Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,158 The Cruel Truth

In the private room, Tang Ze and others began to solve their own five internal organs temple problems.

He traveled from Tokyo to Nagano Prefecture, then visited the crime scene, and then visited the suspect.

After all the running around, several people were really hungry.

"Ah, this soba noodles is so delicious!"

After swallowing the soba noodles in his mouth, Mouri Kogoro eagerly took another mouthful, with satisfaction and admiration on his face: "I came to Nagano just for this bite of soba noodles. Paired with this glass of beer, it's really a worthwhile trip." !”

“Dad, there’s only one can!”

Xiaolan stared at her father and reminded: "Dahe Criminal and the others are still working hard, don't get too carried away!

If there is an emergency and you are drunk, it will be really embarrassing!

It didn’t play any role today..."

Before he finished speaking, Mouri Kogoro on the side looked a little worried: "Who said that? I also helped a lot, okay?"

"Really! Then tell me what you have done." Xiaolan looked at her father and asked her soul.

Mouri Kogoro thought about what happened today and felt that he didn't say much...

"Ah, soba noodles are so delicious!"

Mouri Kogoro said as he picked up the pie and took a bite: "And this baked buckwheat pie is also a must-have, Xiaolan, try it quickly!"

Seeing that her father was trying to get away with it, Xiaolan took it in and gave him some face.

Pick up the buckwheat noodles with your chopsticks and put them in your mouth. The next moment, the refreshing fragrance of buckwheat fills your entire mouth.

"It's delicious!" Xiaolan quickly ate the soba noodles in the small bowl, and then picked up another bowl on the table.

Each bowl of neon soba is not that big, which is a special feature when eating buckwheat. Many places even hold soba eating competitions.

Although there are soba noodles in other places, Nagano can be said to be the most neon in all.

Because it is rich in buckwheat, this place not only has an advantage in raw materials, but its long history of making buckwheat noodles also makes the soba noodles far better than other places.

From the early grinding, kneading, and cutting of noodles, from preparation to completion, these are all areas that affect the taste.

The result is that the soba noodles here are of the highest quality in terms of texture, taste, and aroma!

After working hard for so long, eating soba noodles can be said to be full of happiness.

In addition, the baked buckwheat pie is also a masterpiece. Stir-fried local vegetables and meat fillings are wrapped in dough made of wheat flour, and then baked. Although it is very simple to make, it can Enjoy the original taste of the ingredients.

And this pie is also a must-have as a snack. Mouri Kogoro has already eaten three pies with a bottle of beer, and this is when he mainly deals with soba noodles.

Although it was too late for everyone to eat, the food was not very fruitful, but just two simple dishes for dinner made everyone very satisfied.

Even Karasawa didn't resist Kogoro Mouri's advice, or in other words, he didn't resist the temptation of snacks and drinks, and also brought a can of beer.

And Mouri Kogoro dragged Karasawa into the water, so naturally he was not willing to drink only one can of beer. In the end, he and Karasawa drank three cans, and then he restrained himself under Xiaolan's "death glare".

Of course, for the two of them, this beer was just a matter of sprinkling water and had no impact at all.

After the meal, everyone planned to take a rest. The rooms provided by Uehara Yui were all double rooms, and Xiaolan naturally shared a room with Conan.

Of course, Karasawa didn't lack the money. He opened a room for himself because he disliked Kogoro Mouri for snoring while sleeping. As for the other party's dissatisfaction, he naturally ignored it.

Because he drank alcohol, Karasawa did not take a shower directly in order to avoid the accelerated circulation of alcohol in his blood. Instead, he and Ayako talked on the phone for a while.

Because the case was close to being solved, Karasawa invited Ayako to come to Nagano Prefecture on vacation.

"Are you sure the case has been solved?" Ayako said uneasy on the other end of the phone: "I won't come over to find you. You are too busy with the case to accompany me."

"No, no."

Tang Ze was a little embarrassed when he heard this, and felt a little guilty in his heart.

Obviously, although Ayako gave him understanding and support every time he worked overtime or didn't go home, she still felt a little lonely and dissatisfied.

However, these emotions were eventually resolved by herself. This is the case for someone as old as Ayako and Nadeshiko, just like a glass of warm water that although not warm and sweet, silently nourishes your heart.

"I have solved the case this time, and the situation you mentioned will not happen again."

With tenderness in his heart, Karasawa's tone became a bit gentler: "Come here now, we can visit a few more places starting from Nagano.

I'm not a workaholic when it comes to cases or anything like that. It's not like I won't transfer them if the Metropolitan Police Department is missing. I can just leave them to others.

This time, we will travel with peace of mind, just like before, without thinking about anything. "

Karasawa had already made up his mind and planned to take time to spend time with Ayako.

"Then how long will you be able to spare?" Ayako hesitated and asked after hearing Karasawa's words.

"Nine days at least." Tang Ze thought about it and replied directly.

He also happened to have a 7-day leave card, plus the two days of buffer for this case, which gave him a minimum of 9 days of leave.

If you don't care about case rewards or anything like that, it's okay to postpone the vacation a little longer.

Karasawa, who had already made up his mind to spend time with Ayako, decided not to worry about the interests of one or two cases.

As for the main plot, Tang Ze is not too worried. There are pre-case reminders in his memory before the upcoming main plot of the train chapter occurs, which is enough to remind him to prepare in advance.

"It's been such a long time, why don't we go abroad?" Ayako suggested with some excitement after hearing Karasawa's words: "Actually, I have always wanted to go to France, but I have never had the time..."

"No problem." Before Ayako could finish explaining, Karasawa agreed directly.

Anyway, from the very beginning, he had already decided to temporarily put down the case and spend time with the other party, so there was no problem if the other party wanted to run away.

"Really?" Ayako said with a bit of excitement: "Then I will make arrangements for the company tomorrow morning, and then I will take a plane to pick you up in the afternoon?"

"Okay, no problem." Tang Ze calculated the time and felt that the case should be basically concluded by the afternoon, so he agreed directly.

The two chatted casually again, mainly Ayako talking and Karasawa listening.

In fact, Ayako's job is also very exciting. After all, in controlling such a large consortium, good news and bad news can happen at any time.

Naturally, there are some parts worth talking about. For example, good news is naturally shared with each other. By the way, it also lets Tang Ze know the development level of his company, which is a disguised report.

As for the not-so-good news, after Ayako told it, the two of them discussed how to solve it together. It can be regarded as a way of getting along between the two of them in daily life and work.

Of course, for the two of them, this is not a job, but a daily process of sharing with each other and solving problems along the way.

Just like Karasawa shared the case with Ayako as reasoning, this is how the two get along.

Perhaps to outsiders, this approach seems a bit "workaholic" and boring, but the way people get along is inherently different.

Some people just like to be together lively and have endless things to say when they are around their lover.

Some people prefer to get along quietly, not the awkward silence, but a peaceful and indifferent tacit understanding.

So it doesn't matter how you get along, the most important thing is to find a way that both people can feel comfortable with.

The conversation on the phone lasted for more than half an hour, and it didn't end until Ayako felt a little sleepy.

Tang Ze felt that the alcohol had almost metabolized, so he got up and took a shower.

Looking at the time, it was almost eleven o'clock. Tang Ze opened the panel and tried to check the panel. Unexpectedly, the next moment, messages were constantly refreshing and jumping in front of his eyes.

It ended so quickly! ?

This was the first reaction that came to Tangze's mind after seeing the reward settlement.

Then the next moment he let out a sigh of relief.

After all, the case was rewarded and settled, which proved that everything ended smoothly as he expected.

I believe that Yamato Kansuke and Morofuku Gaoming have caught the criminals now, including Naoki Shirou, otherwise the reward will definitely not be settled due to the system's urinary nature.

The settlement of the reward means that the entire case has come to a complete end.

Although Naoki Shiro did not kill anyone, he must be charged with extortion. In addition, he also destroyed the death information of the deceased, and he could not escape the charge of helping to destroy and fabricate evidence.

So arresting him was a matter of course.

When the case came to an end, a stone in Tangze's heart was completely relieved.

And his attention was quickly focused on the reward.

【The Mystery of "Red Cliff"】

Completion: Excellent

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the random element designated card]

Evaluation: What has happened cannot be undone, but what has not happened can still be undone. People always believe what they see, but they don’t know that what they see may not be true.

As the saying goes, "You can't seek respect by being humble, and you can't be close by being alienated." The most stupid thing for an outsider is to only look at the surface and fail to see the hidden truth inside.

And this tragedy caused by misunderstanding was eliminated in advance under your guidance.

Somehow you have been favored by fate.

Seeing the reward this time, Tangze was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that the reward this time would be so good.

Although [Random Element Designated Card] is a complete dog gambling prop, its value is indeed not as good as those permanent props, but it is still valuable after all.

After all, it at least has the word "gamble" in it. If you are lucky and win the bet, you will naturally get rich rewards.

In terms of value, Tangze also needs this kind of prop, at least it is a channel that allows him to specify and choose rewards.

As for why it is said to be rich, it is because this case is considered a "defective product". Akashi Shusaku has been killed by the prisoner, but he only saved Naoki Shiro and sent him to the prison to pick up soap.

Under this situation, the rewards Tang Ze predicted were average, but he didn't expect that this time he was actually rewarded with a consumable item.

Although it all depends on luck, if you don’t want to use it again, it will be a real small amount of money.

So Tangze was very surprised to get this prop, because it exceeded his expectations, and he didn't expect to get the second [Random Element Designated Card] so soon.

With a happy mood, Karasawa started to wash up, and slept in the next day, waiting until Conan and the others knocked on the door before waking up.

Of course, Mouri Kogoro and the others did not wake up naturally, but Yamato Gansuke and others came to visit.

Naturally, the three of them came to express their gratitude this time. Although Karasawa already knew the result through the reward settlement, he could not reveal it, so he pretended not to know and watched Kogoro Mori ask about the result of the case.

Looking at the happy expressions on the three people's faces, one knew that this case was over.

Of course, Tang Ze had no memory of what happened after the arrest, so he patiently listened to the three people's story about the case.

In fact, this case is a complete tragedy, as Karasawa previously commented in the system reward.

The phrase "there is no closeness" is perhaps the best description and portrayal of this case.

The cause of everything was that Xiaokui died of a heart attack.

Xiao Kui Qiao is the only woman among the six people in the villa, and she is also the "Madonna" in their hearts. While the five of them lived in the villa, they all had a crush on Xiao Kui.

In the end, among the five of them, Akashi Shusaku won Xiaokui's heart, and the two got together and got married.

All this was nothing. Although the remaining four people regretted that they could not embrace the beauty, they also wished the two of them well.

However, because the two of them were together and everyone gradually developed their talents and gained a place in their own fields, the other four people left the annex one after another.

On the contrary, Akashi and his wife, one of whom is a writer and the other a homebody, both need a quiet creative environment, so they stayed here and guarded the annex.

Everything is fine. If the accident had not happened, this might be a good story decades later.

But all this changed when Xiao Kuiqiao collapsed in the warehouse due to a heart attack.

It was only during the interrogation that Yamato Gansuke and the others learned that the painting that Aoi Hashi had not found before she died was a portrait painted by Akashi Shu as her.

It can be said that this painting is the cause of all tragedies, but until the end, there is no trace of that painting.

Later, Naoki Suikawa found the painting.

Right underneath the completely different portrait I bought last year.

At that time, he bought the painting because he thought it looked very similar to Xiao Kui. Feeling something fishy, ​​he asked someone to do an X-ray examination and found that underneath the painting was Xiao Kui's self-portrait.

In other words, that painting had been painted over by Shusaku Akashi a long time ago and another painting was painted on it.

After learning about this situation, Cuichuan Naoshu was completely devastated.

And this was also the reason why he burst out with murderous intent.

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