the door handle, he reacted in a panic," Yui Uehara said.

"It's basically certain that after he closed the door, he immediately called Mr. Cuichuan." Tangze added.

"Eh?" Uehara Yui looked at Karasawa in disbelief: "We don't seem to..."

"My hearing is more sensitive than ordinary people. Although a door will block my hearing, we don't need to hear the whole content, right?" Tang Ze smiled and nodded his ears.

"You mean you heard Naoki Shiro's voice on the phone in the house." Yui Uehara had an incredulous expression on her face, as if she was looking at a monster: "I didn't hear anything..."

"The hearing of warriors is relatively sensitive." Tang Ze saw everyone's surprised expressions, waved his hands and gave this explanation.

"The world-famous criminal is indeed not in vain." Zhu Fu Gaoming sighed.

"But it's a good thing anyway."

Yamato dared to help: "Since Naoki Shirou has called Suichuan now, it means that he already knows the situation.

Then we only need to put on a simple show to confirm that what Naoki Shiro said is true, and give Suikawa a sense of pressure and urgency. It is enough.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the information you provide is reliable enough.

Don't bet that your reasoning is correct just for the sake of boring victory! "

Yamato Gansuke looked at Karasawa when he said this, staring at Karasawa with his remaining eye, as if to see whether what he said was true or false.

"Of course you can rest assured on this, I won't lie about this kind of thing." Tang Ze was not angry in the face of doubts, and his calm tone was filled with certainty.

As for what gives him confidence, it is naturally not just the familiar plot. Now that the Butterfly Effect has been fanning him for so long, he will not completely believe the plot.

The reason why he dared to guarantee this was because he actually heard the phone call between Naoki Shiro and the prisoner Suikawa.

There was nothing he could do about it. When he went to Naoki Shiro's house, he accidentally left the "little spider" at his house, and then "happened" to hear the conversation between the two.

With this kind of opinion happening, what else does he have to worry about.

"I see."

Yamato Gansuke saw that Karasawa looked normal, nodded and walked to Suikawa's apartment on crutches: "Then let's go and complete the last step of the plan."

"You can just go, Xiaolan and I will stay." Tang Ze said, "It looks weird if there are too many people. Just a few of you can go."

"Well, details determine success or failure. It would be bad if Cuichuan noticed something was wrong." Zhu Fu Gaoming nodded in agreement.

"Then I won't go either. I dare you to go." Uehara Yui also said to stay.

In the end, Yamato Gansuke, Morofushi Takaaki and the soy sauce-playing Mouri Kogoro visited the Suikawa family's apartment.

Perhaps it was because Naoki Shiro had tipped off the news in advance, or perhaps because of his professional skills as an actor, he acted very calmly when facing the three people who came to the door.

When Zhu Fu Gaoming asked the question "There are his fingerprints on the handle," the other party was very indifferent and answered the same as the other two, saying that he had lived there before and it was normal to have his own fingerprints.

The three of them were not disappointed. They asked a few more questions and left directly.

The group of people met again at the vending machine at the corner. Tang Ze threw several cans of coffee to everyone: "The rest is to wait and see. Drink some coffee first, otherwise you won't be able to stand it at night."

"Speaking of which, we haven't eaten yet." Mouri Kogoro complained, holding his stomach, then opened the coffee and took a big sip, as if he wanted to calm his stomach a little.

"Sorry, our hospitality was poor." Uehara Yui on the side said embarrassedly: "I was only focusing on the case, and I forgot that all of them came to Nagano Prefecture after a long journey."

"No, it's okay. Just think of it as losing weight." Xiaolan patted her belly and said with a smile.

"Why don't you guys just rest first, and leave the rest to us."

Yamato Gansuke on the side said a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, I was negligent, but I have already booked a hotel, so you can rest directly."

"Well, that's fine. This is your territory after all. I'll leave the rest to you." Mouri Kogoro also felt that it was a good thing not to interfere so much in other people's territory.

After all, he is also an old criminal, and he actually understands the face issues between regions. Asking for help is already a great deal of face.

On my side, I took the initiative to take a break before closing the case, which was also a courtesy and a way to save face for the other party.

"Okay, let's take a rest first. Thank you for your hard work." Tang Ze naturally understood the meaning of this. Although he wanted to follow him until the end, he still didn't become the person who ruined the scenery.

The main reason is that he trusts the abilities of the two people. The impression given by the Nagano Prefecture duo and their own abilities are that they are much more reliable than the criminals in other counties. This is why Karasawa can safely leave the follow-up to the two.

If it were left to Yamamura Cao, Karasawa would never be able to rest peacefully and leave the final finishing work to him.

After all, with his careless personality, Tangze felt that the chance of screwing up was very high. Maybe he was waiting for the prisoner to take action, but Yamamura sneezed and scared the prisoner away.

With the other party's big confused personality, it is definitely very possible, so even if he is said to have low emotional intelligence, he will definitely follow him to the end.

But Tang Ze was still very relieved about these two people, so after all the preliminary work was done, only the tracking and finishing work was left, and he felt that he could leave it to the other party with peace of mind.

"I won't say much more to be polite. I accept your favor this time."

Yamato Gansuke looked at Karasawa and said directly: "Whether we can arrest the criminal tonight or not and let this case end, please let us entertain you well tomorrow night."

"Then I'll be waiting for the celebration banquet for the three of you." Tang Ze said with a smile: "When the time comes, I'll have a good drink."

"Ah, thank you for the good news." Yamato Gansuke laughed and said, "I will definitely drink it to my heart's content then!"

In the end, Karasawa drove Kogoro Mouri, Xiaolan and the reluctant Conan, and under the guidance of Yui Uehara, they went to a hotel they had prepared.

"I've asked the boss to make dinner, so I'll take my leave first." Watching Mouri Kogoro and others go to the private room, Uehara Yui looked at Karasawa who was still leaving and bowed slightly: "You are very busy tonight. .”

"The other two people have also been deployed with manpower to keep an eye on them, right?" Tang Ze said, still a little worried.

"Well, A Gan and Gao Ming each sent their men to monitor them."

Uehara Yui saw that Karasawa was still paying attention to the situation on the case, and knew that the other party still cared about the case, so he smiled and said: "Although there is a high chance that it will be useless, trying to have a perfect layout can also reduce accidents."

"That's good. Yamato has a fiery temper, but Zhufu Gaoming's temperament is completely opposite to him. Although the two of them seem to be at odds, they are actually very complementary."

Tang Ze smiled and said, "It's also because of the two of them that I can rest here leisurely."

"Karasawa Criminal is really over the top." Uehara Yui heard Karasawa praising his sweetheart, and a smile appeared on her elegant and beautiful face unconsciously: "Thank you again for your help today."

"Okay, the politeness is really endless." Tangze stopped the other party from bowing, "You should go back quickly, and remember to bring them some food on the way. You may have to wait for a long time today."

"Yes." Yui Uehara nodded upon hearing this, turned around and left.

"Karasawa Criminal, the meal has already begun." When Uehara Yui turned around and left, Conan walked out of the private room and called Karasawa to eat.

"Okay, let's go back." Tang Ze looked down at Conan and smiled: "What's wrong, are you still in a bad mood because you didn't participate in the follow-up ending?"

"Well, that's a little bit. I feel like you adults are really..."

Conan didn't finish his words, but his meaning was clearly expressed: "If it were me, I would definitely follow him until the end, otherwise I wouldn't be able to rest assured."

"You still have the loner mentality of a detective."

Tang Ze rubbed the dog's head and said with a smile: "Sometimes, you have to learn to play chess as a general instead of just caring about yourself as a pawn."

"If necessary, I will naturally take the overall situation into consideration, but this is just a small case. There is nothing wrong with doing it myself until the end."

Conan retorted dissatisfiedly, but he actually had another reason in mind.

That's because he wanted to witness the result and see if everything was what Tang Ze said in his reasoning.

And now I'm afraid I still have to wait for tomorrow. Naturally, I can't give this kind of anxious feeling to the other party.

Otherwise, he would still be ridiculed to death!

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