Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,163 Reward settlement and daily life

A year ago, Kurutani Seiji's sister was hit and run, and the prisoner was never found.

It wasn't until half a year ago that Kurutani Seiji saw a red imported car coming to his factory for repairs, and he confirmed that the prisoner was Hayami Hayabusa.

From then on, all he could think about was how to avenge his sister.

Later, Hayami went to their place to repair the car again, so he deliberately lent him his car, and then made an appointment with the other party to meet at a convenience store next to the arranged intersection.

"When exchanging cars, I gave him one last chance to surrender to the police!"

Kurutani Seiji looked ferocious when he said this, and his tone was filled with resentment: "But in the face of my persuasion, Hayami insisted that he had never done any of these things!

So I went ahead with this plan to make him taste the pain my dead sister suffered!

Obviously as long as he surrenders, he can save his life, but he refuses to admit his crime, that despicable guy! "

"Speaking of meanness, aren't you the same?"

After hearing what Kurutani Seiji said, Tang Ze looked at the other person and said: "You made the case that the murder did not cause an accident, and then you killed the other person without saying a word, and you didn't dare to admit it.

What's the difference between your behavior of escaping from crime and Mr. Hayami's hit-and-run?

If you killed him directly and then turned yourself in and claimed to avenge your sister, I would still admire you, but now you are just a despicable person like him.

But for the sake of your deceased sister, I will give you a chance to surrender. "

"You're right..." Kurutani Zhengji's eyes gradually became firm: "I...surrender..."

"Let's go." The male criminal who was following Michida Kamiko patted Kurutani Seiji on the shoulder and wanted to take him away.

But he did not take a step forward. Instead, he looked at Tang Ze and said, "Mr. Criminal, I would like to ask you, when did you see through the trap I laid?"

"When I first suspected it, it was the smell of cigarette smoke in your car, and you said you don't smoke." Tang Ze heard this and said: "But it just made me a little confused, but if you don't smoke, it's not wrong if you drove a friend to smoke before. possible.

What really convinced me that you had a problem was when you said you didn't see the rainbow appear.

The conditions for triggering the collision route phenomenon are very harsh. It goes without saying that there are many previous conditions, but there is one item that has not been mentioned before.

That is, if you are not facing the front, the collision route phenomenon will not be triggered.

So when you said you didn't see the rainbow in the sky, I knew it. At that time, you probably kept turning your head and looking in the side direction in order to hit Mr. Hayami's red car accurately.

Maybe you were blinded by hatred and hatred, so you didn't see the beautiful rainbow in front of you. "

"But I don't regret it." When Che Gu Zhengsi heard this, his eyes were relieved and relieved, but he had no regrets.

The motive of killing to avenge relatives and friends is something that Tangze cannot accuse the other party from a high moral point.

Because the pain of losing a loved one cannot be experienced by others.

And Tangze didn't dare to think about what he would do in anger if someone around him encountered an accident one day.

Therefore, even if Tangze ridiculed the other party for being as despicable as the deceased, he was still willing to give the other party a chance to surrender.

It was the only thing his brother could do to avenge his sister.

Kurutani Seiji was finally taken away. This case, which was almost faked as an accident, ended with the prisoner being taken away.

In this case, although everything looks like Tangze relied on reasoning and talk to get the other party to admit his crime, in fact it is a rare case with solid evidence.

First of all, there was the victim's cigarette butts on the car driven by Che Guzhengji, and there was Hayami's saliva on them. Just a test was enough to prove that the victim had been in his car for a long time.

In addition, the billboards are also evidence. These are irrefutable and irrefutable evidence.

Although this type of technique is sophisticated and can even be disguised as a traffic accident caused by the "collision route" phenomenon, as long as the technique is cracked,

The reason why Kurutani Seiji admitted so readily was because he knew he had no excuse.

Of course, before conducting evidence appraisal, all of Tangze's reasonings are boundless. At best, they are reasoning, at worst, they are baseless guesses.

Therefore, strictly speaking, the surrender of Chegu Zhengsi at this time is in line with the procedures. At least in the absence of any evidence, the surrender of the other party is conducive to the police's handling of the case.

"Thank you so much this time, Police Officer Tangze."

Standing outside the window of Karasawa's car, Mitsuda Kamiko thanked him: "If you hadn't discovered what was wrong with this accident, I would have thought it was an accident caused by the "collision line" phenomenon.

That way, Mr. Kurutani might have been able to complete the perfect crime. "

"It's nothing, it just happened to happen."

Tang Ze was polite and then thought for a while and said, "By the way, if you can, use this case to make a request to the higher authorities after you go back to install a shock-absorbing belt at this intersection.

Although travelers may complain a little, more accidents can be avoided with shock-absorbing belts. "

"What a good idea. I will report your suggestion to my superiors." Michida Xunzi nodded and accepted Tangze's suggestion.

"Okay, it's getting late, we have to keep going." Seeing that the other party didn't mean to be perfunctory, Tang Ze didn't say anything more, and waved goodbye to the other party.

"Have a nice trip." Michida Xunzi saluted and expressed his thanks again. Tangze said goodbye with a smile, rolled up the car windows and drove off again.

"I didn't expect that I would encounter cases on the road."

Ayako looked at Karasawa with some emotion and said with a smile: "Sometimes I really feel like you are the protagonist.

Whether it is daily life or traveling, we can always encounter cases. Just like this time on our way home, we actually encountered such a case that is difficult for ordinary people to solve.

To be honest, if I hadn't met that man this time, I might have been able to escape the crime and let this murder case be treated as an accident. "

"Maybe this is my mission." Tang Ze smiled awkwardly but politely: "It is precisely because ordinary people cannot solve their cases that they are met by people who can solve them at such a good time."

"Is this a sense of fate?" Ayako smiled and said, "It feels more like a legendary picture."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about this anymore, I want to focus on driving." Karasawa changed the subject with a guilty conscience, so that Ayako no longer struggled with this issue.

If he continued talking, Tang Ze felt that he would also be given a "Death" physique.

But when I think about what Ayako said, I really feel like it was fate.

Of course, Karasawa didn't know whether it was the fate of detectives and criminals.

All he wants is to solve these cases and become stronger through it.

After chatting all the way, the two finally returned home to Tokyo in the evening.

Because they were a little tired from the long journey, Karasawa and the two of them had a quick bite to eat at the Poaro Cafe when passing by the Mori Kogoro Detective Office.

After returning home and asking Ayako to wash up first, Karasawa spread out on the sofa and looked at this time's rewards.

【The scary crossroads】

Finish: good

[Congratulations to the host for getting 500 destiny points]

Evaluation: In this case, you used your carefulness and caution to gradually detect the truth behind this seemingly accident, and successfully detected this perfect crime that was about to be regarded as an accident.

In addition, your suggestions before leaving were also adopted. Since then, the accident has gradually disappeared, and the local reputation of the scary intersection has also gradually disappeared.

Somehow, you are favored by fate.

Seeing this generous reward, Tang Ze was still a little surprised.

He never expected that in this ordinary case, he would get an extra 200 fate points due to his unintentional act at the end, bringing his savings to 1,500 fate points.

From this point of view, his proposal to install shock-absorbing belts was very useful.

Looking at the additional rewards for the case, if it hadn't been for Karasawa's proposal, although there might not have been such a major accident involving human life, at least injuries of various sizes would have been inevitable.

Tang Ze's suggestion prevented these accidents from happening, so the additional rewards were settled this time.

"I've finished washing, you go and wash it quickly."

Just as Karasawa was guessing about the reason for the extra reward this time, Ayako walked out of the bathroom.

"Okay, I'll get a change of clothes first." Tang Ze nodded and got up and walked towards the bedroom.

"I'm too tired today. I'm going back to the house to rest." Ayako stepped on her slippers and entered the bedroom with Karasawa, then collapsed on the bed.

Seeing her relaxed look, a gentle smile appeared on Tang Ze's lips.

Lowering his head and kissing the other person's forehead, Tangze took his pajamas and went to wash up.

When Karasawa returned to the bedroom again, he saw that Ayako had completely fallen into a deep sleep.

Lying on the edge of the bed quietly, Tang Ze closed his eyes.

Even though his physical fitness has been greatly improved, after driving a long distance today and solving another case, mental fatigue is inevitable.

It didn't take long for Tangze to fall into sleep.

When I woke up again, it was already around ten o'clock the next day.

After the two of them woke up from their sleep, they lay on the bed for a while until their brains were completely awake, and then they slowly got up.

After traveling and returning to the most comfortable and familiar home and environment, people's spirits seem to have slackened, and the whole person becomes lazy.

Even for a person like Karasawa who regards cooking as a hobby, in this lazy mood, he directly chose to lie down.

Because Tangze used his annual leave this time and was accustomed to fishing, he had no intention of going to work.

The two of them discussed it, and simply returned to Suzuki's mansion by sending souvenirs for two days of luxury.

Of course, it's okay to stay for a few days, but after a long time, the two of them won't get used to it.

This is the same even for Ayako. Although she was used to it in her previous life, after falling in love with Karasawa, Ayako also did not want to be disturbed in the private space where the two of them were alone.

Of course, just because they don't want a maid in their home doesn't mean they will take care of everything.

For tasks such as clothing and room cleaning, someone usually comes to clean and clean on a regular basis.

As for cooking, it was originally included, but because both of their interests were related to cooking, and it was also a way for the two of them to get along, there was no requirement for this.

Of course, the souvenirs brought back from France also made everyone very happy, except Yuanzi.

After all, this person exaggerated on the phone and described himself as a great hero who saved the entire plane.

Such an attitude of not taking dangerous things seriously was pulled by Ayako and gave him a lecture.

At that time, looking at Yuanzi's rescue look, Tangze could only pretend not to see him drinking with his mother-in-law who actively asked to clink glasses.

Obviously, Suzuki Tomoko was also a little dissatisfied with Sonoko's previous attitude, but because she felt sorry for her daughter who had suffered a great disaster, she was reluctant to preach to her.

As Ayako fulfilled this responsibility and obligation as the eldest sister, Suzuki Tomoko naturally did not allow others to disturb her.

Therefore, Karasawa and Suzuki Shiro, the only two people who could save Sonoko, could only stage a harmonious dinner with the son-in-law. The two frequently clinked glasses and talked and laughed, but turned a blind eye to Sonoko's choice next to him who was being criticized.

When Karasawa returned home from work and lived with Ayako, he still clearly remembered Sonoko's eyes full of resentment that turned into relief.

When Karasawa set foot on the land of Tokyo again, autumn seemed to have a time accelerator. The temperature suddenly changed from a season where only thin gowns are needed to a temperature where thick coats are needed.

Even during this time of large temperature changes, Karasawa would not deliberately wear something too thin to attract attention. He would wear a coat outside his work suit that could almost be regarded as standard criminal equipment.

I don't know if it was because Conan had caused a big incident before, so in the week after Tangze started working, he didn't go out to handle any difficult cases.

It seems that even the crime rate has been extinguished by this cold wind. No one is willing to go out and commit crimes in this damn weather.

Of course, this is naturally good for people like Tang Ze and others. After all, no one wants to compete with criminals every day.

And Tang Ze also had a rare experience of the daily work he, the top person in charge of scientific research and research, should do.

Arrange various administrative work, coordinate meetings with superior departments, and cooperate with the work of brother departments...

Of course, the most troublesome thing for Karasawa was that during his absence, Nanatsuki Koshizui was pressured to approve the delayed purchase funds for new scientific research machines.

On the surface, it seems that Tang Ze only needs to sign to settle this matter. After all, it is a work requirement.

But in reality things are not that simple.

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